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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo


    Wet, this is rose. It then turns powdery rose with nothing else. Most roses amp and/or turn powdery and/or sour. I've only found a couple of blends that don't. Oh well.
  2. milo


    This ends up being a slightly floral soap from start to finish. There may be a bit of resins here, but basically soap. Not even of the fancy variety. Boo.
  3. milo

    The Curator

    Wow, this one is perfumey to the extreme! Wet, it is musky generic perfume. STRONG! As it fades, a citrus and a note I can only describe as 'funk'. Maybe it's the herbs. So it ends up to be perfumey, citrus funk on on me. I would have loved the honeyed woods. Ah well. Oops, I spoke too soon. The malevolent herb has disappeared, thankfully. Now, it's a citrussy, sweet resin. I like it, but the beginning phase is a bit much. This one is a morpher, to be sure!
  4. milo

    The Velvets

    Smooth inky musk, cathedral incense, ylang ylang, violet leaf, rose-infused amber, red sandalwood, and iris. This is a tough one to describe. At first, this blend is quite sweet, but 'dark', at the same time. It's almost fruity in a sense, though I'm at a loss to describe which fruit. Whatever the case, it disappears, and this is mainly a musk dominated blend. Slightly sweet, warm, and woody, but still maintains it's inky darkness. I'm kind of at a loss why I'm not very excited about this blend, as I love sweet, woody and dark. It does kind of smell like BTBT, but it really feels like something is 'missing', in The Velvets. I do like it, but I don't think I'll be upgrading, unless something sensational happens.
  5. milo

    The Lady of Shalott

    Wet, fresh heady floral. Dry, this is pretty much single note powdery gardenia. Funny that I love the actual scent of gardenia, but not in a perfume. Pass.
  6. milo


    Wet, this is suspiciously familiar. I do believe it's is Black Laces's identical twin, only slightly less incensey and more 'soft'. Yep, this is vanilla, incense, tobacco, pretty much a dead ringer of Black Lace on me, only not as strong. This is nice, but I already have enough BL and don't need to track down anymore of RG.
  7. milo


    Red carnation, red roses, Spanish cedar, velvet musk, pomegranate, clove, and incense. As others have noted, this is very similar to Red Rose, and yes Lush's Potion. Mostly, I get a blend of carnation with a touch of rose. I find this more soft and subdued than Red Rose, with less incense and rose. There is more of a creaminess here, and slightly more sweet. Where Red Rose is 'dirty', Ysabel is 'clean'. I like this, and will certainly use my decant up!
  8. milo


    Wet, this is all about the resins. It kind of reminds me of Arachnina at this stage. Soon, it becomes less perfumey, though not as strong and less incense. Seems more metallic now than anything. This is quick fade on me, a bit too masculine, and metals don't really work for me.
  9. milo


    This ends up being a candylike floral, along the likes of High Strung Daisies. The incense, though saves this blend for me. It adds some dimension so that it is not so syrupy sweet. There is a bit of sharpness here as well, kind of citrussy, along with the incensey sweet kind of giving it that 'drugstore' perfume spray feel. This is OK, I like it enough, but not enough for a decant, let alone a bottle.
  10. milo

    Black Annis

    Wet, this is tons of sharp vetiver. It gradually gets more 'dirty rock', with a bit of perfume . I don't really get any anise here. Not really my thing. It kind of smells like you'd imagine a girl wearing perfume in a cave.
  11. milo


    Wet, this is like flat 7up. I can hardly smell it, actually. After 10 minutes or so, it turns into the most delectable ginger beer. You know the kind that is ice cold and perfect for a hot day. The effervescence is now there and it's funny that I didn't detect it at first. This is certainly a win, and will be great for the hot days I'm sure are coming. I have a few fizzy imps for the summer, so I don't feel a burning need for a bottle, and it's not really unique enough to hunt one down.
  12. milo

    The Rat Speakers

    This is a very earthy, fuzzy, furry blend. Not really in the sense of dirt, but kind of dark and comforting. This kind of smells like it could be someone's natural skin scent, especially a guys. I really like this, but it's not really 'me', and probably not enough for a bottle. I'd love to smell this on a guy whoes chemistry works well with this blend.
  13. milo


    This is THE most perfect lavender mint...for about 15 minutes. I was so excited and wanted a bottle right away, both relaxing and head clearing at the same time. On the down side, it fades much to quickly for my liking, probably the quickest fading bpal I have tried yet. Very evocative of the character, though. I'm wondering if there is sandalwood here, because sandalwood smells amazing on me when my body heats up, (I went for a jog) and I detect a bit here. Still, I do love this while it lasts. *cry*
  14. milo

    The Marquis de Carabas

    Mmm, this is a wonderful tobacco, rum, and wood blend. This is just so warm, spicy and masculine. It kind of reminds me a bit of Mr. Nancy, but it is more woody and masculine, while Mr. Nancy has the foodier lime and cookies and is more feminine to my nose. Even though I don't like to wear masculine blends, I am contemplating a bottle, as this is just so nice and rugged. I imagine it will age fantastically.
  15. milo

    Alana Patel

    Wet, this really is a 'green' blend. Kind of green musk, aquatics and lemon. It kind of reminds me of Sunlight laundrey soap, which I'm sure most of you are familiar with. It dries to a ozone evergreen dominant with a touch of cigarette smoke. This would be a great 'cleaner', blend, like Dirty and the likes, that you may add to your unscented household cleaner. Oops, after a bit, the cigarette smoke starts to amp on me. I bet I smell like a smoker now. Boo
  16. milo


    Wet, this is all about the plum. It actually kind of reminds me of Bordello. As it dries, there is a powdery herb quality, and maybe a teensy bit of leather. I probably wouldn't have noticed it was there, but I peaked at the description. Nice, but I don't think I need a bottle.
  17. milo

    Intensity Bath Oil

    Wet, this is very medicinal, kind of like eucalyptus or Vics. It gradually dries to a fresh lemongrass, and for some reason it seems a bit fruity to me as well. Maybe the grapefruit? I enjoyed this as a moisturizer, but the scent fades rather quickly. Nice, but I don't think I need a bottle.
  18. milo

    Frenum Bath Oil

    I used this as a moisturizer today, and like all of the lab's bath oils, this works great and leaves my skin soft and not greasy. This kind of reminds me of either Jingu or Hua Mulan bath oil at first. A very green floral, and quite refreshing for summer or spring. The scent does fade rather quickly, and I get only a slight green musk kind of feel. I'll definitely use up my decant, but I don't think I need a bottle.
  19. milo


    Wet, this all pink rose. After a bit the sandalwood comes out, and it is a bit powdery, but still nice. The rose is pretty dominant from wet to dry, but it doesn't go sour on me like most rose blends do. This is quite wearable, and will enjoy my decant while it lasts.
  20. milo


    At first, this is all tea, then it dries to a wonderful golden resin woody-like musk. Something in here reminds me of Arachnina. It's quite perfumey at times. It morphs from the resin to perfume a bit too much, though. I wish it stayed the amber phase a bit more. It would definitely be bottle worthy, but it is just a little too perfumey for me.
  21. milo

    Yew Berry Infused Honey

    This one reminds me of Holly Berry and Mistletoe from the Inquisitions last winter, (or the winter before). Reminds me of Christmas. After a bit, the gorgeous honey dominates, quite musky and Christmassy. Not very good for this time of year, but I still like it. Probably not enough for a bottle, but it is quite pretty.
  22. milo

    Doll's Eye Infused Honey

    This is a somewhat bland, water spice, with bland watery honey. Not really me, and fades fast.
  23. milo

    Jerusalem Cherry Infused Honey

    At first, this is green tomato leaf. I scent that reminds me of gardening, but not something that I want to smell like! After a bit, it smells more like smushed weeds, and less like tomato leaf. After about 40 minutes, the honey *finally* comes out, and it is the one of the lab's that I adore. The weed phase is too much for me, though, and I get an odd fungus smell that comes and goes with the glorious honey. Not for me, but it really is quite unique.
  24. milo

    Humanitas Bath Oil

    This I put in the bath, and then used as a moisturizer. Wet, it is a fruity, nut kind of blend. After, I can tell it is cherry, not a fave note. Funny I love the labs almond note, but I KNOW this is cherry. Very fresh, but something I really don't enjoy. The fruit gradually fades, and I'm getting a nutty sweet blend. Kind of like a pastry with nuts. And is that caramel, double . I guess the frankincense is translating to nuts and not sure where I'm getting caramel. I love frankincense and carnation, but I do not get any 'true', scent of either. Overall, not for me.
  25. milo


    I'm using this as a moisturizer today. At first, this is all about the geranium, a note that I love, as it reminds me of my son and how he loves Aura Suavis shower gel from Lush. It is quite similar to Holiday Stress relief bath oil as well. As it dries, though the lemon verbena and grapefruit come out, which is fine by me, as I love citrus. The geranium is still hanging out in the background. I love this, it's very refreshing and will probably spring for a bottle on my next TP order.