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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo


    Definite resins here. I really like the smell of this, it's like pure resins, as opposed to something like Crucifixion, which is pretty much this with a smattering of rose. That being said, I think I like my resins mixed with other notes. I would love my house to smell of this, and it was pretty nice to do yoga to tonight, but I think I'll save this for my future diffuser.
  2. milo

    Les Infortunes de la Vertu

    Soft florals, and something musky in the background. Floral, with a bit of a bad edge to it. I like it, but not well enough to upgrade. I wish there were more amber and leather present here.
  3. milo

    Jazz Funeral

    I'm getting florals here, mainly. Bright, almost fruity florals with something in the background tempering the way that some flowers can be overpowering and too heady. I'm thinking maybe it's the dirt, which is a note that I'm starting to really enjoy. This is quite nice, it reminds me a bit of Eight Petalled Lotus, it's got the same vibe, and is quite calming. Not getting any booze fwiw.
  4. milo


    Rose rose and ROSE! Not a soft, sugary rose, or greenery with rose, or a beautiful voluptuous tea rose, but a fake air freshener rose with Axe musk. I have been wanting to try this for awhile, and I must say I'm a bit disappointed. It clears up after a bit, the muskiness fades, and it's a bit sweeter, but I'm still not wowed.
  5. milo


    Very pretty, light floral. Comforting, almost. Sweet, a bit of greenery thrown in. It reminds me of a large, domed garden or conservatory in the middle of winter. A bit of brightness among the cold.
  6. milo


    So very sweet! Bright, sweet heady florals. At first it smells like sweet peas, then more like lilies, and boy is it STRONG! I don't usually like blends like this, but I'm enjoying this while listening to snow blowers in the neighbourhood. It makes me think of a warm, spring day. Nice, for now, but this isn't really my style. More like my Moms, and I bet she would love it.
  7. milo

    Ameles Potamos

    Lovely fresh, sweet water at first. It reminds me of the Waters of Notre Dame at the this point. Dry, more musky and murky along with the water. Not sweet anymore. I'm not a big fan of aquatics, but I have a couple that I like. This is more suited to warmer weather.
  8. milo


    This one is a loud, bright, slightly spicy citrus floral. Not my style, but I'm kind of enjoying this one. It goes kind of waxy on me after a bit, and not in a good way, like chapstick. This one kind of reminds me of Mexico, of a small town with lots of cool shops with incense, grocers and textile, knickknacks and stone cobbled streets. Brings back memories, but this blend isn't me.
  9. milo

    Slippery Poppy Tincture

    All the poppies I've ever grown never had a scent, but I've had Arachnina in the past, and it did smell kind of incensey. This one is a fresh floral at first, almost like greenery with a bright edge to it. After a bit, more incense with the greenery, only it's a bit sharper now, and grower more bitter by the minute. Not my thing, but it really does smell like some kind of tincture that my mom used to make with her herbs.
  10. milo


    Definitely evergreens here. Kind of a mentholated and fresh blend crossed with household cleaner. Not really my thing,
  11. milo


    Warm, soft, a bit spicy, a touch of almond. This is kind of like Bastet, only a bit lighter, as another reviewer mentioned. I'm also getting bit of a Silk Road vibe. I like this, I'm a bit of an almond whore though. Not getting jasmine. I'll certainly enjoy the imp when I'm in the mood for a warm almond blend.
  12. milo

    Dead Leaves, Raw Leather, Bourbon Vanilla, and Clove

    In the bottle, I'm getting mostly the Bourbon vanilla, and a touch of leaves. On, mostly leaves, fresh and airy. Not dead leaves, but almost. After a bit leaves and clove, not much else. This was so promising from the sniff in the bottle, and I like this, but it really didn't live up to my expectations. I may hold onto this one, as I can see it being spectacular if the notes do come through with age.
  13. milo

    Nasty Woman

    I like this wet. Fig and patchouli, warm, slightly fruity, and delicious. Dry, department store musk. It dries to a lovely vanilla with a bit of patch and fruit, but that is 3 hours later. *'sigh* torn, but the later stage is so long to get to, and rather faint. I will keep this for awhile, to see if the later stage lasts longer, but for now, its "no".
  14. milo

    Dead Leaves and Sugared Cardamom

    I smell cardamon in the imp, but on the skin, this is as unique as they come. No cardamon or dead leaves on the skin at all, as will Dead Leaves and Lavender Buds, this oil seems to take on it's own unique scent. I'm getting a fresh, slightly floral airy scent. I'm reminded of a window open in a clean house with grasses, woods and flowers all blowing through, but no particular scent is standing out. There were these dolls you could get in the 70's with a tiny bottle of perfume attached to a plastic rope to be worn around the neck. This scent reminded me of that, but it is no way fake. I really like this, but I think my imp will suffice.
  15. milo

    Dead Leaves and Lavender Buds

    I went straight to bottle, as I am a lavender whore:) In the bottle, strong herbal lavender and the lab's dead leaf note. It doesn't really smell cologney to me, as other reviewers have stated. On the skin, it morphs from leaf dominant to lavender dominant. I like this still, but the drydown is the star of the show. I can't really tell if it's leaves or lavender, it's almost like the two have merged and made it's own unique note. It is soft, comforting, almost floral, slightly sweet. It kind of reminds me of the smell of babies, but it doesn't. If I could ever smell an elf baby, this is what she would smell like. Soft, woodsy and sweet with a touch of floral lavender. I absolutely love this, and will probably try to score more. This one is multiple bottle worthy for me, and that hasn't happened in a very long time...Mme and Snake Charmer, I'm looking at you. *Off to swaps pages*
  16. milo

    Phyllocrania Paradoxa v1

    From the lovely Lizzie Woods and Vanilla. This is very similar to Haloes on me, which makes me a happy camper. This one may have a bit more sweetness and vanilla, with a touch of musk. I really like this, and will definitely use the rest up.
  17. Velvet Bandito, I'm hoarding the last half of my bottle. I only wear it in the fall/winter, so that helps. It doesn't help that fall/winter is 8 MONTHS OF THE YEAR. Rant for the day
  18. milo

    Snow Scents!

    If Ded Moroz is anything like previous years, you need to try it!
  19. milo

    Cloister Graveyard in the Snow

    A lovely tester! Thanks I thought I was getting the lab's snow note, but it must be the ozone. It basically smells like mint and snow to me, which is great, but I have other snow blends I like better. Ded Moroz is awesome as well as Skadi. This is lovely in it's own right, and I'll probably use it more in the summer for a cooling blend, as I don't think I have any mint/snow notes.
  20. milo

    Morocco v2

    I was lucky enough to procure two imps of these in two different lovely packages I don't think this smells like Morocco, it is more TKO -like. Although strong at first with the lavender, it fades pretty quickly. This is what I wanted Good Morning London to smell like. I ends up being a soft, vanilla lavender with a warmth about it. No marshmallow, but like other reviewers noted, amber and a touch of Morocco spices. Im going to hunt down more of this, I absolutely love it. I can see why this one didn't make it to be the final released version of Morocco, it is too lavender heavy, nothing like the city should smell like.
  21. milo

    Pinched With Four Aces

    I have been wanting to try this for AGES, so thanks to Lizzie, I was able to get a tester. At first, I'm getting vanilla and spices (cassia). At this point, it is reminding me of my favourite Scentsy scent EVER, Vanilla Suede. This scent is now discontinued, (I'm not sure why, it was very popular), which I stocked up on when I knew it was going. After a bit, there are more spices and just a touch of tobacco, and SWEET. A little too sweet, actually. This blend is also reminding me of something else bpal, but I can't think of what at the moment. Maybe Storyville, so I know that doesn't help, haha. So basically now, its Vanilla Suede with baking spices and a touch of tobacco. I like this, but I know how hard it is to come by. All you clever bpals may be able to get something similar if you layer Inez or Edith Cushing with some cassia and tobacco, and you may get something similar. I actually prefer Vanilla Suede, which I have in perfume form too, so I guess I dodged a bullet. FWIW, I don't get any coffee, which I really don't like in perfume. Weird how this one is different on everyone.
  22. milo


    I have always been interested in finding a cherry note that can duplicate Gothabilly's cherry, then I could try layering with other notes perfumes trying to recreate something that I will probably never get to own in bottle form. I really think Yipe is close to Gothabilly, a very juicy cherry with a teeny bit of a sour vibe, but not much, it's pretty sweet. If I had me some Egyptian musk, I'd love to layer this. A little goes a long way here, and wearing this solo is not my thing, but I will play with a bit and see what I come up with. I may search down a partial, just because I love GB so much.
  23. milo

    Coconut Meat

    At first, true, meaty sweet coconut. A bit like coppertone, only sweeter. I smell like the beach at -25! After a bit, it becomes dusty, like there's a bit of husk in the coconut. Still veeeeery sweet. I do love me some coconut, Death Adder is the best IMHO, but this baby on its own is just too sweet. I want coconut cream pie now.
  24. milo

    The Serpentine

    I LOVE this! When I seen the notes, I blind bottled ordered, as it looked kind of similar to my beloved Lilith Victoria. Icy lavender at first, then dries to a soft, comforting sweet vanilla lavender with a touch of floral. It doesn't replace Wulric or LV as my top lavender (well top everything) scents, but it is lovely in it's own right. It is different enough from TKO, too, that this warrants another bottle. I rarely do backups, but this one is climbing the ladder into my top 10.
  25. milo


    This is the first time a bottle has arrived frozen to me. It didn't take long to thaw, and while it is quite pretty, it smells exactly like Le Pere Foutard to me, which I already own. I know the notes aren't the same, but this is how I read it. I will have to do a side by side to compare, just to be sure, but I bet I'm not too far off. Cake, tobacco, anise. Very nice, but I don't need more and this bottle is going to swaps. I do have to say, the anise is less pronounced in Le Pere, though maybe theres' none present. I'll have to check...