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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by kadmia

  1. Although I haven't tried many scents, they all seem to have the same undertone to them. I've tried: Veil Persephone O Snake Oil Old Kyoto Eclipse Queen Mab Danube Endymion Dana O'Shee Chaos Theory (can't remember which #) Now I understand that the top notes vary--a lot! But there is this underlying scent that I smell in all of them, and for some reason, it's really noticeable to me. It's hard to describe...kind of incense-like. While I'm sure some people love this scent, it kinda bothers my nose. Have I no hope for liking BPAL? I have some upcoming orders that I made in hopes of loving BPAL, but why do all blends smell the same to me? Is there anything I can do to fix my problem? Please help!
  2. i could be crazy, but Queen has elements of METTR to it. surprising and quite nice Also Midnight smells somewhat like a LUSH floral I can't put my finger on at the moment. I think it could be Figs 'n Leaves..
  3. I hope this hasn't been said before, but I think Malediction is insanely similar to Cosmic Dreamcatcher. Practically a dead ringer, but a little darker/thicker.
  4. I get what y'all are saying about BPAL's high quality essential oils, but I've been using high quality essential oil-based perfume oils for a long time now. I haven't used a commercial alcohol perfume in years (probably b/c they all turn ick on me.) So I'm not really sure it's a "your nose needs to be trained" thing entirely. The blends I have all do have primarily different scents--they just have an underlying scent that is the same. Like someone else said above, I can tell that I'm wearing a BPAL blend, rather than any other essential oil blend. I guess the mystery remains a mystery. Anyways, I'm definitely keeping my fingers crossed about my Yule order!
  5. Wow, thanks for all the responses!!!!!! You guys are all so helpful! I have a feeling that it has something to do with my body chemistry amplifying the base notes as VelvetSky said. I have a similar problem with commercial perfumes come to think of it--they turn into a strange smell upon drydown...not the same as BPAL, but not a nice one either. If any of you are LUSHies, it's like "that LUSH smell" that all LUSH products have. however, i happen to adore "that LUSH smell!" I also think the base notes are ones that i'm not too fond of. I love sandalwood, but i don't think i jive with amber or myrrh (turns metallic on me). And i really dislike patchouli (but i avoided that in my orders). Part of me wonders whether the culprit is the carrier oil beth uses...but those should be fragrance-free, no? It's just so weird that every blend has the same underlying scent. I wonder if there's a drop of a BPAL signature perfume added to every blend... Also, I actually do have Tempest--forgot to list it. And it too has the same BPAL scent on me. I have a lot of imps and Yules on their way (soon?!!) and hopefully they'll work for me....!! I'll try storing them separately as well--right now they're all in one small box together. I'll update when i get my new order! Er, either I'll be really psyched, or have a ton of stuff to put up for swaps Thanks again for all your thoughts!!!
  6. kadmia

    Snake Oil

    i think i must have gotten a strange batch of snake oil.. mine wasn't sweet at all--it was ALL spices. i kept reading about it being very vanilla and too sweet, but i couldn't find any sweetness at all. not in the bottle, not wet on me, and not after drydown. it just screamed SPICE. i guess i'm one of the few that didn't jive with snake oil, but i might give it another try...i'm hoping i just had a dodgy batch.
  7. does anyone know of any blends that smell like Psychodelic bbs?? i think i'm going to save my last bit of pyschodelic, to send beth when she starts making custom-blended scents again...