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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo

    The Phoenix in Autumn

    This is quite dry on me, kind of like leaves and wood. I also get a strong patchouli vibe here. This blend really intrigues me, and I love the dryness of this oil, but it really is a bit too perfumey on me. I'll have to report back in a few hours, but I think it's the kind of scent that will smell amazing given a bit of time on, and ultimately age. This kind of reminds me of Fledgling Raptor Moon, only stronger on the dryness. I'd bet this would smell great on a guy.
  2. milo

    The Phoenix in Winter

    At first, this is slightly astringent, icy snow with a touch of sweet mint. Dry, much the same, quite pretty, not as astringent any more, a bit more sweet with a touch of buttery vanilla. I'm quite surprised I like this, as snow blends tend to turn 'dirty' and fungus like. So far, so good here, but I'm not sure how much I'd wear this. I may hunt down a decant at some point, though.
  3. milo

    The Chinese Dance

    At first, a lovely, fresh tea with a bit of tart fruit. Dry, it becomes less fresh, and a bit ozoney, and I also get a touch of the violet now. The fresh tea is still there, but it is not as tart anymore. I usually like violets in a blend, but with the tea here, it's just an odd combination to me and really doesn't work. I do love the beginning stage though. I'll stick to my Embalming Fluid for tea and lemon.
  4. milo

    Valse Finale et Apotheose

    At first, this is very a very honey dominant sweet blend. I get a bit of heady floral, kind of like lily and a bit of mint. This eventually turns powdery, but nice while it lasted.
  5. milo

    Sugar Plum Fairy

    This starts out as a fresh, sweet, strawberry-like blend. I'm betting the plum is translating strawberry on my skin. This blend reminds me a lot of Loli-goth, so fans of that may want to try this. This blend is not really for me, a bit too sweet and fruity, though I may feel different about this if I tried it in the spring or summer. May hunt down a decant eventually...
  6. milo

    The Russian Dance

    At first, I get kind of a vetiver-like blend, though not as strong as true vetiver. As it dries, it is soft and pretty with a bit of powder. Very feminine. It kind of reminds me of one of the alien blends this summer, I think the Staged Moon Landing. Very nice, I might hunt down a decant at some point for when I wish to smell soft and pretty.
  7. milo

    Dance of the Mirlitons

    This starts out nice, a strong marzipan. After a bit, it is all floral on me, and a strong one! I think I get a bit of musk here too, but untimately, this is not for me.
  8. milo

    The Waltz of the Flowers

    This starts out as strong floral, but dries to a pretty, delicate vanilla floral. Still not me, but nice to try!
  9. milo

    The Arabian Dance

    This starts out to be a lovely spice blend on me. The tobacco, unfortuneately on me, is the smoky variety, not Perversion. So I end up smelling like cigarette smoke with spice. I don't really get any coffee, and just a touch of leather. This reminds me of a spicy Liz. Not my cup of tea, I really wish the tobacco didn't amp, and was the same one as Perversion. Oh well. I did end up getting a bottle, and I must say, MUCH better. I get no cigarette smoke now and there's a hint of coffee that fades after a bit. Mostly though, this ends up being a leather, exotic spice on me. This is a keeper now, and I'm glad I sprung for a bottle.
  10. milo

    Mother Ginger

    At first, this is effervescent ginger. As it dries, it gets more 'dustier', if that makes sense. It really reminds me of a fall or winter version of Opuhi. There is no vanilla flower, though and more dusty spice. I don't like the stale dustiness of this blend, so will have to pass. Fans of Opuhi may like this, though.
  11. milo


    Really, all these snow blends seem to smell the same to me, though this one does have the added heady floral element to it. The snow seems to temper the headiness, somehow, and it's not as 'screaming floral' to me. I kind of enjoy this blend, unusual, as I'm not really into too many snow scents, they always smell to aquatic/cologney to me, like a CK perfume. Nice to try, but I don't need to upgrade.
  12. milo

    Herr Drosselmeyer

    Wet, quite medicinal, but dries to a lovely tobacco/leather blend with a touch of musk. This is a wee bit too masculine for me, though, but I'd love to smell it on a guy.
  13. milo


    At first, this is dusty cakes. Dry, much the same, but with the added white wine note. I find this scent really odd, and dusty in an way that cake was left out for a month in the cupboard, because no one ate it. There is also a bit of incense after awhile. Kind of reminds me of All Souls, but All Souls was better on me. Nice to try, though! 2011 version: This is warm, vanilla amber fruit at first, really yummy and not at all like last years version on me. Dry, cake with a bit of spice and a yummy fruit topping. This is really nice and warm on me, much nicer than last year, though there is a slight dusty note. It kind of reminds me of Halloween Las Vegas, though I like HLV better, this is pretty darned good too. No need to upgrade, as I have back-ups of HLV.
  14. milo


    At first, I get the rather common yule combination of snow and berries. The berries fade off, and we're left with a rather unusual combination of snow and honey on me, but it works! I kind of like this phase, but not sure how much I'd wear this, as it is quite Christmassy.
  15. milo

    A Game Called Yes & No

    At first, this is all about the marzipan, a good thing, as I love marzipan. As it dries, it's all about the spiced wine. Quite reminiscent of Gluhwein, actually, though a bit heavier on the spice rather than the wine. The spices remind me of what you'd have in an apple cider, only this would be of the hot alcoholic winey variety. Though I like this, I doubt I would reach for it very much as it is really Christmassy, and I'd only wear it this time of year. Nice to try though!
  16. milo

    Ebenezer Scrooge

    Strong vetiver at first, then some leather and a bit of spice come in. This is much to heavy on the vetiver and a bit too masculine for me.
  17. milo

    Harlequin and Columbine

    At first, this is uber fruity pomegranate and blackcurrant with what I'm guessing is a bit of fresh evergreen. Dry, it becomes like a dry, sweet vanilla, just a teeny bit of fruit and no evergreen to be found. Not really liking how sweet the vanilla is here, maybe it's amping on me? Not for me.
  18. milo

    Woods in Winter

    Icy and evergreen. Quite masculine and does smell very outdoors-ish. It kind of reminds me of when you're skiing, and you're going through fresh snow on a trail through woods. This blend is very evocative, but too manly for me to wear.
  19. milo

    A World of Fools

    At first this is fresh ripe delicious fig. As it dries, a 'nut' note comes out on me and a touch of holly. I like the fig, but the nut is ruining it for me. I find there are a few yules with the nut note, and yes it's part of the scent of Christmas, but so far it's ruined a few blends for me.
  20. milo

    Marley's Ghost

    Very fresh, metallic, ozoney with a nice burst of lemon. Dry, more ozoney, masculine, kind of shrill in a way. I enjoy the freshness of the lemon here, but icy ozone metallic rarely works on me.
  21. milo


    This one ends up being a fresh slightly tart fruity blend, and I'm getting a dusty vibe, which fig sometimes does to me. No amber, beeswax, or olive oil or anything else but the pom and a bit of fig, with a bit of bread(?). My hormones are kind of out of wack right now, and I had quite different impressions of another blend I tested yesterday. Will retest in a couple of days, but for now, this blend does not wow me at all.
  22. milo

    Incessant Torture of Remorse

    This is very woodsy on me. Maybe it's the patch? Not getting much here but a strong, masculine wood. No lavender or anything else for that matter. I do like woody, and this is so warm and comforting, but this is just a bit too masculine for me. The title doesn't really fit the scent description here, as I would love to cuddle up with someone wearing this scent.
  23. milo

    Christmas Eve on the Moor

    At first, this is a cold ozone blend. Kind of like ice pellets beating down on you on a cold winter's day. Dry, pretty much the same, though I do get kind of a rock smell now, though maybe it's the description association. Very evocative, but not the kind of blend I would wear.
  24. milo

    The First of the Three Spirits

    Very pretty light floral vanilla, with the emphasis on vanilla. I get a creaminess here that reminds me of coconut, and it ends up being very much like Tiki Princess rather than the on me, only without the touch of pineapple I get from her. It also has the frothy 'coldness' I get from Tiki Princess, but I don't get any musk and I don't really get The Girl from this one, which didn't work for me. I really like this, though it seems more suited to the warmer months, or perhaps Christmas in Hawaii. It does seems to strengthen as it dries, and side by side comparison to TP, TP is gone, while this one is gaining strength. Hmm, I may get a bottle for the summer months... eta: Damn, after two hours, the musk is gaining strength, and its not a nice musk on me. Kind of like dirt and ice mixed together. Oh well, another bullet dodged...
  25. milo

    The Second of the Three Spirits

    At first, this is a nutty, sweet blend with a touch of evergreen. As it dries, it's kind of a minty caramel with a touch of sweetness. This is vaguely reminiscent of Sugar Skull to me, but with the added evergreen. I think the caramel/Sugar Skull vibe is turning me off a bit, though I do love the spicy fresh aspect of this blend. Ultimately, though, this is not for me.