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Everything posted by Leopard403

  1. Leopard403

    Autumn Coolness

    Something is definitely wrong with my sniffer, because to me, both in the bottle and on my skin, this is Juicy Fruit gum.
  2. Leopard403

    Meditation in Autumn

    Not good on me. As others have said: Too astringent, too green, too soapy, too cologne-y. HEAVENLY on my boyfriend.
  3. Leopard403

    Graveyard Dirt

    Yep, dirt. Wow. For me, even less wearable than Worm Moon was, but interesting to sniff nonetheless.
  4. Leopard403


    Clemence, is that you? Put away that tobacco, it's bad for your health!
  5. Leopard403

    To Autumn

    This one is really strange. On first sniff, it reminded me of a candle shop I used to frequent, sort of candle-y and incense-y. Then, sadly, it morphed to: Black licorice? Are you kidding me??
  6. Leopard403

    Day of the Skulls

    This is lovely, reminiscent of Clemence with extra dollops of fresh roses on top. A musky, sexy floral that isn't quickly identifiable as ZOMGRose; the rose blends well with the beeswax and the resins, so this scent has complex layers.
  7. Leopard403

    A Blade of Grass

    Green, green grass in liquid form. Just like the old Yankee Candle grass tarts I lived for in college. No "fallen leaves" smell to my nose, just a freshly-mown field of grass.
  8. Leopard403

    Fairy Market

    This smells very faint to me; I have to sniff hard. To me, the strongest notes are the grass and a golden, slightly bitter mead; and there is a faint sugary, floral background that burns off of my skin within moments of application. After an hour or so, I smell like I've slept in a square of sunlight in a well-kept barn, which sounds quite romantic but really just smells of sweet hay and the slightly musky, sour smell of sweat. So, so sad.
  9. Leopard403

    Pumpkin I (2008)

    Oh. My. This is simply lovely and I am so glad I could scoop up an imp, because I need a gallon! So many of the other pumpkin blends lose their pumpkin-y goodness after a while, but here the pumpkin lingers. Add in the coconut, strong and freshly cracked, with a whiff of bright mango and a soft base of heady myrrh, and this is Dee Lish Us. Who would've thought a *tropical pumpkin* would be so very amazing. I think Mom needs a bottle, too. Edited a few hours later to add: Okay, I see how this might smell maple-y to some people... but only because at the library today, the woman helping me at the reference desk said "*sniff sniff* Do you smell pancakes?" Yeah, I was the only one around and all I smelled was my Pumpkin I. I slunk away shortly afterward.
  10. Leopard403

    Huesos De Santo

    Wet and in the bottle: ORANGE!!!!!1! As it dries, orange and anise, with a hint of cream and some underlying muskiness. And I adore the label.
  11. Leopard403

    Katrina van Tassel

    Fantastic. But then, I'm a rose whore, so that's not surprise. This is a very different rose than my other LE favorite, Rose Red. Where RR is dark and lush and slutty and RED, Katrina is a softer, more innocent, and slightly sweeter little sister. If Red is the leather-clad, matte-lipstick-wearing power tripper, Katrina is the pink-cheeked but barefaced nature lover. Very nice. ETA: Over 12 hours later, and I just had to come back and add this: This morning, as I was preparing for my shower, I caught a whiff of something and thought, "Mmm, what is that? It's nice. (And maybe I don't need a shower yet after all.)" After chuckling a mo' over my lame joke, I realized that I still smelled like Katrina. STILL! And I'd only dabbed a bit on my wrists! Yes, Miz van Tassel, I luuuurve you.
  12. Leopard403

    Pumpkin V (2008)

    In the bottle and wet on my skin, this is identical to Jack. But on the dry-down the fruit sneaks out, and this becomes more of a summery scent than a fall one. Which is totally cool, 'cause I can just save it and let it age until next year. No carnation on my skin, which is a bummer; but no jasmine either, which is most definitely and something I was hoping for.
  13. Leopard403

    Sticky Pillowcase

    Hmm. I wanted more La Befana and less Sugar Skull in my Sticky Pillowcase. On me, this is very heavy brown-sugar sweetness. Don't like it in the hot weather, though I'll keep it around for a while in case it works better in the cold.
  14. Leopard403


    This is my first time trying Samhain, and oh how I wanted to love it. But no. Because all I smell is BandAids.
  15. Leopard403

    Lune Noire

    The encroaching darkness: black orchid, jonquil, white pear, white amber, gardenia, olibanum, champaca, sweet clove, tonka, oakmoss, and blue musk. If Opuhi were still available, I would think I'd received a mislabeled bottle. Because this smells identical to Opuhi to me; in the bottle, wet on skin, and on the dry-down. Good thing I love Opuhi, since I no longer have to ration it quite so frugally. Lune Noire is a lovely blend, but altogether too familiar for me to swoon anew.
  16. Leopard403

    Snow, Glass, Apples

    SGA, you are a sneaky, sneaky wench! You smell like crisp apples in the bottle, but on my skin you morph into something surprisingly sophisticated, slightly soft and powdery but still very fresh and cold. This doesn't have the the straight-up, fades-too-fast apple note I've tried in other scents; instead the apple is almost floral and dewy-smelling. It is just lovely. And I heart the cold blue bottle!
  17. Leopard403


    In the bottle and wet, this is WAY too perfume-y for me. A "geddit away!" reaction if I ever had one. (Ima lookin' at you, resins!) Luckily I was brave enough for a dab on the wrist, because as it dries it mellows into something rather nice and almost totally floral. Damn, I have strange skin.
  18. Leopard403

    Irrelevant and Disturbing Surreal Crawdad Dream

    In the bottle: Wow there is a lot of this going on! I can't identify one particular scent in the bunch, but I get distinctly fruity overtones. Wet on my skin: Blueberry pancakes. Totally seriously. On drydown: Smells like blueberry tobacco.
  19. Leopard403


    Funny how things work, as in my two-bottle order I expected to love Dionysia but be wary of Clemence, and as it turns out this is opposite day. Is it the benzoin that does it? The frankincense? This smells like a perfumey grandmother to me, all impostor Opium and Chanel No. 5 (neither of which I like). I get no fruit. I get no wood. It is all cheap perfume and sadness. This goes up for swaps.
  20. Leopard403


    Thank you, random internet addiction, that you made me order Clemence! I am anti-patchouli. Period. But after all the raving (and way too much champagne) I decided I *needed* this. And I am so happy I did! This is a wonderful earthy-spicy floral without any of the hippie-ish associations I have toward Big P. It is sexy and sultry and overwhelmingly spicy carnation on my skin. Just delightful, and the first CD scent I must must must stock up on!
  21. Leopard403


    Damn you, ylang ylang! I and my migraines curse you. Rose, gardenia, tuberose, and sandalwood all at once? Oh how I want you! But DAMN YOU ylang ylang!
  22. Leopard403


    I was expecting all caramel from this, planning on all foody and sweet. And it is, but to me, these apples have bite. Crisp, on top of the sweetness.
  23. Leopard403

    Ace of Cups

    I just got around to testing an imp I've had for a while, and oh how I wish I got the lovely cherry so many others smell. To me, this is medicinal and almost smokey. I coughed and put it away.
  24. Leopard403

    Diary of a Lovestruck Teenage Cannibal

    Oh how I wish this were in the permanent collection! This is a wonderful amalgamation of all the things I like best in a scent: Sort of creamy-foody, with a bit of spice and a hint of sweet fruit and candy. I loved wearing this in cooler weather, and had some misgivings about how it would react on my skin in the summer heat... but it continues to be just glorious in the most fun way. And this is the scent that does not fade: A whole work-day later and people are still telling me I smell nice!
  25. Leopard403

    Asp Viper (2006)

    Of the four snakes I've tried thus far, this is my favorite. Snake Oil alone is a hard scent for me to wear; it makes me smell sort of sour. But here, tempered with the almond and the almost ammaretto-like top notes, it is very sweet. Slightly syrupy for the first few moments of wear, it mellows out to a nutty, creamy tang. And for some reason, it takes on a softly floral note after a while. Whatever is happening on my skin, it works!