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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo


    Fruity beeswax, basically. Sweet and pleasant, a little too sweet. I'd like this as a room spray, it's got a nice candle vibe going, but it's not really my thing as a perfume.
  2. milo

    Witches' Kitchen

    Promising at first. Airy herbs in bloom. After a bit, something sweet and unpleasant, like stored urine for God-knows-what kind of concoction. Whoah, this may be a scrubber.
  3. milo

    Dead Leaves and Tobacco

    Dead leaves and the lab's french tobacco note. As time goes on, it becomes sweeter with a distinct caramel vibe. It is not one of my favourite notes, caramel, but it's not that strong here. I'm really not fond of this one, it seems very simple and one dimensional. Some simple blends are elegant, but this a fail. I'm not fond of the tobacco note alone, and this is pretty close to SN French Tobacco. Why is there no Pipe Tobacco SN.;0
  4. milo

    The Magic Circle

    Pretty much a slightly sweetened frankincense at fist. After a bit, the jasmine totally takes over, and it's a sweet tropical floral. I'm not a huge jasmine fan, I do like it on occasion, but just the sambac and night blooming variety. This is nice, but I don't need any more.
  5. milo

    La Ronde du Sabbat

    Resins unite! This smells like Christmas! A lot like Midnight Mass actually, its more of an atmosphere blend, and not for me.
  6. milo

    The Sorceress

    Lovely berry-like musk, a bit dry from the sandalwood, but luscious and juicy at the same time. A bit along the lines of Mme Moriarty, Misfortune Teller v3, Crypt Queen. I really like this, and would like to explore this one further. May be an upgrade...
  7. Kind of citrussy and fresh at first, but that must be the tea. Fades to nothing but a whiff of tobacco flower after half an hour. It's pretty but virtually non existant. Not worthy of an upgrade.
  8. milo

    Dead Leaves, Black Pepper, and Sandalwood

    Definitely peppery! Now I want Kirkland Kettle chips from Costco, it's the same pepper note. Ends up as a spicy, gritty dry sandalwood blend. Really not my style, and quite honestly, I wouldn't want to smell it on anyone else either. I feel like I want to sneeze now.
  9. milo

    Dead Leaves, Frankincense, and Copal

    Resin with bpals classic leaf note. I like my leaves a bit sweeter than this, but this is still nice. Very fall-like. as others have mentioned. We are beyond that up North here at -17. Upgrade not necessary.
  10. Cloyingly sweet and creamy right off. Patchouli comes out pretty quick, though and saves the blend. I like it at this point, it reminds me of "Feed Me And Fill Me With Pleasure". Too much so to warrant a bottle of this one.
  11. milo

    La Femme de Satan

    This starts off lovely, red musk, amber, dark fruits, and maaaybe a bit of Siberian Musk. Turns to a cologney, musky mess. No.
  12. milo

    Traveling with BPAL

    Has anyone travelled with Hair Glosses? Wanting to bring a couple to Mexico from Canada in a couple of days.
  13. milo

    Doc Constantine (2015)

    I remember the previous Doc as having more of a citrus element to it. This one is sweet evergreen and musk. It kind of reminds me of Golden Priapus, but with musk instead of vanilla. Both versions are not really my thing, but I'd like to smell it on a guy.
  14. milo

    Xanthe, The Weeping Clown

    2015 version. Uber sweet orange and cream. These are orange Campino's in scent form. Too sweet and fruity for me.
  15. YUM, I love bpal's almond note, and it's definitely here, along with spices. It does smell like a cookie, but I've never had a fortune cookie that smelled like this. It smells A LOT like Asp Viper, but without the Snake Oil. Because it is so much like Asp Viper, I don't need any more. There's also a very faint (but annoying), oil or petrol smell. I don't get the petrol around me, but rather when I sniff my wrist up close. This is a great blend, and if you can't do Snake Oil and love almond cookies, you'd probably like this.
  16. milo

    A Vast Similitude Interlocks All

    Well, I could tell this was an aquatic right away, but something foody is meshing in here, or trying to. After a bit, the cookies are gone, and I'm just getting the salty water. I wish the amber came out, but I'm not a big aquatic fan anyways. Not for me.
  17. milo

    Give Me Thy Breath, My Sister

    Herbal greenery at first, with a touch of spicy floral. I'm not to fond of it at this stage, but further in, it becomes sweeter with the honey. It kind of reminds me of a Lilith blend from the Post from last year, a kind of powdery honey with florals and greenery. The other blend had a background of lavender though. I do own that blend already, so don't need any of this one. Quite pretty, though. I'll add the name of that blend when I check... Ahh, no need, I remrmber now...Capax Infinity, I think.
  18. milo


    This one is uber fresh Bazooka Joe bubble gum, or those small individually wrapped bubble gum, right down to the powdery coating. Not something I'd wear, but it sure brings back memories. I bet the young girls and lovers of candy scents will be all over this one.
  19. milo

    Walking the Prime Meridian

    Soapy aquatic right off the bat. There's another fresh note here, not sure what it is. *checks*, ah, the mosses. Despite being soapy, I like clean, aquatics as a candle or room spray in the spring, but not to wear, generally. It is nice smelling this one after a night of Halloween celebrating though;)
  20. milo

    Muse of Fire

    Lovely spiced, sugary flowers. This is like scented Stock, watered with cinnamon heart water. I quite like this, we'll see how the wear goes today.
  21. milo

    Battle Fairy in Training

    Sugared strawberry at first, very sweet with a touch of sour, like blue raspberry sour chewy candies. This is tooth ache sweet, too much sugar, too much strawberries, it reminds me of the equivalent of a hyper-active child, who would go crazy if they ate some of this.. Settles into fruity, waxy chapstick, which equals fail.
  22. milo

    En Garde

    I'm not entirely sure why I got an imp of this, as I don't like caramel anything. I think because it all looked good except for that. I'm actually not getting a lot of caramel here, mostly the rum candies and a touch of tobacco. It's not bad, just a little too sweet and heavy on the rum candies. Foodies would probably like this one.
  23. milo

    Little Lady Macbeth

    Wet, this does smell like a slightly fruitier Eat Me, basically spicy vanilla cake and currants. Dry, still foody, but more juvenile vibe, which is fitting I guess.. I'm getting a slight cologne vibe along with the honey cake, (yes the cake has changed to a honey drenched one). Theres a distinctive fake, creamed strawberry frosting note instead of currant. This one is much too sweet, but I bet a young girl would like this one just fine.
  24. milo

    Ghost Revelry

    I like these ethereal/moonflower/orris blends. This is very similar to Staged Moon Landing and others bpal has put out. Just a touch of leaves makes this one a bit different. I don't own any of this type of blend, it's just not 'me'. Fun to try, though.
  25. milo

    Sticky Eyeballs and Floppy Entrails

    Right off, sweet, candy-like strawberry and a touch of cream. After a bit, waxy, fake, sweet strawberry, and no cream. At this point, this brings me back to my pre-teen years when bonne bell lip smackers were all the rage. This would be your standard strawberry lip smacker. Definitely not me, it's too fake and sweet smelling for my tastes. I do like the fleeting cream note, however, and would like to see it in something musky and less sweet.