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Posts posted by milo

  1. At first, this smells more incensey than anything. Dries to a dusty cocoa incense, which fades pretty fast. There's a slight sour quality to the blend, not sure what may be causing it. Nice to try, but not for me.

  2. Kind of menthol and evergreen-like at first. The evergreen really takes the front stage after a bit. It feels like I'm in a forest. Nice to try, but not for me, it's a bit too masculine. It does remind me a bit of the evergreen in Golden Priapus, but that one, the vanilla is more prominent.

  3. Skin indeed. I get some skin musk, kind of reminiscent of Velvet Nudie. If there were honey in this, I bet it would smell like Sarah Pezzini. So skin and grass. The whole effect is kind of cologney, but nice. I'd probably add something here to sweeten it up a bit. Will probably use up my 1/2 decant.

  4. Starts off strong and perfumey. I have peonies just finishing, (yeah, I live waaay north!) and it smells like a fake version of them at this point. After a bit, less fake, slightly spicy, very womanly scent, as someone posted above. It's rather nice, but I don't do a lot of florals, and this one IS very florally. Nice to try, but not for me.

  5. Cologne indeed, along with white musk, lime rind and something acrid and sour. This would be nice on a guy if it weren't for the sour smell. Kind of like vetiver. Weird, there's also something swee in the background. I wish the the sharp blend wasnn't there, I'd probably wear it otherwise.

  6. Dark chocolate at first. Morphs into something quite lovely, not even sure what it is, but I like it. Not foody, it's gentle, kind of smells like a baby or young child. Touches of a gentle floral, dark chocolate and sugar. I had written the chocolates off, I'm not a foody, but I really like this. Chances of finding any more are probably slim to none though. Sure nice to try!

  7. Hmm, I thought that I wouldn't care for this very much. It's not bad, not really something I'd wear, but not bad at all. I'm getting mostly the cardamon and chocolate, rather than coffee and rose. This really reminds me of a '13' blend. Gritty spice and dark chocolate, maaaaybe a touch of rose. Rather enjoying this one, and glad I have a decant.


    Wow, no chocolate listed. Must be the coffee.

  8. Spicy red port jelly. Becomes a bit waxy, but is pretty juicy and fresh, like a good cherry or strawberry slurpee. Not really getting booze. Wine gums is a good description for this, though it's not winey. The waxiness is off-putting, but otherwise this is yummy, not too sweet.

  9. Violet leaf and a touch of mint at first. It's kind of reminding me of Violet Ray at this point, only less violet. Dry, this is faded into almost nothing. A whisper of musk, ozone,and a touch of violet leaf. Not getting any vanilla, which is rather disappointing. This would be OK for spring and summer if it didn't fade so fast.

  10. This is reminding me of something, but I can't put my finger on what. Definitely a dark blend, smells like black musk and lavender. Oh, I think it's Haunted, with lavender :D I like it, but do have my fix for black musk scents. This is quite lovely, though. Oh, I see that it's red musk in the description, must be something in here that is reading black musk to me. But yes, I can see how it could be rm too. I dunno, this is growing on me. I may need more.

  11. This is the 2013 version. This is nothing how I remember. Khajuraho 13 ends up being a slightly spicy vanilla incense. This is warm and sensual, I think I found the previous incarnation too sweet and fruity. I may try to track down more of this...

  12. At first, this is more like a sweet citrus. It does dry to a herbal evergreen, not really like what someone should be wearing, more like something you'd find in a mysterious bottle in a health food store or spice rack. Nice to try, but not for me.

  13. I was expecting something like Psychological Horror, which I consider to be a classic musk. Here we're getting baked goods right off, which is off-putting to me. There's a musk alright, but there's also something fresh, like tea. So tea, baked goods and musk. This is a disaster on me.

    oh, and there is definitely something anise-like here as zz pointed out.

  14. At first, this is quite dark and resinous. It then turns lighter, more luminous. Although this is kind of hard to describe, I'm getting the white musk, something fruity and orris. My daughter is doing Chanel training through work and has a bunch of samples sitting around. I actually thought there was some of those fragrances that I was smelling. In other words, this smells like a high end perfume to me. This is quite nice, but not really something I would wear.

  15. Incensey, kind of heady at first. After a bit, same, only I'm getting the clove in the background. This ends up being a spicy incense blend on me with a touch of violet. Not bad, I may keep the imp, but its not something I'll purchase a big bottle of.

  16. Mostly beeswax on me. I really like this and wonder why I sold my bottle from the previous years rendition. This reminds me of other honey blends, so maybe thats why. Particularly Blossoms in Springtime, which I have a full bottle of. Very nice, understated honey blend. Not cloying at all.

  17. Floral, but somehow sour in a way. It kind of reminds me of a fancy floral soap. There's something a bit creamy and waxy at the same time. Not getting any clove here. It kind of reminds me of the actual gardenia flower, how it's kind of waxy. This is far too heady for me.
