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BPAL Madness!


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Blog Comments posted by Eoywin

  1. I'd have a few choice words for her as well. :wub2:


    Is anyone else a newlywed that you work with? If so does she make the same comments to them as well?


    I don't think anyone else is a newlywed.


    Thing is, she is only a few years older than me, but has been married for 13 years. She got married right out of high school, and she complains a lot about her husband.


    I think part of the snarky-ness on her part is jealousy - I'm her age, but newly married, and have my whole life in front of me. While she does too at bit, but she has two kids, and has less freedom than Todd & I do at the moment.


    I can deal for the most part, and I don't want to make waves, because most of the time she is nice, and I really love my job.

  2. greetings from another frumpette feeling person:))) I have a feeling we are not truly frumpy;my guess is that the truly frumpscious have no idea that they are so; we who are so conscious of it probably are style vixens(in someones eyes. I know that my wardrobe could use updating, and I have become chunkier since last year. Just today I am starting to go through closet and get rid of anything that doesnt make me spiffy. Perhaps we could be on what not to wear!!!!!!:wub2:


    As far as haircut,I go to a beauty school,because I really like the enthusiasm and cheap prices of the stylists-Ive found really no difference between the school haircuts(99% of time) and higher priced snotty hair salons.


    How about going to a beauty school to get a facial and or massage; THEN go into a store you like and try something different on!BTW-a friend of mine always used to get one outfit each year that she had to fight with herself to get(ie something she would not normally wear)and invariably found she got many compliments on it!

    then again,perhaps I should take my own advice!Anyway, dont worry-your hubby loves you-and I think Ive seen pics of you-you non frumpy person!!!!!!!!! :wub2:


    Thanks :wub2:


    I'll have to see if I can find a beauty school in the area!

  3. What do you think your best assets are? do you like your legs, or your eyes. I always wear blue when I want to feel good cause it brings out my eyes. Try that... or wear heels and a skirt to play up your legs.


    Play up what you like, and try on things you would NEVER try. Also ask the store clerks,or other people at the store..trust me they won't mind and it helps to get someone else's opinion.


    Go to a makeup counter or a sephora and get them to do your makeup. Watch HOW they do it, and then try to do it yourself. It might take a few trys but great makeup can turn something simple into not so simple.


    Also a friend takes a digital camera with her to the store and takes a picture of everything she trys on... so you can see what it looks like in the picture BEFORE you buy it.


    Well, I would have to say my eyes - I used to say my legs would be up there, but they have gotten chunky on me :wub2:

  4. Congratulations on deciding to try for a wee one.


    When you decide to go off birth control, can you describe what it's like and if your body does anything weird? I've been on the magic pill for five straight years now and I'm wondering if I'll have unusual things happen should I ever stop taking it and let my body go back to its natural cycles.


    I'll try and remember to post about it on here.


    Or if you have a lj, you can always friend me - I'm Eoywin on there too.


    I'm imagining it's going to be quite a shock - I'm currently on Seasonale, so I only get a period 4 times a year. It's going to be super weird to go back to monthly periods

  5. I merged my bank accounts after getting married and recently got severely chastized by a friend who pointed out that 1) you never know when things might go south so it is good to keep your own account and best when it has been set up before you are married (e.g. husband starts gambling) 2) establishing credit in your name which you can lose if you don't keep accounts in your name 3) if you have a family crisis you might need your own money.


    So I am going to get my own account this week!


    Moreover, it is 2006! To suggest that women need to merge their finances with their husband is anti-feminist!


    Well, I do think merging is okay for some people. But it's so not okay for us...


    Once I change my name, I'm going to get a credit card solely in my name, partly to help rebuild my credit.


    Right now, the only credit cards we have are in his name... but I don't really foresee us having any joint credit cards every either.

  6. Their whole arguement on this was, when you are married the Bible says 'Two become one'. Now I'm a Christian, but I don't think that Todd and I are one person now. (I have an image of a huge Mandy/Todd monster in my head :) )


    We are still are own people, and we are a family, but we need to do what works for us.


    The post that started all of this said that marriage is about merging people (becoming 1 person), and is not a joint venture.



  7. Oh please! Merging finances does not work for all couples. In fact, I've seen too many couples divorce needlessly because they chose to combine their finacnes when separate accounts could have solved the issue.


    If separate accounts work for you, then by all means keep at it. My husband and I do combine our finances because that's what makes sense to us. There are times I wish I had more of money I earned (for more BPAL, of course), but I deal with it the best I can.


    There is no need to explain yourself - or the way you choose to handle you finances - to anyone in this world.


    And that's advice you can "take to the bank".


    That's what I think... combining money for me and Todd would be very, very bad :)


    I just hate judgemental people, who think their way is the only way.

  8. You look beautiful! I can't even imagine creating my own decorations (and largely by yourself from what I've previously read??) :)


    Also: Mmmm, cake! :)


    Thanks! Todd did help a lot with the decorations. The pumpkins were my idea, and I found the idea for the banners online.


    It was a lot of work, but saved us a lot of money in the long run.


    The cake was beautiful and so yummy. I loved my wedding cake!

  9. :)


    WOOOHOOOOO! Thanks for posting pics. You look beautiful! Is that a bit o' purple I spy in your bouquet? Me likey! Can't wait to see more.


    Now go rest up! (so you can post more :)!)


    Purple was one of our wedding colors - since it's Todd's favorite color.


    I'll post more when I get home from work since my sister in law sent me some pictures :)

  10. I have never been to Disney and I so want to go. Hubby has been out to the one in California and Florida, though he was just a kid when he went. I think it would be nice to go during Halloween, but I have to wonder if it would be any more crowded than normal?


    I've been to Vegas twice and would love to go back, there is just something about that place that I love.


    I hope you have fun at Disney!


    Thanks :)


    I doubt it would be more crowded... I think the prime times to go are over the holidays and in the summer, since it is a place for families. October school is in full swing, so I doubt it's a big vacation time.


    I'm sure it will be crowded, but hopefully not overly so.


    I'm really excited :)

  11. The signage in most airports makes finding your gate pretty simple. The one piece of advice I will give you is if they tell you your gate when you check in, chect the TV monitors anyway. Gates do get changed and the desk staff don't always know about it. The monitors are all over the place in the airport, though, so it's easy to take 30 seconds and check.


    As for missing your flight on your layover, it's very unlikely you would be scheduled on a flight you wouldn't be able to make. A 45 minute layover is plenty if you will be heading out of the same terminal, a little tight if you have to change terminals. An hour or more, and you are totally fine. Of course, go find your outgoing gate *before* getting food or coffee, even if there is a starbucks on the way between your arriving and leaving gates.


    Don't freak out, it will be *fine*.


    I'm sure you are right... I checked and if my plane gets to Detroit on time, I'll have a little over an hour before my next plane takes off.


    I wouldn't stop for food anyway, I'm that paranoid *L*

  12. Obviously, this is a good ghost: it's looking out for your privacy! :P


    Now if only he/she/it could help when the TP runs out...


    ;) I wouldn't want he/she/it to help out with that... that would freak me out :)


    Plus, I like to have the door open when I'm home alone and it's creepy to watch the door slowly close

  13. If you bring the grey kitty in, you need to do a few things: #1 is quarantine him. Put him in a room that no one really uses too much. Give him a box, a bathroom, food and water, etc. The quarantine in VA to make sure an animal doesn't have rabies is about 10 days (At least that's what the guy from the health board told me when I was scratched by a stray I rescued). After that period, take him to the vet and have an ELISA test done (It checks for Feline AIDS), as well as FELV tests and all that, get it a rabies shot, and get it spay/neutered... Don't delaw it unless Star is (it's cruel but, well.. grey kitty could kill star if it's equipped and star isn't.. ).


    After you know he's clean, etc... Slowly introduce Star (if star has his own "spot", put a blanket or towel there when you bring grey kitty in).. Switch their bedding, play with one, then the other and back again.. so they get used to one and other.


    If you, like me didn't really have time for this: Make all kitty visits monitored by you and Todd, and wait until the hissing and spitting ends before you let them roam the house (with you home) alone.. and once that calms down you can then leave them alone.


    It took Sandy and Sam 3 weeks to be friendly to eachother and they STILL aren't friends. :P


    As for the quarantine and all that, that is all information I learned from the lady at Cat Rescue here in VA Beach (and of course the health board guy)... It's a feral at rescue org that is home-based. They don't have an office or a shelter.. so all that comes from people who deal with ferals.


    Grey Kitty might be friendly, but don't assume it's just a lost pet - Ferals can be *very* friendly to people... The stray I brought in, Cheeto, was feral and the friendliest little guy I ever met.


    His mom is still having Kittens too :ack: I found another one last night when I almost hit him with my car and sadly he ran away before I could get him... Jody and I are going to contact cat rescue to see if we can get the Mommy and take her to get spayed on their dime.. *sigh*


    P.S Good luck with the in-laws....


    I'd kill mine if they visited for longer than two hours *snarl* :P


    Thanks - it looks like our neighbors (who don't have any pets) are going to take in the grey kitty, which is fine, because I really don't have time to deal with introducing a new cat to the house.


    And thanks... I'll be glad when they are gone!

  14. I would definitely take him to the vet first, before bringing him in. At the very least, it might save you from the horrors of a flea infestation.


    I'd probably do that... this weekend would not be the best time to do any new kitty stuff. My inlaws are coming to visit until Wednesday :)


    Plus, I haven't seen the grey kitty for a couple of days, though my husband says he has

  15. That is the exact same way we adopted one of our kitties when I was growing up. All of a sudden a gray tabby started to hang around the yard and after a few weeks one day we just opened the door and she came in and made herself at home. When we took her to the vet they said she'd been fixed and was about five or six years old. We guess she was someone's pet but no one ever posted signs for a missing cat. It took a few weeks but the other three cats adjusted to her presence just fine. If Star isn't that old I'm sure she'll be fine with a new companion (unless she's really aggressive - then I'd put more thought into it)


    Star is two years old... I think he'd adjust fine.


    We are having a house full of company this weekend, which will put Star out of whack anyway, so I'm not sure I'd want to bring the new kitty in this weekend.

  16. I'm glad to see you posting!


    After I collapsed in a fit of rant-itude in my blog last week, there was some discussion that there is a lot more personal connecting and getting-to-know you going on over here on the blog side.


    Obviously, it's no excuse for a real-life social life, but at least it's a venue for some sort of interpersonal connection.


    *nods* I might try posting here more often... especially about things I don't want to rant about on lj
