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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo

    Winter Maiden Bath Oil

    I really think "Winter Lad Bath Oil" would be a more fitting name. This is very masculine on me, with some kind of evergreen I think, and the snow note which also may be giving this oil it's masculine vibe. This really smells like a generic men's aftershave on me, and I'll see if it's any different in the tub (I used this as a moisturizer), but I'm not holding out hope.
  2. milo

    Nes Gadol Haya Sham

    This ends up being a sweet citrus on me, with a touch of floral. I don't get any resins, really, but they may come out with age. This blend is far too sweet on me, but I will keep the decant to see if my beloved resins do end up coming out later.
  3. milo

    But Men Loved Darkness Rather Than Light

    This is all smoke wet. As it dries, I'm getting a ginger along with red fruit and a touch of smoky vanilla. I'm not sure what could be giving this blend it's distinctive fruitiness. It actually reminds me of Countess Willie a bit, but without the cocoa and more fruit. The sweet fruity berry is overpowering all the other notes on me, and yes indeed, it does remind me of a Christmas berry candle. I thought this was going to be a no brainer for me, but sadly I don't think a bottle is in the future.
  4. milo

    Ded Moroz

    This is a very pretty green, slightly aquatic blend. It's quite difficult to pick out the notes here, but I get a very fresh "woodsy"amber blend with a touch of mint. This is what I wanted The Girl to be like. I will probably enjoy this blend more in the summer months, as it is quite cooling.
  5. milo

    Now Winter Nights Enlarge

    This smells a lot like Red Lantern to me, but with slightly less caramel. There is a nice musk here, and the sweetness from the caramel is maybe a bit much here. Still on the fence about this one. I can see the potential with a bit of age, and if the caramel retreats even more, that would be a good thing. This is basically a dark, sweet scent, and unless this improves, I really do have my doubts that I'll keep the bottle.
  6. milo

    Lick It Til It's Sticky

    Wet, and for the first hour or so, this smells exactly like peppermint extract to me. It gradually fades to a practically non-existent slightly peppermint vanilla. Nice, but would be nicer if it was a bit stronger. Don't think I need a bottle, the decant will do me just fine.
  7. milo

    Pink Snowballs

    The rose is screaming at ME. "Get me off this Bee-otch, she can't wear rose worth sh_t". <img src="http://www.bpal.org/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/00000288.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="" border="0" alt="00000288.gif" /> This is screaming, sour rose, that goes rather soapy, not sweet at all. I get a touch of vanilla that is somewhat similar to Snow White, but overall this is a soapy rose mess. 2011 version: This is coconut and vanilla in the imp, with just a touch of rose. Much the same on the skin, but after a bit, the vanilla takes a back seat and the coconut disappears. This is mainly a soft, sweet rose now. Still not my cup of tea, but it is much nicer than last years version.
  8. milo

    Crib Girls

    This is a nice, sweet honey lemon when it's wet. As it dries, the honey fades somewhat, and we're left with a sweet lemon tart. Half an hour later, the lemon is mostly gone, and honey predominates. I like this, but I generally like my citrus less sweet and more tangy. If you like honey blends, I'm sure you'll like this. I'll certainly enjoy the imp while it lasts, but don't need an upgrade.
  9. milo


    I get ozone and a wintergreen mint. The snow note doesn't work on me very often, unless it is subdued, and thankfully, this is one of those blends that the snow note is in the background. I really like this, but can't see myself smelling like cool mint very often, except for in the heat of the summer. I'll keep my imp to enjoy then.
  10. milo

    The Black Temple Burlesque Troupe

    Cacao, black musk, and tobacco absolute. I'm a fan of pretty much all these notes, so I'm wondering why I didn't go straight to bottle. I actually thought that was what I was planning, but found this one among my decants. Yep, this is pretty amazing. I get cacao and musk and something that reminds me of Mme Moriarty. Maybe the musk? Anyways, this an amped up non-foody Boomslang with a touch of the Mme, for lack of a better review. I absolutely love this, it smells amazing on me, and it will probably be a multiple purchase when I order my yules.
  11. milo

    The Season of Ghosts

    Somehow, I'm getting jasmine out of this, and of course citrus. After a bit, this gets somewhat powdery, which makes me think there actually is jasmine in here, as it does go powdery on me. So this turns out to be a powdery citrus, but fades FAST. So not bottle worthy due to it's jasmine or jasmine/like note and the fast fade. I'll stick to Embalming Fluid for my citrus fix.
  12. milo

    Snowball Fracas

    I actually thought this was going to be a cocoa/snow scent. Probably in the excitement of the Yules, I thought mud equaled chocolate. At any rate, by the time I figured out it was the actual dirt, I really didn't want to cancel my decant. This is pretty awful on me. I have a friend that smokes, then chews gum to hide the smoker breath, and this is pretty much what it smells like. Smoker breath that really isn't masked too well with the mint/snow note. Not for me.
  13. milo


    The vanilla bourbon in Emma tempted me, but alas, I don't even get a whiff. What I get is strong, heady jasmine. This one is the first ever bpal to go cat pee on me. This one is off to swaps.
  14. milo

    Countess Willie

    Dayum, but this is good!! I get a very sharp red ginger at first, which is kind of overpowering. This fades to a juicy plummy musk with a touch of DARK chocolate and a hint of spicy amaretto. There is a touch of booziness here, which only adds to the charms of the Countess. I was scared of the amaretto, as it can sometimes go "cherry-like" on me. It is kind of cherry-ish here, but not so that it bothers me. In fact, it is so well blended, everything just melds together perfectly. Uh, bottle purchase, Yeah Baby!!
  15. milo

    Evening Cicadas and Red Peppers

    Another non-yuley yule! There's a few this year. At first, this is a lovely 'green' blend with a touch of ozone. It reminds me of walking in a greenhouse in late spring or early summer. There is a sharp note that maybe is the red pepper that starts to overpower the blend after half an hour or so. Kind of reminds me of when you squish a stink bug. At first I liked this, but the bitter smell is becoming off putting. Another Yule dodged.
  16. milo


    This is like a jolly rancher candy, maybe apple, with bright florals. So basically a candy-like fruity floral. Very bright and cheerful blend, but not really me. It goes kind of musty after a bit, which makes this even more undesirable. Off to swaps.
  17. milo


    Oh, Lulu, your promise of Tobacco Flower lured me to your charms, but all I get is damn gardenia. Gardenia really does love me, and drowns anything else that may have come out. Oh well.
  18. milo

    Mother Shub's Spiced Lait de Chèvre

    I really expected this to be a cloying, sweet foody blend, but I love surprises! This is an amazing spicy, creamy vanilla on me, not really foody at with a touch of musky perfume (huh?). This is Glowing Vulva sans wood with a jolt of spice. I love this, and glad I tood a chance on a decant, and this is wonderful with my skin chemistry. Non foodies, you may like this.
  19. milo

    Diable en Boîte

    This one really isn't ýuley' to me', and I'm wondering if my nose is broke. I get a strong, heady metallic gardenia/floral blend, kind of generic 70's floral. My teeth actually hurt from the metallic association. I get none of the notes, no wood, tobacco, and it's only scary because I don't like metallic strong florals. This smells like something my mom would wear, and I'll most likely pass it on to her.
  20. milo

    Mother Shub's Pfancy Pfefferneusse

    Not sure why I keep trying the bakery foodies, they really are not me, though I get the most compliments when I happen to wear them out, so go figure. I get a sweet, spicy, nutty pastry, that dries pretty much to a Beaver'versary lite/Cake Smash. The nuttiness is pretty fake and cloying at first, but dries to a very realistic pastry scent. Off to swaps, another foodie, again.
  21. milo

    The Shivering Boy

    Wet, this is very ozoney, with a touch of cold grapes. Very fitting of the description. It actually smells like a CK blend gone Christmas. As it dries, the ozone disappears, and it's a 'chilly' grape with a bit of spice. Kind of a Christmassy Hellion but with grapes instead of plums at this point. I'm kind of torn with this one. At times, I think it is too masculine on me, or just too Christmassy. Something that I wouldn't use except for this time of year, in which case the decant will be sufficient. Other times, I love how this is blended, and wonder if it will be a great summer blend. Sometimes, the grape note is just too 'winey' for me. Kind of like ice wine, only not as sweet.. I'll probably end up getting a bottle, but I do have a few weeks to make up my mind for sure. Do like, not sure if it is a love yet at this point...
  22. milo

    In Winter in My Room

    Hmm, another Yule that is not really Christmassy, as another reviewer noted above.. This is really citrussy on me. I get a a bit of tropical floral after a bit, but it is mostly sweet (and that's an overly sweet) citrus. It does threaten to go soapy, but never does. There's also a bit of that note that makes some blends smell like fungus on me. It is pretty faint, but present nonetheless. I'd probably buy a bottle of this if it wasn't as sweet as it is, and didn't have the dreaded note here that translates to mild fungus on my skin. Oh well.
  23. milo

    Pet Magah Bird

    Mmm, this is a creamy tropical blend. NOT reminiscent of Christmas for me at all. I get a delicious fruity, slightly citrus creamy blend. It is almost a dead ringer to Velvet Tiki on me, which is why I don't need a bottle. I still really like this, though, and will definitely use up my imp.
  24. milo

    El Dia de los Reyes

    Wet, this is rich Belgium chocolate, kind of reminds me of Gelt a bit. It dries to uber sweet, cloying powdered fake cocoa that you add water to. Yeah, not me. Kind of sad, as I love cocoa blends that work for me. My tastes either change, or the actual blend changes on me. Still looking for the perfect one...
  25. milo

    Dragon's Hide

    Wet, this is all DBR with a teeeeny touch of leather. As it dries, I just get straight up DBR. No leather, no smoke. I can't imagine that it would really go together anyways. Not a DBR fan, so this one is off to swaps.