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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo

    The High Priest Not To Be Described

    This is a nice blast of raw, dirty incense. As it dries, the leather and cinnamon come out and the incense fades into the background. I think that THP has the leather from Crowley, as the blend itself kind of reminds me of it. This is so very lovely, raw and sexy as hell. At first, I thought this may be too masculine on me, but it seems to be sweetening up some, and I definitely get some pepper now too. This blend would be better suited for fall, and will enjoy it more then. A bottle purchase may be in the future fer sure!
  2. milo

    Beaver Moon 2005

    I swapped away my resurrected version, and a kind forumite frimped me a sniffie of the original, so this is that review. This one seems much less sweet, and less cakey than the 'beaverversary version. I got a touch of strawberry in the r version, but none here. So this ends up being a creamier, less sweet cheescake. I'm not one for foody scents, but this isn't bad, and I may have kept it had it been more like this version. However, I don't like it well enough to go a hunting, but very glad to have tried it!
  3. milo


    This is a strong floral when wet. I thought it was jasmine, but it must be lily of the valley, which normally does not smell so heady on me. Maybe it's the rose that is causing havoc in this blend for me. Yup, definitely the rose. It's going sour, and I'm betting it'll be sour/powdery after a bit. Too bad, as I love the labs lily of the valley note.
  4. milo


    Wet, this is a kind of wildflower department store style cologne. After it dries, this indeed sort of smells like a scorched field, though I still get cologne underneath it all, which kind of ruins the association. There's some sour powderiness as well. Very glad to have tried this, but I don't need anymore.
  5. milo

    The Harp of Cnoc I'Chosgair

    Wow, this is really beautiful! I'm getting a warm amber, with a bit of sandalwood and warm vanilla. This blend is what I wanted The Girl to be, but wasn't. It is quite similar, but whereas The Girl is more cologney and cold, while The Harp is warm and a bit sweeter. The amber doesn't go powdery on me, at all, and the vanilla just warms this blend up beautifully. I'm reminded of a sleek feline of the wild type basking on a warm rock, having a sun bath. It's like cats know they're beautiful, but don't have to shout it out. They just have to be what they are, and not worry about making an impression, because they ARE the impression. Anyways, this shoots up to my top 10, and I'm glad I have another bottle coming.
  6. Aagh the first!! Many thanks to JenJen for frimping me a sniffie of this! Wet, this has a bitter, vetiver-like vibe to it. As it dries, a lily/jasmine comes out, and we get a fresh green floral. There is a touch of sour fruit or citrus here I think. All in all, a fresh, spring-like blend that will be lovely when the weather gets warmer.
  7. milo


    Pretty, delicate, fresh, I really like this a lot! I'm having a hard time picking notes out here, but to me it's like a tropical forest after a rainfall, but without the heady tropical flowers, if that makes sense. The florals here are fresh and white. This would smell really good if you had a hangover or weren't feeling well. Not sure why that blurted out! Anyways, this is very well blended, everything comes together seamlessly and I may hunt down more depending on how the rest of the wear goes. I think the lily scared me from getting an earlier decant, and then I searched for one a bit later. I don't get any lilies at all, and if they're there, they are quite understated.
  8. milo

    Clockwork Couture: Female

    Oh, this is GOOD!! At first, this is a dusty, musky vanilla. I get a *teensy* bit of leather, but probably wouldn't have know it was there, but I took a peak at the notes. This blend actually reminds me a LOT of Lyonesse, so if you're a fan of that or want to try something similar, this is quite close. This is very warm, delicate, feminine and bright. The only complaint I have is that it is a fast fader. I really wish I'd thrown two bottles in my order, but wasn't sure if I'd like it. Yes, the $25 shipping was worth it here, though I'll probably use my less expensive Lyonesse and cellar CCF, as I'm hoping the notes will strengthen with a bit of age behind her. Definitely a keeper!! eta: After a couple of days of settling, it is more like A Mouses Long and Sad Tale, rather than Lyonesse. It also seems to hold the scent longer on me. This is soft and pretty, and still a WIN!
  9. milo

    Milk Chocolate and Matcha Green Tea Ganache Truffle

    Wet, and for a bit, this is all green tea. I love the Lab's green tea note, so this is a good thing. I don't get any chocolate at all, which is strange. This reminds me A LOT of Embalming Fluid at this point. After a half hour or so, a slight plasticy vanilla comes out. There are a few blends that do this to me, only they seem to come out with age, (Tokyo Stomp, Snow White), only this one makes it's appearance fresh. It's really not that bothersome, though I'm surprised that I get no milk chocolate out of this blend. I like it, but not enough to hunt down a bottle. The decant will suffice. Oh, it's also a very quick fade, it's disappearing as I'm typing...
  10. milo

    Santo Domingo

    Hmm, this one is all tobacco leaf in the imp. As it dries on the skin, it is a lovely tobacco with understated rum. This *really* reminds me of Hellhound On My Trail, only it is more masculine. An awesome dude blend, I'm sure I'd be swooning if I smelled it on a guy. Sigh.
  11. milo

    Candles Moon

    This is mostly tart blackberries and cream on me. The beeswax for some reason is translating into cigarette smoke to me, or the smell of a smoker that is using scent to cover up the smoke. It really isn't as terrible as I'm describing, though, the blackberries pretty much dominate to me. Because of the smoke association, I'm glad I just went with the decant. Hanerot Halalu did not do this to me, so I'm kind of at a loss why I'm getting smoker's smoke. Oh well.
  12. milo


    Wet, this is a honey citrus. As it dries, more of the rose comes out, but it is basically a citrussy, honeyed rose. Kind of suprised, as it doesn't really smell like orange blossom to me, per se, just a juicy orange. Quite nice, and I'll certainly enjoy the imp while it lasts. So far, the rose isn't turning powdery or sour on me, which is nice. I like surprises!! Oh, I know what it reminds me of! Fans of Lush's Amondopondo would most likely love this. It's pretty much a dead ringer to me.
  13. milo


    Hmm, I get jasmine and citrus here. It dries to a powdery, slightly sour floral, which makes me think even more that there is jasmine here, though it's not listed. I suppose it could be the violet, but that *usually* behaves on me. At any rate, it's pretty powdery, sour, with floral. Not a good combination. I get no woods whatsoever. This one is off to swaps.
  14. milo

    Penis Admiration

    At first, this is all about the lilac. And a warning, a little goes a LONG way. It dries to a dusty, spicy floral. The lilac initially scared me off from originally getting a decant, but decided to track one down later. The tonka and smoky vanilla add a nice touch to this along with the spicy lilac. Surprisingly, this 'just' about made the bottle list, if it weren't for a strong, pungent odor that smells like ammonia to me. It's not all the time, I just get infrequent wafts of it. Sooo, almost a surprise hit, from a gal that really doesn't go for florals.
  15. milo


    Wet, this is a spicy, honey blend. As it dries, it smells very much like "Lover's With Rutting Cat's", only not as sweet and this is a bit spicier. I think they have oakmoss in common. This is a nice, creamy spice blend, and though enjoyable, I don't need a bottle.
  16. Wet, this is coconut, rum and the milk chocolate. Kind of reminds me of a rum ball at this point. As it dries, a wonderful spice comes out, must be the cardamon and ginger, though the ginger is definitely subdued, the spices are perfectly blended here. I'm also getting a creamy milk note here that is quite pleasant. So this ends up being a very well blended creamy spice with a touch of chocolate. If the rum is here now, it's adding something that is not screaming. Very glad to have tried this, and though I'm not a foody, this is quite nice, more of a spice blend to me. I think it would be better suited to fall or winter weather.
  17. milo


    Wow, this one really reminds me of Tiki Queen, though I'm not sure why, as I'm sure the notes are very different. This turns out to be a heady floral on me that threatens to go powdery, and sometimes does. This also reminds me a bit of Tissue, though it's not as heady. This really isn't my type of blend, but it really is quite pretty. There is a note in here that I love, but the jasmine is ruining it for me. I haven't smelled this note in any other blend, so I'd sure love to know what it is. It's a sweetish vanilla. Very well blended, but not my style, and I'll be passing this one on.
  18. milo


    At first this is a mentholated evergreen with something sweet and foody in the background. What a morpher this goes! From wet to dry, it is very different. The menthol evergreen disappears, and a sweet, woody blend comes out. It's almost foody in nature, a bit spicy, like a cookie, but with a bit of lovely wood. I don't get any berries here... I am surprised that I like this blend, as I thought for sure it was going to be 'just another evergreen blend', though I shouldn't be, as woody seems to be a go to scent the last month or so. I'll certainly enjoy the imp, and may even upgrade depending on how this blend develops on me and ages in the imp.
  19. milo

    The Little Sparrow

    Seeds, sedge, brown amber, and sandalwood. Wet, this is a kind of green, perfumey scent. Maybe the combination of sedge and sandalwood? As it dried, I could swear there is powdery rose here or definitely powdery 'something'. Not for me, but I'm sure someone else will enjoy it!
  20. milo

    Temple of Dreams

    I put this on before I went to bed last night, in case it knocked me out. Wet, this is strong mentholly eucalyptus with a touch of lavender. It pretty much remains the same, but as it dried, I could swear there was a touch of smoke here. I was pretty wired when I went to bed, as I had just finished watching an exciting hockey game, (YAY Canucks!), and I had accidently drank some Aztec Cola which was light coloured but contained caffeine. In spite of this, I think I was asleep within a half hour, and I generally am not a great sleeper. As far as dreams, they're pretty wacky anyways, and nothing really stood out. I'll definitely keep the imp, and if it continues to put me to sleep fast, then I'll probably get a bottle.
  21. milo


    This is a bit raw and fresh, I'm thinking. Funnily enough, I'm getting leather with patchouli. Very vampy, and I do like it, but the comparisons to Snake Oil is that it's *kind* of similar, but with no vanilla it's lacking depth. This may be because it's fresh? I like this, but don't love, so probably won't be seeking out a bottle. Now if the orange blossom had came out, it may be a different story. One of my favourite notes, and I don't really get it at all. eta: Turns out I was too quick on the draw, and the bleeping orange blossom came out, and is it wonderful or what!!!!! This is phenomenal, and an instant bottle purchase. Now it is a dirty orange blossom, vampy and sweet. Snake Charmerish and Snake Oil ish. Kind of like what you'd get if they were kissing cousins. He He. LOVE!!!
  22. milo

    Has No Hanna

    I could really use some good luck and happiness, so hears hoping this will help!! Scentwise, this is really heady at first, but something musky is lingering in the background. Whatever it is, I hope it comes out more, because the florals are *teensy* bit too much at the moment. Kind of magnolia/jasmine/honeysuckly variety. Time will tell if I keep the imp or not.
  23. milo


    2010 Version Ah it's Teh Smut all right, only this version is smoother and even more sensuous. When I got my 2007 bottle, I found it strong and overpowering with the musk dominating. It developed into a very wearable blend, however and is now a fave. This version seems more 'blended' to me, if that makes sense. Everything melds together better, even though it is fresher. The musk is so smooth, and the slightly dark fruit booze blended with makes this blend very languous, sexy and relaxing. I'm betting this will be even better than 07 as time goes on.
  24. milo


    Hmm, this one reminds me a *bit* like Black Lace but with more wood and more spice. I am really starting to like wood in perfume, and this one does not disappoint. The only complaint I have that there is a touch of sour, vinegar note, but only just a touch, and it fades kind of quickly. I am most likely going to hang on to this gem unless the sour note sticks around. I can see it aging fantastically.
  25. milo

    Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand

    I went straight to the bottle on this one, as I love a lot of the notes. When I started hearing about the fruitiness of this blend, I was a little scared, but it turns out to be not that way on me at all. This is a creamy, spicy ginger blend, quite reminiscent of Opuhi on me, only slightly more spicier, creamier, and with a *slight* fruit vibe instead of a floral/ginger/vanilla like Opuhi is. I'm hoping the tobacco and other notes come out with a bit of age, but right now, I'm glad that I went for this one. I do think it is more suited for fall weather, though.