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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo

    Weeping Faces of Wearied Loves

    Mostly a muted red wine. I like my red's voluptuous, and there's nothing much else here, it's kind of like watered down red wine. Not my thing.
  2. Fruity, of the plum variety, with woods, as described. This smells a LOT like Dionysia, from Carnival Diabolique, to me anyways. This one is a bit tarter, which is a good thing. Nice to try, but I don't even like Dionysia anymore, so this one is off to swaps.
  3. milo

    Shark Tooth

    At first, I'm getting something akin to the lab's champagne note and ambergris. Kind of like 7up made with sea water:) After a bit, the champagne note fades, and the ambergris is to the forefront. Now this is weird. Dry, it's like a toned down version of Snake Oil on me. I'm wondering if it the amber and patchouli making it seem that way to me. I really, really like this one, but really don't need it, as I have enough Snake Oil to last me a lifetime, and this one doesn't smell as strong to me anyways. Still, it is different enough that I will enjoy the rest of my decant. WIN!
  4. milo

    Wild Indigo Duskywing

    Weirdly fruity at first with something else that I can't quite place. Morphs into a resinous blend, but overall fades pretty fast, and I don't like the fruity phase.
  5. milo

    The Gatekeeper

    Dry indeed:0 I'm getting sandalwood and leather basically, kind of like dry brittle paper with leather bound books. Ya, just as described. Not my thing, but nice to try.
  6. milo

    The Enterprise of the Night

    Kind of fresh, kind of fruity, a bit of sweetness, like honey. I'm finding this one rather 'meh'. It reminds me of scented lipstick, actually, and of Gennivre, though this one is a tad bit fruitier. This would be great for someone who likes lighter scents. I'm not getting anything 'dirty' or grimy about this scent. Weird.
  7. milo

    Thrice Toss These Oaken Ashes

    Weird smoky ashes and greenery at first. Dries to a bright apple scent. This is the first bpal I've tried that did such a turn around. Talk about morphing into two totally different scents, though may be just a touch of ash in the apple. Interesting, but not me.
  8. milo

    Little Sister is Watching You

    The most awesome cherry blossom scent at first! This is the first time the Lab's listed cherry blossom note actually smells like cherry blossom. I've smelled other blends, and I don't get it even though it's listed. This smells like a Lush product cherry blossom note, very authentic. Dry, something else comes out, not sure what, but it's a bit musky, so cherry blossom and musk. I like this, and will probably pull it out in the spring.
  9. milo


    This one kind of smells like minerals. I get a 'rock' vibe that I smelled in Black Opal, but this one is more of a dude blend, and a good one at that:) Bourbon vetiver and musk round this out very nicely, though it does get a bit sour. I'd like to try this on a guy.
  10. milo

    Largemouth Bass

    *Sigh* Most bpal aquatics smell the same to me, or very similar. This one has something a bit sweet in there as it dries, like cookies and a touch of mint. So salty water and cookies. Definitely not my cuppa.
  11. milo

    There’s Water Here

    Aquatic, slightly perfumey, very 'white', and clean smelling. Good aquatic, but I do have my faves that I like better.
  12. milo

    Question Mark

    Strange. Kind of smoky with a soft floral. Tobacco comes out a bit more, but with something a bit more citrusy rather than floral now. Smoky tobacco citrus with a touch of floral. Kind of nice, but not really my style, I'm not that fond of the French Tobacco note. May age into something better.
  13. milo

    Sarah, the Mother Bear

    This one kind of smells like orris root, though I don't see any in the description. Soft, powdery, and orrisy:) This reminds me of Staged Moon Landing, a bit, kind of moon-like, powdery and slightly florally. I'm not getting leather, tobacco, or spices. Weird. I wonder if I'm wacked or a mislabelled imp. Most likely the former, and wrong time of the month to be testing.
  14. milo

    Sing the Wild Song

    This is spices and resins, very dry, and almost identical to Sunbird, only this one is a bit less dry that SB. Dusty, fiery, and reminds me of the desert, yeah, a more subdued Sunbird.
  15. milo


    This scent is typically bpal, and I mean this in a good way. It has the musk, floral, incense, resins, etc. It reminds me of quite a lot of other bpal blends, but I can't think of what atm. Maybe it's Athens, it does have that Grecian 'feel', like zz mentioned above. Smells like powder after a bit, but it's still nice. This really isn't my style, so no more needed.
  16. milo

    Southern Cloudywing

    I recognize the cardamom from Gypsy Moth, a few years back. This is not as strong, as has the tea element. and a bit of citrus. This isn't my style, and I'm not very fond of it, though I have to admit, it's a great ratio of notes. Oh, and I do get the anise too.
  17. milo

    Peach VIII

    Sweet, sweet jasmine of what smells like the night blooming variety. Maybe it's just the 'whipped' cream aspect making it smell like it is so. This is creamy, delicious jasmine, with the barest hint of peach, which I probably wouldn't have detected if it hadn't been listed. I really like this, but I doubt I would wear it too much, it's not really 'me', and kind of sweet to boot. It does remind me of 'Self Portrait', I think it was called, the honeyed gardenia, which I have a bottle of. Something to that effect, though with jasmine instead of gardenia. I like that one better, but this is pretty good too!
  18. milo

    Peach VI

    Beware, uber fruity alert!!! Bright fruity peach with sweet berries. This would be a great summer blend for those who like FRUIT. The patchouli comes after a bit, but it's still pretty peachy. It is sort of reminiscent of Crypt Queen later on, but with peach instead of dark fruits. The peach is quite realistic after the dry down, and I quite enjoy it after the initial blast of fruit.
  19. milo

    Eat Me Hair Gloss

    I have never understood the popularity of Eat Me. It's nice enough, but comparisons to Snake Oil and other classic bpal greats? I don't get it at all. Here, same thing, it's pleasant enough with berries and a touch of perfume, not getting much cake. After my hair dries, not much scent, though someone said that I smelled 'great' today, and I had no other oils on, so must of been the hair gloss. Maybe it's some weird chemical thing with me that I can't smell Eat Me the ways everyone else does. I'll certainly use the gloss, as apparently it smells great on me, but I won't spring for a bottle.
  20. milo

    Golden Peach and Bergamot Hair Gloss

    This is a nice twist on peach. I probably wouldn't even know there was peach in here, it is mostly patchouli and bergamot with a touch of fruit. I really like this, it's kind of masculine, but I seem to be pulling it off. I would like a perfume that smelled like this...
  21. milo

    Goatweed Leafwing

    A bit sharp and smoky at first, almost like there's vetiver here. The smokiness fades, and it is more orange blossom now, it reminds me a lot of Khrysee, a luper from a few years back. I really like orange blossom, but this is too similar to Khrysee and Hunger to warrant any more.
  22. milo

    Honeyed Peach Bath Oil

    Very nice, it doesn't even smell like peach at first, kind of like a peach that has been ground into it's wood, kind of as described. Sweetened by just a touch of honey, this is quite nice, but I'll enjoy it more in warmer weather.
  23. milo


    Mint and aquatic at first. I can actually feel the coolness of the mint on me. It reminds me a LOT of CK1 at this point. Dry, quite a bit different, musk and woods with a touch of aquatic. Still a great dude blend, but I'll never wear it. I'll save it for a future dude in my life.
  24. milo

    Nectar Hair Gloss

    Yummy! Nectar is a great name for this blend. It smells like something that a hummingbird would eat, but not just any hummingbird, the queen bee of the hummingbirds. This is sweetened flowers, good enough to eat, but not foody. I am kind of wracking my brain trying to figure out what this reminds me of, maybe someone can help me out... This is fresh, juicy, clean and amazing. If I had the fundage, I'd get a bottle. Heck, I may just do that anyways! Maybe it's Chuparosa that this reminds me of....
  25. Pretty florally alright! a greenish sort of floral, a bit spicy, and has a 'creamy' quality to it. This will be nice for spring.