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Everything posted by tragedy

  1. tragedy

    Searching for the Perfect Vanilla?

    Lilith Victoria - Snake Oil blended with Dorian, plus soft vanilla flower, lily of the valley, lavender, and fennel. I have this in my scent locket right now.. and its predominantly vanilla/lavender. Lab lavenders are usually too sharp for me.. but L.V. is lovely.
  2. tragedy

    Lilith Victoria

    I was a little scared of this because of the lavender, but its pretty temperate.. I dont know what smells so damned heavenly in this... Ive never tried Dorian... maybe I need to?? this is love... LOVE! I smell the snake oil which has aged a little bit into gorgeousness and a bit of the lavender.. gorgeous throw... Instant top ten!!
  3. tragedy


    Something at first hit my skin sharp and a little stanky, it was offputting... But quickly this mellowed out into a beautiful soft, yet spicy rose. I am liking this one a whole lot... strangely, since palmarosa usually doesnt get along with me.
  4. tragedy


    Would I have ever thought I would love the combination of mint and moss? It sounds like such an absurd mix, but its LOVELY! This smells very fresh and clean and ... "bright" Its almost aquatic its so fresh. Like this alot!
  5. tragedy

    Shadow Witch Orchid

    Very orchid and ylang ylang... I dont get dusty, although dusty to this would be nice. Its more sharp and floral and green. Goes on strong and fades pretty quickly. Doesnt morph at all.
  6. tragedy

    The Lady of Shalott

    I just reviewed something a bit ago where I said lab aquatics never work on me... This is aquatic and I love it. I love gardenia and I'm getting a water logged gardenia at first, On drydown it goes a little spicy, still watery, the gardenia is a little more tempered. As far as florals go, it either has to be evil rose or hella light whites... this fits into the latter perfectly! ADDED Nov. 14: It makes me happy to see all the references to the Waterhouse painting here, thats one of my favorite artworks This is exactly what itr should be ... water flowers and aquatics.. but where sometimes aquatics go soap or bitter on me this is more of a "sweet" aquatic. The gardenia is surprisingly tame.. which sometimes isnt on my skin.. I tend to amp it, and it blends well into the other notes to be just a floral backdrop. The musk is apparent on the last stages of drydown... close to the skin. Nice, and I have to add that I put this on overtop of Yorick, which I had on earlier on in the day (yorick has some STAYING power!) and the dirt adds well to this.
  7. tragedy


    Very nice!! This is a nice spicy orange, it reminds me of pomander balls. Its absolutely beautiful, but it fades within mere minutes on me!
  8. tragedy


    At first there is something very unpleasant to my nose, I believe its the saffron since I love all of the other notes... however it fades fast and out comes a beeeayouuutiful amber rose. Its a very rich headshop incensey sort of scent. Not at all what I was expecting, but lovely!!
  9. tragedy


    When first applied I get a lot of calla lily with sharp green background. Like being in a floral shop, very pretty. On drydown it calms out a bit, becoming more spicy... the wisteria comes out a bit, but its mostly lily and frankincense. Strangely enough, I dont get ANY rose, which is usually something that amps so much it turns single note on me!
  10. I always get a very soapy sharp thing from almost all aquatics. I love the idea of them... smelling like rain .. ahhh.... But I always end up smelling like overly perfumed heavy soap, and this is no exception. *sigh*
  11. tragedy

    Snake Charmer

    The original SC: I'm absolutely in mad love with Snake Oil, so I knew Snake Charmer would be a hit with me. I didn't expect to love it THIS much though!! Snake Oil is sexy, Snake Charmer is sexy amped. I get the snake oil (which is aged nicely of course) and heavier spices, and plum... its all rounded out so nicely and quite frankly the absolutely most sensual thing I've ever come across. I'm deeply in love!!!
  12. tragedy


    This reminds me of, is it Imp I'm thinking of? Very peachy, fruity. It almost has a bubble gum feel to it, but is a tad floral to be that sweet. Nice, untill far drydown when it just gets this faint air freshner scent to it.
  13. tragedy

    Copper v1

    Dirty lemon/lime. I can get where this has a metallic feel to it from far away, but the upclose just isn't my thing.
  14. tragedy

    Lady Lilith

    This is gorgeous, like an orange flavored black tea with vanilla. Its blended so well, and I would be tempted to go out and buy every existing bottle in the universe, if it werent so damn faint!! I like my perfumes to be a cloud, and this one stays close. *ponders ways to make it huge*
  15. tragedy


    I was frimped an imp of this... how I got so lucky? no clue! I was, again, hoping to not like this... but theres a reason certain blends are sought after... This is a foodie, honeyed, skin scent. Its almost perfect for anyone across the board of likes. In the imp I smelled hardly anything but on skin it warms up and takes over with HUGE throw, but good throw. Spicy honey... mmm so good!!
  16. tragedy


    I just got a bottle of this, Beatrice was a name I always wanted to name my daughter when I was pregnant so it had significance... I love the scent!!! Its a Rose, with I want to say lily in the background, like the black lily type lily, lending a touch of darkness to it. Awesome throw. Just beautiful!!!
  17. tragedy

    Monster Bait: Ventriloquist Dummy

    Tried this straight from the post office, unsettled, so if anything changes.. I'll post an edit. On me, I did not get any of the foody smells at all. I get the smell of myrrh burning. Tried it on the hubby, whos chemistry is different... He got the smell of myrrh burning. I'm trying to think of something to layer this with cause I'm thinking it has to be good with something, but on its own... its just kinda making me queasy.
  18. tragedy

    No. 93 Engine

    One of the most unique scents! I get a definate machine vibe, something sweet in the background (I jotted review down without looking at notes, so I'm guessing beeswax??) While its definately different, and not offensive, I dont see it as something I would wear. I enjoyed experiencing it though!!
  19. tragedy

    Ol' Roswell Cemetery

    I knew I was going to love this wayyy before I managed to snag some. And I was right! Its a bright dirt. The classic lab dirt (which I ADORE) with springy light flowers. I love it just as I do all the lab dirts and will love my lil imp till it is no longer!
  20. tragedy


    Pine sol. A lemony pine with an acrid twinge Starts that way, ends that way. Not for me.
  21. tragedy


    wow... this is unique. A dusty arid... ylang ylang??? Quite nice and as I'm not reading the notes as I jot down the review I'm so curious as to what is in this. (When typing this up, I looked at the notes... no ylang ylang??? Someone snuck some in mine! Cause I SWEAR its there!!!)
  22. tragedy

    German Expressionist Horror

    I had huge hopes for this because the notes all seem like something I would love. At first all I'm getting is a musty pine, this is giving me a definate masculine vibe. On drydown, more of the same. Nothing but musty pine. Passing on to hubby. Or, scanning over the past reviews, ageing to see if I love it later!
  23. tragedy

    On Darkness

    At first the rose geranium is forefront, I cant smell much else, which is fine because I love geranium and this is the first oil Ive tried with it in it. On drydown amber comes out into play and something sweet (although I'm not sure whats giving the sweetness) Very nice and well blended. Adding to my "loved" list!
  24. tragedy


    More leather please! I like this, I get leather, lavender, and a bit of the sweet tonka... But after a bit on my skin it just turns into a leather + cheap shaving cream scent. Will definately have to try on hubby before giving up... as his chem. is different than mine.
  25. tragedy

    Slobbering Pine

    what issss this?!?! At first I was put off, pine~sol... got ready to throw it into swaps... But I couldnt stop sniffing... its not pine~sol... its sweeter... very sweet.. its absolutely effing divine. Hate to love in .05 seconds