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BPAL Madness!


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Posts posted by Pendragon

  1. I have an original bottle, most likely purchased quite early on after it's release, although I can't remember the year. It has aged so beautifully!


    From the moment I apply it to my skin, I am surrounded by a warm and comforting scent. It somewhat like walking into a familiar house.


    I get a smoky, musky, buttery, warm vanilla wood. The smokiness would be the edge of the myrrh and perhaps sandalwood, but not in a tobacco smoky way, more like a wafting of true incense smoke. The wood is probably the beautiful base notes of cedar and that gorgeous sandalwood. The amber increases the warmth of the blend and rounds it out to be just divine. It has aged so well and I want to reach for it constantly. Inez is an absolute favourite <3

  2. I have had this imp sitting in my collection for at least 4 years, so mine is beautifully aged.


    It has an amazing deep caramel note, with a soft top note of mint. The combination just works. It is long wearing and would suit warm days, cold days, any day! This has become an instant favourite. I wish I had dragged this out a long time ago!


    A very sexy smell. And immediately going on my bottles list. ;)

  3. Can someone please help me out by explaining the difference between MB Bigger critters with the 'critter label' from the Trading Post that came with the critter, and the bottle with the GC-type label? As far as I understand it the scent is the same, but I have a bottle of the GC type label and wondering why it was released differently to the other bottles?


    Thanks so much!! :wub2:

  4. HALP! I've been looking for the reviews of Minotaur and DD's Alone, but alas cannot find them anywhere! I thought I'd find Alone under 'Retail Exclusives' but it's not there. It is a DD's blend isn't it? I'm lost! :lol:


    Thanks! :D


  5. :ack: Sorry guys, sounds like I might be the only one to NOT like this! On me it just smells like a heady floral perfume that has been over-applied (I only swiped the decant wand over my wrist once, I swear!). I have tried to wash it off twice but it's still so strong!! Unfortunately the heady-ness of this one is making me feel a little ill. It just reminds me of the woman in the shops who walk around thinking they smell wonderful when the rest of us are coughing and choking on the scent of their thick floral perfume.


    Sorry, but this one is just not for me. At least I will easily find someone who will love my decant though! :smilenod:

  6. I have just found a new love for the smell of Peru Balsam. What blends (besides Pothon Meter) have this in it? I am dying to know, as it is such a delicious vanilla-type scent!


    TIA! :wub2:

  7. Uh, this is hot! *sniff sniff* mmmm yumm. This is a beautiful sexy masculine blend, but also equally as nice worn as a female as it has a soft vanilla undertone holding the scent together. There is a clove edge to this that reminds me a bit of Count Dracula :thud:


    I want to give it to my fiance to wear, but I don't want to give up the bottle, it's so delicious! I might keep it in my collection and 'let' him wear it every now and then ;)

  8. My turn with a question :D


    I was given a frimp of BPAL Intergalactic with a hand-written label. I can't seem to bring up the 'advanced' search on the BPAL website, so I was wondering if anyone can tell me what it is?!


    Thanks! :wub2:

    It was an unreleased gift scent. The review thread is here.

    oh wow! Now I wish I remembered who gave it to me so I can thank them :blush:


    Thanks so much for the info Portalkat :wub2:

  9. As I was searching for my imp of Mata Hari to wear on this cold rainy winters day an imp of Debauchery pushed its way into my hand.


    IMO Debauchery is such a perfect scent to wear on a cold rainy day - it's warm and comforting, like you're snuggling up on the couch with the love of your life and a hot cup of tea in your hands :P

  10. FWIW steven tyler loved my combo of dragon's milk and venus =-)


    Hee! That's amazing!


    I ended up wearing a mix of Smut and Coffee & Kahlua (from Make Me Smooth). It was amazing.

    :P *drools* what a divine combination!


    I think I wore Pirate Moon and Snake Oil to my Megadeth concert, and Smut to Iron Maiden last year. Pirate Moon & SO when down well when waiting in line for memorabilia - a girl commented on how someone smells really good, and it must have been me since I was standing directly behind her :D

  11. This begins with quite a sharp, bitter edge to it - both in the vial and wet on the skin. It starts as a fairly masculine scent, then as it dries it changes.


    This is beautiful. As it dries it gets better, more smokey vanilla and subtle woods. Warm and enveloping, I think I would actually say that this is a sensuous scent. It has definately become one of my favourites. The initial scent can be a bit off-putting, but if you are a smokey vanilla lover then stick with it - I think you will love it also.


    The scent does dissipate rather quickly, but I didn't apply much, so it may just be that I need to put more on. :P

  12. Clary Sage (Salvia Sclarius) does give you that 'woohoo' feeling, it has slightly intoxicating effects and I believe a long time ago people used to put a drop of Clary Sage EO in a glass of wine (but of course you should never do so as ingesting essential oils is dangerous).


    Please note that it is not the same as Sage, not even from the same family.


    It is lovely and always makes me feel a bit spinny :P (but that's probably because I have low blood pressure :D )

  13. :D I never like soft floral scents. Never. But this? Adore!


    It reminds me of when my son was an even itsier baby.... it smells like bath time, with a ball of lavender and soft florals in a sea of peace.


    When wet I can smell the lavender but as it dries the lavender takes a step back and I am left with a lovely, soft, body-encompasing scent that I just love. This goes on my bottle list for sure!


    But I still remain a standard non-floral lover, this is just an odd exception :P

  14. :D *sniff* mmmm *sniff* ahhh *sniff* yuuummmmmm


    This is cedar and sandalwood and a touch of patchouli. My kind of perfume.


    It reminds me of Pulcinella and Teresina, one of my favourite carnival diabolique blends.


    As it dries the scent becomes 'drier'. The rose peeks out to say 'HELLO! HERE I AM MUMMY!!!' and the woods dry out significantly. *sniff* mmmmmmmm..... :P

  15. Sadly, Temple Viper makes me want to run to the bathroom - it actually made me feel quite ill! I was sooo looking forward to trying this, and very nearly bought a bottle unsniffed - man I'm glad I didn't!!!


    From the moment I put it on all I could smell was a sickly thick resinous scent that just stuck in the back of my throat - I'm guessing it was the opopanox. Usually I like resins, however this was just not for me at all.


    I gave it a chance to dry and change, but all I could smell for half an hour was the opopanox until I washed it off.



  16. At first this smelt very much like a traditional mens cologne. However as it dried it became something else...


    The more it dried the more I could pick out individual notes. At first it was the pepper, with a little clove underneath.


    Then 10 minutes later the clove is being amped fiercely on my skin, and I can detect a touch of pepper and patchouli in the background. Phew - after 30 mins I can smell a bit of amber coming through.


    I didn't like this one wet, and had been putting off trying the bottle for ages, however I'm glad I did as the dry down is quite nice, and definately something I'd wear, although it would be suited to a cooler day.

  17. In the vial: This smells like red lantern and sugar skull had a baby and called it La Befana :P


    Wearing: I smell foody sweeeet caramel, a touch of smoke and burnt sugar. Every now and again I have a slight whiff of violet, so maybe someone spilt Faith on baby La Befana?


    Verdict: I have enough sweet foody scents so I probably won't be in need of a bottle.

  18. *cough* my DF told me that Midnight Kiss smelt like sex and asked me to wear it last night *cough*


    To ME it doesn't smell like sex, more like warm milky chocolate mixed with sweet berries and musk.


    But now whenever I think of wearing it I will not be able to get past the fact that other people might think I smell like sex. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing :P

  19. *bites lip nervously* Sweet pea? Waterlily? I don't think I'll like it!


    In the imp: sweet and soapy. okay not what i was expecting, but it reminds me of fragranced laundry powder.


    Wet: powdery and sweet.


    Dry: same


    Verdict: I cant definitely see why this is called innocent, but smells like someone who's sprayed too much powdered deodorant under their arms :P

  20. In the imp: Hmmm this almost smells salty? There's definitely a kitchen spice smell from the nutmeg.


    Wet: :D smells like pinetarsol stuff we used to put in the bath when we had chickenpox as kids!


    Dry: Pinetarsol mixed with a bit of opium :P


    Verdict: Definitely not a keeper, I can't get past the pinetarsol factor.

  21. In the imp: surprisingly sweet floral


    Wet: Honey and lillies and ahhh yum! Sweet!


    Dry: Sweet honey and flowers. No other way to describe it.


    Verdict: I am never a floral girl, but LOVE this! So wonderfully blended with such white florals - this will be a bottle purchase for sure. Perfect for hot summer girly days. From what I can remember of Lady Una, the honey sweetness in Prague seems similar. I can't stop smelling my arm! :P

  22. In the imp: Fruity, particularly apricot and blood orange.


    Wet: Fruity but with a sharp citrus edge from the orange.


    Dry: The earthiness and Ylang Ylang starts to come out now, and it seems such a complex variety of scents!


    Verdict: Yum! A fruity yet tangy, very happy scent! I can't smell the Tonka in this however.
