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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo

    Mare Vaporum

    Right off, jasmine jasmine jasmine, and it is STRONG. I got an imp of this one because of the sandalwood/bourbon vanilla., but it is being drowned out by the last listed note, (which I foolishly thought meant the least amount of note or presence of scent). Not for me.
  2. milo

    Père Noël

    Sweet, creamy citrus, and tobacco, though I'm sure it's probably the anise that is the culprit. I don't get lavender, but maybe it adds something to the blend that I'm not aware of. I like this, it kind of reminds me of Knick-Knack, a super exclusive Post imp back in the day. This one is brighter and sweeter though. I like this, but it is a teeny sweet for me, but I love the orange and anise together. A reluctant pass, and I probably would have sprung for a bottle if I weren't so poor, and the dollar was better. I'm guessing a guy would do amazing things to this blend.
  3. milo

    Poor Monkey

    First off, creamy fruit, I'm guessing that is the fig, but there is a citrus quality here as well. After a bit, some spice comes out, and it smells like a delicious dessert. This strongly reminds me of a luper a few years back, but I can't quite remember the name, maybe it's Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand. Whatever the case, it's bit too foody for me. I'd sure like to try a dessert that smells like this, though.
  4. milo


    Sinister indeed! Dark, heady and musky, and I could swear there was a bit of patchouli in here too. This a more darker Red Lace, (one of my favourites), and maybe a bit of Mme Moriarty thrown in. Some spice comes out after a bit, and we have a winner, folks!! I'm glad I got a half bottle, and may need more. For once, my intuition worked.
  5. milo

    Philostratus’ Phoenix

    I enjoy most of these notes, so was looking forward to trying this one. At first, kind of an aggressive planty vibe. That fades, thankfully, and it ends up being a a warm, resin/incense blend. Sounds good, but I'm not digging it for some reason. After a bit, the musk comes out, and it does kind of smell like Scherezade/Vixen, and Snake Oil without the vanilla and spices. In the end, I do like this, but I like my super aged Vixen and Snake Oil better. I may upgrade, but not a full bottle.
  6. milo

    Between Your Heart And Mine

    The "vanilla touched rose" had me, and I do get a teeny bit of it here. Ultimately, though, it ends up to be just a rose scented soap.
  7. milo

    Edith Cushing

    Sweet, foody vanilla at first. Musk comes into play, and now it becomes a non-foody vanilla. The sandalwood comes in, and it basically is slightly sweet vanilla musk sandalwood. This reminds me of Inez/Lyonesse/Morocco/Storyville/Underpants, (mostly Inez), but really a class on her own. Non-offensive and totally bottle worthy.
  8. milo

    A Shadow In The Elevator

    I'm not big on vetiver, but I love all the other notes, so I decided to get a half decant. Not disappointed. I'm getting voluptuous, purple plum and patchouli. This blend is in the same family as Mme Moriarty, Crypt Queen, Hellion, and Luna Negra, ( which is probably the closest of all). Surprisingly, it's a fast fade, but I think I can forgive her for that. I will put a bit more on, and make a decision. I am pretty much leaning towards a bottle, which is rare for this picky bitch.
  9. milo

    Iulia, L'Artiste du Diable

    I LOVED Genevieve back in the day, and always wondered why I gave her up. This version is even better. I'm getting fresh tea with honeyed orange blossom, which works amazingly good on me ( orange blossom). Fresh, airy tea blend and so glad I got a bottle. This will get a lot of use in the summer.
  10. milo

    The White Witch

    I said it once, and I'll say it again. This is Hellion. Side by side comparison, wet to dry, berries, musk and lovely spice. This years version same as last years, surprisingly. WIN.
  11. milo

    Second Spring

    Starts out promising, sweet resins and fruit, mostly a warmish amber. Not sure what note could be causing this, but it turns into asweet heady springlike floral. I guess the name is fitting, but this was not what I was hoping the end result would be. Another mishap bottle order.
  12. milo


    Truly disappointed in this years Samhain. For the last couple of years, I've gotten testers and said to myself that I really needed to invest in a bottle of this patchouli/leaves/apple loveliness. This years? Cheap floral musk cologne. I wish the lab would stick to formulations. This is truly awful, and I'll certainly think twice about ordering bottle size from now on.
  13. milo

    The Witch and the Mandrake

    Soft fruiy floral, touch of coconut. Inobtrusive. Ok, but not really my style.
  14. milo

    Dr. Janice

    Resins, lavender and something that smells like anise at first. The anise fades, and its mostly lavender and resins. It is nice and soft, though, and would probably make a great sleep blend.
  15. milo

    A Young Woman Appealing to a Witch

    Flowery herbs infused with honey. I quite like this, it reminds me a bit of Mama Ji. It does go into waxy fake territory after a bit, so I won't be needing any more.
  16. This is amazing. Smoky musk, of the siberian variety, along with something sweet, not sure what that may be, but there it is. Reminds me of Snake Oil, Crowley, and the like Nice. I wouldn't turn down any if it fell on my lap. eta: Reminds me a lot of Haunted. Not sure why...
  17. milo

    Satan Summoning His Legions

    This is dry, just as I suspected from the notes. I'm definitely getting sandalwood and cypress, with nothing else atm. Smells like Christmas, which is fitting for this time of year. This isn't something I'd wear, but it's nice to try.
  18. milo

    The Unquiet Grave

    Sandalwood seems rein supreme here at first. The gardenia comes out after a bit, and gradually takes over. The wood keeps this from being too sweet, and the effect is kind of ethereal. Strong, then becomes powdery. I like this, but not enough for an upgrade.
  19. milo

    Pan Twardowski and the Devil

    Leather and lavender. Sounds awful on paper, but it seems to work. Throw a bit of musk in, and we have a nice dude blend. Strong, masculine and sinister. A dangerous guy would suit this.
  20. Red musk, kind of smoky with more than a little bit of patchouli. This one reminds me of Crowley a bit. This one is a bit too strong for me, even though there was just a teeny bit to test. No upgrade needed.
  21. milo

    Dead Leaves, Red Musk, and Neroli

    I think the neroli is not meshing well with the other notes in this blend at first. I'm getting the leaves, and a touch of red musk, and a whole lot of orange cleaner. That doesn't last, however, and it turns into pretty much a SN Dead Leaves, maybe a bit of musk. Ends up being too dry for me.
  22. milo

    The Witches

    Sweet cream and spices, not a lot of pumpkin. There's an odd waxy quality to this blend, like there is a thin layer of white chocolate over a spice cookie. Not for me, but I bet foodies will like this.
  23. milo

    Witchcraft Scene

    I can hardly get anything to test out of this sniffy, but seems to be mostly sandalwood and dark florals. Not for me.
  24. milo

    The Witches’ Rout (the Carcass)

    Strong and aggressive. Sharp sandalwood, a musk (oppoponax?), and a touch of vetiver. My hands are itchy. Definite scrubber even though there was basically fumes with which to test.
  25. milo

    Dead Leaves, Honey, and Oudh

    Dead leaves with a few green ones thrown in , and just a touch of honey. Honey strengthens as time goes on, but I cant detect any oude, which I find can smell a bit odd at times. haha. I quite like this, we'll see how the rest of the wear goes.