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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo

    White Sage

    Clear and clean. Maybe this is why sage is used for purifying. It does not smell like the sage I grew up with, though. There are similarities, but the plant I've smelled is warm and musky with a clean edge. This is just white and clean. I bought this for it's purifying properties, though and not to wear as a perfume. I'll say that it does fade pretty fast, within 20 minutes or so. Kind of a faint musk near the end.
  2. milo

    Theme in Yellow

    You know what this is don't you? It's the pumpkin and spices in all the pumpkin patches this year without the base of Snake Oil, Dorian, etc. This is warm and spicy and also reminds me of Asp Viper. This is a little too foody for me to wear, it's making me rather crave cookies and pumpkin pie, but still nice to try. I'm betting the foodies will love this if they haven't already tried t.
  3. milo

    Capax Infiniti

    This is a very comforting smell. I'm getting the honey musk and lavender, actually reminiscent of another Lilith blend 'Gladdener of all Hearts', though that one has more of a berry vibe. Kind of like TKO too, but I like TKO better. Still I do like this, and will probably use this as a cozy, comforting blend, maybe for sleep.
  4. milo

    Unstern Sinistre Disastro

    I love black musk so I had high hopes for this. Turns out that this is a bit too harsh, and pickle-like on me. I'm getting a strong sense of the vetiver here, and it's not playing nicely with my beloved black musk. Acrid and sour on me. Blech.
  5. milo

    Silkybat Hair Gloss

    When I first opened my decant I thought 'oh not, this smells like Sugar Skull', one of my most disliked bpal ever. I tried again, and it didn't smell like it, so I'm happy about that. Kind of a sweet, smooth patch, like Banshee Beat in a way, and would layer very nicely with it and other patch heavy blends. This seems lighter than Amber and Patchouli HG, another favourite of mine. I do like this, and may pick up a bottle in the New Year if it is still up.
  6. milo

    Samhain in the Pumpkin Patch

    I really like Samhain, and have been contemplating a bottle for a year or so. This to me, is not like Samhain, just a mishmash of spices, maybe a bit stronger than the Snake Oil in the PP, but still just basically pumpkin and spice.
  7. milo

    Snake Oil in the Pumpkin Patch

    Lots of cinnamon and nutmeg and a touch of snake oil. I smell like a vanilla cookie, which is really yummy to eat, but I don't like to smell like one. This may get more wearable with age for me, if the snake oil comes out more, but for now, its just too spicy.
  8. milo

    Nuages Gris

    I'm guessing white amber may not be as warm smelling as regular amber. This definitely smells 'white' and sharp, almost vegetal on me in a noxious weed kind of way. This is not playing well with me, though I really wanted to know what white amber smelled like. Nice to try, but not for me.
  9. milo

    Trauervorspiel und Trauermarsch

    Ooh, lovely incense. I recognize the champaca from Halloween LV, but there it is just a touch. This is just so nice and heady, though it makes my nose tickle a bit. I like this, but I do have a few incense blends, and it's not a scent family that I wear often. Still this is *really* good. Incense lovers should take note. I got the vetiver at first, but it kind of just blended in with the incense.
  10. milo

    Und wir Dachten der Toten

    The spices *really* dominate here for me. I get a hint of milkiness as well, not sure where that is coming from. The whole effect is like a chai tea to me. Also a hint of peach, so it ends up being a spicy, milky peach. Not for me, but nice to try.
  11. milo

    La Notte

    Ooh, the black plum is glorious in this one. It reminds me of The Witch Queen, only this one is blended with more complimentary notes. I found TWQ rather bland, THIS, is stunning, it is very well blended, and after a bit, I don't know where the plum begins and the other notes end. Further on, though, the sandalwood seems to take over somewhat, though it is a lovely sandalwood as well. This is really nice, though I wish it stayed less sandalwood dominant near the end phase. I don't know, I'll see what happens further in, and I may be upgrading, as it's pretty close to a win for me.
  12. milo

    Csárdás Macabre

    I'm getting red musk and geranium at first. I like geranium but only with mint, so this combination is a bit odd for me. After an hour and half it kind of melds together to be a well-blended red musk, geranium and myrhh, but it's so well blended that its difficult to tell which one dominates. It`s very nice, but not really my style. Nice to try though!!
  13. milo

    Marche Funèbre en Memoire de Maxamilieni

    Another dark Philharmonic! I'm getting earthy vetiver and leather mostly. This isn't me at all, and I don't think I'd like to smell it on a guy either. It is just too aggressive and dark.
  14. milo

    Grand Guignol: Thanatos

    Resiny and rich at first. It dries down to a metallic tinged musky drugstore perfume vibe. This was promising in the wet stage but it just went to gore on me. I don't think blood or blood musk blends work on me. They always smell too metallic.
  15. milo

    Schlaflos Frage und Antwort

    This smells dangerous. I'm getting the pine pitch and something dark along with it, kind of resiny and masculine, though the pitch is definitely the forerunner here. This would smell great on a dangerous type of guy, but it is just too masculine for me to wear.
  16. milo

    Elegy No. 1 S. 196

    This very much reminds me of Lilith vs The Giant Crab. Also very similar to Cabaret Goth and Jingo Kogo, though I'd have to do a comparison with all of these to see which is closest. This is warm, but with the lovely, salty ambergris. It almost seems golden, as sunshine rays through warm ocean water. I really like this, but it is too close to the above to warrant a bottle. Very nice though!! oh yes, I get the Silver Haired Bat comparison as well...
  17. milo


    Lovely lush, juicy musk at first. Very voluptuous and heady. Dries to a metallic tinged musk. This reminds me of touching metal and getting the scent on your hands. Not very pleasant at all. I wish it stayed how it was wet.
  18. milo

    Ossa Arida

    I'm getting the rose at first, then the frankincense comes out. It ends up being a frank-heavy rose on me, very Christmassy. It reminds me of the Rose Cross. This is nice to try, but I don't need any more. I retract that. I do need more. The amber comes out even later, and it is rich and heady with a touch of frank and rose. I need at least a decant, maybe more:)
  19. milo

    La Lugubre Gondola

    Very amber-like. I wish the patchouli came out more. As it is, it reminds me of Jacob's Ladder, maybe a bit more mild. I'm going to try this one again, because amber is my friend, and I like all the notes here.
  20. milo

    The Death Of Sardanapal

    This one is kind of herbal at first, it's a herb that I am unfamiliar with though, it's smooth and green. Dry, the red wine comes out and it's kind of sweet along with the herbs in the background. This reminds me of some of the Shunga blends with wine in them. There's also a bit of spice. This is quite lovely, not too 'winey' or fruity with just the right balance of spice and herbs. There is a dusty quality that is a bit annoying, so I'm wondering if there is pom here. Nice to try, but I don't need any more.
  21. milo


    Very perfumey at first, a bit of powder after a bit. I wish the amber and vanilla musk made an appearance, but as it is, this just smells like soap to me.
  22. milo

    Satan And Death With Sin Intervening

    This blend is really unsettling, and discordant on me. Tea and vetiver, and something really odd in the background. Something citrussy here too. Yuck, this is not for me.
  23. milo

    The Sailor's Den

    I just bought a container of Lush's Big shampoo, and this is almost a dead ringer for it. I'm getting mostly cologne and orris, and it smells a bit soapy. Nice, and I feel fresh and clean wearing it, but it's not really my style.
  24. milo

    Three Gorgons

    This reminds me of something, but I can't think of what. It's a bit spicy, a bit fruity and a bit resiny, but so perfectly balanced that it is it's own entity. It does smell a bit like other orange blends, namely Lilith vs. the Giant Crab, Jingo Kogo and Cabaret Goth as mentioned. I really like this and will definitely use up my imp.
  25. milo

    Resurrection of the Flesh

    Floral heavy, kind of heady at first. Dries to a heady floral with a touch of frankincense. I'm getting something sweet and candylike here, like powdered cherry lick m aide. Nice to try, but not for me.