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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by Leopard403

  1. Leopard403

    High-Strung Daisies

    Of all the new MTP scents, High-Strung Daisies is the one I had highest hopes for, and the one that ended up my biggest disappointment... because on me this is Juicy Fruit gum and bandaids.
  2. Leopard403

    Twinkle, Twinkle Little Bat

    Like others have mentioned, Twinkle Twinkle smells to me like fresh mint and ever-so-slighly herby tea leaves stuffed inside a melon (whether one can tell if it is honeydew or cantaloupe is arguable). It's a very fresh little scent, but unfortunately it has no throw and lasts less than ten minutes on my skin.
  3. Leopard403

    All In The Golden Afternoon

    Off all my new MTP imps, All in the Golden Afternoon was the surprise standout of the bunch. On my skin it is a clean scent, though not overly soapy, which must be the tobacco and the selzer. I was worried about that tobacco note, but here, combined with the amber, it smells very musky-fresh. I cannot detect the fruit notes separately, but I can tell there is some ever-so-slightly juicy, very summery topnote. The floral note blends well with the others but isn't obvious as OMG FLOWERS! All in all, this is very sophisticated on me and I am pleasantly surprised!
  4. Leopard403

    'Tis The Voice Of The Lobster

    I can't decide if I like 'Tis the Voice of the Lobster or not. On me, at one whiff it is bright, juicy fruits with a very soft, perfume-y background that must be the florals; very summery. But then the next whiff I get old forest, just on the pleasant side of wood rot. I actually think this would be much better on my boyfriend than on me.
  5. Leopard403

    Gothic Horror

    I admit: I ordered this purely for the gorgeous artwork on the label. The combination of notes is NOT one I expected to work for me. But what a lovely little surprise this is! Very feminine and sexy, a really musky floral on my skin. Shockingly good!
  6. Leopard403

    Psychological Horror

    I wish this were more Snowcake-y on me, because all I get is BABY POWDER! SERIOUSLY SERIOUS BABY POWDER! POW BAM BOOM WITH THE BABY POWDER!!! Oi. It softens a little on my skin, and it really does smell lovely, but one dab on each wrist is a gracious plenty to fill up a room.
  7. Leopard403

    Zombie Apocalypse

    Yep, me too: Heavy caramel--like you poured Agrat Bat Mahlat into a pan of burnt sugar--and no "red jelly." Bummer.
  8. Leopard403


    Wet in the bottle: This smells strongly of watermelon, and reminds me of the watermelon-flavored Halls Vitamin C and Zinc drops I suck down during cold season. Wet on the skin: Still watermelon-y, but there are definite floral undertones. Dry on the skin and as it ages: Oh this blooms into a lovely floral! This is mostly stargazer lily and chrysanthemum on me at first, and the sandalwood starts to peek out from behind them, to beautiful effect. Ever so slightly soapy, but not in a scary Irish Spring kind of way, just fresh and nice. The juicy note is still there, though less like watermelon (and not at all identifiable as blood orange to my nose; weird!), but it lurks under the other three notes I've mentioned. I worried about the mint and eucalyptus, and I do not smell either *at all* in this blend. (So far, at least.) I am so glad I took a chance on this one!
  9. Leopard403


    My skin seriously amps and HATES plumeria. All I smell with this on my skin is Yankee Candle Plumeria.
  10. Leopard403


    I want to love Regan, I really do, but on me it's a take-it-or-leave-it scent. To me it smells like a generic wedding bouquet: Floral and pretty, but unremarkable. Which is sad, because the notes *should* be beautiful on me!
  11. Leopard403

    What do bottles and labels look like?

    Yep! The discussion starts a few pages back in this thread. Here's a pic of the new Alice label. eta: More here.
  12. Leopard403

    EPIC BPAL Spreadsheet Thread

    I have my own spreadsheet, and my favorite thing in the world is to add new scents to it every month. I color-code my scents: Blue if I have tried it and like it, pink if I want to try it, brown if I tried it and disliked it. Also, I denote which is an LE by putting "Limited Edition" in red when "GC" is in black, with the exception of the GC scents that are not available in imp form, which are in green. Nerd alert!
  13. Leopard403

    Lucy's Kiss

    Waaaaah, why does my skin hate that "spices" note? The rose here is gorgeous, and I was hoping the spice would make this blend a sophisticated one, but what I really smell like is my local Indian restaurant: They have fresh roses on the table and curry lingering at all times in the background. Okay for eating but I don't want to smell that way!
  14. Leopard403

    New Orleans

    Euchh, bad! The lemon goes to Pledge, the spices go to dirty curry, the jasmine gave me a headache, and I can't even tell there's honeysuckle in there. Fail.
  15. Leopard403


    I was hoping this would have the cherry-almond smell of Jergen's lotion. (Don't laugh; it's a classic and it's delicious. ) But that darned anise gives this a slightly medicinal smell to me, sort of sharp and plasticky. Bummer.
  16. Leopard403

    Monna Vanna

    Sadly, this is a BPAL scent that goes "perfumey" on my skin. It's that generic commercial smell most mass-produced, alcohol-based perfumes have; and I buy BPAL to avoid that. It's a shame, too, because in the bottle this is a lovely and sophisticated rose-based blend.
  17. Leopard403

    Chaos Theory III: Strange Attractors

    I bought MCCXXXIII from a fellow forumite who described this as "watermelon pepper," and man, she was right on. This is juicy fresh watermelon plus the snap of pink pepper, and it is absolutely fantastic!
  18. Leopard403

    Velvet Bandito

    To me, Velvet Bandito is identical to Lush's Skinny Dip... which would be most excellent if I didn't find SD a tad old lady-ish for my tastes.
  19. Leopard403

    Velvet Clown

    Still not sure if I like this one. Sometimes I smell it and I gag on a thick, oily smell; other times it smells like orange schnapps and I want to drink it. VERY bad on my skin and too unpredictable in a scent locket to be a keeper.
  20. Leopard403

    Velvet Nudie

    Oh this is not good. NOT. GOOD. I swear, on my first whiff I thought "unwashed girly bits dabbed with taxicab air freshener." And I can't bring myself to sniff it again to see if I was right.
  21. Leopard403

    Velvet Dogs Playing Poker

    This is a straight-up foody blend to me: Mostly caramel, with a small touch of bitter coffee in the background. Weird.
  22. Leopard403

    Spinning Multicolored Metallic Pinwheel

    Ooh this is nice. Pinwheel really pops in the way the gin note in Blue Fire or Velvet Pink Kitty makes your nose tingle. It truly is like fizzy fruit punch, SO delicious on my skin in the heat. Throw and staying power are average for me.
  23. Leopard403

    Earth Rat

    I'd heard such wonderful things about Earth Rat, and I wanted it to smell like gummy worms or some other fruit candy. Instead, I got fruit that is not yet rotten but definitely past its prime, on top of fresh garden dirt. Dammit my nose is weird.
  24. Leopard403

    Pink Moon 2007

    I've coveted this scent for so long, I was disappointed to find that to my nose, Pink Moon '07 is identical to Alice.
  25. Leopard403

    The Atrocious Attic

    Atrocious Attic is one of my most favorite blends and most coveted LEs. I love everything about it: The sadness and Miss Havisham-esque lab description, the awesome artwork on the label, and the scent itself. Though the notes are overwhelmingly floral, this is not a "Hey, you're wearing flowers!" kind of scent. This is subtle yet heady, a little old lady-ish when too much is worn but very young and seductive at its core. The sandalwood base with the beautiful blend of flowers is so perfect, it actually smells just like a sad old bridal bouquet that has been stored away for years. Man, how does Beth do it?