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Everything posted by milo

  1. Wet, very medicinal and astringent. As it dries, it is less astringent, but has a more sour vibe to it. This is kind of a masculine blend, a bit musky, fresh, and that odd sour note, which does fade more and more as time goes on. This is nice to try, but it is just a bit too masculine for me. I do like the brown musk in here though!
  2. milo

    The Path of Dreams Atmosphere Spray

    On first spray, this is STRONG floral perfume. I left the room for awhile, as it was a bit too much, and started sneezing. I was at a loss to describe the florals that I was smelling until Invidiana described this like Sakura, I think it was from a couple of years back. I wasn't a fan of Sakura on me, but don't mind it as a room spray once it settled down a bit. A little does go a long way here! I'll enjoy this when it is too hot to light candles.
  3. milo


    Pomegranate and jasmine, basically. I don't get anything else here. Not my thing, but the pomegranate is not going dusty, and the jasmine is not going powdery on me, kind of rare. In spite of not liking this, I do agree that this is well blended, the jasmine and fruits are pretty balanced. I wish some of the other notes would come through, but oh well.
  4. milo


    Wet, very faint vanilla and saffron. As it dries, the vanilla sweetens and strengthens and we're left with spun-sugar vanilla with a touch of saffron, very similar to the bath salts. I find that this is sweeter than the salts, though, and the salts are more 'sultry'. I definitely see the comparisons with Antique Lace, though this is less floral and Underpants, which Celeste is sweeter. I was hoping that the perfume would be like the salts, very similar just a bit sweeter, and the salts have a more musky quality, which I wish the perfume had. I'll defininitely have to use less next time, and not slather, very deceiving as I could hardly smell it out of the bottle, so I slathered. This is back-up worthy to me, but a little goes a lot on me, and not sure I need it. eta: Just decided that this is just too sweet for me. I will keep the bottle, however and see if the sweetness mellows with some age, and when I'm craving the scent of vanilla cotton candy.
  5. milo


    Wet, sweet vanilla lavender with a bit of musk. Very reminiscent of TKO and Mysterious Warning. It has that same comforting vanilla lavender thing going here. Dry, much the same, though a bit more musky, and not sure why, but I'm getting a touch of leather here. I ordered this bottle blind, as the notes sounded like a great combination, and so glad I did, I'll probably get a back-up. Ninon ends up being musky vanilla lavender goodness, with the warmth of amber. Thankfully, I get no rose, I'm all over this blend, and will be hunting more down for sure!
  6. milo

    Glowing Vulva Bath Oil

    I used the oil in the bath and on my skin afterwards. In the bath, it smells a bit more creamy than the the perfume, kind of cloying, actually. The scent does dissapate fairly quickly however, and I can barely smell it in the bath. My skin seems quite moisturized, though, out of the tub. I probably wouldn't waste this oil directly in the tub again, but just use it as a moisturizer. As a moisturizer: This is a bit more creamy at first, but after a bit, it seems more like the teak and lotus are more dominating on me, which is a good thing. Someone said up-thread aways that this is kind of like a 'spring' Glowing Vulva, and I tend to agree. It is not as strong as the perfume oil, more delicate in scent as well. It does, however, last for a very long time on me. It is almost like fraternal twin to the perfume, I find, a bit more feminine, comforting, almost baby-scent like, which sounds kind of odd, but I can't think of any other way to describe this. The perfume is more sexy, this is more comforting and womanly. I still like it, though, and am very glad to have this, and will probably only use it for special occasions, like my perfume oil.
  7. milo

    Celeste Bath Salts

    Wow, these salts are pretty amazing! I can smell the scent even wrapped up several times in baggies and tape, it is that strong! I get a musky, sweet vanilla with a touch of inobstrusive spice. In the bath, I used 2 tablespoons, and I don't think that it was quite enough. I smelled the salts in the air afterwards, but very little on my skin. I actually took a bit of oil from the salts and rubbed it directly onto my skin. YUM! This is not your typical foody scent, kind of Undperpants-like, kind of Antique lacey, but Celeste is unique in her own way. I'm hoping that the perfume will be just like this or very similar. I'll certainly save the salts for special occasions, though!
  8. milo


    Wet, a lovely coconut with fruit, kind of reminiscent of Tiki Princess. Dry, dusty coconut and mango. This was much better on me wet, as some coconut tends to smell dusty on me. There is a touch of rose in the background. This would probably be very pretty on someone else, but my skin chemistry ruins this one.
  9. milo

    Dolce Stil Nuovo

    Wet, strong rose, kind of sour. Dry, a bit of amber comes out on me, and it is beautiful, however, the blend is still dominated by the sour rose. This morphs yet again, and now it is a sweet rose, no amber or nothing else that I can detect. It's a gentle pink rose now, nice for those of you who like rose blends, but this is not for me.
  10. milo

    A Cold, Clear Winter Day

    Wet, minty menthol aquatic. Dry, not at mentholy, a bit sweet, kind of soapy. I'm only getting a bit of florals, but basically this is a soapy aquatic. It reminds me a bit of Polar Bear Plunge, only not as minty and more soapy and floral. Glad to try, but not for me.
  11. milo

    Loosening of the Obi

    I originally passed this by because rice wine tended to be rather awful on me from a previous Luper, can't remember which one. Here, though, I'm surprised right off the bat. Fresh, slightly musky vanilla and a lovely sandalwood. I'm getting something akin to mint, hence the fresh, airy feeling of this blend. Depending on how the rest of the afternoon goes with this blend, I may hunt down a bit more. Very nice!
  12. milo


    Wet, strong woody, resinous patchouli. Dry, there is a teeny bit of black currant coming through, but this blend is mainly about the patch. This smells like an evergreen forest in the middle of summer, dry, with earthy tones with a bit of dried out berries under the thick, dry brush. I don't get any mint or orange. This would probably be great on a guy, but this is just a teeny bit too masculine for me, though I do like it, I'd never wear it.
  13. milo


    I've been wanting to try this for a long time, so I was to find an imp in one of my recent orders. Wet, strong vetiver. As it dries, it becomes more 'earthy', and the patch just is so warm and comforting. The pine makes it's presence known after a bit, and it's the kind of pine I grew up with, the wonderful sticky pine pitch of the ponderosa, so this kind of reminds me of home. This is the kind of blend that I'd like the wear at home, as it's very earthy and comforting. Not sure if I'd ever wear it out in public, as it is not your mainstream 'pretty' scent at all, kind of masculine. Still, this is nice to try, and I'm sure I'll use my imp from time to time.
  14. milo


    At first, this is floral honey, mostly rose, but more subdued than other roses. Dry it's more dried fruit foody with honey, very sweet and exotic. It kind of reminds me of when you make date squares and have to cook the dates in water until soft, only there is honey and a vase full of exotic flowers nearby. This is a bit too sweet for me, but I do appreciate how well this is blended. It is indeed very sensual and would smell great on someone else who could pull this one off.
  15. milo


    Wet, very much honey and wine blend, very reminiscent of Gluhwein, actually. As it dries, a lovely spice comes out, though I'm guessing it's probably the flowers. Less wine, still honey like with spicy herbal flowers. I really like this, but probably don't need more than the imp, as I still have a bit of Gluhwein left. Oh, just read the post above. I didn't k now myrhh was supposed to smell spicy, but that is what must be the spice I'm getting.
  16. milo

    Mount Misery and Sweet Hollow Roads

    Wet, a bit of a musky aquatic, quite nice so far! Dry, a foody note comes out, I'm guessing the chestnut, as it's kind of 'nutty'. I'd be all over this if it had stayed true from wet to dry, a warm musky, woody, aquatic, but the foody nut note is ruining this blend for me. Ah well, there are so many other lovely bpals.
  17. milo

    Festival Mask

    Wet, strong patchouli and vetiver. Dry, the vetiver fades, but maybe it's just the strong patch that's giving me the vetiver similarities. Dry, very much like Tricksy, a warm delicious patchouli, though this is slightly more dry and woody to me. Though I like this, it is too similar to Tricksy to warrant a bottle purchase.
  18. milo

    Springtime Playfulness

    Wet, fresh fruity floral, with the emphasis on the 'fruity'. Dry, still the fruit dominates, and I had to take a peek to see what fruit it is, as it is sure amping on me. Cranberry it is, with a bit of dusty musk showing itself off and on. My skin loves the cranberry for sure, and it's not really my thing. I probably would have been all over this 10 years ago, but I've grown out of fresh and fruity. I can see how some may like this for the summer months.
  19. milo

    Harigata II

    Wet, boozy sweet coconut. Maybe the anise is translating to booze for me? It for sure isn't rum. Dry, extremely sweet dry buttery coconut with a bit of husk. I can't believe how sweet this is, it really reminds me of a cocoa butter I used to use that smelled like this. Great stuff to wear to the beach. This is REALLY sweet, however, liked flaked coconut on icing. I imagine some foodies would love this, but for me it's a bit too much. I'm now craving coconut cream pie.
  20. milo


    Wet, buttery coconut, very reminiscent of Tiki Princess. Dry, still the coconut, like Tiki Princess only not as 'coconutty', with other notes playing nicely with the base coconut. After a bit, the sandalwood comes out. Did I mention that I LOVE sandalwood? Still a bit tropical, but it's quite nice with the added woody feel to this blend. I had written this off in the imp, as I didn't like the smell of it, but on my skin, it just blooms with my fave sandalwood coming to the forefront. I was worried about the cherry blossom, but I don't smell it at all. I guess I'll just add this to my swap page, as I'm too late to purchase a bottle. Very nice!
  21. milo

    Valentine of Rome

    Wet to dry, a very 'dry' and warm incense. I really don't get much else. I kind of like my incense mixed with other notes (that come out!), so this is kind of bland for me. Those of you who like incensey blends should try this, though.
  22. milo


    From wet to dry, sour rose and overpowering jasmine. Very astringent on the jasmine, making it kind of smell like a kitty box. I knew this wouldn't work for me, hence the sniffie in my set, but I have to try all the lupers. If you like or love jasmine/rose blends, I'd give this one a whirl.
  23. milo


    Wet, fresh, pretty airy floral. Not harsh, screaming or anything 'dept store' about it at all. Dry, a bit more green, but lovely still the same. This is pretty, but not my type of scent.
  24. milo

    Tears, Idle Tears

    Beautiful aquatic, not so sharp, maybe due to the amber? So it ends up being a 'warm', inviting aquatic, if that makes sense. Smells like a bit of mint here, as well. Unfortuneately, it is a fast fader on me, and I slathered. Nice to try though, as these types of blends don't normally work for me. If it had stuck around for any length of time on me, I may have sprung for a bottle. Very pretty.
  25. milo

    Parlement of Foules

    All I get here from wet to dry is sweet white rose. I do amp rose, so I don't get any of the other notes coming through at all. I'm not a big rose fan, but at least this stays true and doesn't go sour.