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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by milo

  1. This blend is very white, busy and STRONG. The sandalwood and rose, amping, and there are so many notes, it smells rather jumbled to me. It actually smells more like a TAL blend than a bpal, more specifically Leo Stellium, I think. This one is just too strong for me, only a tiny drop, and I'm wincing a bit. Not for me.

  2. Sigh, I didn't have much in the sniffie here, but what I'm getting at first is the lab's sparkling gin note that smells like gingerale, there's even the fizziness. Kind of fruity, but it fades so fast into nothing, that I can't even tell what it really smells like.

  3. I detect the lab's snow note right away, along with purple fruits. This reminds me of Skadi at this point, icy berries! Dry, more fruity than icy, but still very much a cold scent. There is some kind of floral here, kind of like violets, but it's very faint, and may just be my imagination. Ends up to be a powdery, purple fruit, with a touch of ice and floral. This is just a teeny bit too fruity for me, but it is quite a nice blend, and those who like berry blends should give this a whirl.

  4. I'm getting a weird, bitter honey. Not saying I don't like it, it's rather unusual and compelling. Turns more herbally green, it reminds me of the pulpiness of U, the Mutter Museum vanilla one a bit. Still, I doubt I'd wear this, it's just a bit too odd for me. I don't detect any chocolate whatsoever.


    eta: This blend totally reminds me of Imaginer, it's almost a dead ringer when totally dry.

  5. At first, this smells like scorched ginger, very reminiscent of Saw-Scaled Viper and War. Looking at the description, there is no ginger, weird. After a bit, it's more like red musk, less ginger like, though there is a sour quality, like pickle juice was spilled nearby and dried. It's not strong, but definitely present. Spicy, red, a bit sour, not sure what to make of this blend. If the amber came out, this would be much better, I think. For now, the spices and musk are fighting a losing battle with one another, not unlike some Viking battles I've seen on the series (very good, btw). So not a good blend for me, but age may help.

  6. At first, more herbal and resinous, different than the previous incarnation which was more fruit heavy. Dry, ah, there's the black-currant. The whole blend smells 'purple', which is fitting, I guess, as there's a few things that are purple here. I had a bottle of the previous version, but didn't wear it enough to justify keeping it. This is not as musky, and I don't like this one as much as the first. I will hold onto my decant though, to see if things change with age.

  7. Womb Furie is a staple of mine. I still have a 2010 bottle, and a back up of the next year. I do find that they do not seem to differ that much in age, though this years tester may have had the illusion of being aged as it was a tiny amount. I find a little goes a long way, and this years version is very well blended as in other years. I find this incarnation a bit less heavy on the honey, and the spicy Snake Oil seems to be dominant with more sweetness from the honey. I love this, and hope to never be without my Womb Furie.

  8. Lot's of incense here, and a touch of gritty tobacco. This is a blend for someone who is 'no nonsense', confident, and a bit of bad ass. After awhile, more tobacco comes out, and it's almost SN to me. I wasn't a fan of the SN, (I wish the lab would do a SN tobacco as in Mr. Nancy), so this one is a miss.

  9. This scent is turning out to be not quite what I expected. I thought this would be a more patch heavy blend, kind of like 'Feed Me And Fill Me With Pleasure', but with more resins and spice. Instead, kind of powdery and whispy, not really detecting any patch, which is weird, and a touch of honey. I could have sworn when I first got this that it smelled different, more what I expected. I am going through wacky hormones right now, so maybe my nose (and brain) are a bit off). As it stands, though I like powder a bit, this is REALLY powdery, and almost like there's a touch of berry. I'll be passing this one off, unless something changes.

  10. Very pretty. First off, I'm getting the Iris, though I could swear there's a touch of violet here as well. Goes very nicely with just a touch of sheer musk. The whole effect is kind of shimmering and luminescent. Reminds me of scents like Moonshine and Mist, Silver Phoenix, and Staged Moon Landing. I like this, I may hunt down more, but don't know if funds will allow it, and it's not a MUST HAVE NOW. I don't think I have any Iris scents, though I have violet which I find kind of similar.

  11. At first, bitter leaves and strong aquatic. Dry, lovely fresh aquatic, no leaves or rose to speak of, though they must be there somewhere. Very pretty, and nice and fresh for spring, but I don't need any more. Nice to try!

  12. STRONG Almond at first. I normally love almond, but even this is a bit too much. On, much better, in fact, within a few minutes, I barely detect the almond. Now it is mostly the soft, powdery iris with a touch of honey. I quite like this, it's soft and feminine, and a weekend type oil, where you want to lounge around. It's soft, sexy and very comforting. I'll enjoy my decant, but I really can't afford full bottles due to the high shipping costs. Very nice!

  13. Rose and black musk. The rose is kind of sour, but I love black musk and it is very prominent here. Wishing the amber would come out to play, but I don't even get a whiff of it. This is probably one of those blends that age magnificently. If it weren't for the rose, I may have sprung for a bottle. Now I'm trying to think if the lab makes or made a blend with black musk and amber...

  14. This is sweet, heady floral on me:( I wish the red musk was more dominant, but all I get is heady peach, and something rather gardenia-like. This reminds me of an avon perfume from back in the 70's that my mom used to wear. I *may* be in the mood to wear this on a very rare occasion, but certainly does not warrant a bottle or even a decant.

  15. This is an odd one to be sure. Kind of unsettling and masculine. I'm getting the peru balsam and patchouli mostly, but from a distance, something smells rather lovely on me, I'm guessing the vanilla. So in the end this really isn't so bad, but ultimately, not my type of blend.

  16. Slightly floral vanilla, it reminds me a bit of rice flower and vanilla, quite similar to Castitas, but I thought that one was much too sweet. I really like the scent of this, though it is quite soft. I find the massage oils much more suited to after shower use than the bath oils, it makes my skin very soft without an oily feeling, though the bath oil is *almost* as good. Hmmmm, I may splurge for a bottle, but gotta think on it a bit, as this is kiiind of foody, though it is pretty darn nice on.

  17. The description sounded lovely, but it seems like the vetiver is amping on me, with a close battle with the patchouli, though I certainly don't get any vanilla here, it would probably smell amazing. For now, this is 'no', unless something miraculous happens. The whole effect is green masculine on me.

  18. This was one luper I HAD to try before they went down. I love Lust and cocoa in scents, so I thought that this would be a no brainer. Color me disappointed. It is a fake chocolate, like those cheap Easter bunnies in a discount store. There's something fruity, too, that's making this worse than it already is. I strongly dislike fruit with my cocoa blends, and this is possibly one of the worst bpals I've tried. The musk comes out after a bit, but the yucky fake chocolate/fruit is just 'there'. I'll stick to my fave cocoa scents, Boomslang, Boomslang v2, Black Temple Burlesque Troup and Velvet.
