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Everything posted by Leopard403

  1. Leopard403

    Glowing Vulva at Ryogoku Bridge

    Cream accord, amber, teak, and lotus blossom. This is lovely on me, rich and woody and almost boozy, and very warm. I dabbed just a bit behind my ear to test, and my boyfriend tried to eat my face. Plus, the gleam in his eyes when he asked what scent I was wearing was even better.
  2. Leopard403

    Poisoned Apple

    This is gorgeous and crisp, an apple with bite. There is a bitter note when wet on my skin, but this dries into a crisp red scent. I can practically hear the snap of Snow White's teeth in that forbidden fruit!
  3. Leopard403

    Parlement of Foules

    I adore this! Because the description cites "white roses" I was worried that I wouldn't like this as much of the other rose blends, but the resins work perfectly to make this a pert and spicy floral. There is nothing grandmotherly about this rose!
  4. Leopard403

    The Passionate Shepherd To His Love

    I had high hopes for this scent. I wanted it to be complex: A little green, some cold florals, with the spice and underlying bite of carnation. However, on my skin it just smells like unidentifiable white flowers, with the slightest hint of green fields. It is a lovely scent, very gentle and fresh--it matches the poem beautifully!--but it is just not for me.
  5. Leopard403

    Her Voice

    Upon first whiff from the bottle, this is very green and somewhat reminiscent of Rose Red. When wet on my skin, it is a green floral with a hint of sweet honey-ish beeswax. When dry, I find the beeswax somewhat off-putting: It is a rather unnatural scent on my skin. Coupled with the loss of the green freshness and the bloom of the white florals, this is too perfume-y sweet for me. I am disappointed in this one; it'll go up for swaps.
  6. Leopard403


    This is very medicinal on me. I only smell the cheap pink bubblegum note. No lovely lollipops or womanly perfume here.
  7. Leopard403

    Beaver Moon 2007

    To me, this smells like Lush's Snowcake soap with a dollop of cherry cordial on top. I get more of a boozy note than a candy one, though that seems to burn off of my skin quickly leaving notes of bright red cherries and almond. I am so glad I was able to find a bottle!
  8. Leopard403

    Australian Copperhead (2006)

    I adore this! Upon first application, it reminded me of IoE's CSCWEM perfume oil (in which I smell the apple note most heavily, and the funnelcake is soft vanilla in the background). It dries down to a similar scent, slightly Midway-ish with a slightly tart note. Just wonderful. I am so glad I took a chance and bought a bottle!
  9. Leopard403

    Blood Kiss

    I had high hopes for this one. I wanted to love it. Vanilla? Honey? Cherry? Dark wine? How could I resist? Unfortonately, the vetiver and musk notes make this very perfume-y and overwhelming on me, similar to my mother's Opium which I could never wear. This is definitely a scent for a bolder woman with a stronger body chemistry.
  10. Leopard403

    Antique Lace

    As so many others have mentioned, I was surprised to find that this scent was so creamy-sweet! It is very notably vanilla, but the soft floral notes lurk underneath to make this a very sophisticated and pretty scent. I sort of expected this to smell like my grandmother: Sort of dry and aged and musty and floral. But it is very different, and very lovely as a result.
  11. Leopard403

    Dana O'Shee

    This is lovely. Not too terribly foody, but definitely a comforting scent. This matches beautifully with the Oatmeal Milk & Honey scent so popular with other etailers. Unfortunately, on me, Dana O'Shee on its own fades rather quickly, making layering with body gloss or conditioner a necessity.
  12. Leopard403

    The Apothecary

    I wanted to love this, but it smells like herbal incense on my skin. Too musty and hippy-ish for my tastes, which makes me very sad.
  13. Leopard403


    For Jenny, with love. Crocus with snowdrop and three lilies. This is a crisp floral, and somehow smells overwhelmingly like sweet pea on my skin. At first application there is a strong "perfume-y" note but on dry down this is sweet and girly and fun.
  14. Leopard403


    To me, this smells exactly like the sugared rose petals on gourmet cakes. The scent to my nose is like one of these petals on my tongue: Agonizingly sweet candied rose. I just adore it, and luckily my skin just drinks it up and the scent stays true; one of the only blends that is exactly the same on my skin as it is in the bottle. Plus, it lasts and lasts! I rubbed some into my hairline this morning before work, and I just unpinned my hair and caught a whiff... more than 12 hours later!
  15. Leopard403


    This smells very soapy to me in the imp, and on my skin it is too men's cologne-smelling. Definitely not a winner for me... but this smells amazing on my boyfriend.
  16. Leopard403


    Oh, my. I really didn't expect to like this one, but there is something... familiar about it. It is clean, slightly aquatic, and sparklingly innocent. When I wear this I am eight years old again, carrying around my pink portable stereo and Debbie Gibson tapes. ETA: I know what it smells like! Remember years ago, every Christmas season Love's Baby Soft perfume had a special holiday sampler with five different fragrances? This smells like the blue bottle did: Clean and green and fresh.
  17. Leopard403


    Upon first whiff: Whoa, I am getting strangled by the honeysuckle bushes that grew outside my window as a child. There is also a bitter and vaguely incense-y note here. On the skin: Still notably honeysuckle, but now I get faint notes of the sweet pea and lily. Later in the day: I smell like a field of flowers, though the scent is light. Much prettier after I've worn this for a while than upon first application.
  18. Leopard403


    This is a clean, aquatic floral; lots of flowers with watery green notes, and a hint of sweetness that lingers on the skin. I am always amazed at the Lab's ability to capture something so perfectly: This smells delicate but full of longing and mystery, just like Ophelia herself.
  19. Leopard403

    Rose Recommendations - which blend is for me?

    I don't see many mentions of Whip here, so I figured I'd add it. Whip is, I believe "black leather and damp red rose." It smells like the perfectly polite but secretly naughty boy who arrives for your first date holding a rose bouquet and wearing the new bomber jacket he got just to impress you.
  20. Leopard403

    Blood Countess

    Mmmmmm... this is my first BPAL love! This is floral and heady, but in a good way. (If you read my other reviews you'll see that "heady" is usually a bad thing, but in this case, it totally works!) The rose peeks through the smokey and fruity notes (which seem to blend into "plum-and-berry-scented opium" rather than appearing as separate scents...). The throw is not too subtle, not too overwhelming, and the scent lingers forever on my skin. This is sexy and powerful, a "hot" scent that is perfect for both a steamy night out and an important presentation at work.
  21. Leopard403


    In the bottle: I want to pour this over ice cream! On my skin: Oh, heaven. Sticky-sweet and thick, it smells fattening; the name is just perfect. And it lasted forever! About six hours after applying, my brother walked by, paused, eyed me suspiciously, and said, "Have you been... baking again?"
  22. Leopard403

    The Knave of Hearts

    This is way too rich for my blood. I think I need more cake and less currant.
  23. Leopard403

    Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo

    I like this very much. While it doesn't smell at all like Lush's Rock Star, I get the same feeling when I wear it: Youthful, sticky-sweet, the embodiment of PINK. Though this is sweet and warm and complex in the bottle, on my skin it turns quickly to plain ol' bubblegum; not altogether an unlikeable scent, but not something I want to smell like every day. I can't wait to try this one in my new scent locket!
  24. Leopard403

    Kubla Khan

    Too heavily perfume-y for me in the bottle, I haven't been able to bring myself to try it out on my skin yet. Whiffing from the imp, the blend smells incense-y and heady, and the lily note comes out as the same "golden" note that I disliked in Tiger Lily. I wish I got more foody from this, like others do, but this is a bit too heavy and "old lady perfume"-like to my nose.
  25. Leopard403

    The High Priest Not To Be Described

    I am slowly discovering that the "perfume-y" scent I often get from BPAL blends arises from notes of incense. I cannot even pick out the other notes here. This is too strong of a blend for me, but after reading some other reviews here, I may pass it on to my boyfriend to see how it works for him.