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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by milo

  1. This one is a bit of a surprise for me. I get a carnation with citrus and a bit of white wine. The wine doesn't bother me like I thought it would, as I generally don't like the smell (or taste!) of white wine. As it dries, there is even less wine and the citrus also fades. I get a creamy floral, which I'm thinking is the carnation. This kind of reminds me of White Rabbit and a bit of Hod. A somewhat sweet, milky floral is the end result. Pretty, but I don't think I need any more than my decant.
  2. milo

    Playing with Dangerous Toys

    I love non-foody cocoa blends, and this one does not disappoint! Wet, I do get foody coconut and cocoa. As it dries, it is quite unpleasant and medicinal. Very raw and animalistic, actually. When fully dry, this is kind of hard to describe, a bit of dusty cocoa, and dirty incense. I really like this, and will probably try to hunt down a bottle.
  3. milo


    Wow, this is one dirty queen. I get lots of vetiver and a bit of dark floral, I think, but maybe it's fruit?. As it dries, the vetiver recedes and some florals emerge with the dark fruit. This kind of reminds me of Crypt Queen and Arachnina a bit, incensey 'dirty', and pretty damn vampy. This is quite nice and I'll enjoy my imp when I want to feel ultra powerful and feminine at the same time.
  4. milo


    This is a buttery, cookie blend with ground nuts. There is some kind of citrus thing happening here as well, kind of lemony, though I think it's Yuzu, as this is rapidly going perfumey on me, which yuzu tends to do. In the end, its a perfumey, nutty cookie. Not for me, but very glad to have tried this!
  5. milo

    Alice's Evidence

    YUM! Plums and spice! Yes, this is kind of like a pot-pourri blend, but a nice one at that, that I really don't mind smelling like. There is a bit of booze that comes out after a bit, a good thing, as I generally like boozy scents, it's mixing with the fruits and smells kind of like a winery, or fruit that has gone a bit fermented. It's not enough to bother me, though, and I really do like this. A not-quite-foody blend, with perfectly blended spice. WIN!
  6. milo

    Ü Mütter Museum

    Wet, and for about half an hour or so, this is a 'green' smell to me. Not unpleasant, but not really something I'd wear, either. As it dries, a lovely 'raw' vanilla comes out, as other's have described. This is a sweet blend, but a natural sweet, if that makes sense. Every so often, the 'green' comes out, but I don't get any leather yet. I think this is really a blend in the making, and while I enjoy it now, I'll probably love it later. The balsam green note is somewhat off putting to me, but it really doesn't last all that long, and makes intermittent brief appearances. A bit of a morpher all right. A keeper, I think, but only time will tell...
  7. milo

    Blue Moon 2009: Brian's Interpretation

    I find this blend quite hard to describe, but I do know that I really like it. To me, it's like a beautiful elf creature, such as The Lord of the Rings, wearing a shimmering blue dress in a misty forest with the sun shining through the tall trees. I do think that this is a unisex blend, however and males could wear this as well. This blend is a shimmery, silver, 'blue' blend that I may need more of.
  8. Wet, this is a super fruity fake strawberry. Kind of like "fruit-by-the-foot" if you've ever tried those. I'm actually kind of liking it at this stage, though I normally don't like that kind of scent. It's 'real' fake, if that makes sense! As it dries, a powdery floral joins the strawberry. It's kind of a dusty, floral-sugar coated tart strawberry blend now, kind of reminiscent of Candy Phoenix now. This is fun, but it's not really something I'd wear. I must go now and find me some fruity candy now.
  9. milo

    Black Death

    Wow this is one dark blend! Wet, it is pretty musky and I want to say 'woody', too and masculine. It dries to a rather perfumey blend, and there is something here that is not sitting well with me. I want to say ambergris, but it couldn't be. Something here is giving it the perfumey quality that smells kind of like the fake quality of Axe blends. Layered with Black Lace, the BL seems to dominate, thankfully. I will give Black Death a chance, however, and I *just* got it today, so maybe it needs to settle. Hopefully I can revise the review, as I really do love a lot of notes here...
  10. milo

    Black Dahlia

    Oh yuck, this is uber heady floral on me. Jasmine for sure, and yep, there's the magnolia. There's a bit of dbr-like spice as well, but not enough to save the blend for me. BIG fail.
  11. milo


    Wet, this is a very strong, pungent menthol blend. As it dries, the menthol, (I'm assuming it's the Rosemary) takes a back seat, and the rose comes out of the sour variety. I get no orange blossom, sadly, one of my favourite notes, just a soapy, sour rose. I do tend to amp rose, so this may work better for someone else, but for me, this is a fail.
  12. milo

    Terrae Massage Oil

    Wet, this is quite medicinal. It kind of reminds me of Blistex lip treatment. As it dries, it takes on a vinegar-like vibe along with the waxy medicinal smell. I'd probably love a massage with this, but not to wear as a perfume.
  13. milo

    Sol Invictus

    In the bottle, this smells a lot like The Sportive Sun, a blend I adore. On, it is a medicinal, sharp citrus. As I was puttering about doing my thing, I could have sworn I smelled perm solution. Yup, that is me, unfortuneately. Boo. The perm solution gradually disappears, and we're left with strong, cleaning solution citrus. Very medicinal and perfumey now. I'm pretty disappointed, as these notes are made of win for me. Still, I'll let my partial age, and see if that improves the blend.
  14. milo

    The Snow Maiden

    Wet, this is ozone/snow overload. I really don't get much else. As it dries, cold florals appear, and it really is kind of pretty, but rather generic. This kind of smells like the Snow Maiden bath oil, but with no evergreens. Snow rarely works on me, so I'm not surprised here.
  15. milo

    When the Winter Chrysanthemums Go

    Wet, I get lots of mint and snow. It dries to pretty much a fresh green minty snow. I don't get any mums, sadly, but still, this is quite beautiful. I find it quite similar to Ded Moroz, but I like this better. This and Ded Moroz are the only snowy blends that really work on me (besides Snow White, of course). I'm not sure I'll spring for a bottle, but may try to swap my DM for this.
  16. milo


    Uh oh, I get VERY sharp rose here, and plenty of it. Kind of a fruity, sharp rose. This really reminds me of the scent of Pert Plus shampoo, kind of a fresh appley floral. It does get a tad powdery and the rose amps out of control and kills whatever promise the apple blossom gave. On a positive note, my daughter asked me what I was wearing, and she only does that when she likes something. So, she gets the imp to enjoy!
  17. milo


    Wet, this reminds me of those chocolate oranges you smash, though a bit more heavy on the orange. I could swear there's a touch of chocolate here.. As it dries, some cedar(?) I think comes out, and we're left with a Velvet-ish blend of equal bits of orange and cedar and maaaaybe a touch of cocoa and clove. I'm starting to enjoy woody blends, and this is very nice one. I'll certainly treasure the drop or two I have left! Very glad to have tried this one!
  18. milo


    I was frimped this by a very generous forumite! You know who you are!! Wet, this is a strong, musky leather. It doesn't change all that much from wet to dry, and reminds me of something. Hmm, I do believe this is very much like Loviatar/Crowley. Two blends I adore. I do think this is a bit more masculine, however. I get a bit of spicy sage as well. I really do love this, and would love to smell this on the opposite sex. (I'm sure they love it too, he he). Very sexy, warm, leather blend. Love it!!
  19. milo


    I was surprised when I first applied this, as I got kind of a fire-y spicy cinnamon blast. Kind of reminded me of Copper Phoenix at this stage. As it dried, there is less spice, and more honey musk and creamy milk, though I do find this a 'fresh' blend. Maybe it's the trampled flowers. It really is very much like Stinky, though I find there is a spice element, a little more of a milk note, and a bit more freshness to it. Nice, but I think my decant of Stinky and this will hold me over for a good while.
  20. milo

    The Scales of Deprivation

    Wet, I get a strong wood(?) with some citrus. Dry it ends up being kind of a citrussy masculine blend with a touch of wood. Not bad, but a bit too masculine for me.
  21. milo

    Sudha Segara

    Mmm, a very nice milky citrus. It kind of smells like Embalming Fluid when wet, but dries to a lovely, creamy lemony orange. I wish I got more ginger, though I really do like this a lot. It really fades fast, though. Still, I am contemplating a bottle. This smells very much like a baby or a young child. LOVE it (while it lasts).
  22. milo

    Dreadful Lies

    Wet, this is a 'naughty', dark amber. I get the tagette, which I'm assuming kind of smells like marigolds. I'm not getting any cognac, sadly. As it dries, it loses it's dark edge and becomes like a gentle, unassuming amber blend. I haven't tried delousing powder, but it kind of reminds me of The Lion, only less spicy, or a weaker Jacob's Ladder. This is one I was waffling on getting a bottle, and now I'm glad that I didn't. Nice, but I have Jacob's Ladder when I need my amber fix, and on another note, this is a VERY fast fader. Very glad to have tried this though!!
  23. milo


    Wet, I get the foody, buttery sweetness. As it dries, this really blooms into a woody blend, very reminiscent of Osiris v4 with some rich creamy sweetness. Also reminds me of Haloes. Very nice, but a HTF like the others. Very glad to have had the opportunity to try this! Thanks F & F!!
  24. milo

    Ho Ho Ho

    Wet, I get a lot of fruity spiced red berry, I think. Not much different from wet to dry, just a beautiful perfectly blend. This is very reminiscent of Countess Willie, but the Chocolate note is not here, and I get maaaybe a bit of pear. Very nice and yes, it would be perfect for the Christmas season.
  25. milo

    The Confectionary

    This ends up being a tart, fruity (I'm betting Pomegranate) candy-like blend on me. Very much like Penemuel said, pixie-stix. Or like a Sour Puss, or Slurpee kind of drink. Kind of reminds me a bit of Candy Phoenix, but with more powdery sugar dusted on top.