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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by milo

  1. Incense and snow, but it smells kind of green and pungent at the same time, as if there were weeds mixed in with the snow and ice. Dry, still pungent but with less incense, still snow, but an odd fungus dirt note emerges. This is too busy in a noxious kind of way, and definitely not me.

  2. Mint with a background of a lovely ice note. I remember a previous incarnation I tried seemed more icy than minty. I like this version, it would be amazing in the summertime, and, come to think of it, reminds me a lot of Polar Bear Plunge, but in perfume version. I really like, this, but it's more of a shower gel/clean guy kind of smell, which I do like to have around, (the scent), wait, the guy too:) But I think I have enough Polar Bear Plunge to get me through the next year or so.http://www.bpal.org/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/icon_smile.gif


    2014 Version: very nice, as above. I may need to get some next year as my Polar Bear Plunge is officially gone.

  3. This is the '13 version. Sweet, resiny incense, yep, this is Midnight Mass alright! I do love the scent, but don't wear it, except for maaaaybe a couple of days during the Xmas season. Because of this, I gave up my 08 bottle. I'll get a decant next year, it's really all I need, I didn't even put a scratch in my other bottle. http://www.bpal.org/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/icon_biggrin.gif

    Eta 2014 version: doesn't seem to change from year to year. Lovely church incense.

  4. I really, really like this. It's wild, musky, animalistic, but in the very bestest of ways possible :D That being said, I'd never wear it, except home alone, where I can revel in it's awesomeness without worrying about how I smelled to other people. It's just too masculine for me to wear out, but I would like to smell it on a guy. I love the evergreen note too, just beautiful, and I will probably hunt down more. Sigh. I should just sign my paycheque over to bpal.

  5. Mint and snow, yes, very much like Snow White, but without the floral aspect. This is also very much like a previous Lick It. Lick It Softly, which I love and own. So, this is very nice, but too similar to LIS to warrant my bottle, which is still en route. Quite lovely, though!

  6. This is the '13 version. I find this one more rosy than icy. The version last year was more ice than rose, which means it turns to a lotion scent which I find kind of pretty. Bath oil, same thing this year, a very slight rose scented lotion. This version is more like the original, pretty pink roses laying on a bed of snow, and not much snow at all, just a hint. Very pretty, and if I wore rose scents on a regular basis, I'd probably spring for a bottle of this.


    eta: Basically this is Snow White with rose:)

  7. Kind of foody with something musky at first, I like it at this stage. Dry, more fruity, of the red variety, so this is probably the 'holiday sweets' that are amping on me I wish I got the violet, it is one of my favourite florals, but I guess candy likes me:(

  8. Bright, cheery pom. I like the sweet and sourness of pom, and this one has it:) Unfortunately, the lab's pom turns dusty on me, and after awhile, I'm getting bright fruit and dust. They are fighting a bit for dominance, but even if the pom wins, this blend is much too fruity for me.


    eta 2015 version. I love the smell of pom, and this one is too sweet to be a true pom imho. Sweeter than last year, I detect no bitterness, but this one is waaaay to fruity. It reminds me of those clear glycerine soaps from The Body Shop.

  9. Comforting cocoa with whipped cream, extra sweet, with a touch of vanilla. I would like to drink something like this, it is so yummy, but not really to wear. I am really enjoying this, though, it's warm and snuggly. Best cocoa scent, though, is Boomslang for me, and that one is so hard to beat, but Velvet comes close. Foody lovers would like this, I'm sure.

  10. Ice and vetiver:) Not pleasant at first, harsh and abrasive, but dries down a muted ice/vetiver combo. This would smell pretty good on a guy, I think, but it's not really my thing. Wouldn't be my first choice of scent for a guy either, but it's not too bad once it dries.

  11. Beautiful lush, dewy red rose. The kind that you'd smell in a florist's cooler. I even get the greenery. I love the smell of roses, but I don't generally like smelling rose on me. I do love the rose scent in a candle, Yankee makes a good one, but to wear it, only once in awhile. This is lovely and lush, but I would rarely wear it. This would be very nice for a bride on her wedding day who loves the scent of roses. This incarnation is pretty true to other years from what I remember, though it does stay true on my skin unlike last years version.

  12. Wet, citrusy pumpkin and something kind of creamy . Dry, pastry, spice and nuts. This is so &%*#ing god-awful on me I can hardly stand it. Though I like eating nuts, I can't stand smelling like them. Especially with the brown sugar and cream note, which I find equally distastefull. Not for me, quite possibly one of the worst bpals on me, right up there with Horse Chestnut Honey. Blech. As a side note, I'd probably enjoy eating something like this.

  13. Quite a pretty scent for such a wicked description:) Lots of creamy gardenia here, and what smells like rice flower. This is almost a dead ringer for Self-Portrait, which I'm sure the gardenia plays a big part in the similarities. This one is a bit too heady for me, and it doesn't really match the description of an evil sorceress.

  14. Who would have thunk that roses and gingerbread would go so well together? Some dirt here too, which is OK, as I kind of like the labs dirt note. So roses, dirt and gingerbread, but not foody or uber sweet at all. The whole effect is rather spicy and fresh, like the smell of ginger bread baking next to an open window freshly turned soil in a garden bed of roses. I like this, the rose behaves and does not go sour, so very unique, but not really my style. I probably wouldn't turn down a decant, though, if one were to fall on my lap. As for the rest of my decant, I'll use it when the mood arises:)

  15. Heavy cinnamon and ginger with a touch of citrus. Quite enjoyable. Dry, citrus seems to be MIA, but I maaay be getting a touch of lilac, but I wouldn't have known it was there if I didn't read the notes. I like these gingerbread scents, even though they're pretty strong and spicy. I like the fact that they are not sweet and foody. No need to upgrade, as Gingerbread Satyr is the BOMB, (I have a bottle coming), and my fave of the bunch.

  16. This is basically Embalming Fluid without the lemon. I'm not getting the violet leaf here. Fresh, very nice and would be great for summer. If you don't like lemon and find EF too lemony, give this a whirl. I find it too similar, it's almost a dead ringer. There are so many Yules this year that smell to much like something else.

  17. Maybe wild cinnamon is a milder form of cinnamon, cause I sure don't smell anything like it here. Maybe a bit of spice and a whole lot of frankincense. After a bit, less resins, more mild cinnamon, but it has faded quite a bit by now. Not bad, but no need to upgrade.

  18. Dude cologne alert! Quite masculine, but fresh, like a guy out of the shower. There's something akin to tobacco here, which lends a nice touch. I kind of like metallic scents once in awhile, especially on a guy, they're fresh and crisp. I'll try to save this one to test on a guy sometime, I quite like this one, but will probably never wear it, so the 1/2 decant will suffice.
