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Everything posted by Leopard403

  1. Leopard403

    Venus Murcia

    I love looking at this in my decanted imp, because you can tell what you are about to smell by the color of the oil. Like zankoku_zen posted above, this baby is TEAL. I squee! So, okay, it looks a bit like Listerine in the vial. And on immediate application to my skin, there's a scary moment of tangy Irish Spring-yness. But then it settles into something gloriously fresh and a little bit musky, with a drop of sweetness behind it. And it lasts FOREVER. I'm pleasantly surprised at how much I love this!
  2. Leopard403

    Lovers and a Fan

    I think this is my favorite 2015 Luper. Lovers and a Fan is what I WANTED all of the vulva scents to be: Warm and close to the skin without any overt notes. Knowing what this includes, my brain can identify the coconut, but it is really warm and subtle and it plays beautifully with the other notes. I often amp honey, but not here; the honey is not overtly sweet, just thick and grounding. And that little thread of saffron? Oh, man. The notes blend together so seamlessly! I had a few friends take a whiff, and nobody screamed "coconut!" or "honey!" The consensus was that this just "smells soooo good." eta: I figured it out. If you removed the super buttery note from Obatala and mixed it with Love's Philosophy, you'd get Lovers and a Fan.
  3. Leopard403

    Venus Libitina

    At first, this is glorious on my skin. Mostly rosewater on top but with a deep cherry note and a hint of booze underneath. But then, the cream accord. Damn you. Cream notes turn salty on my skin, and this scent is no different. Then some of the other notes turn to powder. After about 30 minutes I get a baby powder-ish salty boiled peanut.
  4. Leopard403

    Caramel Apples and Ancient Oaks Bath Oil

    Every time I use this I kick myself for not getting more, and get angry at others for not paying more attention! This BO was wildly underrated because it sneaks up on you. I can smell each note in the description. In fact, if there were orchards full of big gnarled trees that produced gooey caramel apples, I wouldn't be surprised to find them harvested here. You smell the blossoms and a hint of leaves and tree while you pluck that caramel goodness, and that helps cut the sweetness. SO nice!
  5. Leopard403

    Fruitbat Fruitbath Bath Oil

    I'm finishing up my decants of this one and wish I had more. Most overtly I get a citrus zing, so this is a good warm weather scent, but there's also plump berries/redfruit and cool melon in there too. Kind of sugary sweet sometimes so I'm shocked this is JUST a fruit blend.
  6. Leopard403

    Cranberry Cookie Bark Bath Oil

    Still working on my 8 oz bottle, and still as lovely as the day it arrived! I never got any clear notes from this; no moments of "I smell this" to "It smells like that." No, instead this is a wonderfully blended dessert in a bottle, even if it is a scent made for cold weather and holidays. And I'm so glad that candy cane doesn't go full-on mint!
  7. Leopard403

    Virgin’s Blood Bath Oil

    Ditto! (And I bet its's stuff like that that is what separates BPAL/BPTP fans from your Average Joe, lol.) Seriously, though, Virgin's Blood is heavenly. I fear cream, in general, but there is no plastic or salt here. Just a creamy but identifiably red rose scent. The only way this could be better: If it turned your bath water red. Can someone PLEASE make that a thing??
  8. Leopard403


    This is the 2014 version: Strong autumn leaves, and I agree that with the assessment of "peppery" that is mentioned above. Identifiably fall-like, but way too masculine on my skin. It makes me smell like my dad.
  9. Leopard403

    Pumpkin Spice Everything

    Those for the faint of heart should be protected from my honest (but pretty gross) review:
  10. Leopard403


    Just ordered a bottle of Goofballs because I love its simplicity and its loved, happy feeling. This is clean fresh springtime grass on me, no more, no less, and yet still so much. Damn it's good!
  11. Leopard403

    The Hierophant and The Empress

    My reaction on first whiff: Oh holy lord that's good yes I need a bottle! This instantly made me happy and I started to think about buying MULTIPLE bottles, which would be a first for me in all my years of BPAL. For a while I couldn't recall what it reminded me of, then it came to me: There was an e-tailer I was really into a few years ago who had a signature scent called "Sweet Vanilla Rose," and this is the fancy BPAL version of that. So, yeah, it's a bit sweet, a bit floral, and all gorgeous and sophisticated. Oh, man. Love love love.
  12. Leopard403

    Single Note: Pile Of Fallen Leaves

    Pile of Fallen Leaves is blowing my mind. It's one of those "HOW DOES BETH DO IT?" blends because I'll be damned if it doesn't smell like a pile of mixed leaves, some still greening but some red and orange and gold. It's quite refreshing.
  13. Leopard403

    Pumpkin IV (2014)

    This is goooood. I tend to amp honey notes and this is still true for Pumpkin IV, but it's glorious. The pumpkin on the label was created by Mellifluous, and I know champaca is one of his things; IIRC he's described it as "chewy" and I think that's a great description of this scent. I want to tuck it up in my cheek and gnaw on it a bit. The pumpkin here manages to be milky, spicy, honey-sweet, and "chewy" all at once. Love.
  14. Leopard403

    Pumpkin I (2014)

    Wet, this is all pumpkin. But once it dries, for the first 30 minutes or so, I don't really smell any pumpkin at all, just ginger and spice. Then the next thing you know, whoa pumpkin. It's weird. In each phase it smells quite good, but with its inability to make up its mind I think I'm satisfied with just an imp.
  15. Leopard403

    A Stroll Through the Quarter

    Oh, la. This is lovely. Apparently my brain reads this banana note as similar to the Lab's buttery pumpkin, because that was my impression on first sniff. That slowly went away, replaced by what could be banana tea incense (if that were a thing). I never get that OMGBANANA that others have noted. I love that this is hard to pin down, because I think that captures Puddin's goal of making this about a theme, a memory, rather than a scent. Glad I got a bottle!
  16. Leopard403

    Bloodbath Bath Oil

    I got a decant of this last year and am really regretting not getting a bottle. And that's crazy talk, because I almost didn't buy a decant in the first place: Patchouli doesn't work on me. And red musk? Oooooh no, not ever. But in the case of Bloodbath, I was a sucker for the other two notes and evidently I went a little crazy and got some of this. Why why WHY does it work when exactly half of the notes usually don't? Anyway. Bloodbath is glorious, and I think it's only gotten better with age. I've been using small dabs as an after-shower moisturizer at night and my whole bedroom smells ahhhhmaaaaaazing. Truly: I used this on Monday night, and when I was getting ready for bed Tuesday evening I could smell it lingering in the air. It is dead sexy.
  17. Leopard403

    Black Swallowtail

    This is weeeeeird. But good! I was hesitant because licorice in any iteration usually overpowers everything, but this is so well blended. If I think about it I notice licorice, but it settles down into something just glorious. Not too clean, not too floral This scent reminds me of something, but WHAT? It's a good association, whatever it is. I need a bottle.
  18. Leopard403

    Red-Spotted Purple

    I get lots of fruit here, too, but it's not really citrus. It's more chewy fruit cup-ish. A bit of a morpher, too: It went from hey smoothie to expensive shampoo to something a wee bit medicinal (is that Band Aids?!). I find this is better slathered than dabbed because it stays truer that way. Very summery.
  19. Leopard403

    Violet Ray

    Though the doctor continued to assure her that the treatment was therapeutic, her anxiety increased. Ignoring her feeble protestations, the doctor produced a pair of glass wands, and set to work. As the machine hummed to life, her misgivings were dissolved in a haze of unexpected pleasure. Warmth, contrasted sharply with a million white-hot pinpricks and a strangely cooling blast of electricity, surged through her thighs. The metal electrodes secured beneath her corset flared as the electrical current swelled through her nerve endings. White mint, purple musk, violet, lilac, ylang ylang, lavender moss, and sandalwood. I am a bit disappointed in Violet Ray: To my (admittedly, rather unsophisticated) nose, it smells identical to Faith, though the sweet top note in VR burns off quickly on my skin. This is a lovely scent, just not as distinguished and distinguishable as I hoped it would be.
  20. Leopard403

    Son of biggerCritter

    When the forum was down this summer, I was incredibly bereft without it to keep me company. I don't really do any other social media but I was so worried I would miss some wonderful Lab or TP treat that I began stalking other sites. Lo and behold, I stumbled across Son of biggerCritter just after it had been posted (and even then I didn't expect any to be left for me). But I got a bottle, and I am so very glad I did. To me, the coconut in this scent is very similar to that of Tiki Princess: Sort of a "cold" smell that is not at all reminiscent of warm suntan lotion but rather smells of true pulp. There's a slight "fizz" from the lemon balm and lime, rather than a noticable citrus note. The whole thing is grounded by vanilla cream (which, thank gods, does NOT turn to salty boiled peanuts as that can often do). The scent is lush and lovely and blends so that each note is relatively unidentifiable; one doens't think "that smells like X or Y," just "Man that smells good."
  21. Leopard403

    Plovers Above the Waves

    This is gorgeous...but it smells EXACTLY like another BPAL blend I already own. (Too bad I can't remember which one right now...)
  22. Leopard403

    Reflected Vulva

    Wet on the skin, this is gorgeous. The florals are soft and not too sweet (I don't get candy like other reviewers) and the cream is not too foody. Just gentle and girly. Sadly, the cream turns a little salty with time, and after about 30 minutes all I can smell is Boo. Yep, it's the same cream note.
  23. Leopard403

    Orgy with Nine Women

    This is lovely. You can sense every note. However, in combination this is way too masculine on me.
  24. Leopard403

    What Ought To Have Been A Red Rose Tree

    Gorgeous on application, but three minutes in, BOOM: POWDER. My fingers are crossed that it'll soften up a bit over time.
  25. Leopard403

    Youth's Disengagement

    I'm dying: This is so similar to long lost Monsterbait: Bloody Mary that I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. *bites nails* ETA: Also reminiscent of Beaver Moon '07!