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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo


    Wet a beautiful, fresh tea. It kind of reminds me of Embalming Fluid, but without the citrus. Dry, it morphs kind of dusty, stale tea, not good at this stage. Half an hour later, much better, like honeyed tea, reminiscent of Gennivre and Sybil now, though not as strong as either. I like this, but not enough to go hunting down any more, and I don't like the odd dusty stale tea stage. I'll stick to Embalming Fluid for my fresh lemon tea fix.
  2. milo


    At first, very strong, powdery floral. Dry, I could swear that this is a mixture of violet and possible orris. It has that feeling of a soft, powdery floral on me. I was really surprised to see that neither of those are listed notes. After a bit, I guess I can smell a bit of the musk, and it's very nice, but getting crushed by the powdery floral. I love orange blossom and lime, and I get none here. My skin is weird. I kind of like this, it reminds me a bit of Brusque Violet, Staged Moon Landing, and Silver Phoenix, but I don't need any more of these types of blends.
  3. milo

    Copulating Mice

    Wet, a fresh spice, if that makes sense. As it dries, it becomes quite creamy, but still with the lovely spice. I had originally written this off as I DO NOT like hazelnut in perfumes. I don't really get it here. This kind of reminds me a bit of Gypsy, but with a bit more spice and cream and no vanilla. I really like this, and wish I'd tried it before the lupers went down. I'd like to track down at least a decant or preferable a partial as this is quite lovely. I just don't want to think of rodents copulating however. As long as I don't associate the scent with the name, this is a WIN!!
  4. milo

    Jezirat Al Tennyn

    Very medicinal when wet. Fades pretty quickly with maybe a faint hint of smoke. Not for me, I don't like medicinal and smoky scents.
  5. milo


    Wet, lots of strong, voluptuous rose. Dry, much the same, though violet is poking it's head out, and it is kind of powdery now. I really like violet, but the rose is very strong and slightly sour. I'm getting nothing else. Not for me.
  6. milo


    I love orange blossom so I was quite excited when this came out. I do smell the orange blossom here, but it is kind of dusty with the sandalwood, or maybe it's the champaca. This is not sweet to me, and it's not at all like my beloved Vixen and Khrysee. I'm thinking there needs to be some sweetness here to make it wearable to me. I do get a sourness here as well, as a previous reviewer noted. This blend is not for me, it feels like there is something missing, and it seems quite bland and one dimensional on me. That being said, Khrysee is a very simple but beautiful blend, but this one just doesn't cut it for me.
  7. milo

    Dark Chocolate, Fig, and Tamarind

    Wet, dark chocolate and candied fruits. Not a good thing, as I don't like candied fruit anything, especially in chocolate. Dry, it is more of a milk chocolate now with the tamarind, which I'm guessing is the giving me the candied fruit vibe. End result, more fruity than candied, though I still don't like it. Personal preference that I don't like fruit in my chocolate eating, and I guess smelling it either.
  8. milo


    I could have sworn there was something like mango in here. Wet, very much like juicy mango, with a bit of dust. This must be the fig, as sometimes fig smells a bit dusty on me. Very fresh, a tad bit resiny. I can smell the vetiver at first, but it fades into the background as it dries. This blend is very fruity and summery to me, but a little too much so. I'd probably love this as a room fragrance though.
  9. milo


    Wet, lots of musk and vetiver and I'm getting a hint of raw leather. Dry, no leather anymore, just something like patchouli and vetiver, and it's getting a slight pickle juice vibe. There is only a slight smokiness here, but it's mostly patch now. This is a very outdoorsy scent and quite evocative of the character. I don't mind this, it's quite masculine so I probably won't be wearing it again.
  10. milo

    The Jersey Devil

    I was so sure I reviewed this, but I guess not! On, very astringent pine, and dry very much the same. It reminds me of ponderosa pines, though I'm not getting so much wood here, more of the pitch that comes out, which I guess what's it's supposed to be anyways! Maybe a touch of berries, but I wouldn't have guessed they were there, but I peeked at the description. Quite evocative, but not something I'd wear as a perfume. Nice to try though!
  11. milo

    The Arbor

    To start, red musk with floral, with emphasis on the red musk. Dry, the gardenia comes out, and though I'm not a fan of heady flowers, the red musk tempers this somewhat to make it more bearable. I'm also getting something like cassia here as well, adding a bit of spice and the patch also adds a 'bite' to this blend. This kind of reminds me of Marianne, The Grindhouse and Mircalla, other 'bad ass' red musk blends. I like this, but have other red musk blends that I like more. There is a fruity sweetness about this that I'm not really liking, but I will say that this is well blended, and red musk fans should give this one a try.
  12. milo

    La Bella Donna Della Mia Mente

    This is a fresh, fruity floral, kind of sweet. I'm getting peach and a touch of rose, mostly. Both of these notes are not the best on me, but it is blended so well, and the rose is of the sweet, fresh variety, not sour or powdery at all. This is kind of a serene, relaxing blend, and I may try it out at bedtime. I'd like my house to smell like this, but I'm not a big peach or rose fan. Nice to try though!
  13. milo

    The Hesperides

    Urgh, this smells like rotting fruit and coconut on me. After a bit it is more muted, less coconut, but still rotting fruit. Something has gone terribly wrong with my skin chemistry. Not for me.
  14. milo

    Couple Engaged in Lovemaking

    Wet, this is dry, husky coconut with muted fruits. No coconut listed, so this is what my brain is interpreting the grains as. Dry the fruit really takes over, it kind of smells like mango to me. No mango either, must be the lemongrass. Whatever it is, it is STRONG on me, with only a bit of the sweet grains showing through. This blend is much too fruity on me, and the dry sweet grains don't seem to mesh with the lemongrass. To me anyways. Nice to try, but this one is going to swaps.
  15. milo


    To start, all vetiver all the time, and it is STRONG. After a bit, it becomes more smokey, and the patch is peeking through. I like patchouli, but not vetiver, and it is definitely the star here. Not liking this at all, and I'm resisting the urge to wash it off. Oh, and it's one of those bpals that strengthens as it dries. *off to wash it off* GAH!!
  16. milo

    Nude Woman Reclining

    I thought for sure there was rose here, but it must be something else. This starts out for me as a muted rose and dried to a lovely amber-like floral. Usually heady florals bother me, but something is holding them off. I'm detecting a bit of bourbon vanilla here, but it morphs back an forth between the florals. It is still a bit too floral to me, though I do get a hint of the lovely vanilla, though for some reason bourbon vanilla is shy on me. Other vanilla's are not. Nice to try though!
  17. milo

    Red Lantern

    I tried a previous incarnation a few years ago, I think it was 06 or 07. The notes sounded perfect to me, but I had no idea caramel would be problematic. It was very prominent back then and I had to sell off my bottle. This version smells like caramel and smoky incense at first, and then the caramel quickly disappears and we're left with slightly sweet smoky ambery incense. This is MUCH better on me than previously, and much more wearable. I'm not sure if it is bottle worthy, as I'm not too keen on smokey blends now, but it is nice enough that I may seek out a decant. I'd love to have tried the room spray now in hindsight.
  18. milo

    Young Pine Saplings

    Just as advertised from wet to dry. Ginger and clove with cream, not really what I'd imagine young pine trees would smell like, but nice just the same. It reminds of the spices in pumpkin pie, but not the actual pumpkin. This is a bit too foody for me, and while I like smelling spices in my home, I like to wear it more subdued. Nice to try though!
  19. milo

    The Deep Ones

    Very pretty mild aquatic that doesn't go soapy or cologney on my skin. Probably the first one ever that hasn't gone like cologne. I would say there are some white florals here, but they aren't screaming at me and making the blend sharp. Very nice, though it's better suited for a room scent or adding to non scented cleaning products to me, as aquatics aren't really 'me'. Nice to try though!
  20. milo


    Wet, I get a fresh white grapefruit. Dry, much the same, but very faint with a bit of musk. I really like a good citrus, and while this is quite nice, it doesn't have a lot of throw on me, and I wish the woods, amber and other notes came out, though it seems like it is a 'warmer' citrus rather than a crisp one to me, so maybe this is the amber. I'll probably use my imp from time to time, but I'll stick to Embalming Fluid for a fresh zesty citrus.
  21. Wet, quite fruity, but in a good non sweet kind of way. Dry, the wood and frankincense come out and the fruit is even more subdued. It is now more incensey and resinous, as another reviewer noted. I don't get any sourness at all, it was a bit soapy at first, but not on the dry down. Not a whole lot of honeysuckle here, just mainly slightly plum tinged resiny goodness. I'd like maybe a decant but not a whole bottle, it's quite well blended.
  22. milo


    Wet, fruity floral, more fruity than floral, and I'm having a hard time guessing the floral. 'Peeked' Why yes, it is rose, and a powdery one at that. After a bit, there is pretty much no fruit and all powdery rose. Not for me.
  23. milo


    Wet, very medicinal, kind of like detol. As it dries, I get smoke and vetiver. I'm really forcing myself not to wash this off (something I've never done to bpal's), but this one is not my kind of blend at all. Luckily it is not that strong on me. I'll enjoy it for it's heavenly significance, but other than that, I don't like the smell of Brimstone at all.
  24. milo

    'Tis The Voice Of The Lobster

    On me, this is mostly watermelon with a touch of warm wood. A very odd combination, but green and fresh smelling. My husband said it smelled great from a distance, but not up close. I'm not a fan of melon in any shape or form, but the wood tempers this somewhat. This will be re-homed, though as it is just too melony for me.
  25. milo

    White Chocolate Mango Buttercream

    Wow, at first the mango is so juicy! It reminds me of a hair product I used to use, that smelled so fresh and citrussy, though the name escapes me. The chocolate comes out, and it smells more like regular chocolate than white, and it's waxy, like Bonne Bell lip gloss. Still, the fruit fights through the chocolate, and it is quite fresh and realistic when the chocolate isn't amping. I like the mango, but the chocolate is just too fake and plasticy. I don't get any buttercream.