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Everything posted by Confection

  1. Confection

    The search for "Clean" scents - general discussion

    I liked Ingenue. It's very "clean" smelling with green, fresh undertones. Why can't I find a description of it anywhere? Is it new?
  2. Confection

    Recs for Longest Lasting Oils

    March Hare about knocked me over.
  3. Confection

    March Hare

    This scent is way too strong and it ended up smelling like an apple-cinnamon candle on me. It definately has staying power but might best be used as a room scent!
  4. Confection


    This scent surprisingly had a tobacco-y dry down on my which made me not like it as much as when I first put it on. Did anyone else have this experience?
  5. Confection


    My nose may be totally off, but on me this smells like vanilla, violet, jasmine and honey. This is a sweet, feminine scent--perfect for a summer night! Whoops! Sorry Sierona--I reported you instead of replying!
  6. Confection


    An older man in my office just walked by and said "something smells good" and that "Something" is me today because I'm wearing VICE. AS my namesake implies, I love sweet things and this oil is very sweet. When I first put it on I notice the cocoa and orange blossom. After an hour or so it dries down to a honey vanilla. It is very strong right out of the bottle, though. Ladies, men like women who smell like baked goods. I think this one is a keeper.
  7. Confection


    Does anyone know if this scent has been discontinued? My review: love it! [edited to add: the above posts were of the original hellfire, which was discontinued before this forum existed. it was reformulated and returned a few months later ~qs]
  8. Confection

    Lady MacBeth

    Add me to the Lady MacBeth fan club! My man *loves* this cherry/berry scent. Those who are wary of fruity or food smelling oils should probably steer clear of this one--it is very fruity. I like to pair Lady MacBeth with Haunted--the results are a complex, spicy and cherry smell. I also put some on top of Velvet. Does anyone else use Lady MacBeth to mellow out other scents?
  9. Confection

    Snake Oil

    I would advise everyone to order a sample of this scent before buying a bigger bottle. I, too, was impressed by the reviews, but when I tried it myself it smelled like an old man's aftershave. Everyone's chemistry is different! Try before you buy!