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Posts posted by milo

  1. This is sweet honey oude, as described. The honey sweetens up the resins, of the oude, which I find hard to wear on me sometimes. That being said, I do find that it's not my style, and a bit too much leaning on the masculine side. I do think that this would smell amazing on a guy, though.

  2. I really like these notes, and it does not disappoint. At first, cedar, then the iris comes out, though it smells more like violets to me, which is fine. after bit, the orange blossom. Gone within minutes, though, so it ultimately not for me.

  3. I initially passed, because lilac is not good on me, it always smells like fake, floral air freshener. I should have listened to my gut, as this is definitely what I smell here. Initially, lovely honey and a touch of floral. After a bit, the lilac takes over. Too bad, as amber is amazing on me, and I can just get the bareist of whiffs underneath THE LILAC. Not for me.

  4. I initially passed this one over, as pink pepper and certain tobaccos are not my friends. No need to worry, this is a lovely blend of what smells like amber, woods, vanilla and spices. Just peeked at the notes, and totally off, but this is what it smells like to me, though it's so well blended, I can't really tell and was surprised that patchouli is listed. Incredible, and reminds me kind of like of Haloes and So Below but it's really its own blend. A definite keeper, and I can't wait to see how this one ages. I may even need a back up.


    Oh, eta, it reminds me also of a more feminine Tobacco Vanille by Tom Ford.

  5. I was pretty excited putting this on. It was candied strawberry, but nothing fake about it. The green musky thing happening tempered the sweetness, and it was quite delightful. Springlike, strawberry musk. Alas, something this year is giving a waxy quality to the strawberry note. I can smell the awesomeness underneath, but it's covered in tween, waxy bonnebell chapstick.

  6. I was craving something pink and springlike, so was quite excited when this moon came along! The original Pink Moon 05 is quite amazing, and I regret swapping it away back in the day, as I was a more fruity girl back then. This one is definitely a light, airy 'pink' floral. I'm getting the daffodils, florals, all backed by a 'good' lab honey, barely detectable. There's a bit of spiciness, like Stocks, if you've ever smelled them. So I think this is a keeper, probably in the spring months when I'm craving sunshine after a long winter.


    Now that I read the description, I think it's the pink carnation that is giving this blend the slight spiciness. I'm hoping the pink sugar and strawberry come out in time, it would make this perfect.


    eta: I have to be passing this one on, as sometimes strawberry does the bonne bell chapstick on me, and yup, there she goes.

  7. Floral, clean, and white, as other reviewers have noted. This doesn't play nice on my skin, but I'll give it a bit of time to see if the vanilla comes out some more. It is quite airy and pretty, I think it just needs to settle, or I need new skin...

  8. I knew that this should of been a straight-to-bottle purchase, but I held in the reins and only got 3 decants. I was lucky enough to find another bottle, even though I hadn't even got my decants, and this one does not disappoint. In the bottle, soft leather and snake oil, very much like Western Diamondback, though that one is sweeter. On, this is where it blooms. Sweet, buttery-leather soft snake oil, like WD, but it's a different (better) leather, and more vanilla heavy sweet. I LOVE this, and I imagine the 1.3 bottles is probably not going to be enough for me. Absolute hit. :wub3:

  9. I keep hoping the lab's white chocolate note will work on me, and this sounded just lovely. Promptly ordered a bottle, and yes, the dreaded fake milk chocolate of doom with a beautiful evergreen note. This would have been lovely, and you'd think I would have learned my lesson, but this particular white chocolate just doesn't work on me.


    eta: After a few weeks, the white chocolate has settled, and it's a beautiful vanilla fir with none of the dreaded white chocolate note. WIN!

  10. This is all apricot, all the time on me. I do love apricot in small doses, like Haloes, but this is really in yo face. :) It reads as a creamy, vanilla apricot to me, which is probably up a lot of your alley's, and I'm OK with it, it's just not a 'love' for me. I have to admit, it really is pretty, though.

  11. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I do love me some Bourbon vanilla, and myrhh is OK in small doses. This ends up to be quite perfumey on me, with little vanilla to speak of, and a touch of powder. Dodged another Yule bullet, looks like.

  12. This is so unusual, yet I do like it. Soft, clear non-foody vanilla. Porcelain is actually a good way to describe this blend, Porcelain Vanilla, the Irish kind. Baleek, I think it's called, almost translucent and crystalline in quality. I like this, and will probably hunt down a partial or maybe even a full bottle.

  13. I'm not a fan of fruits with red musk, and this is what this smells like, though red musk isn't listed. Both separate or fine, but it's something about the combination that just turns my stomach. So, I dodged a bullet here, even though the notes sounded that they may work together. This kind of reminds me of Marianne, so if you like her, I'm sure you'd like this one.

  14. 2016 Version. I really liked the last incarnation, but lacked fundage to purchase. This year I got a bottle, and it does not disappoint. Beautiful, bright orange at first, then dries to a soft creamsicle orange with musk, which must be the lavender. So soft, musky orange. I would be curious if this compares to the coveted 'Orange', which I have never tried. My only complaint is that it's a fast fade. I will keep this for summer, which I'm imagining will be amazing. Hopefully it will strengthen in staying power by then.

  15. Hmm, I'm kind of surprised I like this, as I was rather 'meh', about this hair gloss, which I did keep. It's a lighter patchouli, not that strong, and sweetened by a soft vanilla. I would liken this to Banshee Beat, kind of like a 2nd cousin, and it seems like a softer patchouli to me. I think I need to hunt down a bottle. Thanks to a facebook groupie who split up her bottle that didn't work, much appreciated:)


    eta: Balame describes this as patchouli fairy floss, which is pretty fitting. On me at least.

  16. Oh dear, this isn't very good on me. I'm getting sweet, sweet, artificial grape, not unlike Grape Bubble yum. This is a very juvenile scent on me, so if you like Jailbait, or other sweet, fruity blends, this will be right up your alley.

  17. Definite resins here. I really like the smell of this, it's like pure resins, as opposed to something like Crucifixion, which is pretty much this with a smattering of rose. That being said, I think I like my resins mixed with other notes. I would love my house to smell of this, and it was pretty nice to do yoga to tonight, but I think I'll save this for my future diffuser.

  18. I'm getting florals here, mainly. Bright, almost fruity florals with something in the background tempering the way that some flowers can be overpowering and too heady. I'm thinking maybe it's the dirt, which is a note that I'm starting to really enjoy. This is quite nice, it reminds me a bit of Eight Petalled Lotus, it's got the same vibe, and is quite calming. Not getting any booze fwiw.
