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Everything posted by Leopard403

  1. Leopard403

    Xanthe, The Weeping Clown

    This is a scent that seems to morph back and forth on my skin. Sometimes I get a deep, ripe guava base; a dark fruit with a hint of that spicy pepper. And other times, I get straight up gummi worms. Luckily, both "versions" smell quite good.
  2. Leopard403


    This is the scent that made me realize I am allergic to ylang ylang. It's the floral of florals, right? And I love the scent, but it really induces migraines for me. So sad that this apple-y crisp, sweet floral blend doesn't work.
  3. Leopard403


    I've been trying to slowly branch out, and I was drawn to Thanatos because of its sandalwood and rose notes. Sadly, the benzoin and incense notes make this too smokey and resin-y for me to truly enjoy it. This is a perfume that smells like perfume, which is definitely not for me.
  4. Leopard403

    Moon Rose

    This is the only BPAL rose blend I have not been impressed with so far. The "translucent" part is right: Where is the scent? I think I smell rose, with a hint of something else that may be floral, but the whiff is here and gone so quickly I'm not quite sure.
  5. Leopard403


    Viola always was my favorite Shakesperean heroine, and this scent captures her in such a lovely way: Sweet, but sort of brash. Strong, but not overbearing. Not overtly feminine (well, how could she be? ) but very soft and sultry at the core. Slightly reminiscent of the dry floral of London, there is a bit more fresh greenness here, with just a hint of something smokey at the bottom. Sexy in a sneaky way, just like its namesake.
  6. Leopard403


    Mmmm, I love this. It evokes scenes of Victorian London's petticoats and cobblestones, and the desperate attempt for women to remain "proper." The rose is sort of dry and dusty, as if it longs for just a sip of sunshine to bring it to life. It isn't a very "deep" scent: It isn't a perfume to be worn out on a hot night out, but it would be perfect the next morning, underneath sexy cotton sheets with brunch and a mimosa.
  7. Leopard403

    Tiger Lily

    On me, this smells like cheap incense and drugstore perfume. Very sad.
  8. Leopard403

    Two, Five & Seven

    I have said elsewhere on these boards that I am a slut for rose, and this certainly does not disappoint. This is a big, bursting bouquet of a dozen different kinds of roses. It is thick heady petals with just a whiff of their fresh green stems. Exactly as described, exactly what you would expect.
  9. Leopard403

    Le Serpent Qui Danse

    A sinister, darkly seductive scent inspired by poetry of Charles Baudelaire. Violet entwined with vanilla and gardenia. So many violet blends become sickeningly sweet on me, which makes me awfully sad. Luckily, the vanilla seems to really ground the floral notes here and this turns very clear and cold on my skin. It is such an interesting scent, and such a sneaky one: When I smell it, I feel as if I have just taken a nasal decongestant. (I know, I know: WEIRD!) But truly, I smell that creamy floral and rather than lingering in my nose it seems as if the scent goes straight into my brain in a whiff of cold air.
  10. Leopard403

    Rose Red

    I literally get compliments *every time* I wear Rose Red 2007. But not in an "I like your perfume" way; in a give-me-a-dreamy-look-and-say "You smell goooood" way (which can be uncomfortable coming from my coworkers and patients ). I admit I am a slut to all rose scents. (Must be the old soul [read: grandma] in me.) But this. THIS is the rose to end all roses. Lush and velvety and wet and fresh, with just a hint of green stem and sharp thorn. This is a sultry rose, a sinister rose, a farthest-you-can-get-from-grandma's-rosewater rose. It makes me feel young and vibrant and sexy. Just glorious.
  11. Leopard403

    Worm Moon 2008

    Just like a greenhouse... and, sadly, just awful on my skin. I mean, it smells like freshly-turned earth, all right, but I don't think I like smelling like earth. This is much more of a novelty scent: "Hey, sniff me! I smell like dirt! Seriously!" And admittedly, I almost kept the bottle simply because I fell in love with the label... but it ended up going to a loving home via swaps.
  12. Leopard403

    Cupid Complaining to Venus

    Sadly, I do not smell the crisp fruit notes so many others love in this blend. To me, this is a floral that starts out overly sweet and sours terribly on my skin. And it gave me a headache.
  13. Leopard403

    Fairy Wine

    My boyfriend gave Fairy Wine its best compliment: He is a very logically-minded man, all business and numbers, not really into "fantasy" or any kind of serious fiction, but the first time I wore this, he loved it. I said, "It's new, it's called Fairy Wine." And he buried his face in my hair and said, "It SMELLS like Fairy Wine!" So very unlike him. But he's right! This is a delicate sort of scent, very ethereal. A little floral, a little sweet, a little like fresh sunshine amidst the pixies. Good stuff.
  14. Leopard403


    Oh, this is heavenly. Upon first whiff it smells dainty and delicate, but it grows on my skin and becomes delightfully womanly, sexy without being too pompous or assuming. A wonderfully feminine scent that really captures the different aspects of a woman. This certainly captures the character from which it takes its name! I smell mostly the lily, with softer notes of rose in the background and just a hint of vanilla.
  15. Leopard403

    Stimulating Sassafras Strengthener

    Root beer! In the bottle, on my skin, wet, dry: Lovely bubbly root beer!
  16. Leopard403


    Hmm. I do love Marae. It smells lovely. But I am a trifle disappointed because it also smells flat. There are no different notes peeking around one another; no top notes that burn off and eventually change the scent on my skin. This smells very nice, but it is not the sophisticated and complicated scent I expected it would be. To me, this is a one-note white floral. Very reminiscent of spring, but with no real depth and interest to it. I will continue to wear it and remain glad I bought a bottle, but I won't buy more, and I won't feel sad to see it go.
  17. Leopard403


    Ooh, lovely. Opuhi, I adore you! I was very worried about the ginger note in this blend, and was so pleased to hear that it is a floral awapuhi-type ginger rather than a spicy or rooty ginger. This is a lovely mix of soft vanilla and warm florals. The sweet vanilla reminds me of Teenage Cannibal when huffing from the bottle, but this goes on my skin very smoothly because the florals smell decadent rather than dimestore. This is the sneaky kind of scent that makes people say "You smell nice" rather than "I like your perfume." The difference is a subtle one, but totally worth it!
  18. Leopard403

    April Fool

    Ahh, April Fool. How I wanted to love thee. This is the strangest thing: It smells very good. Crisp and fresh and clean, with soft hints of fruit. So this isn't a case of thinking that it smells bad. But it is connected to something in my scent memory that I can't bring to consciousness: And this scent makes me feel bad. Strange, and sad, because I am an April baby and really wanted to smell like springtime.
  19. Leopard403

    Rangoon Riptide

    Okay, truth? The first whiff of this made me cringe. This is STRONG! The notes blend pretty seamlessly, so I am completely unable to pick out which scent creates that strength. Once on my skin, though, I begin to suspect that rum is the culprit, because once that strong top note burns off I am left with a lovely, fruity, Life-Saver-y type scent.
  20. Leopard403

    Te Po

    If Starburst candies were fizzy, they would smell like Te Po. Fruity and sparkling, I'd almost rather put it on ice than wear it!
  21. Leopard403

    Upa Upa

    To me, this smells identical to Isle of Eden's Pineapple Stars scent (when IoE does it right, of course): Delicious pineapple with soft vanilla and the teeniest whiff of sweet boozy rum. A wonderful summer scent that I just might need more of.
  22. Leopard403


    I adore Alice. It layers well with my favorite Lush products, because to my nose, if you slapped Snowcake and Potion together, you'd get Alice. And it becomes even more glorious as it ages.
  23. Leopard403

    March Hare

    Simple: Lovely, juicy, fresh apricot. A pleasant surprise! I mean, I know the description clearly says apricot, but I was shocked by how *real* this is. I wanted to lick it a little.
  24. Leopard403


    My first thought: This is similar to Australian Copperhead. My second thought: *sneeze* Third: *sneezesneeze* Yeah, I didn't even get this one onto my skin before I started with the sneezing. (Luckily I like Copperhead, and it doesn't make my nose crazy!)
  25. Leopard403

    Zarita, the Doll Girl (2006)

    At first sniff, I thought "Glowing Vulva, is that you?" All I got was hot wood and toffee! Weird. Luckily, once applied, Zarita became all spicy carnation, soft white floral, and warm orange zest. Complex and lovely.