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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo

    Old Moon

    This is a very "cold" scent, and a bit masculine to me. I really smell the evergreens, but this smells just too much like a cleaning product for me to wear.
  2. milo

    Lick It One More Time

    Very much like the true scent of a candy cane. I don't get any vanilla, still this is quite nice.
  3. milo

    The Knave of Hearts

    Boy, did I ever get this one wrong. I knew it smelled foody, but I didn't know what it was that was making it so. I thought maybe caramel or sugar. Now that I've read the description, yes, I now know what that floral is, and the black currant tart is the foody. This combination just smells "wrong" to me, a little too perfumey mixed with a very sweet base. I usually like foody with a kick, but this is just not sitting well with me. Much to sweet.
  4. milo

    Gypsy Queen

    Wet and on, this is THE best scent ever. Very effervescent, it actually reminds me of how a really good expensive ginger beer would smell. This lasts all but 20 minutes and it changes into something like a rather generic floral on me, which is OK, just nothing spectacular. It fades pretty quickly after this. *sigh* I so wish it kept true to it's wet stage, I'd probably hunt a bottle down. For now, I'll just enjoy the imp in all it's glory while it's wet. Very glad I got to try this, and maybe my bum skin chemistry was just "off" today.
  5. milo

    The Unheavenly City

    This is all Dragon's Blood Resin and Gardenia, it is quite reminiscent of Tiki Queen. These two combinations are probably the worst notes on me in preferance and skin chemistry. Very glad I did get to try this sniffie, though.
  6. milo


    This starts out as a very strong, fake floral, not really my thing. I don't get any kind of berry scent at all, Luckily it fades quickly.
  7. milo

    Monster Bait: Bloody Mary

    This is a very waxy, plasticy scent to me, kind of like Bonne Belle lip gloss. I don't like cherry scents, so I'm not surprised that I don't like this one. It is almost exactly like Sticky Pillowcase, very sugary, fruity. I don't get the cream. Oh well, I'm sure I can pass this imp off to someone.
  8. milo

    Violet Ray

    This is a very "crisp" violet to me. I am a BIG violet fan and love it when a bpal violet works on me. This to me, as other reviewers put it, very much like Faith to me. The only difference is that the mint (I'm guessing) is making it a cleaner, crisper violet, and it is also not as sweet as Faith. It also starts out strong, but fades quite quickly, within a few hours, whereas Faith lasts all day for me. Still, this is a great violet. I'll probably go to this once my beloved Faith runs out.
  9. milo


    First off, a big Thank You to the lovely Ifinena who frimped me this little beauty! To me, this is a beautiful, spicy, musky plum with a touch of incense. It kind of reminds me of Shalimar, only plummier and juicier. It definitely feels like a "naughty" scent to me, very appropriate for a night of rabble rousing on the town. I just won some Hellion on e-bay to add to my frimp. So excited when I find a new love!!
  10. milo

    The Bow & Crown of Conquest

    I've been wanting to try this one for a long time, and I got frimped two from some lovely forumites This is such a great dude scent, I definitely get the cedar and musk, but am having a hard time picking out the other notes. On reading what's in here, they are scents that I love, so I'm not surprised that this one is fabulous for me. A little too masculine for me to wear, but my s.o will definitely be bombarded with this baby.
  11. milo


    Wet, this is very herbal and sharp, almost in a painful way. (sorry!!) The sharpness almost bites you, it's mood is dirty and evil. This quickly wears off, however and what's left is a very refreshing mint. I hadn't checked the description before and was surprised that mint wasn't listed. Must be the Pennyroyal, because I don't smell the lavender at all. This would be a very nice, refreshing scent for a hot summer day. The sad thing is that it doesn't last very long on my skin, an hour at the most. Surprised that I liked this, as initially, it was quite a shocking scent.
  12. milo

    The search for the perfect Violet....

    To me, I mostly get a predominantly violet note sweetened with sugar, basically "sugared violet". It's my favourite violet scent, I don't really get vanilla, but others may. I found Veil (GC) to be like Faith, only less sweet if you're worried about the sugar note.
  13. milo

    TP'd Trees

    Yes, this is definitely woodsy, in a somewhat generic cologny kind of way. Very fresh, masculine, a little too much for me to wear.
  14. milo


    This is really, really good, which means that I must acquire a bottle. Wet, I thought this may be a bit too masculine, but it quickly dried into a beautiful, oaky vanilla, which are the only two notes that I really get. I do wish the other notes would come out to play, but still this blend is fantastic. I would describe this somewhere in between Antikythera Mechanism and Glowing Vulva. Not as masculine as AM, but not as sweet/foody/feminine as GV. I would say this is a "warm" scent, something great for this time of year when you want to be wrapped in a comforting blanket
  15. milo


    I didn't know this was a dream formula until I searched it, as this was a frimp from the lab. It really doesn't change too much to me from wet to dry. Kind of a herbal, minty, licoricey, and as another reviewer noticed, a eucalyptus note. This is quite refreshing, and I can see this being a really great scent for when you're not feeling well, wanting a nap in the afternoon. It is kind of a "cleansing" scent to me, and very comforting at the same time.
  16. milo

    The Lurid Library

    Wet, this is what I would describe as a "dusty men's cologne". As it dries though, the musk comes out and what must be the incense appears, though it is much milder than other incense blends that I've tried. This is very nice, but fades fast on my skin. Luckily, the cologne stage disappears as it dries, and this is a very pleasant blend.
  17. milo

    Hellhound on My Trail

    On wet, I was a little worried that this was too masculine for me. The rum was just overpowering, and a woody note was just making it a little too "guy like" for me. This didn't last long, however, and a most wonderful smoky vanilla came bursting out, while the woodiness took more of a background. Most of these notes are unfamiliar to me, but it is definitely total deliciousness, quite reminiscent of one of my faves, Glowing Vulva, with a little bit of rum and spice thrown in. So glad I have a bottle, wish I had two! eta: Forgot to mention that this will probably only get better with age.
  18. milo

    Pumpkin I (2008)

    At first this smelled like a juicier version of Coral Snake. I get the fruitiness, which smells like apples to me, but must be the mango. As it dries, the spice comes out, and I smell just a touch of pumpkin and a bit of coconut. I know spices aren't listed, but they gotta be in there!! I really like this, and wouldn't have ordered any pumpkins (I don't need any more bpal addictions!!), but thanks to a very kind forumite, this ended up in a package. *Hijack* as a relative newb I can speak for myself and say that I really appreciate these lovely frimps. I may have to check these Pumpkins out next year
  19. milo

    Red Musk

    Thank you for starting this thread!!! So many of these red musk blends I love, but had no idea why (thump on the head). Just tried Lady Lillith again, and in the last month or two, it has gotten even better. The floral is now in the background, RM in the front, Yay!! I could have sworn Sin has rm, but it's not listed in the notes, (I think my imp is VERY aged though)
  20. milo

    Worm Moon 2008

    This has the same kind of dirt scent as in Deep in Earth. I do detect some floral here, but the dirt note, I really don't enjoy, and it gives me a headache to boot.
  21. milo

    Machu Picchu

    Hmm, I don't usually like fruity scents, and didn't know there was any in it when I tried out the imp. I really didn't get any fruit per se, just a fresh, slightly sweet/florally lush green scent. Now that I know there is fruits, I can smell it, the amber maybe tones it down. Very nice, I will enjoy the imp while it lasts! Probably a summer scent, for me.
  22. milo


    It's rare when I try out something and it's a "must have a bottle" feeling. Well Sin does just that. This is like Scherezade, but with a nice spicy kick. The oil was so thick and dark and the patchouli is really so very smooth and mellow. There is other notes, I get a faint whiff of amber, but everything is blended so very well it's hard to pick out. The imp I had was only half full, so I'm thinking it must be one a nice forumite put in a package for me. Could be that it's aged? I'm overwhelmed, LOVE this one!!!
  23. milo

    White Rabbit

    This really reminds me of what offspring of Embalming Fluid and Milk Moon, would be like. I get the freshness of EF, and the creaminess of Milk Moon. I could have sworn there was a citrus note to WR, but it is not listed. WR smells so fresh and clean and creamy all at once, I really like this!! Probably this scent would be best worn in the spring or summer for me. This scent actually describes the actual character of White Rabbit very well, energetic, fresh and outdoorsy.
  24. I really find Sticky Pillowcase to be a dead ringer for MB Bloody Mary, but maybe it's my nose.
  25. milo


    Gad's my nose must be broke. This is all violet, violet, and more violet to me. I get no other notes. This is probably the 2nd most favourite bpal violet oil to me, with Faith being first. The only difference I get between the two is that Faith is sweeter. If Faith is too sweet for you, this little gem will do very nicely.