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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo


    In the bottle, smells like pink grapefruit, which I happen to love. Smells great on like this for a good hour, and then slowly turns soapy. This isn't a bad thing, necessarily, I smelled summery and fresh all day. I like this, but probably not enough to get a bottle.
  2. milo


    I LOVE this! It is Marianne, only without the floral. Very sexy, musky, and I love the saffron. Very much a bottle worthy scent for me.
  3. milo

    Monster Bait: Tokyo Stomp

    When I smelled this in the bottle, I was a bit worrried because it smelled VERY foody in a vanilla sort of way. Once on, though, I LOVE this scent. The vanilla is not plasticy, but very smooth, and the mint makes it more so. I really don't like smelling too foody, but this was a great balance, especially for summer. Simple, but very effective. Definite win, too bad I just have the one bottle.
  4. milo


    Funny how this works differently on people. I wish I got spices. I get spices in the bottle, but once it is on me, it amps floral something fierce. It just smells too perfumey, and sadly, not for me.
  5. milo

    Zarita, the Doll Girl (2006)

    Soft, yet sociopathic: white carnation, iris, orange blossom, and sugared cream. I barely get any carnation, and a whole lot of foody and a touch of orange. The combination just doesn't do it for me and is giving me a bit of a headache. For some reason, this kind of reminds me of MU. Very glad to try this, however!
  6. milo

    Snake Charmer

    Hmm, this kind of reminds me of Death Adder with the coconut, and a milder version of snake oil. I do really like this, but unsure why it is so popular when snake oil is almost identical to it to my nose anyways. *Very glad that snake oil is a gc*. A definite win, but fades pretty fast on my skin.
  7. milo

    Old Scratch

    I like lavender, but the other florals ruin this for me, making this blend too sweet and perfumey on me. I actually had to see what was in this, as I couldn't tell. Oops, I guess that is a bad thing! I do recognize the lavender, only after I knew it was there though..
  8. milo


    I think I've discovered that lotus is not one of my scents. Everything I've tried with lotus in it I haven't liked. This blend is way too perfumey on me, sadly.
  9. milo

    Saw-Scaled Viper

    I haven't tried this before today, because there was such a "bite", that I'm assuming is the red ginger which almost makes me feel nauseous. This fades away pretty quickly and I'm left with wonderful spicy cinnamon. After a few hours, I thought it had faded away, but I kept getting whiffs of something that smelled REAL good, and it turned out to be me. It turns into a wonderful creamy scent with barest hint of snake oil that says "Don't you forget about me, I'm here!" This turned out to be one of my fave snakes, even though I barely liked it in the imp.
  10. milo


    I got this imp almost a year ago and tossed it aside, wasn't too impressed, but I can't remember why. Right away when I opened it up today, I knew that it was a winner. Wonderful swirling spices of cinnamon and ginger over a sweet base, to die for. It kind of reminds me of pickled imp, only not as foody, which is a good thing. I do see this as a good winter and summer scent. The warm spices for winter, and HOT for summer. I'm not making sense, I just think this would be a great steamy summer evening scent.
  11. milo

    Blood Amber

    So I thought I might like this because of the amber. I have not tried a dragon blood scent yet, and was wondering what the actual note smelled like. Someone was kind enough to tell me that it was a florally lilac scent, which is why I probably don't like it. Much too florally to me, don't even smell the amber, but at least I know what db smells like!
  12. milo

    Black Opal

    This scent reminds me of Antique Lace and Morocco. I like AL, and don't like Morocco, and this falls somewhere in between. I like vanilla, but this really amps it up on me, and I something reminds me that this is a more "mature" fragrance. I don't get any spice, just a faint hint of floral and whole lot of vanilla. It may layer good with something dark and sexy, though.
  13. milo


    In the bottle, fruity peach. A miss right away. I like eating peaches, but I don't like smelling like them. I do detect the patchouli, but nothing else. If you like peach scents, I'm sure you'll like this.
  14. milo

    Mouse's Long and Sad Tale

    In the imp, very fruity (where is that coming from?). I detect a touch of vanilla, and maybe the fruity is the sweet pea, which really is too sweet for me. A previous poster said this is a "young" scent, and I definitely get the pink that everyone is talking about. I wish the vanilla and sandalwood were out more. Not for me, sadly. edit: It's been a little over an hour, and this has dried down into something quite pleasant, very much like Antique Lace, more vanilla with a little fruity sweetness thrown in. I'll just use my AL, though, Mouse takes too long to get there.
  15. milo


    Strong lavender in the bottle and on. I love lavender, but the mix just doesn't do it for me as a perfume, but like a previous poster said this is not it's intention. I would say that sometimes this works for me for sleep, and sometimes not. If I want a nap in the middle of the day, it seems to work, but at night, maybe half the time. It layers very well with snake oil.
  16. milo

    Death Adder

    This is my favourite snake so far, very much like my beloved snake oil, only smoother (is that possible?) with the vanilla and coconut coming out to play. I'll bet this one will be to die for in a years time. Multiple bottles fer sure..
  17. milo

    The Torture Queen

    White amber, vanilla musk, white tea, ambergris, gardenia, and chrome. This perfume reminds me of a perfume popular in the 90's. I think it was Calvin Klein's Escape or was it Eternity (?), but I'm not positive. I really didn't like it that much, and the same holds true for the Torture Queen. I do like certain "clean" scents, and I'm sure it would be very nice on the right person, it's just not for me.
  18. milo

    Snake Oil

    Yes, this really is as great as everyone says. Heady, relaxing, sensual, this is sex in a bottle.
  19. milo


    I can't really add much to the great reviews. This is no exception for me, I love Dorian, and it is one of my fave scents. I had an imp from the lab, and was lucky to get a 6 month or so aged bottle. There was a difference between the two, the aged version being much better. It is "fresh and foody" at the same time. Very nice.
  20. milo

    Western Diamondback

    I like this. It reminds me of the hot, deserty summers that I grew up in. In the bottle it is snake oil and leather. Once on, I can get a touch of sage, and it really is quite sweet. I can see this working really well on a guy. Another snake win!
  21. milo


    Wow, this is sweet and masculine at the same time. Once it dries down, it becomes more wearable to me, but probably not something I would reach for very often. I'll have to try it on my so to see if the wet stage will last on him, as it is veerry sexy. If it does he'll definitely have to watch out!! Extreme heat factor.
  22. milo

    Stormclouds Over The Midway

    Hmm, this is nice in the bottle. Fresh smelling, like the outdoors, a touch of greenery, and subtle florals. I don't know why, but this amps something very floral on my skin, (a strong and heady one) and I don't get any fresh at all, unfortuneately. Sadly, not for me, stupid skin chemistry that loves anything floral.
  23. milo


    Someone gave this to me with Love's Philosophy as a frimp. Something I woudn't have considered and I'm so glad to get it! I want to eat this, but it is not foody if that makes sense. I love the ginger and the vanilla orchid mix. The spice and floral mix is a perfect balance and stays pretty true throughout the day. I managed to track a bottle down, and really wouldn't mind more. A great summer scent!
  24. milo

    Mad Kate

    I don't know why, but I get apples from this. Strong floral gardenia and apples. I wish I got the honeycomb/beeswax, but I don't. It has dried down into something quite wearable, similar to Opuhi, one of my loves, but the 2 hours it takes to get there is just not worth it for me.
  25. milo

    Black Lace

    This is really, really, really good, and that says a lot from me as I'm pretty picky about scents. This is Mme Moriarty meets Antique Lace, and I'll probably even try that combo once my loney little imp of this is gone. It is strong in the imp and on for a few minutes then settles into this gorgeous slightly floral smooth vanilla with the spices that remind me of the Mme. Very nice, and I'd love for it to come back, even for a visit.