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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by milo

  1. milo

    The Bride

    Sigh, I had big hopes for this one judging by the reviews, but this one is pretty much SN Magnolia on me. Yes, it is creamy, but I'm just not getting the fluffy vanilla clouds and sweet honey musk that I was hoping for. I'll keep it for awhile to see if age helps, but for now it is a 'no'.
  2. milo


    I love love love my 2006 Cottonmouth, it is a lovely balance of soft florals and Snake Oil, but so well blended it's hard to tell where one starts and ends. I was so sad when it was discontinued even before the Carnival finished its first run. This. is. nothing. compared to the previous version, though I didn't think there was any note change. Screaming white florals and cheap musk. I am soooo sad, and will hoard my half bottle of the previous version. I really hope age will take care of this, but I remember liking Cottonmouth the moment I tried her back in the day. Ergghh eta: A year has almost passed, and I was just about to list this baby and decided to try her one last time. It HAS changed for the better. Not quite where I want it, but with enough promise I'm confident that she will only get better. YAY aging really does make a difference where bpal is concerned!
  3. milo

    Volcano in Springtime

    Whipped vanilla cream and white sandalwood with a touch of lotus root. This is closer to Glowing Vulva than Blossoming Vulva is, but it's still not 'there'. I think there should be more 'wood' in there and it may be closer. This is quite sweet and creamy, lotus is dominating I suspect. It is very similar to Blossoming Vulva, that I'm not sure I can justify keeping both, but I will have to do a side by side comparison to be sure. This one is just lacking the orange element. This is isn't bad, but I got to admit, I was expecting great things, and she didn't well, erupt for me. Haha. Maybe I'll give her a chance to age a bit....
  4. milo

    King Cobra (2016)

    Resins and Snake Oil. This really isn't that much different than the previous incarnation. The only difference that I can detect is that after a few hours, it seems sweeter and more like Snake Oil with spicy resins rather than spicy resins with Snake Oil. So wearable, even though I find this snake to be the most masculine, this newer version may be leaning unisex to feminine. Im curious to see how this one ages. Definite WIN!!!
  5. milo

    Western Diamondback

    This one is quite different than my superaged bootle of WD, even though I dont think there was a reformulation. My old bottle is an even mix of leather, tonka and Snake Oil with a touch of sage. Oddly, this seems more Snake Oil heavy and at first, slightly sweeted more by the tonka. More sagey and slightly soapy than the older bottle, but I still ike it immensely. You really cant go wrong with a Snake in my books. I predict it will become smoother and more rounded. Curious to see if this is going to remain sage heavy or develop onto the more leather/tonka of my aged bottle...
  6. milo

    Green Tree Viper

    I believe there is no change from the previous incarnation. I just bought the new version, and if anyone was wondering, it is pretty much bang on. New version seems to be cleaner, crisper with little actual Snake Oil scent. Older is richer, smoother, but still clean and fresh. I love wearing GTV on a hot day. This is probably one of my fave snakes, and actually may prefer it fresh.
  7. milo

    Wulric, The Wolfman (2016)

    I went through at least 3 bottles the last run, and have been out for about a year and a half. *ahem* So glad the Wolfman is back with all his lavender/cocoa glory. I wish I kept a bit of the older incarnation to compare, but this smells pretty bang on from what I can remember. Snuggly lavender and cocoa, such a great combo, and who would have thought... Maybe the cocoa was more prominent, but this is pretty bang on, and I am a happy girl. I got three bottles and will probably need more if I want it to last the rest of my natural life.
  8. milo

    Asp Viper (2016)

    I am a big fan of the Snake Pit, and love or at least like most of them. I have the original Asp Viper, and it is smooth, spicy almond with a healthy dollop of well aged Snake Oil. First test of the new incarnation, I'm getting more orange than anything, with a smidge of spicy almond. After a bit, its more like orange soap. Still, I don't mind it, and have great faith in Beth and her Snakes. After half an hour, this is more like the Asp Viper I love, just not as rich and developed and maybe with just more of the added orange note, but just a touch. I still have half a bottle of the original, so I'm sure it will be amazing in a couple of years. WIN!! eta: Over a year, and it still isn't like the original Asp Viper. Is sad, but I'll hold on...The new Cotton Phoenix is more like original Asp Viper.
  9. milo

    Rendezvous at the Bath

    I like fresh, clean scents and figured this one would fit the bill. I'm getting aloe cucumber lotion, basically. It is definitely a 'clean' blend, but I have other bpals I enjoy more, GTV and Embalming Fluid are great fresh blends.
  10. milo

    Phoenix and Dragon

    This blend is definitely 'blackened', and really smells like classic bpal. Kind of herbal, a bit of non-descript floral, resins, some patch and a bit of sharpness I associate with TAL blends. I'm not really wowed by this one.
  11. milo

    The Dream

    Who would have thought lavender and patchouli would go together? It is the milder, smoother patch, which probably helps. Lavender is the main player here, and then the patch. Not getting much else. I'm really digging a few of the lupers this year. Need more fundage!!
  12. milo

    To His Mistress Going to Bed

    I'm surprised that I got a decant of this one, as caramelled anything equals bad. Musky and resinous at first, and yes, the caramel, which makes this blend smell a lot like Red Lantern. If you were a fan of RL, this would be good. I am not. Thankfully, the end result does not include caramel (it fades rather quickly), and were left with sweet resins and a touch of musk. It is a LOT like King Cobra on me, minus the Snake Oil. I really like the final dry down, but it is too similar to KC to warrant any more.
  13. milo

    Raw Cacao, Chestnut, Honey, and Patchouli

    Sweet Patchouli and a fake chocolate, the same one as in Candy Butcher. Not for me.
  14. milo

    The Avenue

    I'm surprised I got this, as pink pepper and I do not get along. Dark chocolate at first, and a LOT of spice. It's like a dark chocolate and clove mix, mostly, with a kick from the pepper. Clove is foremost now,, it kind of reminds me of Velvet Bandito on steroids, with a touch of dark chocolate. This is OK, but I have my Sin and VB when I'm in to spice, and nothing can compare to Boomslang for an amazing cocoa/chocolate blend.
  15. milo

    Full Moon

    Pretty much Embalming Fluid with a touch of ginger. I really like this, but it's a fast fade, (and I slathered!). I'll stick to my EF. It's just as nice and lasts a long while on me.
  16. milo

    Bright Red Dildo

    Yummy, sweet leather at first. Yes, this very sexy, BUT the sweetness disappears on me. This would have been an upgrade if it hadstayed how it was in the first stages. Ends up much too dry.
  17. milo

    The Two Old Men

    Very cologney, with something kind of musky. This would smell great on a guy, but it's too masculine for my tastes.
  18. milo

    The Imperfect Enjoyment

    Sweet myrhh and patchouli. This one broke when I moved the couch and that area smelled quite lovely. Would be a great scent for an atmosphere spray, methinks! On my skin, the same, but the myrhh fades, and its mostly a smooth, sweet patch. It is very similar to Feed Me and Fill me with Pleasure and another sweet patch who's name escapes me to warrant a bottle. It is quite nice, though!
  19. milo

    Blossoming Vulva

    The notes sound good, I was actually hoping for something like Glowing Vulva, but this is not really in that vein. Foody, warm, slightly fruity and kind of heavy. Reminds me mostly of Autumn Moon of the Mirror Stand. If the fruit/citrus wasn't there, I'd probably like this more. I may hang onto this, Venus Genetrix made a lovely turnaround for me, so I think I'll age this one a bit to see if things improve.
  20. milo

    The Book

    This is quite nice. Soft, brown leather, slightly sweet vanilla, and a touch of rose. Over time, the rose strengthens a bit, and the whole effect is soft, gentle and sweet, but with LEATHER, which is normally harsher in other blends. I've not tried anything quite like it, and if I had unlimited funds, at least a partial. Though it's pretty and unique, I don't know how much I'd wear it to justify a purchase.
  21. milo

    Impressions of the Floating World

    I seem to be getting something different here. Chem 11 scent, ALDEHYDE, along with a lovely, slightly sweet patch. I think the vanilla silk is the culprit, as I'm familiar with all the other notes. Truly a fail, it smells like sickly sweet death, and although it fades, there's always a whiff in the background.
  22. milo

    Dead Leaves, Bourbon Vanilla, and Myrrh

    Lots leaves here folks! Basically resins and leaves with no sweetness. I like the lab's leaf note, but it needs at least a bit of sweet to make it more wearable. Maybe the Bourbon vanilla will come out in time, but for now, this is a 'no'.
  23. milo


    Quite resiny with a dollop of musk on me. What comes to mind is 'classic bpal', which is a good thing. Oh, and there is something akin to vics, but it fades pretty quickly. Nice, glad I got to try this, but don't need any more than my half imp.
  24. milo

    Champagne Lace

    Definite champagne note at first, then the distinctive cognac that is in all the 'lace' blends. Definitely vanilla, and it is pretty, but it doesn't really remind me of Antique Lace, the champagne and cognac are just too prominent. If the dried flowers were in the blend, maybe it would be more AL like. I do like this, but wish that the champagne was less prominent, but age may help with that.
  25. milo


    I'm not a foody per se, but I love me a good vanilla, and the comparisons to Antique Lace made me break down for a bottle. Shouldn't be too hard to re-home, right? Right off, slightly creamy, sugared vanilla. It kiiiind of reminds me of AL, but only a teeny bit. This lad is STRONG, like a hulking farm boy that likes his sweets. This is more Boo-like to me, , a scent I find too sweet and cloying, especially the hair gloss which literally stays for DAYS on me. I'll see how the wear goes, and definitely won't slather next time. I'm thinking Farm Boy may need a new home, but I'll give him a bit of time to age into a man. eta: Sweetness has calmed down, and a lovely, inobtrusive musk comes out. I could swear that there's a bit of floral now, too. I think the Boy may be staying!