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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by milo

  1. OK, this one is a bit different than all the pumpkin blends I've been trying out all fall. There is some bright orange here along with the spicy pumpkin. There is a creaminess also, that was in the Black Pumpkin Floss, maybe that's a characteristic of the flosses? At any rate it is still very much the same as all the other pumpkin blends this year. I'm actually getting pumpkin'd out, though if I had to pick a favourite, it would be BPF, and I may seek out a decant of that.

  2. I'm getting husky coconut and vetiver at first. This is really reminding me of Death Adder at this stage, but without the Snake Oil. Like fresh Death Adder, basically. Dry, more smoky and gritty, kind of warm and sweet with the bourbon vanilla and tonka. It ends up being sweet and smoky, kind of warm, and oddly appealing, though it's really not something I would wear that often. Reminds me of a fire and roasting marshmallows somehow. I'm actually getting hungry. Not for me, but this blend is kind of drawing me in, and I may seek out a decant just to see how it ages.

  3. As with the other pumpkin blends this year, the spice seems to take over, and they all smell pretty much the same on me. Lot's of spice here with a touch of pumpkin and frankincense, but mostly spice. Nice for this time of year, but I have a couple of blends similar to this, and don't need any more.

  4. From the bottle, Autumn Lace smells quite similar to Black Lace. On, quite similar as well, but not as cologney, if that makes sense. I also get the similarities to Red Lace, but without the red fruits. I hardly wear my Black Lace, as it is just too intense, but this is just beautiful with the cognac and tobacco vanilla with a soft smattering of dried leaves. This has jumped to my top ten, and perfect for this time of year, a lovely warm, inviting Lace. Win!! :wub2:

  5. This kind of reminds me of Witch Dance, though not as complex. I'm getting red musk, kind of spicy, not as incensey and smoky. Not getting that red fruitiness that is often associated with the red musk note, which makes me happy. This is a more spicy, less fruity Infernal Lover. I'm finding that the 'newer' red musk blends that the lab does are not as 'in your face' red musk anymore. I was going to write this one off, as I find it is pretty similar to Witch Dance, which I"m planning on buying, but I keep getting whiffs of something pretty nice, and it's me! So the throw is a whispy red musk, slightly spicy, sexy, and mysterious. I'd like at least a decant to experiment more, maybe even a partial. This one kind of grows on you!

  6. Lot's of incense here, and leaves, I'm only getting a touch of red musk. There is a warm feeling to this blend, and it reminds me a lot of Voodoo Queen, though I"m doing a side by side here, and VQ does have sweet clove rather than the less sweet leaves. They are quite similar, though with that warm incense, and I predict this may be one of those 'sleeper' hits. Bottle will be coming my way for sure!

  7. This one goes through a few stages. At first, I'm getting coffee and fruity pumpkin along with a lovely musk. I love the musk, but the pumpkin and coffee is really awful together imo. Dry, more musky, just a trace of coffee, though I can't get 'coffee breath' out of my head. Not a fan of the coffee here, thankfully the pumpkin is gone, it really didn't mesh well with anything. I do LOVE the musk, though, it smells dark and dangerous. It reminds me of something else I like, but can't put my finger on it. So this is definite 'no', but there are aspects of this blend I really like, just not the coffee and pumpkin.

  8. Candy-like apples at first! Very sweet, but a lovely, juicy apple all the same. After at bit, the blend becomes dusty, must be pomegranate here. *checks*. Yup, I can't do pom most of the time, and the nuts probably aren't helping matters. Boo.

  9. Delicious cherry candy at first, kind of drinkable, like a cherry slurpee. Dry, it goes dusty on me, which makes me think that there may be pomegranate in this one. I don't think last year's version worked on me either.

  10. Wet, very much like Pumpkin IV that I tried yesterday. I'm wondering if the lab uses the same 'pumpkin base'. After a bit, a teeny bit of anise comes out, and then the whole blend fades into a whisp of spice. There's a creamy fluffiness to this blend which I'm quite enjoying. I really like this blend, but it has a fast fade factor on me. Decant maybe, definite bottle no.

  11. This is a spicy pumpkin on me, with emphasis on the spice. Every once in awhile, I'm getting the wood, so it smells kind of masculine, but for the most part, this is all about the clove and cinnamon. There is just a teeny touch of buttery pumpkin. I am really liking spicy blends lately, probably due to the cool fall weather, but while I like this, I doubt I'd reach for it often, and I do have other spicy blends in case the mood should hit me.

  12. So this is what pear is like, hmmm. This is not at all like The Vine on me, which what too sweet. This is juicy and realistic with a touch of vanilla. The throw around me is quite different, like a soft floral with a touch of the pear. I keep getting whiffs of myself and wonder 'what smells so good', and it's me. This scent is nothing quite like anything I've tried before from Bpal and other perfumes. Just slightly sweet vanilla pear. I hope it doesn't go uber sweet, otherwise I"ll have to write this off. For now, I think a decant is order, maybe a bottle depending on the rest of the wear tonight.

  13. This is a pretty true scent, and stays the same from wet to dry. I'm getting slightly soapy strawberries and lavender up close. The throw around me is more of a waxy strawberry, pretty close to a Bonne Bell strawberry chapstick. This does smell like a young female child would, but really it's not for me.

  14. Pretty straight forward oak, but with the greenery of the ivy. It may be just me, but I"m getting a bit of an aquatic vibe here. This is a bit strong and masculine for me, but certainly nice to try. It may be worth layering with something sweeter, like the new tonka note, to make it more feminine.

  15. I could have sworn there was almond here. It really smells like a masculine Dana O'Shea at first. After a bit, the almond fades, and it's just masculine resins, kind of smoky, and generally spooky and evil smelling. Not my thing, but I bet it would smell great on the right (dangerous) kind of guy.

  16. Uber foody at first, kind of like Mouse Circus, but with a more brown sugary vibe and sweet fried dough. Becomes more nuttier and woodier with time, it reminds me more of Wood Phoenix now. Not a fan, but it was fun to try.

  17. I'm getting a lemony citrus vibe along with the vanilla cream and a touch of cotton. Dry, less lemon, a clean linen more than cotton to me, and of course, the lovely vanilla. This one doesn't go plastic on me, and I either need a couple of decants, perhaps a bottle. Oh, I"m getting the suntan lotion that I was interpreting as linen.

  18. I'm finding a lot of these weenie blends are very pretty on me at first, but then my skin changes the scent to something not so pretty, or bland, and they seem to disappear quickly. The Chilling Cellar is quite pretty at first, muted wine, though floral like (moonflower). This faded pretty quickly and we're left with metallic blood and rusty powder. It's not bad, I'm still getting a bit of the lovely faded wine, and the powder doesn't really bother me, but this scent is just 'meh' on me.

  19. Rather high pitched at first, then changes to a watery green fresh blend. The aquatic note reminds me of the one in Great Vampire Bat. It does shift in and out of the woods and aquatic being more dominant. This really is quite lovely, though it's not really something I would wear often, like GVB. Add the incense, and it would be quite close to GVB, methinks.
