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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo

    Paduan Killer Swarm

    At first, this is all about the coconut and woods. It really is kind of like Snake Charmer at this point, and I'm talking ORIGINAL Snake Charmer. Very sexy, smooth coconut WITHOUT the plum. It does fade into something more like Vixen. A woody, musk with a bit of coconut. This is definitely a bottle-worthy blend to me, and since I was going to spring for Vixen anyways, I think I'll go with this one. I may even get two. I really wish it stayed the way it was a few minutes after applying, as it is the most amazing honey/wood/coconut blend. I imagine this will age fantastically.
  2. milo

    Durian Fruit Infused Honey with Brandy

    This ends up being a lovely fruity honey with a touch of brandy of course. I'm starting to love a certain note of the lab's honey, and this blend has IT! There is no rank odor here, just a great blend overall. I'm just a bit concerned about the brandy, as it is just a teeny bit too boozy on me, and a bit of powder is developing. I'm pretty sure the lab needed the booze to temper the durian (or so I read somewhere). I am contemplating a bottle, but will see if I like any of the other honey blends better.
  3. milo

    Snake Oil Soap

    This is a lovely Snake Oil scented soap. Rich and decadent, and more 'snakey', than say the bath oil. It's more true to actual Snake Oil, in other words. At first, I didn't get much lather, but after a few swipes, it appeared. The lather is quite brown, but it doesn't bother me, as it rinses away cleanly. Not a drying soap at all, very nice. LOVE!! On an aside note, my mom makes soap (not from bpal oils, but rather essential oils). She tells me she need 15 mls of essential oil for a six pound batch of soap. So not sure if Villainess soap is the same, but if so, that's a lot of Snake Oil per batch!!
  4. milo

    Egg Moon

    This ends up smelling like Big Red chewing gum on me. I do amp spice, so maybe this isn't typical? I may get a teeny bit of frankincense, and for a brief moment while wet, it smelled custardy. Not really doing it for me here, off to swaps.
  5. milo


    At first, this was quite nice. A brooding musk, with just a touch of aquatic. Not sure what happened after it dried, but it went very powdery. In fact it's pretty much like a jasmine powder to me. Thankfully, it fades pretty fast. Off to swaps.
  6. milo

    Castitas Bath Oil

    This ends up being a very foody vanilla with rice flower. Unfortuneately, this is much too sweet and cloying to me. So far, rice flower has not agreed with me, and this is no exception. I imagine foody lovers would LOVE this. I think it's the same vanilla as Snake Oil, but the rice flower is just ruining it for me. Off to swaps.
  7. milo

    Flower Moon 2009

    Wow, this is REALLY florally! Too much so, until the honey came out! This is the honey (or the note), that I smell in Trinket. A beautiful, sweet musk note. Now if only the overwhelming flowers would just disappear....For those of you who are scared of powder, the jasmine is behaving, and I'll bet if you love florals and especially jasmine, you'd love this. The honey note here is fan-freakin-tastic, and I'll probably keep the imp just because I love this particular honey note.
  8. milo

    Pumpkin Queen

    Mmm, spicy orange peel, spices and a bit of buttery pumpkin. Pretty much a non-morpher from wet to dry. Just a warm, buttery, comforting blend, probably more suited for fall/winter. WIN!!
  9. milo

    Reptoid Dominion

    This is rather a gentle musk in the imp, but on the skin, a different story. There is musk, alright, but there is something bitter here, and scaley. So yes, it does remind me of a reptile. I still smell the lovely musk underneath, and it certainly doesn't go with the strong 'whatever it is'. It is kind of like the smell of strong weeds being torn apart. Bitter and acrid and pretty much a disaster on my skin.
  10. milo

    Skytyping with Chemtrails

    This is a very realistic sugary lemon. Reminds me of a sweet lemon ju jube, only made with 'real' ingredients, or how a lemon gelato would smell. There is a undercurrent of something 'not quite right', maybe a lemon ju jube smeared into pavement, (?), not sure but it's almost a concrete dusty vibe that comes and goes. I like it, but don't need to upgrade. I have crisper lemon blends that I like better.
  11. milo

    Snake Oil Bath Oil

    So, I tried this in the bath and after. In the bath, it was very nice, a more foodier snake oil, much more subdued. A lot less stronger than I thought it was going to be, in fact. It got completely taken over by my "I Should Coco", soap. Nummy, but I'll just have to use more oil next time, as it was really lovely before it got drowned out by the coconut. I was quite moisturized after the bath, though. I slathered the oil on after the bath, and as with other bpal bath oils, this is a great moisturizer. It sinks in quickly, and is your skin ever smooth and soft afterwards! As for the scent, it is pretty much like my beloved Snake Oil, only slightly more foody vanilla dominant rather than spicy dominant, for some reason. I'm also just a teeny bit disappointed that the oil is not as strong as I thought it was going to be. I still love it, and it is nice that it is a bit different than Snake Oil. I'm glad I have a bottle coming, and I really never want to be without this, so it really needs to be a GC...
  12. milo


    Wet, this is orangey soap. Dry, it turns into powdery orangey soap. It does get a bit musky after a bit, with the orange, but then fades to nothing within the hour, so this pretty stage is not really worth it to me.
  13. milo

    Traipsing through the Crop Circles

    Wet, this is grass and alfalfa hay with a touch of flowers. It does get that "chewed" up grass vibe, like a lawnmower has gone over the field, and there a bit of bitter weeds and wildflowers in there as well. There is a 'honey' vibe note that I am just adoring, but the other notes are overpowering it. I would sure like this note to amp on me, because it is utterly amazing. I like this, but unless the beautiful honey note comes to the forefront, I won't be upgrading.
  14. milo

    The Montauk Project

    Wet, this is very medicinal and has a dry vibe to it. Dry, it pretty much is the same. I would say that this is an experiment of disaster on my skin. Sharp, woody with vetiver, not sweet at all. Probably someone else could pull this off, but not me. More masculine than feminine..
  15. milo

    Staged Moon Landing

    Wet, this is lovely dusty vanilla. It dried down to pretty much is powdery orris on me. Definitely evokes 'fake' rocks, and really is quite pretty, but not me. I kind of wished the vanilla stayed. Another bullett dodged!
  16. milo

    Illuminati Cotillion

    Hmm, not to bad. This is primarily an incensey wood with a touch of rose that is not amping on me for a change. This kind of reminds me of the feel and smell of Red Rose. Not getting the tobacco, but maybe it wil come out in time. I really like this, but it is too similar to Red Rose (to me!), to warrant a bottle.
  17. milo

    The Traveller

    Wet, this is all boot leather. My Fryes kind of smell like this, actually. As it dries, something 'tack room' comes out and smells exactly like this substance I used to buy in a tin to shine up my horses hooves, (I can't remember what it's called). This is pretty dominant along with the leather and it really smells like a tack room in a barn. Very evocative, but not what I want to smell like.
  18. milo


    Wet, this does kind of reminds me of The Harp, as a previous poster noted. I don't know if I'm crazy or what, but they are very similar in the dry down to me, though Narkissos is more heady and tropical, while there is a bit of sharp amber in Echo. They are both doing crazy numbers on my skin, and morphing into each other. I kind of like both, but they are so very similar to me, that the two imps are more than enough. My nose (and brain) are so confused right now, I think I'll take a break from both for awhile.
  19. milo

    Menacing Ionospheric Research Instrument

    Wet, this is mint. Kind of like the chewing gum mint that has been chewed for awhile. Sounds gross, I know, but it really smells 'wet' to me. This one is a morpher, and sometimes it smells minty/metallic/aquatic, or morphs to powdery violet aquatic when dry. Neverthless, it is not bottle worthy to me. It's kind of bland, and fades rather quickly. I have other violet or mint blends that I like better. Violet Ray is much better if you want a violet mint blend. I don't get any amber or sage, notes that I love.
  20. milo

    Teatime in Roswell

    In the imp, this is all about the cake, with a very separate note of cucumber. Once it hits my skin, the cucumber dominates. It's a sharp, fake cologne cucumber. The lab's cucumber doesn't agree with me apparently, and though I get tea, nothing really goes together well in this blend. No cake either, though I think if there were cake visible, it would clash even more. Not my cup o tea, I'm afraid.
  21. milo


    In the imp, this is bee-oo-ti-ful As it dries, the narcissus really amps on my skin, though it isn't that bothersome. It's pretty much a creamy narcissus now. Not really my style, kind of honey-like in a way. After going for a run, I NEEDED a bottle of this. It was so musky, sweet, the narcissus had faded. This didn't last. Maybe the heat of my body while running amped other notes? Anyways, once I cooled off, the narcissu was back. Soo, I'm left with a blend that I love only when my body is heated up.. I will try again, maybe, something will happen with age. Narcissus rarely works on me, but when it does, its fabulous. I wish it didn't amp here. Depending on Echo, I may get a set, as it is gorgeous when I'm warm. For now I'll enjoy the imp, especially in the heat of summer.
  22. milo


    This is predominantly frankincense from wet to dry. I get a bit of woody cedar and some citrussy sweetness, which I don't know where it is coming from. Kind of reminds me of Zenobia, Sportive Sun, Sol Invictus, but this is really all about the frankincense here. Quite nice, but I don't think I need a bottle. I'll certainly enjoy the imp while it lasts.
  23. milo

    The Committee of 300: Meeting Minutes

    Wet, I could swear there was leather in here. It smells kind of like the leather that would be in a fancy old-fashioned chair with bronzed rivets along the edges. Gradually the woods come out, and this becomes a smoky, wood blend with a touch of old fashioned shiny leather. There is a 'sourness' about this blend, not sure what it is, I don't get tobacco per se, but maybe it's the smoky spiciness of this blend. I like this, but it is a little too masculine for me. If there was a bit of vanilla here, that may be a different story. No bottle needed, but I may seek out a decant in the future, as it is quite nice.
  24. milo

    The Aurora Spaceship Takes a Dive

    At first, this is a mish mash of florals, kind of like a field of wildflowers. It reminds me of e pluribus unum at this point. Drydown is powdery, sour rose-like floral. I don't see rose listed, but something here is liking me very much and behaving like rose does on me. Not a fan. You gotta love sniffie circles.
  25. milo

    Phantom Time Hypothesis

    Ugh, rose soap, then turns into powdery sour rose, and not much else. I so wanted the orange water, grrr. Most of the time, rose doesn't like me, I'm afraid...