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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo

    Lilith's Feel Better Flowers

    I was feeling a bit bummed about my life situation at the moment, so it was kind of cool to grab this blend out of my 'to try' pile:) Quite floral at first, a fresh heady type of floral. Dry, it's kind of like a honey musk/lotion kind of blend. It reminds me a bit of Capax Infiniti, but not as strong on the honey musk. I like lotion type blends, so this is nice to try. I think I feel a bit better too:)
  2. milo

    Autumn Dusk Bath Oil

    What seems to be dominating on me, is the night-blooming jasmine. There maaay be a bit of resins here, but it's all about the jasmine. So much so, that this seems more like a spring blend than an autumn one. Not what I was hoping for, but I'll probably use this one in the spring.
  3. milo

    Oakmoss Accord

    A green, fresh scent. More unisex than feminine or masculine. You could layer this one quite nicely, I think to add a bit of an airy, green quality. I agree it would be nicer in the summer months. I'm glad I got to try this, I finally know what oakmoss actually smells like! eta: It kind of reminds me of the Ambergris SN as well. There's a salty ocean vibe about it.
  4. milo

    Caramel Apples and Ancient Oaks Bath Oil

    I'm getting mostly ripe, juicy red apples here. Not a drop of caramel, which is a good thing:) After a bit, the apple blossom comes out, and it's more like a apple and apple blossom blend now. Boo. Still, this is pretty nice, I love the apple note, though I wish the oak came out, as that is one of my favourite woods note.
  5. milo

    Little Pythia

    Wet, I'm getting the champaca incense and a touch of rose. After a bit, the rose goes sour as it often does on me. So it's basically a sour incense. Too bad, as it was quite nice when in the wet stage.
  6. milo

    Day of the Skulls

    At first, I'm getting a heady floral, kind of like jasmine, only not as strong, and coconut, oddly enough, maybe it's the cacao. Dry, softer floral, a bit of warmth from the cacao, though it kind of smells like buttery coconut. Nice to try, but not for me.
  7. milo

    Harvest Moon 2013

    Red roses and wild red leaves. This is leaves and roses at first. The leaves are a bit sharp, and my daughter commented "what smells like dirt in here", when she got into the car. After a bit, more rose, and it's a lovely sweet pink rose. So really, it kind of smells like Zombi to me, though the rose is sweeter here. It fades pretty fast, but the leaf/dirt note isn't meshing with me that much anyways.
  8. milo

    Pumpkin Ice Cream Bath Oil

    At first, there is an unpleasant burnt sugar smell along with strong ginger dominant spices. Soon, the burnt sugar disappears, and we're left with a milky spice blend with a touch of pumpkin. I like this, foody lovers will probably love this. I really want pumpkin pie with whipped cream now. I'm glad for the decant, but I don't need anymore.
  9. milo

    Patchouli Clove Massage Oil

    Patchouli and clove just as described. In the bottle, it is more clove dominant, but on the skin, there's pretty much an even mix of the two. The combination to me, is just vile. While I like the two notes separately, they just seem like the two are fighting a losing battle against one another. This one is pretty disjointed on me, and color me disappointed. Thank goodness I only went with a decant.
  10. milo

    Mary Shelley

    Lots of absinthe at first, nothing much else. After a bit, it is still absinthe dominant, but there's an added citrus quality which must be the breath of oriental perfume. Nice to try, but I rarely wear scents with absinthe and I have a couple of imps of Absinthe and Lace, which I find quite similar to this.
  11. milo

    Bram Stoker

    Bourbon at first, then the vetiver comes out. This ends up being a slightly sweet vetiver, with a kick of bourbon. I'm not getting the hay. This would smell great on the right male vampire, but a bit too masculine for me. It smells mysterious and slightly dangerous. I like it!
  12. milo


    I'm getting the labs dirt note along with something that smells kind of herbal/chemical like. That fades, and we're left with herbal, dirt and stone. I do like the odd dirt blend, but this one is I'm just not digging. *sorry*
  13. milo

    Sin in the Pumpkin Patch

    I'm getting a 'rough' cinnamon, of the Sin variety of course. It's just a more spicy Sin. I don't even get any patchouli. A little bit much for me.
  14. milo

    Flor De Muerto

    I had marigolds this summer, and this doesn't really smell like the ones I had. This is lovely and fresh, bright and sunny, green and yellow at the same time. My marigolds smelled like good pot, though I hear its supposed to keep the bugs away. I accidently spilled the whole half imp on me, and in spite of this, it was almost totally gone in half an hour, so a fast fader. I'd hunt down more if it lasted longer!
  15. milo

    Alice in the Pumpkin Patch

    I get a bit of milky carnation at first along with the pumpkin spices. It dries down to plain old pumpkin pie spices. I'm not getting any pumpkin. Nice to try, it's nice and foody, but not for me.
  16. milo


    Lots of evergreen at first, kind of musky too. After a bit, the clove comes out, and it kind of smells like Clemence, from the CD, but with a touch of evergreen rather than patchouli. (why did I ever swap that wench??!!) So it ends up being mostly clove to me, it smells rather outdoorsy. It did make me want to get Clemence when she's back though, I wasn't into patchouli back in the day.
  17. milo

    So Below

    Quite woody when wet, reminding me somewhat of Haloes, more feminine than unisex. I like how this blend dries on me, it's so well blended that I can't really tell what the notes are, or what dominates. It's a warm, musky vanilla, not getting any coconut, though it's kind of sweet, but not too sweet, and a touch of patchouli. Bottle worthy to me, I hope it sticks around for awhile.
  18. milo

    Shiny Furball Hair Gloss

    Quite woodsy and medicinal. I wish this was more like the bath oil...It really does smell a bit like flea repellent. The scent fades pretty quickly on me, though, and can't even tell what it even smells like after a bit.
  19. milo

    Sudsy She-Wolf Bath Oil

    I really didn't think this would work on me because of the coffee, as I don't like my coffee in scents at all. Right off, foody, like cookies and chocolate. I DO like chocolate in my perfume, however, and this is quite yummy at first. Dry, even better. Fades to a Wulric like blend, but without the lavender. Soft, feminine and cuddly. I think I need more of this.
  20. milo

    As Above

    Very similar to HM, as noted in other posts. I find that HM is more masculine than this one. This is bit more smoother and doesn't have the leather note that HM has. I also don't get the almond here. I like almond, but I know it can be an iffy note for some. This reminds me of a more masculine Haloes, and it's kind of along the Antikythera Mechanism line as well. Very nice!
  21. milo


    Deeper than the bath oil. Smooth, slightly sweetened patchouli. I really like this, though I find it too masculine to wear out in public, and I tend not to wear patch heavy blends anyways unless I'm at home. I definitely will wear this one, though, at home, and as my poor Tricksy bath oil seems to be getting slightly funky now for some reason.
  22. milo

    Bloodbath Bath Oil

    This smells a lot like Eldritch Dark bath oil, but with the added note of sugar blossom. Wet, I can detect the sugar blossom, which smells like warm, slightly burnt brown sugar, a note I do not like. Thankfully, the sugar note fades in a bit, and we're basically left with Eldritch Dark. Red musky patchouli, deep and voluptuous. I like this, but have ED already and don't need anymore. Plus, the sugar note puts a damper on this blend at first.
  23. milo


    Lots of mint here, not surprisingly:) It has a 'red' feel to it though, like a red-currant or huckleberry along with the mint. It's a lovely warm weather scent, and I'll definitely use the imp then. I have other minty scents I like more, though so an upgrade is not necessary.
  24. milo


    Blood musk, Egyptian myrrh, Mayan cacao, 7-year aged red patchouli, Siamese benzoin, and tobacco absolute. Errgh, I thought I'd like this one, but this vamp is a bit too vampy for me!! In the imp, glorious musk, cocoa, and a touch of dark fruit. I really like this stage. Dry, it gets kind of dusty on me, and something is amping to high hell on me, I'm pretty sure it's the tobacco. So I'm getting mostly tobacco on me, strong, aggressive and perfumey, probably myrrh, and very little musk and red fruits. Wet, this is a lot like Smut on me, one of my faves. I'm a little scared of going out in public like this, I fear it will be offensive to some. A little bit goes a LONG way, and I'm thinking I should have applied lighter, because I do see the potential here. It's only been half an hour, so I'll see what it's like after a bit. I don't want to totally give up on this vamp, but if I need more, it will probably only be a decant, as this bitch is STRONG!!
  25. milo

    Lightning Storm Hair Gloss

    This is quite refreshing! I love my tea and citrus, but can't do yuzu on my skin, it turns to fungus. So far, the yuzu is behaving on me, so bonus, I can finally wear yuzu! So yuzu, tea, and a touch of lime and mint. I would like to drink this! Glad to have some of this lovely gloss, but I'll probably use it in the summer months.