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Posts posted by milo

  1. At first, silvery and luminescent with something bitter. When I received my sniffies a month ago, I noticed the bitterness in the imp, and immediately wrote it off to try at a later date. I really wish I'd tried it sooner, as the bitterness fades off pretty quickly. It ends up being silver, orris-like, luminiscent, shining, and crystalline. It's kind of like Staged Moon Landing and Silver Phoenix, those kind of blends. I should note that this does not go powdery at all, it remain clear and crystal-like. I think I'm going to track down some more of this!

  2. Perfect description to this oil. Lovely, heady, relaxing, sexy floral balanced out with the myrhh. Turns a touch powdery, but to me, this only adds to it's magic. I imagine this being used as a seduction oil on a hot summer, humid evening. Very nice!

  3. Very sweet pipe tobacco with something odd. I'm assuming this is the touque accord (I must spell this correctly!!) After a bit, the oddness disappears, and it's all sweet pipe tobacco, and there is a substantial clove vibe about this as well. It is really reminding me of Velvet Bandito, though a bit sweeter. I really like this, but it is too similar to VB for me to justify any more. This is quite aged, and I'm not sure why this one isn't getting more love, it is quite sultry, warm and kind of sexy. I get no pickle vibe, but this is quite an aged imp. I've never tried Pinched, but I'd like to imagine this is what it smells like. If there was a bit of leather here, it would be to die for. :wub2:

  4. Yummy vanilla and very realistic gardenia at first. I don't usually like heady tropicals, but this really is a lovely vanilla and it's nice on a wet winter day. This reminds me a lot of Coconut, Vanilla and Tiare hair gloss, and would pair up nicely with each other I think. It does make me want to eat something vanilla-y though, it's kind of foody in a way. I'll certainly use the imp!

  5. I'm not sure if there is already a topic on this prototype, so a mod can merge it if there is. Thanks first off to the lovely Sarah, for gifting me this sniffie. :wub2:


    I have not had the pleasure of trying the released incarnation, and maybe this is it too, I don't know. First off, I'm getting a wet dampness. Picture a deep green pool with trout swimming about. There are moss covered rocks along the edge of the pool. It very much reminds me of a river that I grew up around, the Stein River that flows into the Fraser. A deep green rushing river. I'm familiar with Sturgeon, as they run up the Fraser as well, but that river is murky, and I can't really picture Sturgeon Moon smelling like this. After a bit, it's like the pure green water, but I'm getting a vanilla sweetness as well, kind of how I'd imagine vanilla infused rainwater to be. This kind of reminds me of some of the labs ice blends, but with water instead of ice. I really like this, and wouldn't mind trying the released version.

  6. This smells similar to a lot of bpal's ice blends. This one has a bit more floral going on, though it's a 'nice' floral. I happen to enjoy chrysanthemum, so maybe why this is working on me. Cold, icy, slightly sweet and dry mum's and cold berries. I rather like this, and will enjoy this is the more warmer months.

  7. Wet, bitter, scorched herbs. It smells like I forgot that I was cooking and left the herbs on high. After a bit, still planty, kind of bitter. Fades fast into a baked plants, less herbal, like baked weeds, or grass. I knew this wouldn't be my thing, but I want to try all the single notes and for their properties related to the description. I honestly can't imagine this as something anyone would wear as a perfume, but it certainly isn't like anything I've smelled before, and interesting in it's own right.

  8. This is a dude blend all right, and a nice one at that. Fresh plants and musk, turns a bit soapy after awhile, but still nice, like a cosy, clean, musky guy. I like this, but will never wear it.

  9. Maybe it's just the description association, but this reminds me of rose scented bath oil beads. Strong, dark rose and a touch of frankincense and myrhh at first, at this point, it reminds me of Rose Cross. Dry, soft rose, contemplative and regal. Even though I'm not really a rose fan, I really like this, the rose doesn't turn sour, and blends nicely with the resins. Very soft and wearable.

  10. Now I know what myrhh smells like! I recognize the note in some of my favourite blends, I'd say more the 'darker' fall and winter friendly blends. This is perfumey in a good way if that makes sense, it really reminds me of King Cobra, and I'll have to check and see if this note is in there. Dries to a 'dark' slightly spicy sweet resinous powder, though in a good way. Not offensive in the least, and quite lovely on it's own. Glad to have a bottle!

  11. Kind of clove-like at first, then after a bit I'm getting a touch of leather of the brown leather jacket variety, though it's still mostly all about the clove or whatever smells like clove. I like this, though it's a bit too masculine for me, and I wish the leather poked out a bit more, because it is a lovely leather. I may hunt down a decant to try on a guy.

  12. Bright, fruity, cheerful, slightly citrus when wet. When dry, less fruity, some added soft florals, kind of a vanilla sweetness here. Kind of reminds me a bit of Tamora, though it's a different fruit. This was nice when wet, but I don't really care for the dry stage.

  13. Skeletal limbs of birch and fir coated in a thick, impenetrable blanket of snow. This is the death of the year personified.

    This is quite beautiful. I'm getting the lab's snow/slush note, but it's not overly aquatic, or 'clean' smelling. Kind of like Monastery in the Mountains, but no sweet vanilla here, more of a birch syrup. I can't remember quite what The Girl smelled like, but I think they share some characteristics here. This is fresh and clean smelling, and I may try to hunt down some more, it's different, and quite lovely.

  14. This one starts off gingerbread heavy with a touch of honey. It smells creamy somehow, as if it's creamed honey rather than actual cream. The ginger is non foody somehow as well, I know that doesn't make sense, but even though it's sweet, it's less so than other incarnations. It keeps morphing into honey dominant, then ginger dominant. I quite like this, there's a bit more of a 'bite' to this than other ginger blends. I so rarely use gingerbread blends, though, and there are quite a few that the lab turns out, so I'll just use my decants when I need my gingerbread fix.

  15. Lots of Balsam Peru at first, and then a bit of honey and some kind of aquatic come out. This is the same honey from Door and Sarah Pezzini, but much more muted. This is clean, masculine and refreshing, though I would never wear this, but it is kind of nice. I like the honey, it's a nice touch to the evergreen, and makes the concept seem less sinister, and maybe there's something cuddly under that exterior. This is a clean guy, the outdoors type but is perfectly comfortable in the city as well.

  16. Having a hard time figuring out the notes here, but the nearest I can tell, is it's slightly tart oranges or other citrus fruit, but sweet in a jolly rancher kind of way. I want to eat this, or drink this as a slurpee. There is a teeny bit of bright musk here as well, maybe a green one? Fun, would be nice for summer, but I don't think I need any more.

  17. Sweet, kind of pastry-like with a burnt sugar vibe. It actually smells like I'm cooking alder-smoked bacon, the good stuff from Costco, it's got that maple syrupy thing going on. Definitely not something I'd wear, but it really smells like breakfast in here, it's got insane throw.

  18. Oh, yum! This is Crowley's big brother, a bit more sexually aggressive, dangerous and totally irresistable. I'm getting mellow red musk, (usually red musk is kind of sharp on me), and a touch of sweet woods. Kind of like Crowley, but with less leather. Shit, even though I don't wear masculine scents, I believe I need more, to smell on a future guy in my life. :wub2:

  19. 2012 version. This one seems more boozy to me, and I may be getting a touch of that coffee that I didn't get in the previous incarnation. Otherwise this is a lovely sweet, creamy vanilla with booze booze and more booze. I have a couple of decants of the previous version, and like it better, but this is still nice, just a bit too alcoholic.

  20. Slightly fruity, but with sweet resin's balancing everything out. Kind of like orange cake with resins. Fades pretty quickly, though it was nice while it lasted. Wow, looking at the notes, I'm nowhere close, but this does smell kind of fruity too me. I get no florals whatsoever.

  21. This is a bright, tart citrus with a splash of light floral. It kind of reminds me a bit of Phantasm, but more lemony. I love me a good citrus, and this one behaves for about half an hour, and then goes a bit fungus and soapy on me. I blame the yuzu, it has never worked on me. It was gorgeous while it lasted, though, and if you like a good citrus, and your skin can handle yuzu, you may want to try this one out. Oh, it also reminds me of that lush lemon soap Bohemian in it's good phase.

  22. At first, I'm getting peppermint, and some sunny herbs. This is really quite odd, as peppermint usually makes things smell 'cool' to me, but here it is a warm herbal peppermint. Kind of fitting for Mars, which is red but cooler than Earth. Peppermint fades a bit when dry, but it still is very much sunny and red, but still with a bit of the cooler peppermint. This is odd to be sure, I'm don't know what to make of it, I wish I had about another half decant, as it is a bit intriguing, but I don't know how often I'd wear it, as it doesn't really smell like something you should wear as a perfume.
