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BPAL Madness!


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Blog Entries posted by Eoywin

  1. Eoywin
    I tend to go through phases where I'm highly interested in one television show, or one series of books.
    Currently, it's 7th Heaven.
    My husband had watched it much longer than me, and when we started living together, we'd watch it on and off. This winter though, I started to watch it faithfully every Monday.
    I found a used copy of Season 1 at a game store, and it sat on my shelf for a while. I picked it up and started watching it a couple of weeks ago.
    I was watching it nearly every day, and I went through Season 1 pretty quick, so I went to eBay to find a copy of Season 2.
    I, against my better judgement, bid on a copy, and won, and it arrived yesterday. So, there will be lots of 7th Heaven-ness at my house tonight.
    I don't know what I'll do after I finish Season 2 though... Season 3 isn't on DVD yet.
  2. Eoywin
    When I was in college, this is how my typical Saturday would go.
    I'd be up at 4 am, so I could be to work at 5 am (I worked at McDonald's). I would work until about noon, then I'd head home.
    I've veg around the house until about 3:30, then it would be time to get ready for the LARP (live action role play).
    We would LARP from about 5 until midnight, and then we would go to Lil Chef or Shoney's for food.
    Afterwards, sometimes a group of people would end up at my townhouse, and we talk until 4 am.
    I wonder sometimes how I managed to do that!
    Now I usually sleep in until about 9 or 10 am, clean the house, run errands. In the evenings, Todd and I will watch a movie, but I'm usually ready to go to sleep by 10 pm.
    Sad, isn't it?
  3. Eoywin
    Todd asked me to be his girlfriend.
    And I'm usually good about remembering stuff like that, but I didn't remember until about 5 minutes ago.
    This is proof my brain is turning into mush.
  4. Eoywin
    I know I tend focus on the bad stuff sometimes, so I thought I'd list some good stuff that has happened in the last day or so.
    - Mailed out 99% of the wedding invitations last night! The remaining 5 or so, are Todd's friends, and it's up to him to get the addresses. I wanted the rest to go out now, so people have a chance of having their wedding invitation before the shower.
    - Had an awesome time at game last night. We had a very long game session yesterday, and it was one of the most fun games I've played. I'm really interested to see where it goes.
    - My friend, Carly, is coming to my shower!! I'm so excited!
    - Getting a manicure this coming Friday - since my plane is arriving in Saginaw at noon, we are going to have a bunch of time to kill before my bach. party, so my aunt and I will be going to the mall to get manicures
    That's pretty much it for now.. I'm going to try and relax tonight -I'm going to get me some Panera Bread (French Onion soup is my sicky comfort food) and watch some 7th Heaven and Live Action Sailor Moon.
  5. Eoywin
    As I was adding up numbers today, I began to think about math. I know lots of kids piss and moan to their parents about how they will never use math, and such.
    I use math every day, at least at work. Of course, I do have my handy dandy calculator to help me out.
    But the more I thought about it, I realized we use math in play too. If I didn't know how to add and multiply, I'd have no idea how much damage I did to the bad guys in the roleplaying campaign I play in.
  6. Eoywin
    The forum is messed up for me and a handful of other people. It's a real chore to try and read anything on the forums, since I have to wade through error screens, and having the forum jump back to the main page.
    Because of this, I haven't been around the forums as much as I usually would be, and I'm feeling disconnected from the entire bpal fandom which makes rather sad
    I've been missing my mom an awful lot as of late too, which makes me feel sad as well. I think the stress of the wedding, and the fact that it is only 5 months away, is wearing on me.
  7. Eoywin
    Since my own wedding is 3 months away, my thoughts are pretty much focused on the wedding, and how much crap I still have to do for it.
    When I couldn't get to sleep last night, I flipped on the tv, and found the show 'Bridezillas' on which I watched for about 20 minutes.
    One of the brides made the comment that 'the wedding is all about the bride, and the groom doesn't matter'.
    I'd like to say that it's the first time I've heard that idea, but it's not. I know of several people who felt that way about their own wedding.
    Our wedding will be focused not just on me, because honestly it's not just me getting married. It's Todd and I.
    Besides, he might get more attention, since he's inviting more people
    I did get some wedding stuff done - I got the cloaks for the bridal party ordered yesterday, and I'll get them in a couple of weeks, which is awesome.
    This weekend, beyond cleaning, I'm going to get my invitations weighed, so I can buy stamps, so I can start to get those finished.
  8. Eoywin
    I feel bad that:
    I didn't make the picture slideshow on my cousin's Myspace page, and that there are two pictures of my selfish sister on there.
    my husband's eBay auctions aren't going to sell.
    my kitty loves my husband more than me.
    my mom is gone, and lots of people still have theirs.
  9. Eoywin
    It could be the time of year, but I've been feeling sad and unwanted the last couple of days.
    Sadness comes from the fact, mostly, that my dad has sold my childhood home. I'm a little sad that I haven't been there since April 2005, and I won't see it before he sells it. And of course my mom's deathday (and birthday) coming up very soon makes me sad too.
    The unwanted comes from wanting to go to various meet and sniffs, but not feeling like anyone really wants me to come.
    Of course, not getting enough sleep and having to come to work on a Saturday leads to these feelings as well.