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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo

    Boomslang v2

    Very much like the released version, though this one seems like it is made with a different chocolate, milk chocolate, whereas the released version is rich cocoa. They are both amazing, though slightly different, fraternal twins perhaps. I think this one is more chocolately somehow, the other version more rich and resiny, but with the BEST cocoa you can buy. I'll treasure both.
  2. milo

    Mary Read

    Wet, this smells kind of fruity, oddly enough, as no fruits are listed. Dry, salty leathery musk with a hint of sarsaparilla. This is 'OK', but not sure I'd wear it. Though I'd consider it gender neutral, it leans towards the masculine side on me. Definitely a dark female pirate kind of scent!
  3. milo

    Honey Hair Gloss

    Hmm, forgot to do this one! This is true farmer's market honey, in hair gloss form. Definitely with a muskiness to it along with a touch of floral. Makes my hair soft and silky, as with the other glosses. Glad to have my decant, but probably don't need more. A little goes a long way!
  4. milo


    This is the 2012 version. Yes, this is Smut, but more like a Smut Lite. It is not nearly as robust, musky, sultry or sexy as Smut 07, which is almost gone, and of the 10 version either. Smut aged is MUCH more better.
  5. milo

    Falling Leaf Moon

    Definitely the wrong time of year to be testing this! Strong, musky leaves in the bottle with perfume. I wanted to explore the leaf note, as I love it in Sonnet d'Automme, so was looking forward to this e-bay win. On, oh noes! Caramel and leaves, this is NOT going well so far. There's some spice here, and the end result is spicy caramel leaves, which may be good for some, but I'm not a fan of brown sugar or caramel. This may be my skin issues, but this is a definite 'NO'.
  6. milo

    White Peacock

    Right off the bat, vetiver, and it's pretty strong for about 20 minutes or so. It then fades, and the woods are more prominent. This is reminding me a lot of one of the Banshee Beat protos, the lighter one. I'm certainly glad to have this, as I do like a woody blend once in awhile and sold both my BB protos (regrettfully). The vetiver is annoying at first, though, but fades pretty much away.
  7. milo

    Two-Barred Flasher

    Fresh blueberry and tea at first, kind of reminds me of a fruity, herbal tea (duh). I'm getting something musky after a bit, and an earthy spice, which is not meshing well for me, it doesn't belong, whatever it is, or isn't reacting favourably to my chemistry. There are so many things I like about this blend, and at one point, it was soooo delicious on me, musky blueberry with a touch of tea, but there's that odd earthy spice that pops up out of the blue every once in awhile. It kind of smells like oregano to me. So spaghetti sauce and blueberry alternating with delicious blueberry musk. I hate my skin.
  8. milo

    Juniper Hairstreak

    So far, this seems like the nicest butterfly on me. I'm getting refreshing cucumber and musk, and the cucumber is not going bitter on me like Sqirting Cucumber did. There's a touch of mint, which makes this a very nice summer blend, and I'm certain I'll use up the decant. I'm not getting any smoke here, though I'm glad that I don't.
  9. Lot's of honey and something amber-like with a bit of spice thrown in. Very nice at first, but does end up smelling a bit waxy on me, like a (nice) candle. I really liked the beginning stages, but ultimately not for me in the dry-down.
  10. milo

    Bernardino Dotted Blue

    Harsh and biting at first, then fades into a lily soap. Not really what I was hoping for.
  11. milo

    Ruddy Daggerwing

    Cacao, tobacco absolute, Chilean coffee bean, osage-orange, and ebony. I don't like giving bad reviews, but this is all kinds of awful on me. It smells like old vending machine coffee, spilt on a table, with an ashtray nearby with cigarette buts. There is a lovely woody background, but it is being drowned out by the COFFEE. I have never met a coffee blend I like, so I shouldn't be surprised..
  12. milo

    Sphaeromachia Gaumeri

    Refreshing, kind of lemony with sugary ice, with a touch of mint. I like this, great for summer, though there are citrus blends that I do like better, so an upgrade is not necessary.
  13. milo

    Ae. Aegypti

    Very sweet dbr. After a bit the honey comes out, and it's mostly honey with a bit of dbr. This really reminds me of Dragon's Milk, though there is something slightly herbal here. Not really a dbr fan, but this was nice to try.
  14. milo

    Passion Butterfly

    This one is very faint when applying, but it's like a slightly citrussy floral. Seems to gain strength as it dries, though into something unremarkable. Basically a dusty orange, not very strong or vibrant.
  15. milo

    Pteropus Leucopterus

    Herbal, aggressive, masculine and dark, in a sharp sort of way. Not for me, but I bet it would be great on a dangerous type of guy.
  16. milo

    Butterfly Nectar Bath Oil

    Beautiful, sweet floral with a slightly creamy quality. This is a definite win, it kind of reminds me a bit of Chuparosa. I'm generally not a floral person, but this is very wearable, and perfect for spring/summer.
  17. milo

    Epomophorus Monstrosus

    Thanks so much to my Fairy and Fairy Broker!! This is amazing wet, cacao, patchouli, and black musk. Quite similar to Black Temple Burlesque Troupe, but a bit more on the the masculine side and a bit more earthy and herbal. This is dark, gritty and sexy. When it dries, more patch, less cacao. Going to try this again, as I got rained on after applying, and maybe it changed on me too quickly. I really like this, but LOVE it in the early stages. This would be AMAZING on a guy, and if the opportunity arises, I'll definitely test it out on one!
  18. As far as scent goes, this is a amber/herbal kind of smell. Quite nice, but as time goes on, it becomes more herbal. I lit a candle and annointed my wallet, computer and put it on my skin. We'll see what happens!
  19. milo

    Great Vampire Bat

    Beautiful. When I first sniffed this in the bottle, I was trying to rack my brain trying to think of what this reminded me of, and I still don't. Dry, still beautiful, incense with warm, damp floral. Maybe one of the Warrior Queens? At any rate, it's just beautiful, and I will treasure my bottle. Great summer scent!! Many thanks to my Fairy and Fairy Broker!! :wub Ha, reading back someone mentioned Lady Lilith, and that's what this reminds me of. Though it's definitely not that close, they remind me of each other.
  20. milo

    Vespertilio Proterus

    Lots of spicy tangerine. This kind of reminds me of Opuhi, but with an added citrus, and red ginger. Dry, still gingery with tangerine, and a lovely cream. I really like this, it will be great for summer, though I find it has the same 'feel' as Opuhi. I'll decide whether or not to keep this, as I do have Opuhi..
  21. milo

    Silver-Haired Bat

    Thanks so much to my Fairy, and Fairy Broker!! This one is kind of difficult to describe. Kind of take the orange out of Lilith vs The Giant Crab, add a bit of cedar and this is what you may get. This kind of reminds me of Tombstone a bit with that cedar, and with the slightly musky ambergris and amber, this is a win on my skin. Like others have noted, this is a close to the skin scent, and I smell it more around me than on me, if that makes sense. I really like this, and will hunt down more than my decant, if I can get my paws on any, of course!
  22. milo


    Scentwise, this definitely has amber in it, and some musk maybe. Whatever it is, it smells good, not like a TAL usually smells on me. (Basically herbal) As for the effects, maybe I didn't use enough, at any rate, I could have used more courage in the situation's that I was in today. On the plus side, I didn't care what anyone thought, and I normally do. I'll have to try this one again, maybe with more intent.
  23. milo

    Virgin’s Blood Bath Oil

    I don't really like the smell in the bottle, all roses, no cream. On, the cream comes out more, it makes the rose less sharp, as roses can sometimes get on me. Still, I wish there was more cream here, though the rose is very pretty.
  24. milo

    Ceanothus Silkmoth

    Lots of night blooming jasmine at first, which is OK, as I like the night blooming variety. After a bit the orange comes out, and it's basically an orangey jasmine. Something is dusty here, I'm guessing it's the blood orange. This is also much to intense of an orange for me, and I don't like the particular combination, much too heady after the drydown.
  25. milo

    Coconut, Vanilla Bean and Tiare Hair Gloss

    I'm sure I'm in the minority, but I really don't like the smell of this at all. To me, it's like a fake coconut/vanilla lotion, buttery in the extreme. As normal, the gloss makes my hair silky smooth, but this decant is going to a new home.