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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Eoywin

  1. This is my review for the 2004 version of Gingerbread Poppet, and I hope this is in the right spot! If not, feel free to move it.


    When I first put on Gingerbread Poppet it was a little spicy, but had all the homebake goodness of gingerbread cookies. Now that it's dry, it's not spicy anymore... just the gingerbread smell is lingering.


    It's so good!!!

  2. Gluttony is very yummy, and strong. Very sweet with it's carmel and chocolate smell...


    It lasted a very long time on me, I put it on yesterday afternoon, and I could still smell it this morning.


    Very good, though I don't know if I'll get a big bottle, but I'll keep the imp.

  3. Snake Oil is very vanilla to me... but a very yummy, foody vanilla that I just love...


    the vanilla does mellow as it dry, but still smells great. This is one for the big bottle list...


    Gosh, I wish I could write longer reviews... I seem to be able to only pick out one smell I recognized with each oil.

  4. At first, in the bottle and wet on my skin, Belladonna seemed rather minty. So much so, that I put it in my swap pile.


    But I put it on right before I went to bed, and as I was trying to go to sleep, it turned into a Vicks Vaporub smell, and it was very soothing to me.


    So, I yanked it out of the swap pile, and I have been wearing it every night since!

  5. This scent unfortunely smells like dish soap on me... it smelled light and floral in the bottle, and a bit when I put it on... but it's only been on about 5 minutes, and it's very, very soapy :P

  6. I got this as a freebie today... and it smelled (unfortunely) like a nasty grape cough syrup... and it was super strong, and unfortunely added to my headache.


    Unfortunely, one of those instant dislikes in the bottle sort of thing.

  7. :P  Can someone exlpain what "Awaiting Shipment" means? I assume that means the lab has my order and is in the process of making it, but I just wanted to make sure. Thanks


    If you are using CCNOW, then all 'awaiting shipment' means is they haven't sent the info on to the lab...


    When it says 'shipped' all that means is the lab has your order... it won't ship until at least a month after you put your order in.


    Hope that helps.

  8. There's also those "Migraine Ice" pads that are basically some sort of menthol gel on cotton that you stick to your head.  Which is all well and good... unless you need to go to class or be in a meeting or something.  Then the peppermint is at least a little less obtrusive.




    These are great... my problem is that I can't find them readily in the town I live.


    My dad heard that peppermint would work for headaches, and he got a bottle for me... unfortunely, I tried it when I had a very bad headache and it didn't work.


    I'll have try the peppermint and lavender sometime.

  9. I've found the BPAL scents tend NOT to aggravate my headaches, unlike most traditional perfumes, body lotions, etc. I wouldn't say this is a sweeping reccomendation to go out and apply them all at once, but at least for me, personally, they have not been a problem.


    This is one of the reasons that I love bpal. I don't suffer from migrianes, per say, but have chronic headaches... and most of the bpal scents I've tried have not given me/made worse my headaches.


    I'll have to try some of the suggestions on here... Anything that helps would be great!

  10. I've gotten some headaches from sniffing imps... but I'm very prone to headaches anyway. Luckily, none of the scents I've tried so far have made me have headaches while wearing them.


    As a side note, if any of you are breaking out into hives, it may not be the oil at all. I break out into hives all the time, because my skin is super dry. I put some lotion on, and usually it goes away.
