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BPAL Madness!


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Everything posted by hushmesilent

  1. hushmesilent

    Jazz Funeral

    I came back once more to profess my love for the most amazing scent in the entire universe. And rant a little bit... because my fiance figured out what that amazing smell was, and wanted to smell like it too. So he used it all up. I'm not kidding, he splashed himself in it. So I only have a tiny bit at the bottom. However, this 'aged' smells way different that it did when I first got it. Aged it smells sharper - the boozy note jumps out first, and it has a spicy kick to it. The magnolia's RIGHT behind it, and I can't smell any dirt anymore. It smells humid, much like New Orleans. Sigh... can it get any better?
  2. Okay everyone.. I'm going to go through my stash of BPAL and give each one a sniff and tell you what kind of Lush it smells like, what it would go well with, what shares similar notes, ect. Hope this helps! Kabuki: You Snap the Whip, Skin Sin Biobhan Sith: Sexy Peel & Sandstone Soap I Died for Beauty: Bathos, Gratutious Violets, Daddy-O Shampoo Ladon, the Hesperides: Temptation Soap Bon Vivant: Champagne Snow Showers, Champagne Supernova bath bomb The Lady of Shallot: Lily Savon Soap Jack: Porridge Soap, smells very sweet like Soft Coeur and Mange Too Gluttony: Porridge!! Honey I Washed the Kids Velvet: Choco La La Massage Bar, Chocolate Whipstick Lip Balm Juke Joint: Demon in the Dark Soap, Fair Trade Foot Lotion Sudha Segara: The Soft Touch, Butterball, (would be amazing with Wiccy Magic Muscles) Cockaigne: Wiccy Magic Muscles, Porridge Soap Annnd this is also amazing and all Cockaigne Lovers should experience it at least once! Travel to Paradise 1 Butterball Bath Bomb 1 Ma Bar Bubble Bath 1/6 Wiccy Magic Muscles as a Bath Melt -Wash with Porridge Soap -Shave with Almond and Coconut Smoothie -Slather on Sympathy for the Skin and Cockaigne Sigh.. lasts all day and feels sooo good
  3. Dorian: Butterball, Honey I Washed the Kids, Mange Too, Emperor of Ice Cream, Almond and Coconut Smoothie Cheshire Cat: Happy Hippy, King of the Mods (Without the nice thick, red blackcurrant smell) The Unicorn: Smells vaguely like Lily Savon, would at least go wonderfully with it Cockaigne: Goes well with Karma, Christmas Kisses, Wiccy Magic Muscles, and smells almost exactly like Pied de Pepper Antique Lace: Floating Island, Sympathy for the Skin Bliss: Soft Coeur, Cupcake Mask and Heavenly Bodies Bon Vivant: Champagne Supernova, Christmas Party, Champagne Snow Showers Ephemera: Isn't a scent match, but goes BEAUTIFULLY with Figs and Leaves Soap. Hesperides: Temptation Soap Juke Joint: Demon in the Dark Soap Aunt Caroline's Joy Mojo: Rock Star & Candy Fluff, goes well with Sweetie Pie Two, Five, and Seven: Potion solid perfume, Eau Roma Water Kyoto: Sakura, Seanick Prague: Lily Savon Love Lies Bleeding: Use Soft Coeur as a moisturizer and finish off with Candy Fluff If anyone has any perfumes that they LOVE but can't find a match, PM me and send me like a drop of it on a piece of paper or an imp and I'll go through the store and make you a cocktail, find you a coordinating soap, all those fun things! I'm lucky enough to work there so I have all sorts of time to pick you out some fun stuff.
  4. hushmesilent


    Ephemera is sooo lonesome and sad. Ephemera is standing on a lone, deserted road as the gold and red leaves fall slowly, one at a time. It is feeling the cool, but not uncomfortable breeze on your arms when you should have worn something heavier. It is knowing that it's not going to be okay, but you're going to live. It's saying goodbye for the last time, jumping ship before the ship goes down. Very, very meaningful with me. Fades to crisp autumn leaves.
  5. hushmesilent

    Cheshire Cat

    AHHH Cheshire Cat! I was so ecstatic to recieve this in a huge lot of imps that I bought off eBay. It doesn't disappoint in any way! I've been a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland for a very long time (to the point that my dog's full name is Alice N. Wonderland). This is ALWAYS how I pictured the forest to smell, not necessarily the Cheshire Cat. However, it is a lovely scent. When I originally read that there were such sharp citrus notes in it, I wasn't quite sure. Citrus gives me a headache after about two minutes. However, there is something so floral laid over the citrus that it's not a problem at all! What Cheshire Cat smells like to me, is a vibrant, pulsing, screaming-soundlessly, red and purple super-high. I've never been high, but to me that's what I assume it would feel like! However, there's something ultra-calming about it too (I just applied and it's almost my bedtime), like this is all covered in what smells to be either white, super-creamy florals, or linen. On my skin, it's definitely there, but it's more a part of me than a seperate entity. At first it was all super sharp grapefruit, but after about five minutes it's mellowed down to a lovely, calming (roman chamomile?) scent. It's changing, but I'm not sure if it's fading yet. (I spilled the imp and sloshed a good half an imp all over myself. If it fades too quickly, regrettably, I probably will have to make do with just the imp and not spend money on a big bottle.) However, if it lasts... aw, man.. I'd love to have a big bottle of this.
  6. hushmesilent


    In the Imp: Strong, dark tea with a hint of cream and lemon. On Katie's Skin: Turns sugary and creamier.. absolutely lush and beautiful. On Mike's Skin: The lemon pops out immediately! It smells like lemon poppyseed muffins. Dry: SO LOVELY! And it lasts, which is saying something on me. Mine morphed into something so sweet and lovely, and Mike's kept clean and strong. Zesty. Absolutely LOVELY! We're going to need two big bottles! PS. I was actually going to give this to my cousin, but once I smelled Dorian I couldn't give it away for the life of me. ADDED Aug. 18: Ahh, I've had the imp for a good week or so, and I HAD to come back and re-review. I carry Dorian EVERYWHERE with me. Dorian is the one imp that I can't do without. This is going to be like TEN big bottles. This settles on my skin with a nice throw, and instantly smells like sweet, creamy, RICH, tea. The flowers are there, but in the background making the tea even more sweeter. However, this at no time becomes cloying or overpowering.. and actually, throughout, a bit of lemon (creamy, of course) pops in and out, making it a scent that when I smell, I become happy. It's so comforting, but at the same time, uplifting and lovely. It makes me feel lovely, and when it finally does begin to fade, it doesn't disappear altogether (i.e. the unicorn), but it fades gradually on my skin so that my skin smells like lovely, creamy goodness. ACK! I LOVE THIS ONE.
  7. hushmesilent

    French Love

    BRIGHT RED! I love the color of this oil. It smells like clean water, light greenery, and rose petals. Does not really make me want to have sex, but Mike says it definitely does for him. It's a little too soapy for me, but it really fits in with the 'rose petals in the bath' kind of theme. I will use the imp definitely! Mike will have to have a big bottle. French Love is sexy in a subtle, romantic, clean way. It's passion, not lust. Making love, not screwing.
  8. hushmesilent


    AHHHHHHHHHHH, Autumn! This smells JUST like a cider mill! Very evocative. Leaves changing, picknig apples.. this is kind of what your skin would smell like if you had spent all day in a cider mill. There's something down to earth and not overpowering about this. So good.
  9. hushmesilent

    The Temptation

    Straight up nectarines. Mike called this one 'sexy', but to me it's more of a relaxing, feminine scent. (Mike says: Which is sexy...) It makes me feel very calm. On the skin, the musk comes out and a few florals appear. If this was a color, it would be white and orange and cream.
  10. hushmesilent

    New Orleans

    Ahhh, New Orleans! I was soo excited to get this one because I LOVEED jazz funeral so much. I LOVE NEW ORLEANS! It smells like a slightly watery version of a floral bouquet. I smell something earthy in it, maybe the decay. Overall it does remind me of New Orleans, and it brings up a vision of a deserted alleyway at dusk with the sound of music in the background. Mike's been to NO and he said that it definitely reminds him of the city. Genius!! If I run out of Jazz Funeral, or wanted something a lot simpler and more girly, I'd reach for New Orleans.
  11. hushmesilent


    Moscow smells a lot lighter and more feminine than I originally thought it would! I was very pleasasntly suprised. It smells like a fresh bouquet from a flower vendor! This is also a little fruity, but not overbearingly so. It's ilke getting hit in the face with a bouquet of roses and lillies of the valley and then eating an apple to make you feel better. LOVELY!
  12. hushmesilent


    This is a very green, citrusy scent. Very clean. I can smell the melon in it on skin, but in the imp it's overpowered by other leafy scents. Very nature-y. It's more like a meadow than a desert, IMO. Lovely, but it seems like this would give me a headache after a while.
  13. hushmesilent

    Eat Me

    In the imp, this is a very creamy sugary blend. I can't really smell the currants at all, but Mike says that he can smell them faintly. I can smell it better on Mike's arm, and they come out a little stronger. Just a nice, sugary, cakey blend. Probably won't be getting a big bottle of this, but the imp will definitely be used up.
  14. hushmesilent


    We got Tempest as an imp today, and we can't stop sniffing our wrists! Katie: This was a little too sharp for me, so I passed it off to Mike. He loves the rain!! I would love to use this as a room scent. This seems to get a little sharper on Mike's wrists but it smells amazing. Mike: It's rain, straight up. Rain and sunshine. I like this, and this would be a very good room scent. A bathroom scent.
  15. hushmesilent


    OOOOOH my goodness! This scent is absolutely to die for... AND it lasts! I repeat, the best part of this is the staying power! No BPAL lasts on me like Cockaigne. This is a must-have for people with tricky skin types. Cockaigne changes very little from the imp to my skin, and the whole way through it maintains this pure, beautiful sweetness. It smells like warm oatmeal on a winter morning. It's a very warm smell. I personally don't think it smells like a bakery, but cinammon oatmeal.. there's something so warm behind it that it makes me feel as though I'm actually wrapped in a blanket! This would be an absolutely beautiful winter scent - it's such a feel-good scent that I think wearing it around children, or when I'm volunteering would be ideal. Sooo lovely. Definitely a big bottle.
  16. hushmesilent

    Golden Priapus

    Sexlicious. I gave this to my friend (who is a guy) and it smells different on him EVERY single time he wears it.. we've gotten vanilla.. a nice piney scent, chocolate, mint, and caramel and cinnamon. SOOO, SOO lovely.
  17. hushmesilent

    The Lady of Shalott

    The Lady of Shallott... Mmmmmm.. In the Imp: I never believed in the 'watery' scents.. I didn't think that anyone could hit them QUITE this accurately. It was always wayyyy too sharp. However, this smells EXACTLY like beautiful, fresh clean water! On me: OoooooOOOOOOOH! The flowers pop out! It's like flowers floating on a clear lake in mist.. soo wondrously beautiful! And TRUE! Other water scents turn sharp, but on me this just was absolutely clear and stayed beatiful and slightly sweet. Dry: Oooh so lovely! White, fresh fallen flowers.. it smells kind of like the scent when you cut the stem, that green sort of scent. (But still, NOT SHARP!! Amazing!) It is even more watery because the flower notes come and go, sometimes leaving the clean, watery scent that I'm getting. It seems like they're floating in and out. Conclusion: So unbelievable gorgeous.. I will be getting a big bottle of this FOR SURE! It has a decent throw, and leaves my skin smelling absolutely mind wrenchingly gorgeous. I would love everything to smell like this.. not just me.
  18. hushmesilent


    Uuughh, Highwayman! Why!? I so wanted to like this, but just OPENING the imp seemed to give me a headache... Must be the vetiver. The leather popped out a little, but I don't think I'd want to smell this on me, or on the SO.. Off to swaps.
  19. hushmesilent


    Ooooh, this is sooo lovely! It smells fruity and almost like NECTAR! Must be the snowdrop... Wet: Green apples, sugary green apples tinted with a little bit of pollen (like when you stick your nose right into the middle of the lily and it gets orange from the pollen. On: The more beautiful, flowery notes come out. Very white and pure, but not at all sharp. Very soft. Dry: This turns into a sweet, beautiful scent.. I'm almost afraid to wear it because it smells so flowery and true... bees may be attracted! I LOVE Prague! I never would have bought it for me, but It is truly a lovely, beautiful scent. Feminine, but still chic and sophisticated... but not too mature. Young, like a girl wearing white with her hair blowing in the breeze as she watches a city in the distance. SO LOVELY! This will definitely be a big bottle.
  20. hushmesilent

    March Hare

    I just recieved March Hare, and I LOVE it! I don't consider myself a fan of apricots because they are usually too strong and give me somewhat of a headache, but I ADORED THIS! In the imp: Sweet, smooth vanilla and apricots... smooth, though.. like a smoothie. The clove/cinnamon smell kicks in right after, and it goes together soooo well that it's almost unbelievable. It does smell kind of like a tart! This scent fades flawlessly in ONE smell from juicy, fresh apricots to clove and it ends somewhere in between. Wet: Very fresh and strong apricots... Very decent throw! So far so good. Dry: On me it faded somewhat and became more of a husky clove scent. The apricots peep in and out every few minutes.. SOooooOOOOO beautiful! This would definitely be an amazing room scent, perfume, and I probably will be getting a big bottle of it!!
  21. hushmesilent

    The Unicorn

    I was extremely excited about the Unicorn, and everything I'd heard and read was completely true. It's absolutely a 'pearly' scent, very clean and ethereal. In the imp: A blast of very sweet, warm Sprite with sweet herbs. Wet: The Sprite scent jumps out and it seems like the herbs take center stage for a moment or two before the floral begins to come out. Dry: A beautiful, heart-wrenchingly innocent and ethereal and NATURAL scent. It went a little creamier and more powdery, but the sent stayed true. However, it faded much too quickly and I had to keep reapplying to get it to stay put. This scent was so fun to me because it wasn't artificial at all, the herbs - the linden flowers.. it all seemed so natural and went together so beautifully. I would like to invest in a large bottle, but something about my chemistry makes it fade super fast on my skin... I'd probably have to reorder as soon as I was out! However, this is absolutely beautiful and definitely lives up to its hype.
  22. hushmesilent


    I love the idea of Seance and was so looking forward to trying it. However, this scent is the kind that is much too prone to give me headaches - I have a lot of trouble with 'sharper' scents, if that makes sense. When I pictured Seance, I was thinking of a much.. powderier, creamier version of what this is! However, it is absolutely evocative and I wouldn't so much as wear it as smell it to bring back a memory or envision a place. It also reminds me of something that should be used as a room freshener, or in a reed diffuser. I would absolutely use this as a room scent, but it's not for me. Imp: Sharp.. Yowch! Bright, thorny, green roses with their heads chopped off. There's the sharpness of the wood in there too. Wet: The sharpness gets really intense and then starts to die down. Dry: The rose petals come out, and something like cream begins to emerge. The sharpness has turned into an oaky, earthy sort of scent that reminds me of the satchets people sometimes store in their closets. It does smell like a very old Victorian home, and it's much smoother now that it's dry! Again, I love this scent and although it did wear well on me and definitely calmed down a lot that initial bite when I first apply it is too 'roomy' for me. I'm going to save this one, but it probably won't be on my list of big bottles. UPDATED 9/5/08: This scent is straight up the dry, dusty (but somehow and oddly immaculate) Ouija board as it's pulled from the box. Candles burn and suddenly blow out and there's a wisp of smoke left hanging in the air- the roses surrounding the table are dried. The windows are shut, keeping the myraid of scents encased in the room - if the windows were to open, the scent would blow away and down the hills, into the streets. However, here they are. And here they'll stay. Lovely. I doubt I could wear it, but this is still an amazing and true to life 'scent memory' kind of thing, so good that I wonder if I remember all this from one of my own past lives. UPDATED 3/21/2015: Soft, woodsy bliss. Warm, dusty, dry. Absolutely perfect and absolutely evocative. This tiny imp that I had misplaced for so long has just melllllllllowed. So lovely and perfect!
  23. hushmesilent


    The lab sent me Love Lies Bleeding as a freebie, and I adore it! In the imp it is a very rosy pink color that I found delightful for some reason. To me, it is pure cherries. There is a very slight hint of chocolate in there, but more like.. cherries and blueberries mixed with a very 'fresh' sort of feel. It is very sweet, but it's not overwhelmingly so and wearing it I felt like I had just come in from the garden. On wearing, the notes stay strong and true but I did notice that as they finally did fade away (5 hours later) the 'chocolatey' scent popped out. What a pleasant scent!
  24. hushmesilent

    Antique Lace

    I like antique lace - but I had expected so much more of it. To me my very first impression was of the 'warm vanilla sugar' perfume that they have in plastic bottles at Meijers' for around 5.00. (Not trying to be mean, but I can't remember the brand.) In the imp: Horrible memories of that wretched perfume and how much of it teenagers are prone to douse themselves with. I can distinctly pick out the vanilla, and if I check more carefully the light florals under it. Wet: Still strong, almost overpowering warm vanilla sugar. It's not a BAD scent, but the connotations are too strong for me to fully enjoy Antique Lace. Dry: I can pick out the kind of crisp linen smell and florals more easily now, and it is a bit more attractive. It's beautiful and suprisingly long-lasting, but all in all Antique Lace isn't for me.
  25. hushmesilent

    Jazz Funeral

    Yay! This is my first review. I got my order today and the Lab threw in Jazz Funeral and Love Lies Bleeding as freebies.. I'm so excited because out of my entire order, Jazz Funeral is my favorite! In the Bottle: Those little red heart candies called red hots, with a very dark floral background. Wet: A little boozy, but not overwhelmingly so. It smells like SWEET booze, Dry: The dirt comes out! The flowers start to blossom.. It's an absolutely beautiful scent! I can understand why this might not work on a lot of people.. but it worked amazingly for me. It's a very fun, different scent. On me it lasted for the whole day, and each time I smelled something a little different. I absolutely LOVE Jazz Funeral. It's very evocative and different, but still lovely and very wearable! I give it a 5/5