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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo

    Womb Furie

    Well, a little goes a long way with this one! I tried this a couple of days ago, just a dab, and it works much better than slathering. A teeny bit, I get more of a snake oil vibe, and when I slather, it is MUCH to honey-like. The honey may fade over a couple of hours, but it is just too overwhelming when I slather. It's just starting now, after an hour to be more snake-like. I pretty much love this when the honey isn't screaming at me, but going to have to use this with subdued abandon, which is good, because it will last longer anyways!
  2. milo

    Prosperity of a Country

    The description had me at 'ginger cream accord', but all I get out of this blend from wet to dry is leather. Well maybe there is a bit of spice at the beginning, (maybe the ginger?), but leather loves me and while I like it to make an appearance in the background, it is loud and obnoxious for the first hour, then fades to practically nothing. Sigh. Not sure if aging will improve this. I'll probably try to swap this one.
  3. milo

    Les Bijoux

    This starts out as a lovely, fresh "wet" floral if that makes sense. Kind of like you're walking through a greenhouse or conservatory after everything has been watered. As it dries, it becomes like a candied floral. I'm kind of surprised there isn't lotus here, because that's what I'm getting. Maybe the honey is making it sweet. I wish it stayed like it was wet, as this blend is becoming too sweet and candy-like on me. Ah well, more for the rest of ya!
  4. milo

    Eggnog Latte

    Wet, this is sickly sweet, cloying heavy cream egg nog with coffee. This reminds me of Gluttony at this stage. As it dries, the sweetness tempers and a lovely, soft, spicy milky (in a good way now!) comes out. Now, this reminds me a bit Lait de Chevre and Lush's Snowcake. It seems to have the muted lovely spices of both those blends, and to a lesser extent Dana O'Shea. After a bit, the spices amp. I wish they wouldn't. The spices dominate now. I think it's nutmeg and maybe a bit of cinnamon. Still lovely, but I liked the 'Snowcake' phase better. Now it is more foody. Truly a morpher, this one, and I'm so glad that someone was kind enough to frimp me this little gem. If the spices continue to dominate, I'll pull it out during the fall/winter months.
  5. milo

    Deathly Pride

    At first, this is all about the licorice. It's not a fake one, either. It's true, grainy STRONG licorice pipes. As it dries, the licorice fades and a dusty, sweet incense comes out. I'm thinking the licorice and the rum is providing the sweetness, but I can't really detect an actual 'rum' note, or the licorice now. This just ends up being as described without the licorice. A dusty, sweet incense blend. I have a few that I like better, so won't be needing anymore of this one.
  6. milo


    This starts out very effervescent, like gingerale, or champagne as other reviewers have noted. After a bit, it really starts to have a strong honey note come through. Kind of like a white wine with honey. Sometimes the effervescent-ness comes back, morphing between the honey/wine note. I wish it would stay in the wet stage as it's very refreshing. Very glad to have had the opportunity to try this, though!
  7. A lovely frimp from a forumite! DCCXXXII This really just smells like aged Snake Oil to me, (which it is, I guess!) It may be a bit "tamer" on the musk, though. In the imp, I get a bit more spice, but I can't identify it. Maybe ginger? At any rate, it doesn't show up on my skin. Like most Snakes, Chaos V's and Snake Oil alone, I love this, and will most certainly use it up.
  8. milo


    Another one who gets no cherry. It's really hard to tell what's in here, but I know I LOVE it. This is a sweet, kind of honey-like, resiny blend. It's like a 'bad' honey, but so wearable. It kind of reminds me of Snake Charmer, not the scent, really, but the 'feel'. So very sexy, though I don't know what is making it so. Very glad to have tried the sniffie, but I am just aching for more. Any suggestions for any kind of equivalent are appreciated.
  9. milo


    This is a lovely, berry blend, with a touch of sour to temper the sweet pomegranate. After a bit, it goes waxy like a lip balm, which some fruity blends tend to do on me. To bad, it was so pretty wet. If you're lucky enough for this to work, and not change from the wet stage, this would be a great summer blend.
  10. milo


    At first this is a fresh green floral, it smells kind of lily-like, actually. There's also a nice fresh citrussy vibe as well. As it dries, it becomes powdery and rosey and the citrus disappears. Not bad, but I wish it stayed the way it was fresh.
  11. milo

    Black Heart

    Mmm, this is a wonderful spicy berry-like blend. I can see where people are getting the Mlle Lilith comparison, but this is more 'grown-up' and wearable to me. I didn't really like Black Death, but the two layered are utterly FANTASTIC, and I kind of regret giving my spare imp of Black Death away. The BD tempers the sweetness, and BH tempers the masculine resins of BD. I'm off to layer the 3 now!
  12. milo


    This starts out as a pretty floral, kind of surprising considering the name. Kind of reminiscent of Veil, actually. After a bit, the rose amps out of control as it usually does and we're left with a sweet rose and not much else. This is a nice surprise, as rose normally goes sour pickle on me. I like this, but prefer my Unity set for a rose fix.
  13. milo


    Wet, this is citrussy, woody, and bright. As it dries, it's kind of a warm woody, amber blend. If a dude blend can be creamy and work, this is one definitely fits the bill. I could have sworn there was oak here, but the description says no. It actually smells like a more masculine Haloes or Glowing Vulva to me. I love this, and would never wear it, but would love to smell it on a guy!
  14. milo


    First of, a beautiful lavender with a touch of floral. The lavender is very much like the one in Pontias, but the floral makes it much more softer. Liking it so far! Soon, it's just a sharp lavender soap, and then goes to perfumey floral lavender, kind generic femal axe. Thankfully it's a quick fader. Very glad to have tried this though!
  15. milo

    Drink Me

    Wet, this is kind of a pineapple/turkey blend. As it dries, it smells only slightly of turkey, and sweet apple cider. It really is much too foody for me, but very evocative of a thanksgiving dinner cooking with apple cider brewing in the background.
  16. Wet, this is a slightly sour blackcurrant with a bit of musk thrown in. Dry, it's really about the blackcurrant, and a bit of musk. At tis point the blend really reminds me of one of the Le Mat blends, Marotte, I think, the berry one. As time goes it becomes more perfumey and less berry-like, boo, but it's almost faded away to nothing by this point anyways, a few hours later. This is a lovely fresh blend for the first few hours until it turns perfumey, and I'm sure I'll use up the half impy that I have. I don't get any leather, sadly.
  17. milo

    Blood Countess

    Mmm, my tastes are changing somewhat, and I am discovering that I enjoy the spicy sweetness of DBR. Coupled with lovely berries and plum, two of my fave fruits, this is a spicy, warm bold plum blend. This is strong in the sense that it is strong, sexy and bold. I don't get roses, and normally they really love me, so that is nice, as they tend to make a blend rather sour on me. I most certainly will enjoy the imp while it lasts!
  18. milo


    Sorry for the bad review, but this is really some nasty shit on me. The dirt note gets me nauseous every time, and it loves me, so I get little else. Yucky, moldy dirt.
  19. milo

    Labores Solis

    Wet, this is bitter, soapy orange peel with a touch of warm amber. As it dries, the amber comes out, and it's only slightly soapy now. Mmm, half an hour later, I get my beloved frankincence. Now, it is a slightly spicy, warm ambery frankincence blend with a touch of golden citrus. This really reminds me of a hot summer day, with sweet grasses that are going yellow, with the sun beating down on them. I really like this, and may hunt down more than the decant that I have.
  20. milo


    Wet, I get a lot of wood and leather. Pretty much stays this way when dry with the leather dominating. Defininetly a masculine, leather blend with a touch of wood. The kind of leather that would be a saddle, perhaps. I'm finding I don't like woody, leather masculine blends. Olisboos is similar to this, and also a fail. I'll pass this one on...
  21. milo


    Wet, this is all about the balsam and patchouli. It smells like you're in the middle of a forest actually. After a bit, the balsam fades, and I mainly get the patch. I like patchouli, but only blended with 'femine' notes, and this one definitely has a dude vibe about it. Not really for me, and I don't really think I'd like to smell it on a guy either. I only get a touch of frankincence, and no cocoa to speak of.
  22. milo

    Beanman & Beanwoman Prepare to Attack the Vagina

    I'm not a big skin musk or ambergris fan, so I was leary of gettting more than a decant. I do love orange blossom, amber and coconut though, so I was willing to give this one a whirl. I do get the comparison to Giant Vulva, but this one is more coconut creamy, and the orange blossom adds a lovely touch. This ends of being kind of hard to describe, kind of a florally, slightly musky perfumey blend that is perfect for spring. Probably the ambergris is translating into 'perfume' for me. This is pleasant enough, but I don't think I need an upgrade. I have Khrysee for my amber/orange blossom fix, and this one is just a 'little' on the perfumey side.
  23. milo


    Wet, this is all about the caraway. As it dries, I get a slightly citrus ambery herbal blend. It's actually quite strange to me, and the mish mash of scents isn't working. The effect after a bit is akin to something gone wrong in the kitchen. If you added caraway instead of cinnamon, or did a substitution that wasn't appropriate for the recipe. This would be unisex to me, but thankfully fades pretty fast.
  24. milo


    Wet, this is kind of vetiver-like with pepper. Maybe it's the Oakmoss? As it dries, the bitter vetiver-like oakmoss disappears and I get a beeswax/honey peppery blend. It kind of reminds me of 93 Engine. I keep getting wafts of vinegar or something sour every once in awhile, but it's not really bothering me. I like this, and will probably reach for the imp every once in awhile.
  25. milo


    Normally I love leather and most woody notes, but this particular combination is just not something I would wear as a perfume. From wet to dry, just a lovely leather and woody note. If anyone has owned horses, or been around a horse barn, this smells exactly like the tack room with the leather and warm wood. Or a Western Store, that sells lots of cowboy boots, saddles, and tack. Very evocative, but something I personally wouldn't want to smell like, or have my so or room smell like it.