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Posts posted by Delirium1009

  1. In bottle/imp: Cool, cologne-y water with a metallic brightness to it. So yeah, gold and water.


    Immediately on skin: This is a cool, metallic water scent. It has quite an aquatic feel, but it’s not as sharp on me as some of the lab’s other aquatic scents. The gold feel is sort of metallic with maybe some dry white musk and very light citrus. It’s metallic, but warm.


    After a little while: This blend gets a little softer on my skin as I wear it, but other than that it doesn’t change much. It settles nicely into this metallic aquatic scent, but it’s gentler on me than other bpal aquatic blends I’ve tried. The water is cool and glistening, and the gold note manages to be shiny, metallic, and slightly warming all at the same time. It’s bright with just a nice crisp scent with a golden, gleaming warmth to it. This scent is quite lovely and definitely a more unisex blend.


    Overall Impressions: This is cool and clean with a metallic, warm feel mixed in. It’s really crisp and those who like aquatic, “clean smelling,” or metallic scents may really like this one. It’s definitely more unisex, but I think it could smell fabulous on a woman. Personally this a little bit more crisp than I like my blends, so it’s not really for me, but it’s still a great scent.


  2. The Smoke-Veiled Moon of July brought a poem of Baudelaire’s to my mind:

    Ce soir, la lune rêve avec plus de paresse;
    Ainsi qu'une beauté, sur de nombreux coussins,
    Qui d'une main distraite et légère caresse
    Avant de s'endormir le contour de ses seins,

    Sur le dos satiné des molles avalanches,
    Mourante, elle se livre aux longues pâmoisons,
    Et promène ses yeux sur les visions blanches
    Qui montent dans l'azur comme des floraisons.

    Quand parfois sur ce globe, en sa langueur oisive,
    Elle laisse filer une larme furtive,
    Un poète pieux, ennemi du sommeil,

    Dans le creux de sa main prend cette larme pâle,
    Aux reflets irisés comme un fragment d'opale,
    Et la met dans son coeur loin des yeux du soleil.

    - - -

    Tonight the moon dreams with more indolence,
    Like a lovely woman on a bed of cushions
    Who fondles with a light and listless hand
    The contour of her breasts before falling asleep;

    On the satiny back of the billowing clouds,
    Languishing, she lets herself fall into long swoons
    And casts her eyes over the white phantoms
    That rise in the azure like blossoming flowers.

    When, in her lazy listlessness,
    She sometimes sheds a furtive tear upon this globe,
    A pious poet, enemy of sleep,

    In the hollow of his hand catches this pale tear,
    With the iridescent reflections of opal,
    And hides it in his heart afar from the sun's eyes.

    (English translation by William Aggeler, 1954)

    Soft sandalwood, nicotiana, and velvety orris drifting over lustrous pale musks, stephanotis, elemi, and cyclamen.

    In bottle/imp: A dry, cooler scent with the smell of fruity orris drifting about, and sharper floral notes following behind.

    Immediately on skin: Just applied, this smells very green like new spring flowers. There’s also a bit of soapiness and very dry, cool musks. I don’t get any of the orris now at all.

    After a little while: This really changes a lot after even a few minutes on my skin. The soapiness and green notes are gone, and what I now get from Smoky Moon is a lovely dry hazy type of scent. It doesn’t smell of actual smoke, but the sandalwood and musks plus some of the other notes give this a dry feel almost like incense ash, but not as perfumed or powdery. Then above the scent, floating delicately over the top of the dry, soft haziness is a bit of wafting orris, which smells like a slightly fruitier violet to me. If this scent could have a color, I think it would be a light grey smoke with bits of violet swirls for the brighter orris note.

    Overall Impressions: This scent is smoky in a dreamy and hazy way as opposed to in a fire or incense sort of way. It’s not a very in-your-face sort of scent, and instead clings to the skin and gently wafts as if teasing your nose. To me this is dry, soft, and smooth with a nice hint of bright fruity floral orris. The notes really blend together well and give this blend a great depth.

  3. Vigilant day-glo guardians of lawn and patio, stalwart protectors of the home.

    Pink sugar-crusted marshmallow, dandelion, and sap.

    In bottle/imp: Fluffy marshmallows with a twinge of very faint stemmy stickiness.

    Immediately on skin: This smells like marshmallows mushed together with a wee bit of dandelion. It’s a poofy, fluffy marshmallow scent with a light fruitiness to it, and then there’s the kind of green, herbal flowery smell of the dandelion following behind. The sap note is kind of sticky and bitter. After even just a moment on my skin, the dandelion and sap notes have gotten a lot stronger and the marshmallow is just giving them a smoother, yummy overall feel.

    After a little while: The dandelion and sap seem to settle down a bit again, and this becomes a marshmallow scent with a hint of fruit and a little fresh dandelion. The bitterness from the sap and dandelion have faded by this point, and the scent is a sweeter one with a nice balance between the candy and greenery.

    Overall Impressions: This is a totally fun scent. It smells a lot like Marshmallow Poof on me, plus a bit of dandelion and some slightly bitter sap at first. It settles down nicely though into something really well balanced. It’s smooth and fluffy marshmallow and bits of summery dandelion. This blend is totally fun and quirky.

  4. Known as Pimoko, the sun-daughter, Jingu was an Empress of Japan who served as regent and de facto ruler between the time of the death of her husband and the ascension of her son, Emperor Ojin. Sure that knowledge of her husband’s death would bring discord to her realm, she managed to keep his passing a secret, and successfully put down numerous insurrections in his name. Although she was pregnant with the future emperor of Japan, she donned armor and rode into battle, leading the conquest of Silla.

    Sakura, white orchid, mandarin, bamboo, red sandalwood, plum blossom, and lilac.

    In bottle/imp: Very floral. Mostly, I smell the sakura and orchid, but there’s also a bit of cool lilac underneath.

    Immediately on skin: Ah, lovely cherry blossoms are what I get at first sniff. Then I notice the orange mixed with the cooler floral tone of the lilac, as well as some almost-powdery orchid. This is slightly fruity as well, but it’s probably actually the plum blossom note (which to me smells almost like plum, but not quite). This has an overall cool, dry, sweetly pink floral feel to it. This scent is very tricky though as I keep getting peeks of just about all the notes; I’ll get a little watery, fresh bamboo with one sniff, then the next I get the warmth of sandalwood under all the flowers. This is very pretty.

    After a little while: This gets even sweeter and a bit fruitier on me as I wear it. The bulk of this scent seems to be the floral notes; mainly, the sakura, plum blossom, and orchid with a finish of cool lilac. It’s sweet and pretty, but slightly perfumey. Wafting above the floweriness is a tangy fruitiness with the freshness of bamboo mixed in, and then the sandalwood just adds a very smooth dry feel to the overall scent.

    Overall Impressions: This reminds me so much of Hanami, only better. Whereas Hanami is pretty, sweet, almost fruity flowers, Jingu also has this complexity with bits of citrus and bright fruitiness, the cool green scent of bamboo, and smooth, sexy sandalwood. This is a great feminine scent, but not quite as girly as Hanami.

  5. Snake Oil with leather, tonka bean, red sandalwood, and sage.

    In bottle/imp: Snake oil and mildewy leather.

    Immediately on skin: This is a drier, manlier snake oil scent. The snake oil sits in the background while the leather and sandalwood linger in the foreground. This is a smooth scent even though it smells very dry to me.

    After a little while: This gets a touch sweeter as it dries and becomes a dry leather snake oil concoction with a touch of creamy sweetness from the tonka bean. It’s a very warm scent, but the sandalwood doesn’t really add much to it.

    Overall Impressions: This is a more unisex or masculine snake oil, and especially good for someone who prefers a drier scent. The leather and snake oil blend well, and the sandalwood and tonka bean just linger faintly in the background. This scent isn’t very strong and overpowering though… it’s quite understated.

  6. In bottle/imp: Cinnamon sugar with a bite of ginger.


    Immediately on skin: I get no snake oil out of this… all I get is a mixture of cinnamon and ginger with a very sugary feel to it. This is spicy and smells very red and hot.


    After a little while: As this settles, the cassia comes out more on my skin (like a watery cinnamon note almost) but the sweet cinnamon and ginger mixture is still going strong. I get no snake oil out of this at all.


    Overall Impressions: This lacks in the snake oil department on me. The spices are all very strong and sweet and very overpowering. This is spice, spice, and more spice with nothing to really temper it.


  7. In bottle/imp: Lavender and chocolate.


    Immediately on skin: This is essentially a chocolate/cocoa fragrance, but a very complex one. Wafting above that base of cocoa are notes of lavender and sage. It’s just overall very herbal and then there’s the chocolate underneath that. The cocoa is already turning a bit B.O.-ish on my skin (dry chocolate notes tend to do that on me).


    After a little while: Wow, that’s a surprise... the B.O. aspect has faded just about completely and what’s left is a creamy, musky herbal scent. It’s actually reminding me a bit of Candy Butcher, only herbal as opposed to perfumey. This is very smooth and comforting.


    Overall Impressions: This scent was a total surprise. At first it’s a bit… cloying on me, but after just a little while it gets creamier and muskier and blends into this comforting unisex cocoa scent. It’s almost not really chocolatey, but more poofy and white, like how Candy Butcher was on me.


  8. In bottle/imp: Super citrus! Lots of less-sweet citrus like grapefruit, but with a little hint of something more syrupy.


    Immediately on skin: This scent hits me with a big blast of grapefruit-like citrus, which is probably the yuzu. As I sniff though, the scent finishes with a smoother fruity scent that smells almost a bit rubbery. I get hints of the black tea and cherry blossom, but mostly this is CITRUS!


    After a little while: The overwhelming citrus dies down a lot in this scent as I wear it. After it calms down, this turns into more of a black tea scent with sugary fruit, citrus, and a bit of feminine cherry blossom. The rubbery scent I got before is actually the black tea, but now it just smells very smooth and almost creamy.


    Overall Impressions: This is definitely a wake-you-up kind of scent. The citrus is very strong at first, but dies down as the scent dries and settles into my skin. Then it becomes more of a black tea with citrus, fruit, and flowers scent. It’s very bright and happy with a feminine edge.


  9. In bottle/imp: Soft cinnamon and creaminiess.


    Immediately on skin: This smells like sticky chocolate and creaminess with a light amount of coffee to me. It has a nice amount of dry wood, too, which blends into the creamy coffee quite nicely.


    After a little while: This becomes quite woody on me with a lot of coffee. The book scent is sort of odd… dusty and almost mildewed.


    Overall Impressions: This scent is just odd on me. It starts out sort of nice but then it becomes this almost mildewed wood and coffee scent.


  10. In bottle/imp: Very dry sandalwood and coconut with crisp white musk.


    Immediately on skin: As soon as I sniff this, the sandalwood almost attacks my nose. It’s very dry. Then it smooths into some warm coconut and crisp musk. The coconut smells a little plastic though.


    After a little while: This doesn’t change much, though it does get a little sweeter. The sandalwood is what I smell the most, dry and powdery, and then the coconut behind it. This smells warm, but not really creamy as there’s an overlying freshness to the scent which might be the orris or maybe white musk.


    Overall Impressions: This is a wonderful concept, and smells just as I’d think from the description. It’s powdery, warm, and nuzzly with a very distinct feel to it. I like it, but it’s not a “me” scent, unfortunately.


  11. In bottle/imp: Pale-blue, whispering rose. This is floral and slightly watery with a base of true rose.


    Immediately on skin: This scent is downright pretty. It’s a true, watery rose matched with melancholy, cool, blue-smelling moonflower. It’s a very floral scent, but it has a very nice soothing, cool tone to it. This scent has a hint of clean ozone as well.


    After a little while: This scent stays pretty much the same on my skin from first applying until over an hour later. It’s a clean, floral smelling mix of very cool, refreshing moonflower and a true, watery, pale rose note. It’s very pretty.


    Overall Impressions: This is one of those scents that I smell and just go “wow, that’s so pretty!” It’s a perfume-ier scent, but not overwhelming at all. This blend smells sort of “clean” but also very cool and girly. It’s a perfect, simple blend of smooth rose and cool moonflower. This scent has a definite moonlight-drenched nighttime or hopeful early morning feel to it, There’s a tinge of watery ozone to it, but mostly it’s just those lovely flowers.


  12. In bottle/imp: Fruity citrus incense?


    Immediately on skin: This smells of grapes, grapefruit, and light incense. It’s an odd combo, but a lot more upbeat and brighter than I was expecting.


    After a little while: This smells like a mixture of citrus and grapes and other fruits over incense. It’s a bit cloying, a bit mismatched, and a little dry on me. It smells like Fruity Pebbles a little mixed with incense, but without the cereal and milk. Mainly, just the fruitiness. It’s an odd combo though and just doesn’t blend completely to my nose.


    Overall Impressions: This is much fruitier and more citrusy than I was expecting, though it does also contain an incense note. The combo doesn’t really mesh well though so I find this to be a rather disjoined scent.


  13. In bottle/imp: Bright citrus with sweet, playful floral undertones.


    Immediately on skin: This is a bright scent, and at first I get quite a bit of citrus. The lime comes to the front and as that settles into my nose I get a mix of nectarine, rose, and bergamot which somehow manage to smell like fruity and flowery candy when all mixed together. At the base is a hint of patchouli, which doesn’t dirty up the whole blend but instead gives it a solid stage to play about on.


    After a little while: The high citrus note in this settles down pretty quickly and this becomes a slightly cologney/fruity/floral unisex scent. It’s not overly sweet and actually reminds me a little of oakmoss. The citrus is present, but blends nicely into the sweeter nectarine and rose. The bergamot comes forward quite a bit though and is probably is what is giving this that cologne type of feel. There is also a nice musk and patchouli finish that is very subtle, but melds everything together.


    Overall Impressions: This scent was a very pleasant surprise. I don’t know if I’d actually wear it, but all the notes come together in a seamless way that creates this blend that’s rather unisex, but still bright, fruity, and floral. It’s actually rather subtle on me, but happy. I’ll have to give this another wear to see if it’s bottle worthy, but I can see wearing it on days where I need a pick-me-up.


  14. In bottle/imp: Grapes and rose, with a hint of the rosemary. Very odd.


    Immediately on skin: This is a weird scent. It’s like herbal grapey roses with mint. I know you could basically get that from the note listing but it’s hard to describe. It’s like fruity and herbal, smooth, with a cool, plasticy finish.


    After a little while: The grape fades into the background and this becomes more of an herbal rose scent. It’s smooth, but plasticy and somewhat sweet. The mint isn’t really obvious but this has a cooler feel to it. It’s very well blended, too.


    Overall Impressions: This scent is unusual. The notes blend together, but it’s hard to describe. It’s sort of floral, herbal, fruity, and cool all at the same time. It has a slightly woodiness to it and a hint of plastic too. I don’t really like this, but I don’t hate it. It’s just odd.


  15. In bottle/imp: Herbal, minty, and citrus-y all at the same time.


    Immediately on skin: This smells minty with a touch of citrus and some very smooth herbs and spices. The mint hits me first, but it’s so smooth and not astringent at all. After just a moment of sniffing, the lemon comes out a bit more.


    After a little while: The anise comes forward, and the mint, lemon, and spices fall into the background. This is sort of a fresh but potent anise scent now, with the other notes just adding a little extra body.


    Overall Impressions: I was intrigued by the scent at first, but the amount of anise that came out ruined it for me. It was nice to try however, and has an interesting unisex feel to it.


  16. In bottle/imp: Sharp, bitter, herbal, and fresh green notes all smushed together.


    Immediately on skin: This smells like snapped green stems, herbs, and a touch of vetiver. It’s very green with a bit of a clean and herbal feel to it. This blend is very strong and I can really feel it in my nose as I smell it.


    After a little while: This scent definitely calms down a bit on my skin. It becomes this clean, green scent with hints of coriander and tea. It’s not sweet, but it’s lost the bitterness and most of the herbal feel it had at first.


    Overall Impressions: This scent is very green. The tea doesn’t really come out until the dry down, but mostly this is a green stem and herbal scent with a very strong clean feel to it. It’s very fresh and seems to be more of a unisex scent to me.


  17. In bottle/imp: Tangy fruity sweetness and something cloying and earthy.


    Immediately on skin: This is an odd scent. As I sniff it, I get black currant and rhubarb at first (tangy and fruity), but then the base is dirty, cloying mushrooms. This isn’t working on me at all.


    After a little while: The mushroom note fades a bit as I wear this and it becomes a sweet tart fruit scent with a light background of deep myrrh as time goes on. There’s still a bit of the mushroom though, and it’s quite cloying to my nose.


    Overall Impressions: This is odd. I didn’t expect the mushroom note to smell like actual mushroom, but it does. The currant and rhubarb are bright and fruity in this, but I can’t get over the cloying mushroom.


  18. In bottle/imp: Pear plus a very deep rich amber perfumey scent that smells like Opium (the brand of perfume, not the drug).


    Immediately on skin: This smells so perfumey as soon as it’s on my skin. The pear virtually disappears and it’s all amber-y and dark. I can smell the amber, musk and mahogany all mixed together, plus a touch of oakmoss.


    After a little while: This gets a little lighter as it dries down, but it still stays very perfumey on me. The top of this blend features a hint of pear and some oakmoss, and the base is rich and dark with a lot of amber, dark wood, and musk. I don’t really get the patchouli though.


    Overall Impressions: This is a darker blend than I was expecting but looking at the notes I shouldn’t be surprised. This blend has a really rich, deep, perfumey base to it with a lot of amber, dark mahogany and musk with top notes of pear and oakmoss slightly blending in. This has an overall dark feel to it, but I can kind of feel a sparkling tone in my nose. This is very pretty, but not for me.


  19. In bottle/imp: Warm, fruity incensed musk.


    Immediately on skin: This smells like fruity, warm, powdery musk with a very resinous undertone. It’s a bit on the sweet side, but the musk really grounds the scent. The sage is present, but really blends nicely into the other notes. It’s really nicely blended overall, but I can still pick out each note individually.


    After a little while: This becomes a little more resinous as time goes by. It’s musky, but also slightly sweet and fruity with a nice heavy dose of frankincense. This blend also has just a hint of powderiness to it.


    Overall Impressions: This is pretty, but it’s not OMG fantastic on me. It’s a musky, fruity, resinous scent with a sweet powdery feel to it. I can smell each of the notes, but they blend together very well. This is a very adult, sultry, perfumey type of scent.


  20. In bottle/imp: Strawberry ice cream and lime cotton candy.


    Immediately on skin: This scent mostly reminds me of the smell of freeze-dried strawberry ice cream. I love that “astronaut ice cream” stuff and this smells powdery and creamy with a splash of strawberry. Behind that I get what smells like lime cotton candy, and vanilla meringues. This is so sweet, fruity, creamy, and powdery… it’s just a totally fun scent.


    After a little while: As this dries, the other fruits seem to fade and I’m left with poofy, creamy, powdery, sugary strawberry with just a hint of generic fruity hard candies.


    Overall Impressions: This is an awesome fun, poofy, sugary scent. The strawberry is the strongest note to my nose, but it’s combined with all these fun candy notes that just create a cavity-inducing, fun perfume.


  21. In bottle/imp: Very clean floral with almost a hint of citrus.


    Immediately on skin: This smells very clean, but it’s not sharp. It’s almost like someone washed with some lemon floral soap, and this is the scent of their clean just-washed skin. It’s warm and intimate, but fresh and slightly perfumed at the same time.


    After a little while: This stays very soft and doesn’t seem to have much of a throw. It smells almost exactly the same as when I first applied it, except it’s a little less floral/citrus-y now. It’s soft, warm, and clean.


    Overall Impressions: I was expecting something a little bit muskier and maybe more sugared from this, but it’s a pretty scent nonetheless. It’s a soft, clean, warm and slightly perfumed skin scent. It doesn’t smell overly clean, or musky, or floral, though. It’s very well balanced and just very nude and pretty.


  22. In bottle/imp: Red liquorice with a bit of smoke and a lot of booziness.


    Immediately on skin: Booze. And candy. Candy and booze. Yeah. This really does smell like rum poured over a whole lot of red licorice, cotton candy and circus peanuts with marshmallows being roasted somewhere close. This is a thick, sticky, sweet and boozy scent with a bit of smoke in the background.


    After a little while: This dries down into a slightly less thick boozy candy scent… I think now it’s more about the corn whiskey than it is the rum. I still smell the red licorice and circus peanuts, as well as a charred scent from the scorched marshmallows. Underneath that is a very thick scent which is probably the greasepaint.


    Overall Impressions: This is like happy childhood memories gone wrong, which I guess is what it is supposed to be. There’s a lot of candy in this including a lot of red licorice and those orange circus peanuts, as well as hints of sticky cotton candy and marshmallows. Mixed into that though is a lot of rich booze (especially at first), a smokey, scorched scent from the marshmallows, and this thick undertone of greasepaint. Very interesting and complex, this scent is like being lost at night in the deep recesses of a circus.


  23. In bottle/imp: Thick, syrupy sweet clove with a little bit of cedar and tobacco in the background.


    Immediately on skin: This smells like an odd cola/clove concoction. It has a spiciness, as well as woodiness, but also the sweet tobacco. It’s very rich and thick smelling, but also quite sweet. I think the clove I’m getting is a combo of the cedar, tobacco, and dust. It’s very interesting.


    After a little while: This turns even sweeter on me as I wear it. It smells like syrupy, spiced tobacco with a hint of dry woodiness.


    Overall Impressions: This is much less complex on me than I was expecting, and a lot sweeter as well. It smells a little like clove, but more like syrupy sweet spiced tobacco than anything. The cedar is barely there, but it’s noticeable, and the dust is more of an overtone that I can feel in my nose as opposed to smell. This blend is very interesting and very thick smelling, but not very complex to my nose.

