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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by hellomoonglow

  1. I bought a Wood Wick candle that is lavender and copal, and it smells JUST LIKE TKO! Yum!
  2. hellomoonglow

    Honeysuckle blends

    All the honeysuckle bushes in my part of the world are in bloom right now and it smells soooooo good. I'm looking for a BPAL that has honeysuckle in it and doesn't deviate too much from just honeysuckle.
  3. hellomoonglow

    What Scent Is This?

    Hmmm, I have a bottle of Coral Snake that I've never used yet, I think I'll compare tonight. Thanks for the input everyone! If anyone else has any ideas for what it could be, let me know. *goes off to cry in the corner*
  4. hellomoonglow

    What Scent Is This?

    I bought this imp off LJ or eBay, I can't remember anymore. I've had it for a while, and decided to put it on eBay because it just isn't for me. And here comes my problem..... Someone contacted me on eBay and asked why it was in a decanted imp, and why it was red. As for the imp, I figured maybe someone had several and poured them together. Something I've done myself. I didn't give the label much thought, maybe it got ruined or the original owner thought their handmade label looked better. As for color, I've never had Anaconda, so I have no idea what color it is. I should've read the reviews before I bought the imp. Although as a rule, I never research the rare imp before buying it - I just plunge in and snap it up! Woo hoo! A rare! I canceled my eBay auction, because now I'm paranoid! Would you guys please take a look at the imp and give me your opinion? I wish the screen was a scratch and sniff. It smells like spicy Snake Oil, with a whiff of zesty lemon undertone.
  5. hellomoonglow

    Sugar Cookie

    OMG, what is WRONG with my skin? This smells like burnt hair. I wish I got cookie, bake shop, cinnamon, yum yum but I get burnt hair, and it's giving me a headache. I seriously can't believe how rank this is. Damnit! I wanted sugar cookies!
  6. hellomoonglow

    Ace of Hearts

    Soul sister of the Ace of Cups in the tarot, this is the Primordial energy of Water: the Heart, emotional release and receptivity, intuition, fertility, and the forces of love, beauty, pleasure and happiness. Purest white lotus, white rose, rain orchid, rose gardenia, freesia, and Bulgarian rose. Delicious underlying tone of white florals, marred by gardenia. I'm hoping gardenia will take a back seat and allow the rest to shine through. still hoping....
  7. hellomoonglow


    Hyssop? Lilac? What's the STRONG smell I'm getting from this? And what the hell is Tonka, anyway? I always snap up blends with "tonka" and most times, it smells like funk on me. This is super strong, and I'm thinking it'll headache me before it leaves me. Swap!
  8. hellomoonglow

    Snow Bunny

    This is white! A smidge of pine. A slight background of Snow White. Florals, although not anything I'm overly familiar with. I'll keep an imp of this, but otherwise, I think it's a swapper.
  9. hellomoonglow

    The Carpathian Mountains

    It's the juniper. Minus that, it'd be perfect. But the juniper is just overwhelming. I hate juniper.
  10. hellomoonglow


    In a nursing home, in a patient's room, the smell of old Ben Gay. Maybe generic Ben Gay. If you've worked in healthcare, you know there's a slight difference! Pepper. Kind of reminds me of a box of Christmas ribbon candy - you know when you open the box and you get a full whiff of every flavor? That's what this smells like. Icky-wicky. Not for me.
  11. hellomoonglow

    Lune Noire

    Dear Lune Noire, What's wrong with you? You smell so luscious in the bottle, then you turn to pencil shavings and flowers on me. And not the good kinds of flowers. You smell like grocery store flowers. You need to move it on out. Please leave your key on the dresser, get your dirty underwear and take a hike. Signed, Left Arm
  12. hellomoonglow

    Long Night Moon

    Another mint that works on me! And there are just a slim few that do. This is SOOOOO good! It has a perfumey smell, with just a tiny sliver of mint. A deep and layered scent. It's almost as if each component gets a chance to have it's moment all while I'm sniffing it in.
  13. hellomoonglow

    Moon of Ice

    Sweet. Citrus with an overlay of mild forest. A small pinch of powder in the background. This is a dark horse for me! Normally I don't like anything. with. pine. It is icky on my skin. And in the bottle, this is way too strong a melange of floral and pine. But on, it's muted citrus with a sparkle of pine. Love it!
  14. hellomoonglow

    Sea of Tranquility

    Sea of Tranquility, you smell like green plant shoots and old, dirty pickles. Yuck!
  15. hellomoonglow

    Hunter Moon 2007

    This smells really, really good. Although none of the notes in the description really jump out and grab me, it did go on rather strong. Luckily, after about 15 mins. it died down to a delicious autumn powder. I'm so glad I re-tried this blend!
  16. hellomoonglow

    Blood Moon 2008

    This is one of those blends that I can't bring myself to actually put on. To me, it smells like Lunar Eclipse (which to me, was revolting) dusted with cocoa. Which isn't really possible, because cocoa isn't in the descrip. This is a no go for me.
  17. hellomoonglow

    Scent like Partylite Hokuspokus / Abracadabra

    white musk, light anise, slight grapefruit, some type of asain fruit. That's what I got. Anyone else?
  18. hellomoonglow

    The Candy Butcher 2006

    I had tried CB when I first got in to BPAL in 2007. Back then I didn't like it. But now that I've developed my nose, it's fabulous! Smells like Bliss and Antique Lace. Yum!
  19. hellomoonglow

    Hellhound on My Trail

    I originally didn't buy this because of the 2 alcohol notes but I found a bottle somewhere (ebay maybe?). So I thought, oh what the heck, I'll try it. And it's good stuff! Strong and spicy with a hint of Snake Oil. Lasted overnight on my skin - which is always a plus.
  20. hellomoonglow


    Dia is like Snow White's teenage big brother. There's the scent of whatever's the primary scent in Snow White with a slow undercurrent of something masculine. ADDED March 21: All the components look good....oakmoss may be too much for me. I'm going to keep this with the sole intention of aging it. It's a bit celery-ish on me atm.
  21. hellomoonglow


    It's that damn plumeria. I knew when I saw plumeria in the desciption that it could be a problem, but the other notes are soooo perfect! Natch the blend of all the florals was horrid on my skin. It smelled like Playtex Gentle Glide Deodorant Tampons. The kind I used back when I was in high school. TMI? Maybe. I was really hoping this would TAME DOWN over time, but sadly it hung on with a vengence. ADDED March 21: I don't like this, it smells like rose soap. Kind of old fashioned for me.
  22. hellomoonglow


    Creamy melon. I usually hate anything and everything melon, but I found myself sniffing my wrist constantly last night! Really nice blend, although I don't think I'll keep my bottle. An imp would be enough.
  23. hellomoonglow

    Lovers in a Ricefield

    With each sniff of my forearm I get the distinct scents of rice, plum, vanilla and spice. And that's very nice, but I'm not so sure this is well suited for me to wear. Maybe to scent the room in a tart burner, though.
  24. hellomoonglow


    I really really love this one. It's like expensive plummy incense. Very smokey. It reminds me of the Grateful Dead. I know, that's weird. But it does! And yes, I'm actually old enough to have seen them in concert.
  25. hellomoonglow


    The thing is, when I bought this, I read "vanilla blah blah and orange blah blah". So I was surprised that it didn't smell like vanilla orange! Then I re-read the description, and it is exactly what it sounds like. It fades super fast into a dusty amber, which is ok, but a very autumn scent.