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Posts posted by milo

  1. At first, I'm getting a strong cream note, very much like a well made rice pudding. I want some, NOW! Dry, it smells more like rice flower, with a bit of sweet creaminess. It's actually pretty close to the scent of Castita's bath oil, though I found that one a bit too sweet. I kind of like this, I'm discovering I'm starting to like rice flower as long as it's not too sweet. I may hunt down a decant of this one, it's quite nice.

  2. This smells like an iced danish with filling, with the emphasis on 'iced'. Uber sweet, a filling that is of unrecognizable fruit, more than enough rum, and a touch of bready yeast. Really not me, way too foody, and not sure if I'd even want to eat something that smelled like this.

  3. Bright, white musk, kind of icy and metallic with a citrus tinge. Normally I don't like white musk, (or what I think is white musk) but here it is refreshing and clean. Leans on the edge of soapy territory, but actually I'd like this scent in a soap or shower gel. I have other citrus, refreshing blends that I like more, but this is nice, and worth checking out if you like these kind of blends.

  4. Lots of odd spices, very little rose on me. This dries down to something like Red Rose, from the Unity set a couple of years back. Same kind of spices and resins, and some rose. Red Rose was much stronger, though. I have to say, this is well blended, even though it's not my type of scent.

  5. I'm trying to remember what my peonies smell like in my garden, I think they were a strong, perfumey floral from what I can remember. This one is indeed, strong floral flower. I can only think of this as a flowery, flowery flower amongst flowers. After a bit, a buttery creaminess, but still all about the flowery peony. This reminds me of a perfumed cream, maybe that my mom wears. J'adore? I'm probably wrong, but it reminds me of something my mom would like.

  6. Mint and vanilla at first. Not as strong on the mint as in previous incarnations. After a bit, the vanilla comes out more, and it's the most creamy soft lovely vanilla with a slight bit of mint. I really love the vanilla here, it's so comforting and quite different than the other Lick It's. I do own a bottle of Lick it Vigorously, and it fades into a nice minty vanilla, but I don't think as strong on the vanilla as this. I'm going to have to try my LIV tomorrow, and see if it compares. I really think I'm going to have to spring for a bottle of this one. I wear LIV regularly in the summer as a cooling scent, but this one could be worn year round, it's just so subtle and beautiful.


    eta: I've been on a Celeste kick lately, and this one kiiind of reminds me of Celeste, only no saffron, a bit musky. I love it.

  7. 2012 version. Snow White is a lovely bpal classic. I own a bottle of 07, and it's about half gone. I wonder why I don't wear it more, it is just so beautiful. This version is almost identical to my 07, creamy vanilla and soft floral, I don't get much snow. Snow White has the unique ability to smell warm and cool at the same time, kind of foody, but in a floral way. I'm one of those people that Snow White doesn't go plastic, and for this I'm thankful. I'd really love to try an older version, as I hear the 04 and 05 are a bit different. I found 10 to be more of a clear cold Snow White, a touch more florally. I hope the lab never stops making this. :wub2:


    2011 version: Wow I can't believe this sniffie is in my 'to try' pile for so long! Classic Snow White. Same as above.

  8. 2012 version. Lot's of candied fruit, like the kind in fruitcake, becoming dusty, like musty old fruitcake. The pom does come through clear and bright after a bit, less dust, but still the candied (now citrus) fruit. I find this quite different from last year's version. From what I remember, that one was more 'bready'. I love it when pom behaves on me, and if it weren't for the fruitcake vibe I'm getting, I may have upgraded. Still, nice to try.

  9. Lovely snow note with a touch of blueberries and lime. I don't really like the lab's blueberry note, but here it is understated and blends nicely with the icy snow. I sometimes have trouble with the snow note, and it's turning slightly fungus after a bit, but it fades in and out of the icy-vanilla slight-blueberry combination. I'm glad I have a decant, but don't need any more. Similar to Monastery as ZZ pointed out, but that one I have no problems with fungus wise.

  10. Sunshine herbs is what I get. This is like walking into my naturopath's office, I'm getting chamomile, heliotrope and other sunny smells. Bright sunshine reminiscent of summer, I like this, but to me, it's more of an 'atmosphere' feel, and not a perfume. No need to upgrade.

  11. At first, violets and fresh green tea, very nice. I also thought I could detect mint, but maybe it's just my imagination. After a bit, the white musk comes out, of which I'm not a fan. However, this phase doesn't last long, and the lovely violets come back, but with less tea now. I really like violets, and this does not disappoint. It's more of a spring or summer scent, in my opinion, kind of like Faith, only less sweet and with tea. I can see someone wearing this on their wedding day, it's that kind of vibe, just gentle, romantic floral, fresh and airy. I love this blend, and planning on at least a decant, maybe bottle. :wub2:

  12. Bly

    There's that stone note that I love so much in Night's Bridge, but here it is overpowering and aggressive. Somewhat like Phoenix in Summer, so I'm wondering if there is some kind of musk. I'm also getting leather, but it certainly isn't adding to the blend. It smells like dirty wet sidewalk on a hot day with faded flowers ground into the cracks. I may have to wash this one off.

  13. This is the 2012 version. Every year I marvel at how realistic this rose is. A true red rose with greenery, dewy and absolutely beautiful. Unfortuneately, it doesn't stay that way on my skin. The green stemminess takes over and it's like the stem got cut, and the oozy pulp is coming out of the stem now. There's still a rose in the background, but it's nowhere near as lush and realistic as it was when it was wet. I keep hoping that one years version will be nice to me, but not so far. I'll keep the sniffie to smell when I want the smell of a true red rose, though.

  14. At first, this kind of smells like extra musk and Wilf. I like Wilf, so this is a good thing. After a bit, less Wilf-like, kind of spicy, a bit of a 'kick' to it actually, like there's a touch of pepper and a sweetness, akin to Tonka or vanilla. Every so often, I get a bit of 'funk', but it is so seldom, it doesn't bother me. I really like this, it's a more spicy Wilf, musky, vanilla, cozy and comforting. I may just spring for a bottle, or at least a decant.

  15. Lot's of sharp, fresh pine and a touch of clove at first. Gradually, the pine fades, and the clove comes to the forefront, but it's more of a masculine clove, not sweet and fades on me pretty quickly. I actually like it after it is more subdued as it is just too masculine during the mid phase.

  16. 2012 version. Much the same as previous incarnations. Sweet honey and spicy Snake Oil make a lovely combination. I do have the first versions, and they are more rounded and full-bodied if that makes sense. This is still awesome, though, and will probably get like my older bottles eventually. I never want to be without this one.

  17. This kiiind of reminds me of Eight Petalled Lotus at first, a lovely watery floral. It changes pretty quickly into a fruity floral, pretty fresh. It kind of reminds me of a sweet citrus, an orange starburst perhaps. Nice to try, but it's a little cloying and candylike on me.

  18. I pulled this out of my 'to try' pile, and didn't recognize the name. Someone must have frimped me a sniffie sometime, I think it was your Sarah, now that I see the review above, THANK YOU!! There is that warm tonka/vanilla going on, but it's more in the background. After a bit, the vanilla comes out more, and there's still that fresh tropical floral. No resins yet. The vanilla is reminding me of something, but I can't put my finger on it. Either Cabaret Goth, or Jingo Kogo, that kind of vanilla, but again, it's mostly the florals here. Glad I got to try this!

  19. Lot's of sweet cherry here, too sweet, like cherry jellybeans. There's a dusty quality far in the back which makes me think there is pom here. Wow, too sweet and foody for me, but I in my quest to try every bpal, I had to at least try it. I'm thinking a young teen would really like this kind of scent. It does fade fairly fast on me, though.

  20. I had the previous incarnation of Raven Moon, loved it until in started to turn odd on me after an hours wear or so. This one doesn't seem to be doing what the other one did (yet), I'm getting warm, black musk a sweetness to in and mild spice. I really like this, and may track down more, depending on the rest of the day. It is quite similar to Haunted and Black Temple Burlesque Troupe. Think BLBT without the cocoa, and you have this years incarnation of RM.
