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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo


    WOW, this is super strong. I really liked this in the bottle, but the copal and spices are just amping way out of control. It's been an hour, and now the florals are asserting themselves. I'm starting to get a headache from the perfumey association. I haven't quite written this off yet, maybe I just need a drop, or this scent would benefit from some aging.
  2. milo

    Lilith Victoria

    As soon as LV came out and I read the description, I had to have her. I love both Dorian and Snake Oil, and Lily of the Valley and Vanilla flower are floral faves, even though I generally don't like most florals. In the bottle, the lavender, say's "Hello, I'm here", but it really doesn't last too long as a dominant scent. The Dorian and Snake Oil are present, but everything just kind of blends together as one to create this gorgeous masterpiece. This scent to me is masculine, feminine, maternal, sexy, and childlike all in one, but I don't mean that in a perverted way at all. Just that these scents are contradictory, but blended so well, they are as one. In fact the song "Bitch", by Meredith Brooks kind of describes this scent very well. "I'm a Bitch, I'm a Lover, I'm a Child, I'm a Mother, I'm a Sinner, I'm a Saint..." I cannot stop raving over this scent. It is probably my favourite right now, and I plan to hoard. If possible, this blend will only get better with age, I give it a 10/5 edit to add correct singer, thx Cordia!
  3. milo

    Katrina van Tassel

    This is all rose and honey. I don't get the creaminess either as a previous poster reviewed. While this is nice, I'm not sure it is me.
  4. milo

    The Gladdener of All Hearts

    To me, this is a fruity, creamy scent. I don't get the lavender, baby powder, or the milk, maybe it just needs time to settle. This really smells like child vitamins, or like sweet tarts, and unless it changes with a bit of aging, this is definitely not for me.
  5. milo


    I could have sworn I smelled lavender in this one, and citrus. Well, I got the citrus right, and I get the jasmine wet, but not in the drydown. There is a touch of wood, must be the cedar. The lavender association is making me sleepy, so it may be a good bedtime blend to wear, but overall this isn't me.
  6. milo


    I'm not sure why I don't like this, I love green tea and lemon so it must be the honeysuckle that is ruining it for me. This is a very clean scent, to me it is almost like Dirty, but a little bit sweeter. I'll probably use this imp in a burner or my non-scented cleaning products, as it is a good home scent for me, just not on me. It does fade quite quickly.
  7. milo

    Dragon's Milk

    I've recently discovered that I don't like the smell of DB resin, so I'm not surprised that this is a miss for me. DB to me is strong, sickly sweet floral, and the honeyed vanilla only makes this blend worse. I'll pass this imp onto someone who will appreciate more than I do.
  8. milo

    Kuang Shi

    Wet, I thought this was a little too fruity and candylike. After about 15 minutes, the musk comes out to play and it is not so jolly rancher-like. I like the combination of everything when dry, very well balanced to me with the orange and musk, (I don't really get any mango). I'll enjoy the imp probably in the summertime, but I don't think it's bottle worthy to me.
  9. milo


    All I know is that I love this. Not on me, but on a guy. I cannot pick out notes, still not very good at this, but I do know it is very masculine. After looking, I see why I like it, as lavender and citrus are two of my faves--a no brainer. I get something sweet, not sure what that would be, but all in all, a very sexy masculine scent.
  10. milo


    This is like a citrus jolly rancher candy. I like my citrus tart, and this is a little too sweet for me. After about an hour, it is nice, kind of musky vibe, (no musk here, probably the tea and pepper), and is really quite pleasant. It quickly fades fast from this stage into nothing. Oh well!
  11. milo


    On first sniff, this kind of remind's me of the scented "My Little Pony's", that my daughter used to love. It becomes stronger and more perfumey, though it still retains the Pony smell. This is a "cold" scent to me, the scent is perfect for the description of the mists and damp flowers. A little too strong and perfumey to me, though there is a childlike vibe to it, probably the pony association. I don't mind this, for a floral, and will keep the imp for nostalgia and maybe wear once in awhile.
  12. milo


    Well, Mr. Crowley, I absolutely loved you for about half an hour, and then you turned on me. But what a great half hour it was!! Initially, in it's fantastic stage, this smells like a more masculine version of snake charmer, I'm freakin in love. The leather (or something here!) gives it a "dirty" quality, but not in a bad way, a sexy dirty, like a hot guy right out of the bedroom. After this totally awesome stage, the dirtiness takes over way too much, and I'm left with a soury worn out leather. I got this as a sniffie from a kind forumite, and I'm not giving up on it yet!! It seems to have morphed quickly, so maybe it'll go back. Actually as I'm sniffing, I'm getting the musk again, and the sourness is fading, so all is not lost. Will report back!! eta, well, he kind of just faded away. I'll give him another shot though before I write him off..In fact, I wore Crawdaddy Dream earlier today, it was on all day, and I smell that. Crowley is just *gone*. Sigh.
  13. milo


    I cheated and looked at the notes because I can't figure this one out. It must be the cedar in this that is smelling quite bitter on me, and I'm not liking it one bit. Cedar, in fact is all that I'm getting, this is really a yuck blend on me.
  14. milo


    I must say, this smells great on me! It is something like Sherezade, but a bit fainter with a bit of mme. Moriarty thrown in for good measure. I'm not good at notes, but I do like patchouli and red musk as long as it's not too strong. I get a bit of myrrh, but I don't get ylang ylang. I know I do like yy, though, so all the notes I love are here, and I must say that I'm enjoying a little Lust right now! I only wish it had better throw.
  15. milo


    I don't get rum at all, but I most definitely get Bailey's Irish Creme. Like previous posters, this is almost exactly like MU to me, as my wacky chemistry doesn't pick up the coffee either in that one. Wouldn't wear this out in public, but as with all my foodies, I'll reach for it for a comfort scent or when I get a craving of something fattening!
  16. milo

    Windward Passage

    Breezes blowing off of the waters of the Caribbean: marine accord, seaweed, and bladderwrack. I think this would smell great on a guy, an outdoorsy type. For me, it is a fresh, clean soapy scent. I have a non-scented cleaner I use and added my spare imp to it, I think it would also make a good room scenter for the "spring cleaning" feel. A little to ozoney and masculine for me to wear, a little goes a long way!
  17. milo


    Mmm, this is so nice and buttery. There is something that is ruining this for me, kind of a bitter note. Must be the tobacco. Love the rum and coconut, though. I'd probably buy gallons of this if only the bitterness would just fade into the background. Will edit if it does.
  18. milo

    Lover's Parodies of Sumo Holds

    Some kind forumite gave this to me as a sniffie. Of course you end up loving what you can't have!! I'm a citrus fan, so this is right up my alley. I don't see tobacco, but this to me is all citrus and pipe tobacco, which I also love. Not sure what this would be, benzoin maybe, as tobacco is not listed. Seems like an odd combination, but it works for me!!
  19. milo

    Miskatonic University

    The scent of Irish coffee, dusty tomes and polished oakwood halls. This is Bailey's and buttery caramel. I don't really get any coffee out of this one. Although I don't really like foody as a rule, it is helping curb my sweet tooth to wear a foody scent in the evening. Love it, but probably wouldn't wear it out.
  20. milo

    Red Lantern

    I'm not sure what version of this is, I didn't even know I had it. Some kind forumite must have gave me a sniffie. I really appreciate it as I've wanted to try this for awhile. Wet, this is an awesome sweet caramelly scent with just a touch of floral and something a bit sour or sharp, not sure what it is. I love most of the notes, so it is disappointing that something in this is ruining it for me as it dries. The sweetness is still there, but the evil floral is amping and taking over and drowing everything else out. Oh well, just glad I got to try this, as I was just about to go searching for a bottle. eta: No sooner than finising my review it morphs as if to say, "Don't give up on me yet". Now the sweet and spicy is coming out again and the floral is taking the background. I may have to get a bottle if this becomes available again!
  21. milo

    Santa Muerte

    Wet, I get cucumber and a very strong floral and a touch of baby powder. There is a bitterness, which I'm guessing may be the cactus flower. This is far too strong and florally. Not for me.
  22. milo


    I could have sworn I reviewed this already, but I guess I didn't! I was so on the fence with this one. I love it in the bottle, but on me, it is very overpowering, strong, and in your face musky, and well, smutty. I don't dislike it, and it dries down into something 'OK' on me, a kind of spicy, incensy floral, though incense is not listed. This to me is like MoM and Mme Moriarty had little baby implets. What really made me decide to keep my bottle was that the totally awesome TD suggested layering it with Snake Oil. The combination is to die for, and the best of both worlds play beautifully with each other. Smutty Snake Oil heaven, Oh yeah!!
  23. milo


    This is very a very sweet and caramelly scent. I know there is snake oil there, but I can hardly detect it until after around 15 minutes or so. This is pretty foody, and I like it, but I'll probably only wear it when I'm craving caramel and need a substitute. On second thought, I think I'll let it age more and see if the Snake Oil comes out a bit more.
  24. milo


    This is quite fresh in the imp and on for a brief while. Once it dries down, I detect a bitter note, and a bit of cucumber. This reminds me almost exactly of the smell of a freshly cut nettle plant. Not really into this one.
  25. milo

    Deep in Earth

    This is the first Bpal blend that is making me feel ill. It smells like moldy dirt with a touch of vile rose. Not for me.