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Posts posted by milo

  1. Lot's of dusty coconut at first. Some coconut plays nice with me, and others don't. This one doesn't. However, after a bit, I'm getting something quite lovely in the background, though really this is all about the coconut. There's an annoying brown sugar thing going on too. This is definitely not for me, but I do love the backdrop that is being drowned out by the nasty brown sugar dusty coconut.

  2. Urgh, this really smells like caramel, or burnt brown sugar at first. After a bit, I'm getting a freshness, like a bit of citrussy ozone. It's better now, but that darned caramel note is still there in the background. I do enjoy the sandalwood note here, though, and the fresh note. The caramel pretty much ruins this blend for me though.

  3. This really smells more like a citrus fruit than a peach to me. Maybe the cranberry is making this tart? Either way, I'm pleasantly surprised, as peach is not always good on my skin. Still, the coconut is giving this a slight dusty vibe, which I'm not enjoying. This does smell like something I'd like to gulp down on, but it really isn't my style. Fans of fruity tropicals will love this one though. The red musk is very subdued here..

  4. ?? I'm so sure that I smell a night blooming jasmine here. This seems to be the only lab's jasmine that works on me, so this is OK. After a bit, I'm getting a nice musky sandalwood vibe along with the jasmine (or jasmine-like note). This is pretty, but a bit too heady at times, and I doubt I'd reach for it very often.

  5. In the bottle, this is straight up Tombstone. On, very much like Tombstone, but without the slight cedar woodiness. It smells very much like aged Tombstone, actually. This is a good thing, but I believe my bottle will suffice as I do have plenty of Tombstone. I bet this would layer well with Banshee Beat too. And I agree, a bit too expensive.

  6. Right away I can tell this is the same clove as in Velvet Bandito. This is a good thing. It's pretty much sweet clove at first, then I'm getting darker scents, maybe the cognac and resins coming out after a bit. This is a morpher, and the clove and resins seem to be fighting for dominance, though I like both, I think this blend needs a bit more time to 'mesh', which is what I found Tattered Lace needed to do. It does remind me of 'Black Lace Lite' when the cognac and resins are in the front. I believe I'll be holding onto this one, though I do find the blend fairly similar to Velvet Bandito in it's clovey phase. This is a warm, comforting velvetty blend, like curling up in front of fire wrapped in soft gray velvet. I do not find this blend to be somber at all, more reflective. Win!!

  7. Heady floral and delicious black musk at first. The floral fades into the background after a bit and we're left with a soft, comforting black musk. It's a bit of a different take on a black musk, I don't think I've ever experienced florals with it, but I really like this, it's dark, feminine, and comforting somehow. Glad I took a chance on this one, and went straight to bottle.

  8. I love black musk and black musk loves me. However, this one smells like a lemon based cleaning product at first. It does dry down to a beautiful, slightly spicy black musk. I do really like it, but the cleaning product association is kind of annoying while it lasts. I do have Panther Moon and BTBT to satisfy my black musk cravings, and this is pretty similar. I find it close to fresh Haunted as well, which makes me think it may eventually get like aged Haunted, which I have a precious few drops. I would not, however, turn down any that came my way, it really is beautiful.

  9. I really like this wet. It is tobacco/incense with a touch of pink strawberry. Dry, the tobacco and other darker notes disappear. I'm getting sickly sweet strawberry of the laffy taffy variety, though this seems far sweeter if that is possible. I really hoped this would be along the lines of Midnight on the Midway, or a 'dark' pink scent, but alas, this is too juvenile for me. I'll try this again after shark week, but I think this one is going going gone.

  10. Amazing musky vanilla. Though I didn't have much of Elf v4, it kind of reminds me a bit of that from what I remember. Glowing, kind of borderline foody, but doesn't cross the line into foody territory. Kind of a bit like Lyonesse, too, but not as watery, and I do see the comparison to Glowing Vulva, but it is not as creamy and rich smelling. I like this better than GV actually. Back-up on it's way. :wub2:

  11. This is strong woods with something like tobacco at first. It dries into soft, wet woods with a touch of greenery. Very pretty, kind of Ded Moroz-like. I like this, but I have Ded Moroz for my fresh woods blend. I'll definitely keep and use the imp though!

  12. This is all kinds of nasty ass on me. :D I'm getting sickly sweet caramel laced pound cake that has been in the wrapper about 3 years. There's a crust of sugar around the whole thing, and it has been heated by the sun. I wouldn't even want to eat this.

  13. Hmm, I'm wondering if I got a mislabelled decant. This is a walk down the Midway to me. I'm getting sugar spun cotton candy and deep fried funnel cake with a dusting of icing sugar. It does smell a bit citrussy to me, but more of a 'sour' slight cherry, though I'd say the sugar and funnel cake dominate. This is truly delicious, and I'm so grateful to the kind forumite who frimped me this carnival-in-a-bottle. Now that I'm sniffing the imp, it does smell like lemon pound cake and buttercream, but on me, it's definitely cotton candy and funnel cake. LOVE!! :wub2:

  14. Wet, just like a candy cane, fresh and opened from it's package. Dry, an odd kind of buttery vanilla with the mint. I prefer Lick it Vigourously, the vanilla is more true. This reminds me of the colored chocolate textured butter mints. The butter note is pretty overwhelming here.

  15. 2011 version: This is a sweet, honey warmed amber scent. It just oozes and glows warmth. In spite of this, it is just a bit too foody for me, and the pom is doing strange things to my skin as it usually does, it's going dusty.

  16. I really thought that this blend wouldn't be 'me', but color me surprised! I'm not getting a lot of pumpkin, but more of the white amber and slight spices. The whole effect is a very fresh, slightly watery spice, which is just gorgeous on me. It doesn't smell juvenile at all, but amber loves me, and I love it, so maybe it's amping? At least a partial is in order, if I can find one! :wub2:

  17. This is spring in a bottle! Very fresh greenery and soft tulips, with a bit of fresh water thrown in. I love this, though it's usually not the kind of scent I wear. It's what I wished Dirty would have been. This is clean, and green, and I want moar!! :wub2:

  18. This is very fresh, crisp apple with pomegranate at first. Dry, much the same, though I'm getting a dusty quality that usually happens with pom on me. This is a bit sweet, but the apple seems to be of the green variety (duh!), which tempers the sweetness somewhat. I like this, but it may be too girly and 'young' for me. At this point, it seems like a little goes a long way. It kind of reminds me of shampoo, but I'm still enjoying this blend. It smells 'happy' to me.
