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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo

    Loved To Death

    I'm getting sweet amber and spice with a touch of beeswax. This does remind me a bit of Snake Oil. They share 'something. After a bit, more sweet beeswax with a touch of smoke. Dries to practically nothing bit a whiff of smoke within a couple of hours. Colour me disappointed. I hope age can keep it at the beginning stages.
  2. milo

    Venus Murcia

    Green indeed! Grass right away, along with the musk. This is fresh and clean. Great for spring and summer. The oil also has a green tinge to it. Not bad, but I don't need any more.
  3. milo

    Sherlock Holmes

    Gritty dude blend for sure. Starts off bright and kind of citrussy. Tobacco and sweetness comes out. A manly tobacco sweet blend, maaaybe a touch of vanilla. This is in the same family as Captain Cully or Crowley. Theres an annoying fungus vibe in the background though, which gives me pause. Ill stick to the other two.
  4. milo

    Pumpkin I (2014)

    Pumpkin cream with cardamom, black tea, allspice, and ginger milk. Pumpkin and spice. More clove in this one and a bit more resiny and less foody. Typical pumpkin spice here though. Nothing new.
  5. milo

    A Brilliant and Ruby Colored Fluid

    Definitely alcoholic. Red wine. Fades quickly, thankfyllt. Smells like spilled, sweet red wine. Not even a good one.
  6. milo

    Desire Bonbon

    Fresh tea, floral ( rose) and chocolate. Somewhat sweeter than other bonbons. Not bad, reminds me of turkish delight, like a big turk bar chocolate bar. Its not something I'd wear though. I may revisit desire...
  7. milo

    Venus Erycina

    I'm getting a lotus vibe at first. A fresh, slightly fruity floral. Dries quite differently, powdery, like orris. A bit soapy. Lasted all day, even after a shower. Not getting honeysuckle at all.
  8. milo


    Minty, sweet and soft. I like this, but it goes slightly fungusy. Great for summer.
  9. milo

    Lacus Oblivionis

    Smells like lavender, and then turns to an incense lavender soap. I do like this, and I feel sleepy after a half hour of applying. I do have a lot of lavender blends, though, and don't need any more.
  10. milo

    Blueberry Picking

    Sun-warmed, slightly squishy blueberries plus overgrown grass, overgrown honeysuckle, overgrown lavender, overgrown lemon verbena, and a smattering of un-pulled weeds. This so fun and fruity! I find blueberry too sweet and boring by itself, but there's something citrus here balancing it out. Aahhh, the lemon verbena, now that I see it listed. I may keep my eye out for more of this, its lovely and fresh for summer.
  11. milo

    Relics of Herself

    Yup, balsum of Peru and frankincense. It seems odd to wear resins on a hot day. I like this. It would make a great atmosphere spray for meditation.
  12. milo

    Laudanum Bonbon

    Rootbeer! And something medicinal. The rootbeer is pleasant, bit the medicinal vibe is making me nauseous. That along with the chocolate is so very mismatched. This one is a BIG miss.
  13. milo

    Lenus Mars

    Fresh and musky with a touch of cologne. Gradually becomes more harsh, from the musk I'm assuming. Started out nice, but became funky. Theres no better word. Not for me.
  14. milo


    Fresh and light. Great for a hot day. After a bit, more resinous. I wish it had stayed the way it was in the early stages. It just seems utterly mismatched somehow now.
  15. milo

    Pleasant Embrace

    Pear right off. I'm not getting any white musk, which is a good thing, as it doesn't work on my skin. After a bit, the pear becomes alcoholic, so now I smell like pear cider, and its uber sweet too. Smells like a hangover. Not for me.
  16. milo

    Venus Victrix

    I get the balsam right away. After a bit the red musk comes out to play, so its a more gender neutral red musk blend. A little goes a long way here, only a teeny bit from the sniffie lasted all evening. I like a more feminine red musk, so more is not needed.
  17. milo

    Pumpkin II

    A bit more wood here than other pumpkin blends, but its basically much like the other pumpkin spice blends that the lab puts out.
  18. milo

    Embalming Fluid Bonbon

    Right off, I get Embalming Fluid, but more lemony than my 'very' aged bottle from 08. Really, there's only a teeny bit of chocolate here, but that's ok, as I'm enjoying the fresher ef than mine. I like this, but not enough for an upgrade. I find too that once you do decide you like a sniffy, the bottle can be quite different.
  19. milo

    Hearts for Ghost Friends

    Whoah floral! Heady white ones. Strong and in your face. I'm going to have to wash this one off.
  20. milo


    Soft, sweet floral, kind of like violet, but not quite. I can't smell the beeswax, but maybeb its adding to the sweetness.
  21. milo

    Venus Callipyge

    Orris at first, which is fine with me. I find it to be a 'gentle' and comforting floral. After a bit, more more florals, bit it still continues to have a calm, gentle vibe. I like this, but not enou gh for an upgrade.
  22. milo

    The Phoenix, Having Burst Her Shell

    Warm resins and spices to me. Nice.
  23. milo

    Hallow-e’en, 1914

    Leaves, kind of sharp green leaves just starting to turn. That along with cologne. Leaves usually work on me if there is sime kind of sweetness with it. This doesn't work on me, its to sharp.
  24. milo

    Glaucous Snow

    At first, snow and and something citrussy. No citrus noted, but that's what it smells like to me. Dry, smells like a baby. You know that newborn smell that babies have, well here it is. Soft floral, cuddly and comforting with a touch of herbal lavender. I may need more of this one.
  25. milo

    A Bright Flame Between Two Jacinths

    Weird and herbal. Theres an odd note here that may register to some as fire, but it is just weird to me. Disjointed and unpleasant.