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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo

    Treasure Ship Coming In

    I like this. I'm getting mint and mandarin in that order. Fresh and great for summer.
  2. milo

    The Final Darkness

    Aggressive and gritty. I'm getting musk and woods. Not for me.
  3. milo

    Lovers in the Tea House

    Lovely and fresh, I quite like this. I'm getting tea along with the sandalwood and citrus.
  4. milo

    Luna Sanguinem Bath Oil

    Hmm, this may be the only BPTP bath oil that I dislike. It's heady floral with the vanilla only slightly supporting. I think the sharpness is ruining this for me, which the lunar oils can sometimes do. I think I'll try this one again, I can't possible have a Post oil I dislike, dammit!! As with all bath oils, this makes my skin uber soft.
  5. milo

    O Love and Time and Sin

    I thought that this was rose and patch, but it must be the opponax. A very interesting combination, I kind of like it, it's different in a good way. I like rose with a bit of something 'rough'.
  6. milo

    The Rending of the Rock

    This one is perfumey and herbal, not too sweet. It's actually pretty bad on me, like cologne gone bad in the sun.
  7. milo


    Fresh, minty and fades to practically nothing, but while it lasts, it reminds me a lot of Gennivre, a honey tea that's just barely there.
  8. milo

    The Fimbul Winter

    Mint and ice. If anyone is head over heals in love with Polar Bear Plunge, this is almost a dead ringer to that one, of which I use only on hot hot hot days.
  9. milo

    Unmasking the Sambasô Dancer

    Mandarin! King Mandarin I think.. Fresh and musky at the same time. I really like this, and wouldn't turn any more down if it happens to come my way.
  10. milo

    Shelley, Byron, and Keats

    Weird kind of blend. I'm getting something like vetiver and bright fruits with a touch of mint, but it's probably the geranium. Too odd.
  11. milo

    Son of biggerCritter

    Coconut and tropical fruit at first, it doesn't really smell like lime to me. Kind of reminds me of Velvet Tiki from a few years back. Changes into a coconut cookie. I'm rather disappointed in this one, I was hoping for a more tropical lime, and not as sweet. Foodies may like this.
  12. milo

    Yellow Snowballs

    Bright, icy citrus. I'd really like a shower gel like this, or a lemonade with booze. Great for a hot day, but I don't need anymore. I have hot weather scents that I like better than this, though this is quite nice.
  13. milo

    Lily, the prostitute

    Very sweet and heady. Lilies are not really my thing, sometimes they are too cloying, and this is definitely the case here. Not for me.
  14. milo

    Alice, the Reaper of Cruelty

    I'm getting mostly the geranium, which I love. It reminds me of summer, very refreshing for a hot day. Very similar to the Aura Suavis shower gel that lush put out a couple of years ago.
  15. milo

    Foolish and Vacuous

    Unisex. Kind of floral, kind of musky, kind of woody, kind of green, but not one note dominates. The effect is rather cologney, with nothing really distinct. Not my cup of tea, it suits the name well, a rather vacuous scent. I accidently spilled half the imp on me, and it was still pretty much gone in an hour.
  16. milo

    A Winter Dawn

    At first, the lab's snow note. I find it quite often drowns out everything else, and this seems to be the case here. I may get a teeny bit of citrus, but for me, this is not a unique snow note perfume.
  17. milo

    Tweedledum Bonbon

    Sweet, fruity candy at first. Mango I'm guessing. Dry, the white chocolate comes out, and it's a mango infused white chocolate, which sounds good on paper, but I strongly dislike the lab's white chocolate note, it smells rather fake to me. I wish the patch and/or the green tea would come out, it may have saved the blend somewhat, but this bonbon is not making the cut.
  18. milo

    The Laughter of Loki

    Green musk at first, a little sharp, green and masculine. After a bit, the green musk fades, thankfully, as I'm not really a fan of it. Getting more smoke, with a touch of the green musk. I can barely smell it after an hour. I think this would smell great on a guy, but with the quick fade factor, not worth it. I'll keep the half decant.
  19. milo

    From You I Have Been Absent in the Spring

    White floral soap of the hotel room variety. In fact, I wouldn't even get any floral if I didn't peak at the notes. Strong, sharp and abrasive. This one is pretty bad on me.
  20. milo

    Egg Nog

    This is a delicious, spicy, (kind of nutmeg-like), and very creamy. This smells exactly like a good quality egg nog. I may invest in a decant next year, I kind of like it, but it is a tad bit foody. Dries even specier. Nice. 2015 version: All spice and no nog.
  21. milo


    This is the 2014 version. Aggressive, masculine, sensual musks and woods. I love Luperci, and keep saying to myself 'get a bottle', but it is just too masculine for me to wear. I need to smell it on a guy and then decide. I love the rawness of this blend, and if a bottle came across my way, I would be quite thrilled. I'd wear it in the comfort of my home, but never out. Hmm, I really do need more of this...
  22. milo

    Sweets to the Sweet

    Sweet, but with a slight citrus twist, to me anyways:) It's a lot like Fresh's Brown Sugar, a scent that I love on others, but not so much myself. This does get slightly dusty after awhile, but it's still a really great scent, and it's more sweet than dusty. I do see the comparison to Sticky Bat, too. I do like this, but Knockout Drops is one of my favourites in this scent category. That being said, I'll probably use up my decant, it's pretty good:)
  23. milo

    The Sick Rose

    Rose and vetiver at first. I *just* about washed it off right then, and thought I was going to throw-up, but didn't, thankfully. Maybe it was just the word association and the fact that vetiver rarely works on me. After a bit, just a sour rose with a touch of grass. Still not my thing, I like roses with resins the odd time, but this is a BIG miss.
  24. milo

    Death's Second Self

    Vetiver/leaves at first. I'm wondering if the lab's leaf note involves vetiver somehow. Frankincense comes into play, so it's basically a resinous leaf. I like how the resins and leaf note smell together, they complement each other perfectly. That being said, I doubt I'd ever wear this scent, it's just too 'raw' and wild on me. Something sweet may make this more wearable, but it's just a sniffie, and it's not really worth tracking down more. I'm getting picky in my bpal old age, and only buy loves now.
  25. milo

    The Nun and the Courtly Lady

    I'm mainly getting sandalwood here. It starts off woody and sharp, as sandalwood does, and turns kind of sour and powdery after awhile. There may be a bit of tobacco flower here, but it's pretty much all about the sandalwood. I actually like the powder, but this is not really a unique blend to me, it smells quite a bit like other bpal sandalwood blends. I wish the honey and benzoin came out, two of my favourite notes, but sandalwood tends to really like me.