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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo

    Workshop of Filthy Creation

    Quite harsh and metallic at first, but dries down quite nicely to a light and airy stone/wood combination. I really like the stone note in Night's Bridge, and this smells like the same note here. There's a touch of greenery along with the sweet stone, and this is turning out quite nice on me. Not sure if it's bottle worthy, as I have Nigh't Bridge already, but I may seek out a decant. Nice! eta: Further along, the is just stunning on me with soft woods and the airiness of the stone. A partial is at least in order here.
  2. milo

    Colder and Colder

    This smells of mint and snow at first, and gradually just turns into snow. Pretty much your standard bpal snow note, and doesn't really do much for me. Very fitting for the day here, though, at -35.
  3. milo

    Insupportable Misery

    Very 'cool' at first, it really doesn't smell like misery per se, but rather pretty with a bit on an astringent bite. After a bit, the lavender peeks out, and it's mostly violet leaf, lavender, and something that is making this blend feel very cool and crisp, but it's not the snow note. I like this, but I don't think an upgrade is necessary. This blend would be great for sleeptime, especialy in summer.
  4. milo

    Maison En Pain d’Épices

    Lots of spice, and what smells like candied fruit at first. I don't like candied fruit, so thankfully this fades pretty quickly, and we're left with spiced sugary gingerbread with maybe a touch of the fruit, though it doesn't bother me like the first stage. This smells spicier to me than Gingerbread Poppet, and less cookie like. This is still a great spicy blend, and perfect for the -45 with wind chill *&^))* weather we've been having. That being said, I probably wouldn't reach for this often, as I'm not a cookie/foody kind of gal, though whenever I wear these kind of blends, I get the most comments from strangers. This is sure nice though for a night like tonight!
  5. milo

    Breathless Horror

    Wet to dry, loud, aggressive, astringent and downright awful on me. This would probably smell like a herbalist shop with some disinfectant. Also, my mom grows herbs and makes tinctures, and this really smells quite similar to valerian. Very evocative, but definitely not me. eta: This really reminds me of Lush's Icon after a couple of hours.
  6. milo

    The Moon Gazed On My Midnight Labours

    This is delicious musk at first with strong, heady incense with a touch of sweet vanilla. Dryer, kind of a sour vibe, more incense, less musk and no vanilla. This is still early, though, and the beginning stages were so nice, it seemed bottle worthy to me. At this point, the poppy is too loud, but I'm hoping that the musk and vanilla will come back. Will update later. eta: So impressed with the Yules this year. An upgrade here is necessary.
  7. milo

    The Cold Hour of Dawn

    At first, lots of eucalyptus, and it's not playing nice on me. It smells more like a rotting fruit from a distance, but up close I get the menthol of it. Dryer, much nicer. The lab's snow note with cool, muted florals, very little eucalyptus now. This is very pretty, and a nice variation of the cool winter theme. Though it's nice, it's not really me, I can picture a tall willowy, elfen blonde maiden wearing something like this.
  8. milo

    The Phoenix At Midnight

    Wet, and for a bit, this is STRONG, acrid perfumey musk, ala female axe if there was such a thing. Fifteen minutes later, the axe is gone, and I'm mainly getting the night blooming jasmine, which smells like Lush's jasmine note, which I quite like. In spite of that, I'm not much of a heady floral gal, and probably wouldn't wear this a whole lot. Nice to try though!
  9. milo

    The Phoenix At Midday

    I get a blast of blood orange initially, then a touch of something musky comes out. Very pleasant at this stage, kind of a sweet, musky orange. This doesn't last, and this blend fades away within an hour. Not for me due to lasting power.
  10. milo

    In Brightness and In Joy

    Initially, this has a 'bite' to it, a note that's kind of bitter in a way and seems to overpower everything. Dryer the berry comes out, and now this is very similar to Miller vs. California on me, minus the paperbag note. The bitter note is gone and we're left with a juicy winter berry with a touch of orange blossom, I think. This is nice to try, but I'm not into many berry blends at this stage of my bpal evolution. I really want a tall glass of cold juice now.
  11. milo

    Cloth of Gold

    Beautiful fresh greenery with slushy snow and the slightest floral vibe. This is very similar to Ded Moroz on me, a blend that I love, though DM is slightly more crisp and clear. I really like this, though it is similar enough to DM that I don't need anymore. This is really a lovely blend, though, it smells like the outdoors without being there. No dryer sheets here!
  12. milo

    The Phoenix At Dusk

    Perfumey, musky floral which translates into cheap drugstore perfume, or maybe it's just turning out like that on me. Not for me, and I may even just wash this off.
  13. milo

    The Phoenix At Dawn

    Hmm, not very rosy at first, which is a pleasant surprise. I'm getting sparkly white grapefruit and something crisp like a juicy orange in the background. I hope it stays like this as I love me a good citrus blend. It does remind me of Champagne Snow Showers, as Windbourne noted aboveand if I'm not mistaken, Lush did a perfume a couple of years back. I find some of Lush's perfumes fade quickly, so if you're a fan of that one, give this a whirl. Upgrade a possiblity depending on the next few hours. eta: Fades extremely quickly, and gets an odd dusty note after about an hour. This is really very pretty for the first bit though.
  14. milo

    Old Moon

    In the imp, this is a warm leather. On, leather for just a bit, and then musk and paper comes out. This smells kind of like my mom's books that she had from the 50's in my Grandpa's basement, only better. There's a freshness kind of like citrus in the background with a touch of leather. Oh damn, I may need more of this, it is very classy, and like other reviewers noted, like Black Lace, only something is missing. Very nice!!
  15. milo

    Beautiful and Adored

    In the imp, and on for a bit, this smells like a fresh tea with a touch of white rose. I'm really liking this so far, and I'm not a big rose fan at all. Maybe the sweetness of the pear is translating to tea, at any rate, the rose seems to be behaving here, and perhaps the musk is keeping it in check as well. As I'm typing, rose seems to be coming out more, as it usually does, but it really is quite pleasant and sweet. This blends fits the description perfectly, though I probably don't need to upgrade unless the other notes start to poke out a bit more. Nice to try though!
  16. milo

    A Wonderful Light

    Lovely amber with a sweet waxy feeling along with some light vanilla. There is something here that makes this blend feel like Christmas, but I'm not sure what it is that is making it so. I'm not getting any orange, but maybe that is what is what is doing it. Just looking back, and seeing that some reviewers smell pine, and indeed, I kind of get that in the background. So right now, it's like Jacob's Ladder with a pine tree in the distance and a touch of vanilla. I like this, but I have other amber blends that I like better. Will see how the rest of the wear goes today.
  17. milo


    Classy snow note, with eucalyptus and cold berries. The snow note here works on me, and the whole effect is like a frosty slightly effervescent berry drink, but not too heavy on the berries. There is a slight touch of vanilla. I'm enjoying this one and most likely need a bottle for the summer months. I have not tried Skadi, so can't compare, but happy to try something that is similar to the legend.
  18. milo

    Till Death

    The rose is very understated here for being the first note listed. I'm getting mostly a strong, perfumey floral with a bit of sweet honeysuckle and a touch of sour rose. Definitely not for me, it is much too florally for my tastes.
  19. milo

    Yellow Snowballs

    This is quite fresh and citrussy in the imp, but on, it is all snow note, with slight lemon. The citrus does fade pretty quickly, and we're left with the lab's snow note, which really doesn't work all that well on me. I wish the citrus and vanilla were dominant, in fact, I don't get any vanilla and what citrus there is, is just the barest whisper. I'm pretty disappointed in this one, but there are citrus blends that are great on me.
  20. milo

    A Dense and Frightful Darkness

    This is a 'dark' black musk blend, if that makes sense! I have never found a black musk blend that doesn't lean to the dark side, but this really has a bite to it, with the vetiver and tobacco so nicely blended in. Though I do love black musk, I like it blended with sweeter notes like cocoa and vanilla, here it leans more to the masculine side, kind of rough and gritty. I would be all over a guy smelling like this though!
  21. milo

    Pumpkin Masala Rooibos

    Spicy Christmas cookie at first, with a touch of something minty herbal. Dry, much the same, but the herbal vibe is gone. This reminds me of the cinnamon sugar that is dusted on cookies that are made with nuts and a touch of coconut. This blend is a bit too foody for me, but would probably be great as a room scent. Not getting any pumpkin.
  22. milo

    Thousands of Lights

    Lots of incense from wet to dry. This has a distinct 'Christmas' feel, kind of like Midnight Mass, though I could swear there was evergreen here. Nice, but I have other incense blends that I like better.
  23. milo

    The Horrors of My Secret Toil

    Wet, mostly a soft pink rose. After a bit, the vetiver pokes through only slightly. Though I'm not a rose fan, vetiver really does nice things to the rose, and adds a bit of a 'bite', tempering the rose's innocent quality. This is nice to try, but I don't need anymore.
  24. milo

    The Country Of Eternal Light

    This starts out kind of ozoney and then turns into a slightly sweet mint with just a touch of ice. A surprise like, as I don't usually go for ozone type scents, but in the end, the icy wind is not all that dominant. This kind of reminds me of the Lick It's. I may just upgrade to a decant or even a bottle, though I do have a LIV and GTV to satisfy my mint cravings.
  25. milo

    Winter Heavens

    Dominant snow note at first, and then a chilly white floral comes into play. The smell reminds me of paperwhites for some reason. Soon, a musk comes in, and the whole effect is a chilly floral perfume with a touch of musk. This is far too 'white' for me, but nice to try!