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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo

    Gingerbread Dodo

    Spices, cookies and red musk at first. It is reminding me of The Soldier at this point. Then its pretty much spices of the gingerbread variety. Cinnamon, ginger, maybe nutmeg. No more red musk or cookies, it is being drowned out by the SPICES. This is very much like other gingerbread scents the lab puts out. I must say that there is some kind of fruit here too, but its mostly spice.
  2. milo

    Weeping Faces of Wearied Loves

    I don't know how to describe this, except that it smells like bpal. Kind of boozy, kind of florally, kind of musky, incensey and resiny. That being said, though its nice, its just not me.
  3. milo

    Venus Libitina

    Wet, I briefly get a glorious black cherry. The same one in gothabilly I think. Doesn't take more than a few seconds, and its all about the rose. Then, its a foody rose. Weird, but it is, its got a touchbof crumble, cookie crust. This reminds me of knave of hearts. I do get the cherry waaay in the background, but its more about the sweet rose with cookie. I love the cherry note, but its just not present enough on me.
  4. milo

    Mars Corotiacus

    Leather, cologne and musk. Kind of citrusy, very nice masculine blend. This is a clean hot guy dressed to the nines for a night on the town. There is no doubt in my mind, single or attached, he's gonna get lucky tonight;)
  5. milo

    A Rosy Colour Paints Her Claws With Honor

    I'm mostly getting rose here, with a touch of geranium. The combination works, and the rose is sweet. After a bit, less rose, and more geranium. I like this, but not enough to upgrade.
  6. milo

    The Gas Lamps' Flare

    Red apple indeed! And now I want one, but a good one, like this one smells like. I get smoke in the background. Kind of like you're in an ape orchard in the fall with a bonfire going on. This is nice, but I'm not big on apple blends. They remind me of hair products. Evocative though!
  7. milo

    Mars Rigonemetis

    Black musk and pine. The pine is kind of medicinal, but that effect fades quickly. This turns into a lovely black musk/pine blend, quite a bit like Haunted, only wit a touch of pine. Nice, but its too masculine for me to wear. Id like to smell it on a guy....
  8. milo

    Mount Fuji Reflected in Lake Misaica

    Chypre and cedar on me. Its not as harsh and cologney as other chypre blends. Theres a definite pencil shaving thing happening as well. Not for me.
  9. milo


    Clean floral. This is quintesential bpal. If I smelled this on someone out in public, I'd think "that person is wearing bpal". :-) A kind of sourish floral, rose I think and a bright linen. This isn't a scent that appeals to me. Fans of rose may like this...
  10. milo

    She Perishes That She May Live

    Something like jasmine at first. Quickly fades to cassia and well, cinnamon. Spice dominates for me. This pretty much smells like you spilled a jar of cinnamon, with the far off smell of flowers in the distance. Not for me.
  11. milo

    Mars Alator

    All vetiver at first. Surprisingly it takes a back seat after a short while and fresh fig dominates. I like fig, but paired up with something darker. For a change, I wish the vetiver was a bit more present here. Sweet and juicy. I like this, but not enough to upgrade.
  12. milo

    Some Strangeness in the Proportion

    Sandalwood heavy on me. Dry, slightly woody, and cologney. If the vanilla comes out, this may be pretty.
  13. milo

    Riding in the Palanquin

    I find some woods kind of green and fresh smelling. Usually oak, so im wondering if this is the laquered wood. This is green and woodsy, dries to fresh tea. Fades fast. Reminds me of The Twisted Oak Tree only that one is better.
  14. Mod's, please move this if this is not the correct spot. I am so very happy to be able to try this out. This was gifted from the lovely Tramp and I will treasure it!! On to the review. I am not good with picking out notes, but I'll do my best to describe this. Right away, I get an aquatic/ozone vibe to MVS, there may be a touch of soft floral (?). I do not like to wear these notes on my skin, but I do LOVE them as a room spray or on other people. This is very fresh and clean smelling, kind of like your whole house has just been cleaned from top to bottom, it's a beautiful spring day, the windows are open, and there is a gentle breeze wafting through the house. As far as comparing this to a wearable Bpal oil, it is kind of similar to Water Phoenix. I'd probably buy this if it became available, but for now, I'll enjoy the imp.
  15. milo

    Venerable Priestess of the Wood

    Sharp, herbal and resinous at first. Dries quickly to a strong soap scent. This is probably the soapiest bpal I've ever smelled. A definite 'no'.
  16. milo

    Venus Obsequens

    Sparkling effervescent apple at first. This smells li ke it would be a great drink! I'm getting thirsty... Dry a sweeter apple, kind of nice, not shampoo at all, which I automatically assume apple scents to turn. The lab has yet to win me over with an apple blend though. The closest was one of the apple hair glosses. Apple and oppopanax I believe. This was fun to try though!
  17. milo

    Ruined Roses

    White roses, a bit of frank, so this is a resiny rose, my favourite kind. This is a fast fade on me though, but is quite nice while it lasted. A sweet, white rose, not sour at all.
  18. milo

    A Measurement of the Soul

    Fresh tea and sage at first. Dries to be more sage than tea, and kind of more like dried sage. Nice, and quite realistic. More so than sn sage to me.
  19. Warm, heady and SWEET! Ambrosial indeed. This would be something (if it were in a flower), that hummingbirds and bees would love. It would be the ultimate flower for honey production as well. It is however, much too sweet and heady for me to wear on a regular basis. This is just fine for a test run, but no more.
  20. milo

    Joyful Romp

    Plum, musk and spice. The plum (and pretty much everything else), is STRONG. This reminds me of a stronger Dionysia, and The Witch Queen, neither blend which really called out to me. I'm hoping its a fast fade, as it is just not sitting well with me. Alas, I doubt it...
  21. milo

    Incipient Madness

    Tobacco, vetiver, something musky and a touch of fruit. This blend is uber masculine and like the description, pretty damn sinister. A handsome, evil man would wear this, kind of slimy and takes advantage of anyone who would let him. Evocative, but not for me. I wouldn't even like my guy to wear this.
  22. milo

    Gold and Tears

    Bright, cheery, fruity, and spicy. I'm getting a bit of bright citrus and amber at first, followed by red fruits, then spice. Not sure why, as there is no fruits or citrus in the description. There's something in here that smells like the spice from Hellion, so it reminds me a bit of it. This review is all over the place, I don't know if I like it or not. It smells like something I'd like to drink on a hot day, you know when you're really thirsty and gulp a delicious drink down. It also reminds me of the scent that a Booster Juice juice may make.
  23. milo

    Mars Loucetius

    Fresh tea, and something akin to citrus. Gradually turns to a more tea/chypre with a touch of grapefruit. This is a fast fade and not worthy of an upgrade.
  24. milo

    Minamoto no Yorimasa and the Lotus Flower

    Lotus, lotus, lotus. Need I say more? Pretty much lotus SN, almost identical to the lab's eight petalled lotus. Pretty, but I don't need any more.
  25. milo

    Lurid Bonbon

    This is all chocolate at first, dark chocolate. After a bit, it is a lovely, slightly berry and floral blend with a touch of chocolate. This tester is pretty scant, I wish there were a bit more oil, just a touch on the wand and not enough for me to judge for this slatherer. It is quite nice, and I may consider more of this one.