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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo

    Lovers in a Carp Streamer

    I was really looking forward to trying this, as it smells sooo good in the imp. Mmm, wonderful tart effervescent cranberry with a touch of currant and mint. It really doesn't change much for me from wet to dry. This is so very fresh, and will be perfect for summer. I really don't have anything else quite like this, but it has the same 'feel' as Embalming Fluid. Very cooling. There maaay be a touch of teak here. Very well blended, and I'm definitely contemplating a bottle.
  2. milo

    The Zadok Allen Vineyard

    Wet, I mostly get a strong wine scent with roses petals. As it dries, more of the wood comes out and lots of yummy spicey incense. This kind of reminds me of Gluhwein, but with less wine. The wine is really just an afterthought in this lovely blend after it dries. I really like this, but have Gluhwein already, so I think the imp is enough. I think this would be better suited to fall/winter weather.
  3. milo

    Saint Foutin de Varailles

    Wet, the 'dribble of wine' amps, and I mainly get the wine with a touch of beeswax. Dry, it's the other way around, beeswax with a dribble of wine. I don't get anything else. I'm finding I'm not a big fan of beeswax, and wine, while I enjoy drinking, don't like to smell like it. That being said, I don't mind this, though it is rather sweet on me, and the wine note is quite faint, just the barest whisper. While I 'like' this, it's probably not enough for a bottle purchase, and I have a couple of other imps that are similar to this, so I'm good for awhile.
  4. milo


    Wet, I get a strong tobacco, and it really is quite masculine. It sure smells like the tobacco of Perversion, one of my favourite GC's. This develops into a warm, sweet, tobacco blend, more masculine, but a girl could pull this off as well. Seems that the dude blends are the winners for me this Luper. I'm not sure how much I'd wear this, but it is quite beautiful. I can imagine a sexy dude in a sunlit room laying in bed...with nothing on. Yeah, a warm comforting, sexy blend. I may just spring for a bottle, but will pass this on to my so for now.
  5. milo


    Wet, I'm getting a jasmine-like floral that is going powder pretty fast. (huh?) There is some strong, spicy musky thing going on here with some sickly sweet honey. Not for me. Again, the notes sounded like win, but I'm not getting currant or 'nice' honey. Not having much luck with the Lupers this year, I'm afraid.
  6. milo


    This doesn't change much from wet to dry. A pleasant evergreen with patchouli. I like these notes, but I wish it was just a bit sweeter, and sadly, the honey and beeswax doesn't make an appearance. I'll certainly keep the imp, but it is just a tad too masculine for me. This would have been perfect had it been sweeter. Oh well. eta: 2011 version patchouli and musk, less evergreen and somewhat sweeter than the '10 version. I like this a bit better than the previous version, but it is very similar.
  7. milo

    Aatos Polemoio

    Ah ha! A dude blend for sure! This is a lovely woody spicy blend. The black currant smells just like the ones my mom grows outside her house, and adds a non sweet fruity bite. I don't wear masculine blends, but would LOVE to smell this on a guy. Seriously sexy, and I'll pass this on to someone I can enjoy smelling this on!
  8. milo


    I sure wish I got amber, spicy tea and resins. All I get from wet to dry is a 70's Avon floral that's been sitting in the closet for 20 years. This is extremey strong and offensive on me, and as others have noted, kind of dry. I just about went straight to bottle purchase, as the notes sounded wonderful. So glad I didn't now. I've yet to find a luper that is working for me. Sigh.
  9. milo

    Two Loves

    From wet to dry, this is cloying floral on me, that eventually turns powdery. I think it's rose and jasmine that are amping on my skin, and drowing out anything pleasant in this blend that might be here.
  10. milo

    Signior Dildo

    Wet, this is just lovely on me. A beautiful warm, woody vanilla. As it dries, the narcissus amps out of control on me, and it becomes a heady floral. Narcissus is lovely for me in some blends, but here it is just much too overpowering. I wish it stayed how it was wet, it would have been hoard worthy for sure. I'll hang on to my decant, in case things change with age, but won't be seeking out any more Dildos.
  11. milo


    This is a rather sweet clove blend. With the mandarin, it seems almost like a Yule blend rather than a luper. Reminds me of a clove studded sweet orange. Nice, but I'll probably keep my decant for Christmas next year. eta: Oh, I defininitely get a touch of anise, more so when wet.
  12. milo

    Bijoux Y'ha-nthlei

    Wet, this is straight up hotel soap. I hate to say that about any blends, and I can't pick out the notes, just that this is very generic soap. As it dries, I get some rose, but it's just rose hotel soap now. Boo. eta: It does fade into almost nothing after 45 minutes, thankfully.
  13. milo

    Enchanted Wood Florist

    Thanks to Jen for sending me this empty bottle, it's really pretty! There is enough to test, and man, this is pretty perfumey strong. I get a strong floral with musk and something soapy sharp. This is really not working on me, just too 'department store perfume', which I thought it would be, so I didn't get a decant. I do love, though, and will treasure the bottle!
  14. milo


    To me, this is more of a plummy raspberry than a grape. This is pretty much muted fruity plum/raspberry with nothing else. Very similar to one of my Chaos Snake Oil, which I prefer, as this is too bland and one dimensional.
  15. milo

    Smoky Moon 2009: Tristesses de la Lune

    This really doesn't smell smoky to me at all. Wet, I detect jasmine or a jasmine like note. It's actually pretty overpowering wet, cloying and heady. As it dries, it gets powdery, which jasmine tends to do on me. Thankfully, this fades pretty quickly, as this is just too florally on me. This does not smell 'hazy' or 'smoky', at all, though this imp is fairly old and maybe it has uber aged. Not for me.
  16. milo

    Chewing Little Bits of String

    Wet, this is all about the marshmallow. I love the lab's marshmallow note, so this is a good thing. It dries to a lovely tea and honey, with the marshmallow sitting in the background. Still, this is a lovely, well blended oil, and though it sounds foody, it really isn't on me. For some reason, this kind of reminds me of Snake Oil, just the warm sweetness of it, without the spices. I think I may have to track some more of this down!
  17. milo

    Left His Nurse While In a Crowd

    The combo of berry and chocolate just does not cut it for me. This does not change from wet to dry, just creamy berry chocolate, which I don't like to eat either, so this is no surprise that this is not a win.
  18. This is so nice and fresh, and doesn't change much from wet to dry. I get peppermint and maaaybe a touch of fruit. The star anise? Anyways, I don't get any green tea, sadly, but it is still a nice blend and would be perfect for summer. I probably don't need a bottle, but will enjoy my imp while it lasts.
  19. milo

    Playing with a Loaded Gun

    This starts out as a gorgeous ginger, very reminiscent of 'real' ginger beer. It also reminds me a bit of the ginger in Opuhi, but stronger. Unfortuneately, it fades to a rather bland sweet, fruity musk on me. I really wish the wet phase stayed, it was kind of like a naughty Opuhi. *sigh*
  20. milo

    Spare Change

    Metallic, white floral, quite perfumey. Reminds me of an Avon perfume my mom used to wear back in the 70's, but I can't think of the name. This definitely smells like change at the bottom of a women's purse. Kind of reminds me of mom, actually, but not something I'd wear. Very glad to have tried this though!
  21. milo

    Blue Moon 2009: Elizabeth's Creation

    This turns out to be a darker, heavier blend than I thought it would. There are woods or some kind of resin that is amping on me, and it really kind of reminds me of Velvet Panther, Uncertain Horror. Those kind of darker bpal blends. I do enjoy it, but not what I was expecting at all. I'll certainly enjoy this imp while it lasts, especially when I want to wear something 'darker'.
  22. milo

    Comforting Plush Companion

    This is a somewhat citrussy sweet blend on me somehow. I get a bit of buttery foodiness when wet, but that quickly fades. It ends up being a rather pretty, sweet plum slightly musky blend. I'm not sure why I get citrus, maybe it's the plum? I'm quite surprised that I like this, as I thought the honey musk would make this too sweet. That is not the case, and my chemistry this is just lovely. I'd like a bottle, but know that it is nearly impossible to find. For now, I'll enjoy the decant. eta: Half and hour later, and the fungus note of doom comes out. WHY!!?? I thought only pomegranate did this to me. Oh well, maybe it's a good thing considering that this is HTF.
  23. milo

    Boneshaking Antique Velocipede

    Wet, I'm getting lots of fresh cucumber and a touch of wood. As it dries, the cucumber fades into the background, and this is becoming rather masculine, which is what certain woods sometimes does to me. There's a nice wood here, which I'm guessing is the redwood. This is adding to the masculine quality of the blend, though this is really quite unisex. I think if the tonka was out a bit more, it would be more wearable to me, as it is a bit too masculine for me. As it is, it fades pretty fast anyways.
  24. milo

    Squirting Cucumber

    This is just like a fresh cucumber, along with the bitterness. It pretty much stays the same, wet to dry, but does fade rather quickly. This would be so pretty without the bitter vibe.
  25. milo

    Follow Me Boy

    Wet, lots and lots of jasmine. As it dries, it turns into a slightly sour, powdery jasmine/rose combo. These are two of my worst florals, but it is rather pleasant on me, both are rather subdued. A little goes a long way! As for it's luring properties, I'll have to report back!