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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo

    Lunar Eclipse

    This is very strong on me. My skin is amping the red musk like there is no tomorrow. I really don't get the fruit or floral, the rm just takes over. A little too much for me.
  2. milo


    Very clean scent. I love citrus, and heard from somewhere that citrus lover's would like this. I like it, but not as something I would wear. I actually used the imp in a non-scented cleaning spray that I have. Works perfect, house smells great!
  3. milo

    Pickled Imp

    In the bottle, gorgeous spice, cinnamon, clove, and a touch of vanilla and oddly (maybe it's just the name) a touch of vinegar. On, it turns foody within a few minutes. Sometimes I like a little foody, but this is just a little too much for me. I don't totally dislike, it, but glad I didn't get a bottle.
  4. milo


    I really don't like florals, but this one blended in with the Snake Oil is something I can wear. Somehow this reminds me Antique Lace, (as did Australian Copperhead), but better, very nice for spring or summer. I will be getting a back-up for sure.
  5. milo


    In the bottle, smells musky, with a slight hint of floral. On, the florals make their presence known, and while I love smelling flowers, I don't lilke smelling florally. I don't get lilac, it's more of a "honeysuckle", gardenia, or jasmine family scent. The throw was great, though, it lasted all day even after I tried washing it off. Not for me, sadly.
  6. milo


    In the bottle, this smells somewhat like Mme Moriarty. OK, good start. It soon morphs to something too florally and sweet for me, however. Maybe it will age well, but right now, it smells too much like a generic cologne.
  7. milo

    The Illustrated Woman

    In the bottle, totally pine and vanilla swirling amongst each other. I grew up amongst ponderosa and summer heat, and LOVE it, this scent is the perfect embodiment of childhood memories. However, this lasts on me only about two minutes and then turns to men's cologne, (and not a good one) so disappointing, and I tried this twice to be sure. Damn my stupid skin chemistry. So lucky for those of who this works on, though! Really, I think this is an awesome scent, probably one of the highlights of the CD only not on me.
  8. milo


    Mmm, a dirty honey, if that makes sense, with a touch of floral. I like this scent, but it does not suit me, or maybe I need to be in the right mood for it? Kind of reminds me of Lush's "B Never to Busy to be Beautiful" shower gel, but with an extra "kick" to it..
  9. milo

    Dana O'Shee

    So I ordered Dana about a year ago, as I was/am a big fan of the Lush perfume Snowcake, and I heard that this was a good sub. When I opened it up, all I smelled was straight up almond extract, it didn't smell anything like snowcake to me. So the first time wasn't so great, but hey a year later and I decided to try it out again. What a difference a year makes! It still smells of almonds, but the initial sharp smell disappears after a few minutes and this gorgeous creamy scent wafts everywhere around me. I don't know how to describe it, only that it is nothing I've tried before ever. There is like an almost vanilla'y floral, cream, and a touch of almond, but very well blended to make it's own unique scent. Very nice!
  10. milo

    Temple Viper

    I find this scent very reflective. It does indeed smell like something from a "temple", and I know this isn't going to make sense, but to me it is neither masculine, feminine, or gender neutral. I could imagine a priestess wearing this, in a candlelit temple, very serene and beautiful. The snake oil is definitely in the background, but mostly I smell what must be the champaca and frankinscence. This lasts pretty much all day on me, and again, I can't really picture a season in which this would wear best. You could wear it anytime, but then again it shouts out "No, not at this time" Very mysterious.
  11. milo

    Schrodinger's Cat

    Ooh...lovely fresh citrus! There is also a hint of something else, smells florally, but it blends in with the citrus in a good way! I love this, but I'm lucky if the scent lasts two hours on me, it turns a bit soapy, then disappears.
  12. milo


    Wow, I could have sworn there was ginger in here, but it is not listed as an ingredient. I could imagine a high powered executive type wear this scent, and not necessarily doing good things in the office! It's full of charisma, but there is a "perfume" note that I cannot get past, unfortuneately. Lucifer is just too strong and overpowering for me, not saying I wouldn't wear it again, I would just have to be in the right mood.
  13. milo

    Men Ringing Bell with Penises

    This one is quite fresh, though there is a sickly sweet kind of smell in the dry phase to me. It is very woodsy, and there is a citrus smell to this which I love, but I just cannot get past the sweet, perfumey, cough syrup-like note to this. I like sweet, just not like this.
  14. milo


    To me, this smells almost exactly like Lush's "Whoosh" shower jelly and (disc) temple balm. It does have a slight floral note, which I'm assuming is the jasmine. This is such a great "wake up" scent, I love the tea element too, so good for hot weather.
  15. milo

    Snow White

    I must say that this is one of my favourites. I got an imp, and had to have a bottle right away. I really don't get the "coldness" that many people are describing. I find it to be a warm, spring scent, sexy while being innocent at the same time. There is the almond there, but it is perfectly balanced with the florals, but it is definitely not a strong floral. The first time I wore this, it reminded me of something from my childhood, those scented dolls that you could get in the 70's, I think Snow White smells exactly like the blue doll (I wish I still had it to compare!) The throw is excellent, I applied at 8:00 this morning, and I could still get whiffs all afternoon. I just about had a fit when I spilled my bottle, I was decanting at the time, and just sucked up what I could back into my bottle (personal decant!)
  16. milo

    Embalming Fluid

    This is such a great summer scent! There is a nice clean lemon scent that is perfectly balanced with what I guess is the tea. It is not very sweet, and quite refreshing. Very much a bottle worthy scent for me!
  17. milo

    Antique Lace

    When I got this as an imp back in December, I did not like it. It was too sharp for me, and I could hardly smell the vanilla. Well, I tried it again, and what a difference six months make! I would describe this scent as simply beautiful. There is a musky sweetness to it along with a subtle hint of floral that is not overbearing at all. The smell is almost foody to me, but the floral says "wait a minute, don't eat me". The vanilla is perfectly blended in, and I will be getting a big bottle soon.
  18. milo

    Black Lotus

    Very sweet, florally, reminds me of honeysuckle, which is not my thing. It did dry down to something wearable, but not enough to want to try again. For those of you who like sweet florals, it does have great staying power, and I still smell it after 12 hours. Off to swaps pile.
  19. milo


    I really thought I'd like this, as I enjoy all the notes. It is spicy, sweet, exotic, a little foody. The combination of all the particular notes, though doesn't work for me. It reminds me of a commercial perfume, that I can't quite put my finger on.
  20. I just got this today from a swap. In the bottle, I LOVE it, it's like an older, stronger cousin of snake oil. When I put it on, though it goes all masculine on me, not necessarily in a bad way. It's very overpowering (maybe the patchouli?), and my hubbie thought I borrowed his shaving cream (silly man!!) . I'm not very good with picking out different scents in a blend, but I do wish vanilla would make an appearance on this one, as I can't pick it out at all. I think I'm going to have to give this one some time, I'm not sure I can pull off this scent, or maybe I'm not in the right mood?? I do mostly like to smell feminine, but this scent is intriguing and somewhat confusing to me. It is definitely a keeper, but not sure if I'm going to get another bottle.. I'll edit if I notice any changes!! edit1: The vanilla is now making an appearance, and I think that I can pull this one off now! I do think for me that this would be great for a hot summer evening, very mysterious, definitely not day for me. I'll probably reach for this more in the fall/winter.
  21. milo

    Love's Philosophy

    I love the smell in the bottle, a beautiful vanilla, with a hint of spice. It lasts about an hour though, and then the spice disappears, and it is more of a plain, but very nice vanilla. I wish it lasted longer in the "spice" vanilla stage, but overall a very nice scent, and I'll probably be hoarding the imp.
  22. milo


    Envy, I don't get the feeling of "envy", in the bottle it is a very fresh, herbal smell, a little strong, quite calming actually. After about 15 minutes the smell totally changes on me, the sharp tinge is gone, and there is a very soft, green lilylike scent to it. I could imagine the smell as walking in an old growth forest on a warm summer day. There is lots of moss, and the odd flower peeking out from foliage. To me it is a "warm" green scent, after the initial sharpness has faded off. I definitely don't get a feeling of "envy" from it, it's rather a pleasant calming scent, that lasts all but about an hour on me.
  23. milo

    Coral Snake (2006)

    I'm not much one for fruity scents, but this blends o so beautifully with everything else. When I first opened the imp, yes, there are the apples, but once everything dried and settled, there is this most amazing spicy note to it. I don't recall any spice in the description, but damned if I don't smell (I think it's ) cinnamon!! Maybe it's the floral that I smell as spice, I don't smell the orange at all. Great snake! I thought it would be a spring/summery snake because of the florals and fruit, but I think it's more of a late summer/early fall kind of scent for me. Damn I'm loving the snakes!
  24. milo

    Australian Copperhead (2006)

    I'm pretty green at reviewing, so bear with me..AC straight from the bottle is straight up berry to me, and lasts maybe 3 minutes on me with the berries. I don't usually like the fruity, berry smells, but it pretty much disappears on me after the drydown. There is a perfume smell now, which I'm assuming is the amber, I don't smell the snake oil at all, which is a bit disappointing. I'm hoping it will make it's appearance with age. Right now, there is just to much of a perfume aura to AC, and while I think it's "OK", it is not my fave snake. eta: OK, another hour later, and I don't know what it is with my weird body chemistry, but this actually smells very much like Antique Lace to me, which I love only better. I detect the faintest hint of snake oil now. Looking very forward to see how this will age!
  25. milo


    I received this as an imp from a Snake Circle decant Yay! I've been wanting to try this, as carnation is one of the few florals that I actually like. Right from the bottle, I smell it and Yes, this is the scent I've been looking for. Within a few few moments to drying, it turns soapy, and only slightly sweet to me, not foody at all IMO. For awhile, I was racking my brain trying to figure out what this scent reminded me of, and after awhile, I got it. I have a IOE body gloss that is a dupe of Lush's "Got Milk?", and this is an almost dead ringer to it. While I like this scent, and may buy a bottle in the future, it is not a "must have" scent at this point in time. I'll see how the imp ages, and take it from there.