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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by milo

  1. Bright citrus at first, yup it's pink grapefruit. :) There's also something a bit dusty here, but not sure what is translating that to. After a bit, the dustiness goes, and the ambergris comes out along with the grapefruit. I would say the ambergris starts to dominate and turn into a SN for me. I liked it when both the citrus and ambergris were about equal. Since I have ambergris SN, I really don't need any more.

  2. Sweet vanilla musk at first. After a bit, something kind of spicy/citrus with floral comes out. This is reminding me somewhat of Privilege. Must be the tuberose. I kind of like this, it smells like an expensive perfume my daughter wears, I'll have to ask her what it is. For some reason this is smelling rather oriental. I would probably hunt down more, but I don't really want to wear the same scent as my daughter, and I can borrow her version if I really want to wear it.

  3. I'm not sure what all the fuss is about here. :) I'm getting sandalwood right off, it is pretty sharp and dry. I think the sour rose is adding to that sharpness. If this blend were sweeter, it would improve it quite a bit, but maybe that will come out later. Right now, it smells like a basic drug store alcohol perfume to me. Well at least I dodged a bullet!

  4. Heady, tropical floral, really quite pretty. Kind of like walking in a lush jungle with vines and flowers hanging everywhere. After a bit, it becomes a bit too heady, I liked the beginning stages more. Now it reminds me of an avon cream my mom used to use. Not for me, but floral lovers will probably be all over this.

  5. Starts out strong and musky. I'm assuming that this is the blood note. Dries to a pleasant dirt and salty water note. I don't mind this, but it's not something I'd wear, though I am enjoying the aquatic note, and I do love me some dirt once in awhile. Very evocative of the description.

  6. Dark and aggressive. Murky and unpleasant. Getting the vetiver straight off, with resins. Not detecting any rose, which may have improved this blend. After a couple of hours, the rose comes out, but by then, everything is pretty faint anyways, thank goodness. It's the kind of scent that I think others may find offensive. It certainly is for me.

  7. So far, I'm quite impressed with these OLLA blends. The ones I've tried, I've liked, and there even seems to be a common 'feel', or note to them all, I'm thinking maybe it's the sandalwood? BP is strong and musky at first, I'm getting the blood note, which I quite like, and something dark and fruity. Ends up being a sophisticated dark berry blend, kind of reminiscent of Red Lace, though not as sweet, and this is more musky which RL is more incense based. I likey, but it may be a bit too strong and sophisticated for me, but it's still a great blend.

  8. Sweetened sandalwood, with what I'm assuming is the benzoin. This is a much sweeter So Below, even though the notes are not similar. I can see this being really popular, it's got this foody vibe going, but tempered by the herbs and sandalwood. It kind of reminds me of other blends that are foody with a twist of something that tempers it. Inez, Storyville and Underpants. I'd say they have the same vibe, but not a ringer or anything like that. For me, it is just a little bit too sweet, but I can see a lot of people really liking this blend.

  9. Lots of black musk here, which is fine by me, as it is the king of all musks! Myrhh comes in, so it's black musk and myrhh. This is reading as a masculine black musk blend to me, which means I probably won't wear it, but it is so wonderful, and I'd love to smell it on a guy. I'm thinking the motor oil is making this blend lean that way. Nice!

  10. I'm getting a soft floral, it actually smells like violets rather than rose, and a lovely fuzzy brown musk. Stays pretty true, still no rose, reminds me a lot of The Governess, a watery violet, but this one has musk in it. I like this one, it's rather cozy and cuddly, but with a refined, polished edge to it. I'll enjoy the rest of my half imp, but it is very similar to The Governess and Faith to warrant any more.

  11. I'm getting the beeswax right away. This note is similar to the ones in no 93 engine, Hunter, Liz, Door, The Light's of Men's Lives, though this has more beeswax than any of the above. I really like this, it's lovely, with a touch of smoke, though I'm getting very little leather. Reminds me a bit of O too, it's got a sexy honey vibe going on.

  12. Musky, kind of sour at first. Retains the fresh musk, in other words, doesn't settle into something nice. Not warm, and kind of perfumey. Maybe it will change in time, but for now. No.
